P.,e- Two C1aica'o SUl:lday TrlLul:le Looking at Hollywood Trio in Color • Oolor phot08 of the three film with Ed Sullivan performere 8ketched here ap- pear on page one of tOday'8 pic. Glamor Boys, Like the Tall ture section. DANlELU: As the result of an- DARRIEUX swering a want ad Corn, Hail from Midwest in a Paris newspa- per in 1931, when she was only 14 years old, Danielle Darrieux landed a leading rOle in a French play, "Le Bal.' Today she is a sensation of the movies, the idol Ohio'. CLARK GABLE. of France, and one of Europe's most glamorous stars. She was By ED SUWVAN minob' FRED MacMl1RRA Y. seen recently as the star of Universal's picture" The Maybe if I'd been born in Ohio Hollywood, Cal. Rage of Paris," with a nota- my whole career would have AS IT EVER struck you ble cast that included Doug- been altered. Well, it's too late girls of the midwest that las Fairbanks Jr., Mischa H now. you're darn lucky? Well, Auer, Louis Hayward, and Fredric March is one of the it's high time that it was brought H e 1e n Broderick. And few Big Ten grads in the higher to your attention, my little chick- everyone who saw her adees of the Big Ten sector, be- brackets of lovemaking. When in "Mayerling," playing Her father, a cause you're living in an area he was manager the Wiscon· -or opposite to C h a r 1e s French World sin football team back in 1920, Ohio'. TYRONE POWER. that must be scented with lotus Boyer, remembers her war veteran, was the year that Chuck Carpenter flowers and other prerequisites sympathetic portray- a famous eye spe- captained the Badgers and Chick ••In the first place, because of of romance. Most of the great al of the part of cialist. Her mother Harley was demoralizing the the makeup problem I had to be lovers and heart throbs of the the Innocent young is a noted voice teach- conference at Ohio State, March at the studio every morning at 6 cinema come from the area in sweetheart of the er. Danielle was edu- little thought that some years o'clock," he says. " Wally West- which you live. Clark Gable tragic prince. cated at Lycee la Tour later he would be hitting Carole more would get to work on my and Tyrone Power come from Dan i e IIe was and the Conservatory of Ohio. Fredric March com e s Lombard, an Indiana girl, flush makeup immediately, and it was pretty horrible. First he'd put born in Bor- Music of Paris, where she from Wisconsin. Don Ameche on the chin. It only supports the deaux, France, studied the violoncello. As arguments that have been ad- collodion under my eyes so that comes from Wisconsin. Spencer May I, 1917. previously related, she got her no perspiration w 0 u Id come Tracy comes from Wisconsin. vanced in favor <ifa college edu- chance in the movies at the age cation', I suppose. Wbconaln'. FREDRIC MARCH with Janet 'Gaynor through. Then he'd have to Alan Curtis is from Illinois. Phil of 14 and took it. Since that day in what h. coMidena his best pictur., •. A Star weigh down the under part of Harris is from Indiana. Fred March is a Racine, Wis., boy. Dani.n. she has starred in almost a score I. Bom:" the eye with wads of surgical MacMurray is from Kankakee, His name then was Frederick Darri.ux. of hits, Includtng' the prize-win. Bickel, but the late Frank Van- At right: cotton to force open the eyeball. Ill. Dennis O'Keefe is from It all happened when Bickel ning "Mayerling." Mlle. Dar- Ohio. derlip, then the head man at the March a. On top of that, he had to stutl won a scholarship in his senior Mr. Hyde. my nose with rubber plugs. In- rieux, who made her American There must be something in National City bank in New York, year at Madison. Vanderlip, al- film debut.in "The Rage of was to change Bickel's name. his stead of teeth I had to use tusks." the air in the Tribune states to ways in favor of college-trained Paris," has large, luminous eyes ambitions, and his entire life. small bits on the stage whenever March has a unique reputation account for this fiood of movie men for his banking empire, had and copper hair. Her name, by Not that Vanderlip, the finan- they presented themselves. It in Hollywood. Directors will tell heroes. Ohio, of course, must sent out a notice to all the the way, is pronounced as though have some special something to cier, knew that he was going to was in this manner that he got you that he never has given a schools in the land that scholar- into the Denver stock company bad performance, even in a bad it were spelled Dan·yell Dar,yuh. have produced Gable and Tyrone play that part in the life of a ship winners would be welcomed college, student he didn't even which was to alter his life, or picture. He, like Spencer Tracy, Power within the boundaries of with open arms complement it. Playing at Den- believes in underplaying a scene. GENE Next Saturday will VIRGINtA Born almost in the one state. That's not bad. know. to National City ver, he met Florence Eldredge, His voice records well. He is RAmOND be the birthday GREY shadows of Holly- and would, be the girl who is now Mrs. Fredric very natural. That type of per- of one of Holly- wood's vast film stu- trained special- March. former never 'appears gawky on wood's well and faVOrably dios and of a father who was ly for, banking Miss Eldredge was the big star the screen, regardless of his ma- known actors, Gene Raymond. associated with the movie pro- posts in South then; March was just a theater terial. He will be 30 years old. He was fession as a comedy director, it America. It novice. When Edgar Selwyn His present assignment is born in New York City, Aug. 13, was only natural that Virginia sou n d e d like called them both to New York to ••There Go e s My Heart," in 1908, and actually began his ca- Grey should turn to the screen. 7 SUMMER SKIN ILLS high adventure. reherse for the leads in "The which he plays a newspaper reer in the field of entertainment She was born twenty years ago Bick e1 started Spenc.r Tracy Proud Woman" Miss Eldredge man, just as he did in ••Nothing at the age of 15. Until he blos- last March 22, and while she lor Wall street, 01 WbcolUln. clicked; March was released and Sacred." The chuckle in this is somed out as a stage actor in still was a little girl she began Quick Relief With This Medicated thinking it was another player substituted as the that March will tell you that he 1924 with a part in •.The Pot- preparing for a career by study- the tlrst leg of a trip that would leading man. "That was the always has been scared to death ters," after having put in about ing dancing. She wB:s one of the take him to Buenos Aires. Formula Used By Millions- most embarrassing moment of of newspaper man rOles, because five years of study at the Pro- famous 'Meglin Kiddies and at Had Vanderlip maintained his my life," he says. "1 wanted to he didn't want the gentlemen of fessional Children's school in the age of 9 began playing bits grip upon finance there might be a big shot because of Flor· the press to come down on him New York, he was known as Ray- and parts, most important of have been no Fredric March. ence. I wanted to show her that with a critical deluge of unpleas- mond Guion - Guion being the Which was as Little Eva in But Vanderlip was weakening. her fiance was a somebody. In- ant proportions. family name. Among his better " Uncle Tom's Cabin." As an ex- James Stillman came into Na- stead I was fired." "I finally decided that if I'd known stage rOles were those pert dancer she applied for and tional City at that exact moment. SUNIURN just act natural I'd be all right of "Cradle Snatchers," ••Young was accepted as one of the glorl- He said that college men weren't as a newspaper man," he says. Sinners," and "Take My Ad- fied girls of "The Great Zieg. IAIY RASH particularly well qualified for •• • His characterization of the news- vice." His earlier appearances feld." Because of this part she banking; that he'd rather take March says that to him his paper man in "Nothing Sacred" on the screen were in "Personal was remembered by Metro-Gold- PIMPLES high school boys and teach them (Externally CaUIM) greatest screen performances I thought was the finest ever Maid" and "Ladies of the Big wyn . Mayer when that studio the banking system. Bickel took have been" A Star Is Born" and done on the screen. He didn't House." Since 1932 he has ap- was seeking a stand -in for the hint and quit. CHAFING "Laughter." His most unpleas- rely on a turned-down gray hat peared in more than thirty pic- Madge Evans. Then she was And so A Star Was Born.
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