J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 58: 98–104 Herbicides for management of waterhyacinth in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, California JOHN D. MADSEN AND GUY B. KYSER* ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.)Solms)isa Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) is a free- global aquatic weed. Although a number of herbicides floating, rosette-forming aquatic plant originally from such as 2,4-D and glyphosate effectively control this plant, South America (Pfingsten et al. 2017). It has been rated as additional herbicides need to be evaluated to address the world’s worst aquatic weed (Holm et al. 1977) and one of concerns for herbicide stewardship and environmental the world’s worst 100 invasive alien species (Lowe et al. restrictions on the use of herbicides in particular areas. 2000). The Invasive Species Specialist Group reports that, as Waterhyacinth has become a significant nuisance in the of the year 2000, it was reported in 50 countries on 5 Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta. The predominant continents (Lowe et al. 2000). Introduced to the United herbicides for management of waterhyacinth in the Delta States at the Cotton Centennial Exposition in New Orleans have been 2,4-D and glyphosate. However, environmental in 1884, it spread rapidly throughout the southeastern restrictions related to irrigation water residues and United States soon thereafter and was documented to cause restrictions for preservation of endangered species are widespread navigation issues within 15 yr (Klorer 1909, prompting consideration of the new reduced-risk herbi- Penfound and Earle 1948, Williams 1980). The U.S. cides imazamox and penoxsulam. Two trials were per- Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation formed in floating quadrats in the Delta during the Service (USDA-NRCS) (2017) currently reports it for 23 summer of 2016. In the first trial, two rates each of 2,4-D, states and 1 Canadian province, and the U.S. Geological glyphosate, imazamox, and penoxsulam were treated in Service (USGS) reports observations of it in 38 states or four replicate quadrats. In this trial, the highest rates of territories (Pfingsten et al. 2017). Despite the severe all four herbicides provided greater than 80% control worldwide economic impacts of this plant, waterhyacinth (2,4-D, 82%; glyphosate, 87%; imazamox, 93%; and has been a staple of retail, mail order, and internet penoxsulam, 94%). In the second trial, the lower rate of horticultural sales, with no legal restriction (Kay and Hoyle À1 glyphosate (1,681 g a.e. ha ) was compared to four rates 2001, Reichard and White 2001, Maki and Galatowitsch À1 each of imazamox (187 to 1,494 g a.i. ha )and 2004). À1 penoxsulam (12 to 98 g a.i. ha ). In this trial, the highest Waterhyacinth is a subtropical and tropical plant, rates of imazamox and penoxsulam provided 96 and 95% sensitive to cold and freezing damage (Penfound and Earle control, respectively, compared to the untreated refer- 1948, Owens and Madsen 1995). Despite the sensitivity of ence. Imazamox and penoxsulam will provide suitable foliage to frost damage, the stem bases may persist control of waterhyacinth as part of an operational submerged in water (Owens and Madsen 1995). Therefore, program and may be used as part of an integrated pest the range of waterhyacinth may extend into more temper- management program with considerations of herbicide ate regions than typically expected (Kriticos and Brunel resistance management. In addition, incorporating these 2016). Growth rates are controlled by plant density, reduced-risk herbicides into the management program nitrogen availability, and temperature (Center and Spencer can reduce the amount of pesticides applied per acre to 1981, Wilson et al. 2005). Plant reproduction and spread is achieve waterhyacinth control. largely vegetative, with the early stages of growth rapidly Key words: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Glypho- producing new rosettes (Barrett 1980a, Madsen 1993b). As sate, Imazamox, Penoxsulam, 2,4-D density increases, new rosette formation stops, and carbon allocation shifts to leaf biomass (Madsen 1993b, Wilson et al. 2001). Barrett (1980a) studied flowering, fruit formation, and seed set in nine different populations of waterhyacinth from across the world. California populations were capable *First author: Research Biologist, Exotic and Invasive Weed Research of both outcrossing and self-fertilization, with a high rate of Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service, seed set and viability. In surveying seed production in situ in University of California–Davis, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616. Second 19 populations in tropical versus temperate locations, he author: Senior Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California–Davis, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616. Corresponding found that seed production in temperate locations is much author’s E-mail: [email protected]. Received for publication Nov lower than tropical locations (Barrett 1980b). However, 8 2017 and in revised form May 24, 2019. temperate zone populations still produce large numbers of 98 J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 58: 2020 //titan/Production/j/japm/live_jobs/japm-58/japm-58-02/japm-58-02-07/layouts/japm-58-02-07.3d 9 June 2020 8:59 am Allen Press, Inc. Page 98 viable seeds that could germinate under proper conditions. Of approximately 300 active ingredients are registered as Despite this, Barrett (1980a) notes that vegetative propaga- herbicides by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tion is more widespread than sexual propagation. This was (USEPA), only 14 were labeled for aquatic use by 2014 validated by Zhang et al. (2010), who found that the genetic (Netherland 2014). By 2017, the number of herbicides variability of introduced populations of waterhyacinth registered for aquatic use increased to 16 (Aquatic worldwide was low. Ecosystem Restoration Foundation [AERF] 2017). Of these In subtropical Florida, growth of waterhyacinth is rapid, 16 active ingredients, only 10 have been recommended by with biomass increasing as much as 1.5% per day, with a the registrants for use on waterhyacinth. Five of these active maximum biomass of 2.5 kg dry weight (DW) mÀ2 (Center ingredients (diquat, glyphosate, imazapyr, triclopyr, and 2,4- and Spencer 1981). The midseason growth rates of D) have been recommended independently of the registrant subtropical sites (Florida and California) is comparable to by university extension and outreach for control of water- growth rates for tropical regions of Africa, but more plants hyacinth, and six have efficacy data published in a peer- die back because of freezing conditions (Bock 1969). reviewed venue (diquat, glyphosate, imazamox, penoxsulam, Spencer and Ksander (2005) also report growth rates for triclopyr, and 2,4-D). Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (California) waterhyacinth The herbicide 2,4-D has a long history as a chemical similar to those in Florida. The rapid increase of these treatment to control waterhyacinth that extends back to its infestations has been shown to result in a number of development in 1948 (Gallagher 1969). In addition to economically and ecologically adverse impacts (Williams maintenance management of waterhyacinth with 2,4-D, 1980, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology the Florida waterhyacinth control program encouraged [CAST] 2000, CAST 2014). Waterhyacinth has been docu- the establishment of the weevil N. eichhorniae (Zeiger and mented to displace native plants (Toft et al. 2003), reduce McGehee 1977). Maintenance management in Florida is dissolved oxygen, and increase sedimentation (Rodriguez et considered a success in that, of the 1,283 ha (3,172 acres) of al. 2012). For these reasons, management of this plant is floating weeds in public lakes, 92% occur in infestations of 4 often required to maintain the ecological and navigation ha or less; as recently as 1959, floating weeds covered 50,600 services provided by the aquatic environment. ha of Florida public waters (Phillips 2016). During 1 yr, the Management of waterhyacinth varies greatly across its State of Florida floating plant control program spent $4.4M US to control 13,800 ha of mixed waterhyacinth and range, depending on local political and economic factors. waterlettuce. During this time period, the State of Florida Although most governmental agencies name their approach applied 5,810 kg a.e. (12,800 lb a.e.) of 2,4-D, predominantly as Integrated Plant Management, the details of these plans for control of waterhyacinth (Phillips 2015). vary widely (Charudattan 1986). In South Africa, six The SacramentoÀSan Joaquin River Delta (hereafter biological control agents have been released: Neochetina referred to as ‘‘Delta’’) is formed by the confluence of the eichhorniae Hustache, Neochetina bruchi Hustache, Niphograpta Sacramento River, flowing from the north, and the San albiguttalis Warren (formerly Sameodes albiguttalis), Orthoga- Joaquin River, flowing from the south. The large tidal lumna terebrantis Wallwork, Eccritotarsus catarinensis Carvalho, estuary comprises 3,370 km2 (1,300 square miles) of diked and Cercospora piaropi Tharp (Coetzee et al. 2011). Despite islands, waterways, and marshland (Delta Stewardship these releases, the desired level of control has not been Council [DSC] 2013). The Delta forms the nexus of the achieved. In Florida, both Neochetina weevil species have water transportation system in California, and water from been established, as well as the pyralid moth N. albiguttalis.In the Delta is pumped into the California aqueduct to serve the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta (California), the irrigation and domestic water use in southern California. only biological control agent to establish from releases in Water is also taken directly from the Delta for irrigation of the 1980s is the weevil N. bruchi (Hopper et al. 2017). Though farmland within the Delta itself. Delta water serves 27 weevil densities are sufficiently high in some locations in million people in California and irrigates 1.2 M ha (3 M California to suppress waterhyacinth growth, this effect is acres) of farmland in the state. The Delta ecosystem not observed in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta.
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