ThanksgivingHAPPY Fresh! GrAdE A NaTuRaL WhOlE TuRkEyS 49 1 lB. FREE OuR StOrE WiLl CaRrY TURKEY! A LaRgE VARIETY Of Spend $200 or more* in a single visit on FrEsH AnD FrOzEn groceries and get a frozen Norbest Turkey FREE! TuRkEYS AnD OtHeR *Excludes Alcohol, Tobacco, Lottery and services HOLIDA Y FaVoRiTeS 8 InCh PuMpKiN PiE T aStE fLaVoR oF fAlL 99 iN eVeRy bItE! 4 eA. Service Bakery! DaRiGoLd BuTtEr SaLtEd oR UnSaLtEd, 99 16 Oz. QuArTeR CuBeS 2 PaCiFiC FoOdS OrGaNiC BrOtH SeLeCtEd VaRiEtIeS 32 oZ. 2/$ 5 OrGaNiC OrGaNiC mArTiNelli’s CeLeRy SwEeT SpArKlInG JuIcE BuNcHeS 2/$ PoTaToEs 49 SeLeCtEd VaRiEtIeS 25.4 oZ. oR YaM Lb. 4 1 2/$5 NaBiScO SnAcK CrAcKeRs SeLeCtEd VaRiEtIeS 3.5 tO 9.1 Oz. 2/$4 Dreyer’s NeW cRoP! IcE CrEaM OrGaNiC SeLeCtEd VaRiEtIeS SaLaD NaVeL 48 Oz. BlEnDs 99 OrAnGeS 49 2/$ SeLeCtEd VaRiEtIeS 6 10 Oz. 4 eA. 1 Lb. Your family of grocers since 1897. Prices effective Nov. 14–Nov. 22, 2018 Items & prices may vary by location. Some items may not be available at all stores. No Sales to Dealers, restaurants or institutions. Sales in retail quantities only. Quantities of some items may be limited and subject to availability. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. We reserve the right to correct all printer errors. Minimum purchase may be required. PRINTED ON RECYCLED MATERIAL. © 2018 NORTHWEST GROCERS, LLC 498_P1 FRESH PRODUCE 2 lB. bAg 1 lb. Bag French 99 ApPlEs Beans 4 Ea. KaNzI oR KiKkU Green Beans 49 NewStar 2 lb. Fresh Express Cooking with Salad Spinach or Blends 2/$ Greens 2/$ Asparagus Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 99 6 to 11 Oz. 4 13.25 to 16 Oz. 5 99 4 lb. Bard Valley Dates eA. Selected 99 Varieties 2 12 Oz. 5 ea. Fresh Gourmet Fresh Gourmet Salad Cheese Toppers Crisps 12 Oz. Selected Varieties 89 1.75 Oz. 2/$ 1 Ea. 6 TaStEfUl SeLeCtIoNs NaTuReSwEeT PoTaToEs ToMaToEs RuBy SeNsAtIoN 49 CoNsTeLlAtIoN 99 oR HoNeY GoLd 16.5 oZ. 3 lB. Ea. Ea. Fresh Gourmet Fresh Gourmet 3 4 Glazed, Roasted Croutons or Toasted Selected Varieties Nuts 5 Oz. FARMSTAND FRESH Selected Varieties 99 2/$ 3.5 to 4 Oz. 2 Ea. 3 Litehouse Litehouse Salad Freeze Dried Brussels Ocean Spray Yellow Broccoli or Dressing Herbs Selected Varieties 99 Selected Varieties 99 Sprouts Cranberries Onions Cauliflower 13 oz. .35 Oz. 49 12 Oz. Bag 99 ¢ 99 3 Ea. 3 Ea. 1 lb. 1 Ea. 49 lb. 1 lb. FlOrAl FAVORITES OrGaNiC PRODUCE Organic ied Pro tif du er ce C 6 Inch Happy WA Lettuce and Hughes Farms Poinsettia Harvest Organic 99 99 are two names that bring a smile 1 lb. Bag Bouquet 2/$ 9 Ea. 12 Ea. to your face. The friendliest and Baby Peeled welcoming people you will ever Carrots 3 meet, supply us with some of the best potatoes and broccoli in the world. The partnership has Organic been thriving since 1986, Hughes 3 lb. Bag Farms manages the production schedule and farming side, while Red or Yukon WA Lettuce manages the sales and Potatoes logistics side of the operations. Their specialty is colored potatoes 2/$ Organic Girl Hazelnut Hello and they use broccoli as part of Romaine 2/$ Bouquet Autumn their crop rotation planning. 6 Hearts 99 99 3 Count 6 6 Ea. 6 Ea. DAIRY FRESH Pillsbury Crescent Egg•Land’s Best Tillamook Cheese Pillsbury Grands! or Sweet Rolls Large White Eggs Selected Varieties Biscuits Grade AA, Dozen or 2-Lb. Baby Loaf or Pie Crusts Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Hard Cooked 6 Count 99 16.3 Oz. 2/$ 2/$ 2/$ 8 4 8 to 14.1 Oz. 5 5 Nestlé Coffee-mate Yoplait Darigold Tillamook Reddi Wip Creamer Yogurt Shredded Sliced Real Cream Selected Selected Varieties Cheese Cheese Topping Varieties 6 Oz. Selected Selected Original or Varieties Varieties Extra Creamy, 32 Oz. 2/$ 8 Oz. 12 Oz. 6.5 Oz. 5 10/$7 2/$5 399 2/$4 FROZEN FAVORITES Eggo Freschetta Waffles Pizza Buttermilk or Selected Varieties Homestyle, 20.28 to 30.88 Oz. 24 Count 499 2/$10 Reames Essential Everyday Cool Whip Edwards Pies Homestyle Vegetables Whipped Topping Selected Varieties Egg Noodles Selected 12 Oz. Varieties Selected 23.5 to 36 Oz. 16 Oz. Varieties 8 Oz. 3/$ 99 2/$5 5/$5 4 4 FRESH-WA P2 GrOcErY VaLuEs EVERYDAY Tostitos Libby’s Blue Diamond Tortilla Chips AsSoRtEd CoFfEeS Almonds TULLY’S, caribou, Vegetables Selected Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Varieties green mountain, 14.5 to 15.25 Oz. 6 Oz. 10 to 13 Oz. Newman’s own, café escape, 2/$ donut shop or 5/$ 2/$ 5 SWIss miss 5 6 Varieties, Lay’s Family Size Ground or French’s Original Potato Chips whole bean Crispy Fried rItZ CrAcKeRs 12 oz. or k-cup Selected Selected Onions Varieties 12 count 6 Oz. Varieties 9.5 to 10 Oz. 8.8 to 13.7 Oz. 2/$ 5 2/$5 699 2/$7 Essential Everyday Mt. Olive Mezzetta Bertolli Ripe Olives Pickles Peppers Extra Virgin ChEeZ-iT bAkEd sNack Selected Selected Selected Olive Oil cRaCkErS Varieties Varieties Varieties 16.9 Oz. Selected 5.75 to 6 Oz. 24 to 32 Oz. 16 Oz. Varieties 2/$ 4/$5 2/$5 2/$4 7 99 8 to 12.4 Oz. 6 Betty Crocker Ocean Spray Blue Diamond Folgers Mashed Cranberry Juice Gourmet Coffee Potatoes Cocktail Almonds Selected 13.75 Oz. Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Varieties 60 to 64 Oz. 5 Oz. 24.2 to 30.5 Oz. 2/$5 2/$6 2/$6 899 SwAnSoN C&H Brown or Aunt Jemima Powdered Syrup 100% NaTuRaL BrOtH Sugar Selected Original or 2 Lb. Butter Rich, Varieties 24 Oz. Reynolds Wrap 32 Oz. 2/$ Aluminum Foil 99 2/$ 99 Heavy Duty, 37.5 Sq. Ft. 3 5 5 2 Brawny Vanity Fair C&H Mrs. Cubbison’s Paper Towels Dinner Granulated NeStLé ToLlHoUsE Stuffing Mix 3 Rolls, Napkins Sugar BaKiNg MoRsElS Selected SAS, 80 Count 4 Lb. Varieties White Selected 10 to 12 Oz. Varieties 10 to 12 Oz. 2/$ 499 459 2/$5 5 2/$5 SPECIALTY/NATURAL Pirate’s Booty Blue Sky Just. Just. Kicking Horse Snacks Soda Dressing Mayonnaise Coffee Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected Varieties Varieties Varieties Varieties Varieties 4 to 6 Oz. 6 Pack, 12 Oz. 12 Oz. 12 Oz. 10 Oz. Cans 2/$5 2/$6 2/$6 2/$7 899 Prices shown are with minimum purchase $ of any 4 of the Kraft items in this section BUY 4 AND SAVE 2 in one transaction with coupon below. Oscar Mayer Kraft Philadelphia Kraft Philadelphia Baker’s Premium Jet•Puffed Sliced Bacon Cream Cheese or Soft or Whipped Baking Bars Marshmallows Selected Varieties Selected Varieties, Shredded Cheese Cream Cheese 4 Oz. or Marshmallow 12 to 16 Oz. Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Creme 8 Oz. 7 to 8 Oz. or Angel Flake Selected Varieties Coconut 14 Oz. 7 to 10 Oz. 599 2/$4 2/$6 2/$5 2/$3 Oscar Mayer Kraft Kraft Planters Capri Sun Deli Shaved Mayonnaise Miracle Whip Peanuts Juice Drink Meats Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Selected Varieties Selected Original or Original or Light, Varieties 6 Pack, Varieties with Olive Oil, 30 Oz. 16 to 20 Oz. 10 Oz. Pouches 6 to 9 Oz. 30 Oz. 49 99 99 99 2/$ Oscar Mayer Natural Sliced Meats 99 3 Selected Varieties, 7 to 9 oz. 3 Ea. 3 4 3 6 Heinz Kraft Salad Heinz Cocktail or Dressing Gravy • KRAFT Shredded Cheese (8 oz.) • JELL-O No Bake Cheesecake or Chili Sauce Selected Varieties Selected Varieties • KRAFT American Singles (12 oz.) Pumpkin Pie Mix (9.2 to 19.6 oz.) Selected Varieties 16 Oz. 12 Oz. • KRAFT Philadelphia Cream Cheese (8 oz.) • MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE (4 to 9.3 oz.) 12 Oz. • KRAFT Philadelphia Flavored • KRAFT Special Shapes Cream Cheese (7 to 8 oz.) Macaroni & Cheese (5.5 oz.) • JELL-O Gelatin or Pudding Snacks • KRAFT Mayonnaise (30 oz.) 2/$ 2/$ 2/$ (4 Pack) • KRAFT Miracle Whip (30 oz.) • JELL-O Gelatin or Pudding Mix • BAKER’S Premium Baking Bars (12 to 15.5 oz.) (.6 to 6 oz.) • BAKER’S Angel Flake Coconut (14 oz.) 5 6 4 • HEINZ Chili or Cocktail Sauce (12 oz.) • PLANTERS Peanuts (16 to 20 oz.) • HEINZ Gravy (12 oz.) • PLANTERS Coated Peanut Crunchers or Dry Stove Top Lea & Perrins Jell-O • KRAFT Dressing (16 oz.) Roasted Peanuts (7 to 16 oz.) Stuffing Mix Worcestershire Gelatin or • KRAFT Barbecue Sauce (17.5 to 18 oz.) • STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix (6 oz.) Selected Varieties Sauce Pudding Mix • OSCAR MAYER Sliced Bacon (12 to 16 oz.) • LEA & PERRINS Worcestershire Sauce (10 oz.) 6 Oz. • OSCAR MAYER Deli Shaved Meats • CAPRI SUN Beverages (6 Pack, 10 oz. Pouches) Selected Varieties Selected Varieties (6 to 9 oz.) • JET PUFFED Marshmallow or 10 Oz. .6 to 6 Oz. • OSCAR MAYER Natural Sliced Meats Marshmallow Creme (7 to 10 oz.) 3/$5 399 2/$3 (7 to 9 oz.) 0 00000 08628 8 BEVERAGES Coke Products Bubly Sparkling Pepsi Products Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 20 Pack, 12 Oz. Water 12 Pack, 12 Oz. Cans Selected Varieties Cans 8 Pack, 12 Oz. Cans 549 3/$9 2/$8 Powerade 7Up, Canada Dry or DaSani Aquafina Sports A&W Products Sparkling Drinking Selected Varieties Drink 6 Pack, 8 Oz. Cans Water Water Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 24 Pack, 32 Oz. Bottle 8 Pack, 12 Oz. Cans 16.9 Oz. Bottles 69¢ 3/$9 4/$10 449 Coke 7Up, A&W or Snapple Pepsi Pepsi Products Canada Dry Tea Products Products Selected Varieties Selected 6 Pack, 16.9 Oz.
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