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In response to questions about ewark city council whether the issue was really voted unanimously this excessive drinking, Banks noted N week for a new munici­ it takes five drinks in one hour pal ordinance decreasing the for a 170-pound man to reach Blood Alcohol Content level for Delaware's current legal BAC drunk driving from .10 to .08. level of . 10 for drunk driving. City solicitor Roger Akin said "To me, that's more than social the BAC level is the number drinking,'' said Banks. "Even one which provides almost an auto­ Jess drink in an hour is more than matic case for drunk driving. social drinking to me." ''There's no defense to the d.rurik. Ronald Gardner, former ,driving charge if this blood con­ Newark mayor and current co­ tent alcohol level is present,'' chair of the Building Reponsible said Akin, "even if the driver can Communities Coaltion of the meet all other indications for Robert Wood Johnson Founda­ s.obri~~y like walking a straight tion, said the new ordinance is line ... not directed at the student popu­ Councilmember John Farrall, lation in ewark. sponsor of the an1endment, said "Contrary to what you might he believes it is the right thing to read in the News Journal, this do. "If the closest you ever come (change) is not silly or point­ to an intoxicated driver is an less .. .it' s not about prohibition, occasional article by a self-pro­ or even about underage drink­ claimed expert in our state's ing," said Gardner. 'The level of largest newspaper, then you may .10 is the most lenient definition need some convincing," said Far­ of drunk driving in the free Newark's annual rail on Monday night. "If you are world ... and at .10 the fatal crash a parent, maybe you need to lis­ risk increases 29 times over a dri­ Winteriest tonight Season's greetings ten to Dolly Banks, the president ver who has had no alcohol at all. ,,, of the Delaware Chapter of It really is a big deal." Mothers Against Drunk Dri­ State representative Stephanie on Main Street ving." Ulbrich (R-Newark South) told Banks, a resident of George­ city council she has spoken to includes carolers, in Newark town, addressed city council See BAC, 2 ... before the vote and asked them to ice carving and vis· Its with Santa Claus. tonight District waives K-3 hat's cold but filled with warm welcomes in down­ Street this year," said Bruen. 'They're really excited·- they get town Newark tonight? The fifth annual Winteriest cel- merit badges for it." · ebration, of course. · Entertainers Alfie Moss and the Capital Brass will perform on Promising all the merriment of previous years, as well as some the Academy Building lawn during the evening. At 7 p.m., the ~ · capacity mandate new surprises, organizers said they were hard at work on final city's Christmas Tree, donated by a family on Georgian Circle, details this week. will be lit on the lawn amidst communinty carolling. extra person for those four or five Shar~n Bruen of the Newark parks and recreation department "We will also have carriage rides again, and people can watch State only allows students," he said. said dozens of people from the city of Newark, the University of 'Kirk Clemens doing an ice carving demonstration on Academy No parents voiced opposition Delaware and other community organizations help present the Street," Bruen said. "Carriage rides are $3 for adults and $2 for 22 students in to the waiver before or after the . activities. children." boardmembers' vote. Student members of the Newark High School Key Club will be Members of the Newark Area Welfare Committee will wrap each classroom Before the waiver is instituted, . holiday helpers and take pictures for a small fee as children tell gifts outside Mellon Bank in the lobby of the former Farm and state Board of Education mem­ - Santa what they hope for this Christmas. Home building. The service is free but donations are welcome. By KATY CIAMARICONE bers must also vote in favor of it The Newark Lions Club again will be selling roasted chestnuts, The Welfru:e Committee is also asking the community for dona­ at their Dec. 20 meeting. If they while. workers from the University of Delaware will have cider tions of canned goods and new and unused toys for less fortunate NEWARK POST STAFFWRI TER do approve, the waiver will last and cookies for sale. until next school year. "Girl Scouts from 17 troops are caroling up and down Main See WINTERFEST, 2 ... state law passed just State boardmembers will also over two years ago has • vote on whether to waive a state been waived again to law that applies to aU district ele­ accommodate a lack of class­ mentary and secondary schools. INDEX room space in the Christina Passed in 1998, the law School District. requires that a minimum of 98 Newark Arts Alliance seeks School board members voted percent of the teachers "earned" NEWS 1-3 unanimously at their last regular in a specific school actually be POLICE BLOTTER 2 meeting to again waive a Jaw assigned to the schools earning a new area of expression signed by Governor Thomas the teachers. OPINION '4 Carper in 1998 requiring that The number of students only 22 students may be assigned signed up to attend a school prior LIFESTYLE 6 ing or renting another building, ganizing their management, Cost a factor for as well as concerns about saving according to their newsletter. to any K-3 classroom in the state. to the first day of classes deter­ ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT 7 the mosaic mural on the current "The resignation of our Exec­ According to Dr. Jane Barfield mines its number of earned teach­ non-profit group of the Christina District, it was ers. DIVERSIONS Arts House located in a convert­ utive Director exposed weak­ 8 ed residence. nesses in our overall manage­ necessary to gain permission to Schools usually project one embers of the Newark CROSSWORD PUZZLE 9 Commonwealth president Jef­ ment structure. In response, not follow the Jaw because 11 teacher per approximately 20 stu­ Arts Alliance are frey Lang said his company we've taken action to build a Christina classrooms currently dents for each school before the COMMUNITY 10 M looking for a new have more than 22 students. needs the space where the Arts committee system that will over­ official student counts are tallied home - preferably one that does­ House is now for additional park­ see the seven operations areas, Most of the classrooms with in late September, Barfield said. PEOPLE 11 n't cost too much. ing for tenants in the former and to form subcommittees to more than the alloted amount of "Sometimes it turns out to be SPORTS 12-14 According to information in Farm and Home building where handle specific projects." students have only one or two one-tenth of a percent difference, their most recent newsletter, the the Learning Station and other Executive Director Terry extra students. "It would be beau­ or two or three teachers overall," OBITUARIES 16 non-profit cultural organization businesses are located. Foremen has resumed her role; tiful if every grade had just she said . CLASSIFIEDS B1-6 has been presented with a new "We looked all over town for a however, some duties of the job enough students to fill each class- . There are also district-wide lease, which offers another year place to move (the Arts House) have now been assigned to other room," Barfield said, "but usual­ special programs such as orches­ at the Art House on Delaware itself," said Lang. "We also members. "We determined that ly, you're going to have a tra, tutoring or alternative pro­ Avenue through Dec. 31,2001, at offered to move them into space we were really asking one person spillover of four or five students grams that are held in only some an increased rent. vacated by (another business on to handle the equivalent of two in a grade." school site , and as a result, that ''There is an option to renew, Main Street) . for the same positions," said the newsletter. Patrick Dunn, an education school requires an extra teacher but no guarantee it will be (increased) rent, but they don't Plans are also underway to associate for the state Board of or two. The waiver will allow offered," states the report to want to go there." strengthen the Alliance's board of Education, said a lot of schools these programs to continue.
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