THECOFT»IGBT, 188!>, IT Tm SPORTIKO LIFS 0», SPORTING LIFE.ENTERED »T PHILA. POST Omen AS SECOND CIASS HATTKI. VOLUME 13, NO. 6. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MAY 15, 1889. PRICE, FIVE OENTS. as twiiler. lie went in the box three dayg in succes­ to first tare In tbe last two gamea, McAndriea' won­ sion agaiust'Waco and won all three, and at Austin be derful backing up of iirat ba*e saving two runs and iho he also wer.t into the box three games in eucce-fron, little third baaemau a rank error. LATE NEWS. So far Dolun and Twinaham have shown themselves PRESTO CHANGE! wirmrnp two ont of ibe three played. He is an every­ day pitcher and doesn't miiid a little bard work. the best catchers that bare appeared DO tne grounds. Win. Joj'ce, our ( liver-lounged orator aud coacher, Diive Uowe, at tbe init^l bag, ranka with auy of ia the greatest third laeeman in the South. He can them, and then he is right near to ge: in bin kick got a fumbled bull from thirJ down to fitst erery time when necerfary; buwover, ho never questions a de­ The Louisville Club to Be A Special Meeting of the to head the runner, and hia batting lately has been of cision unices he linn goud reasons for doing so. Up a ferocious order, n Miking tbree home runs in a game to the [ resent he haa made but one error. at Aiwtm on the 3d. Li is baae-runniDg is alao a spe­ The Minnettpo'ia Club knocked us out on the 4'h by Sold, Association. cialty. 10 tu 17, end ou Ihe 5th gave ua another dose S to 7. Charley Isaacpon, the premier first baseman of the It looks very much as if Healey is playing tor his Texaa Leacue, ia still keeping np his fo<--A work and releuse. Rowe will give it to him by six month.*' sus­ The Brooklyn-Athletic Dispute batting well. Ho bus IK-en the only individual who pension, without pay. ECXK. Manager Davidson Tired of Ima made a home run ao far thiaeeaeon ou oar grounds, and be has mid? two of theoi. UMPIRE TROUBLES. Settled Sullivan's Fall- Of tbe rust of our aggregation Donthett, Rogers, His Bargain Bidders For Sunday, McCloskey and fc'iaberty, it is use leas to speak, Daniels* Treatment in the West St. Louis as their records In each frame shows tho winning ball Methods Criticized. the Club. General Intelligence. they are playing, aud Houston, ou^ht to be proud ot her team. The American AaaocialK.n ig quite likely to have We are getting a new battery more or less trouble with it) umpires this soason. Hol­ who, its paid, will be land has not fchowri up at all well; Ferguson aiid G«&- Special to PponriNa LIFS. A SPECIAL MEETING. capable of disturbing tlie repoae of some of the antici­ pated pennant winners of tin Texas League. The ney have not escaped censure, and one umpire, Daiilcla, LOUISVILLE, May, 11. As picdictcd in my haa already thrown up the sponge, as briefly announced The Disputed Game Awarded to tho Ath­ twirler is said to be O'Leary, who pitched great ball correspondence, Manager DavMson has bocom« for Ft. Worth last season until hia arm went back on by telegram in cur last tone. The wild and woolly letics—Charges Against Welch. Wtstbioke Daniels' buck, and bo r«-tire<l from St. thoroughly disgusted with the cares and troubles him; the catcher's name I could not lea>n, but he will of base ball manogdmcnt and has decided to get Bpecial lo ttiwrtiiNo LIFE. be a pood one, f;>r McCloskey generally knows what Louis in disorder. He wan assigned to umpire the CINCINNATI, May 11. President Wikoff came Athletic-Cincinnati series in Cincinnati last Meek, but rid of his load, and the nnnounceuicnt madeyes- material hu gets nnd he has been very lor tana to BO far inatoail he jumped to Columbu^ had a talk with Presi­ tcrday that the club would be sold entire or to this city yesterday and called a special meet­ in his sole- tii'iiB. dent Wikoff, who refused to acct-pt his rcttigniition. ing of the boartl of directors of the American As­ BIcCoy will be rofeasoJ. Ue has been efck lately, piecemeal created no great astonishment. but it fa not on this accoimt he is befog released, ft ia He, however, laid off for a lioie, owing t<> an injury, sociation to take action relative to the disputed and Fied E. Guld^mith, the ex-Chicago twirler, wua Whether tho club will be purchased by local for hia wiMnees in the box. capitalists and kept game, played in Brooklyn on last Sunday, be­ Mac has been crippled all around lately, crippled in ordered to act instead. Daniels claims that he waa here, or transferred to some his team und cripplea by some, cur firing the grand trealed like a pickpocket In St. Louu and says: other city, is not yet fettled. It is understood, tween tbo Athletics and the Brooklyns. The "I Lave received fair treatment from the news­ Cincinnati, Columbus, Louisville and the Ath­ guild on tho night of the 28th, which completely de­ however, that a syndicate has been formed, stroyed it and which will cause the rebuilding uf the papers, aii>l no fun it bns been found by them with composed of ex-President Zsch Phclps:, John letic clubs are members of this committee. same. The destr>ymg of Ihe-e stands has hurt the my umpiring. It U bard for any inau who haa any Tho meeting was held at the Grand Hotel, regard for Ms feelings to submit to the in-uUs and Botto and other former owners of tho club to pnto receipts fearfully, rs lidies and their escorts were purchase the franchise and players and to keep up the this city, this morning at 10 o'clock, and the daily visitors of the gam-1, and tesMes Mac reaped a Hbu-e heaped upon umpiies by plajers. True, tho umpire can fine a pluyer, but if this were ilcno tome of organization in thfe city. With Wr. Pheljsatths disp'itei game was awarded to the Athletic Club harvest in the s^lo of tho eeata. The stand-* wer** built head the club could again te placed on a pound fiuan- last year at a cost of 52000 and were not insuicd. It them would have no salary left nt Uie c!o*e of tbe " by the votes of Messrs. Wheeler C. Wikoff, who season. I am not pupecssed of sufficient gall to bo an ci;il footing and made a rermanent local institution. is hoped that another will sUud in their ulace soon. There are other bidders in the field. Phil Hinkle, A had Louisville's proxy; Mr. Born, of Columbus, CAASI. umpire tht-ae dajs, and have too much regard fcr my and Secretary Sterne, of Cincinnati. The law feelinga to submit to tbe ineulta and abuse heaped saloon and restaurant keeper, to also after ttie club. upoii us, EO ihouiEht I ^o;ild better quit. It will be so Lie was ouce a director in the elnb, and is di voted to was plain and (he evidence far from conflicting. BURLINGTON BRIEFS. oiler a while units-* things greatly change in this ra- b»ee ball. He said to-day: "\Ve want the club, but treasurer -Whittaker, of tho Athletic Club, pard, thtit no self-re pecting man will accoj.t the posi­ don't intend to pay any tancy price for it. It'ire get "President C. II. Byrne, of the Brooklyn?, and Two New Players Signed—The Double Um­ tion ot umpire." it wo will lose no time In 8'renglbenin? It. We know Umpire Holland gave their versions of the in­ pire System Demanded, Etc. In c >mm*nilng upon the affair the Cincinnati Com- of one Rood man we will «ot rlyht away." cident, and after it was all in the directors BURLINGTON, Iowa., May 7. Editor SPOBTIHO LIFE: T,ieicml-Gazette stvr-rely fcorea St. LOHH. It aayf: Mr. Gecrgo R^agor, a jevvi-ler, id at the h^ail of » Our !a-it game with Qumcy was won by the home "That which was predicted in those columns some two syndicate of Main street men who want the club, but ptrssed this resolution: team in the la^t inuin<r by the score of^ 2 to 1. Our weeks ago in reference lo Von tier Abe's p'tin of na yet they have Jjeen unable to come to en atrree- 12t-»uiVe<J, "That it ia the opinion of the board of di­ "babies" played a gr*-at gttme. We nre gradually get­ 'working' umpires has come true. Litst season, be­ m.'iit. Mr. Reeger*8a.vs: "I am representing u syndi­ rectors thut In ihe gAino played at RiJgevood, N. Y., ting Into shape and b> the time June 1 rolla around The Young Reserve Pitcher of the Pittsburg Club. cause Fergueon w^uld not allow Comfskey and You cate of Main street men, and they will take bold cf 1)19 en tin i) day. May 4, 1880, between the Athletic Hase we will be whistling a different tune. der Aho to use him aa u cat's paw, every me::iis was club if they can get it at reasonable terms. After a Ball Olub Ru.l tlvo Brooklyn Base Ball Club, Umpire Wo have signed NV.
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