VOL. XIX, NO. 17 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA SEPT. 2,1991 Milestone: Ambassador College begins its 45th school year By Betty Waters people, including official of other AC, sponsored by the Worldwide Tyler Morning Telegraph area college, area civic, busine Church of God, i in Big Sandy, BIG SANDY-Forty-five year and government leaders and Ward acknowledged. ago. Amba ador College got it media representative. Ward explained it is becau e in tart with four students: Monda), There was a congratulatory let- the late 1940 , a radio broadca t the college pecializing in "the ter from Governor Ann Richard, of Armstrong' program, The mi ing dimen ion in education" and Big Sandy Mayor Johnnie World Tomorro"', was heard by a and ho e enrollment has swelled Baird proclaimed "Ambas- Big Sandy family who to about 1,200 celebrated its 45th ador College Day," became intere ted, anniversary. The luncheon was t A went to California held to not only _=- V,,/' and met Arm- This article appeared in the "thank" area resi- '-.I"'WF-C._~ trong. Aug. 20 Tyler Morning Tele­ dents for support E.~ "A relation- graph. It is reprinted with and acceptance ......, hip began and STUDENT BODY-Ambassador students gather In front of the College permission. of the con olidat- - ~ eventually that Administration Building at the start of the 1991-92 school year. The 1,150 ed operation ,_""", family (the Ham- students who enrolled represent 39 countries. [Photo by Mike Bedford] Although AC completed a year said President mers) donated ago the herculean task of consoli­ Donald L. Ward, e/",-- ..~-=-_. property here," dating near Big Sandy its opera­ but al 0 "to reaffrrm 0 _ _ Ward said. Roy Texas officials ODor tion previously split between its our commitment to .,II:\ Hammer and his on, Pasadena, Calif., and Big Sandy service in East Texas Buck, also donated their campuses to offer a wider selec­ and extended communities." services. tion of courses and better utilize As AC begins its 45th year, it is The property was initially used AC at anniversary event resources, "We are not here to working toward accreditation with as a church convention site, tart- look back and glory in our past," the Southern Association of Col- ed in 1953, then a a grade chool BIG SA DY-"Today marks that to a board of education 0 that aid Jo eph W. Tkach, chairman leges and Schools and continuing (no longer operated), and later the another mile tone. Today we cele­ we may continue to teach you." of the board of regents and chan­ to fulfill the vision of its founder, college opened its second campus brate the 45th anniver ary of cellor. Herbert W. Armstrong, to teach here in 1964, although it had been Ambassador College," Chancellor Anniversary luncheon "We're here to look forward at tudents how to live a godly life founded in Califomia in 1947. Jo eph W. Tkach told 1,150 stu­ Afterward a 45th anniver ary what e have yet to accompli h:' as revealed in the Bible. aid Today, the 2,500 acre Big dents from 39 countries at an ori­ luncheon took place with civic. Tkach aid during an anniver ary Tkach. Sandy campu carved from wood- entation forum Aug. 19. bu ine s and government leaders. luncheon attended by about 85 Mo t people don't know why (see AC OPENS, page 8) Mr. Tkach aid Herbert Arm­ Johnnie Baird, mayor of Big strong, College founder, was a Sandy. read a proclamation mak­ man of vi ion. "Vi ion is seeing ing Aug. 19 Ambassador College pleasing our elve , but toward where life i heading and knowing Day "in recognition of the Col­ pleasing the One who ha how to make the transition to lege' commitment to excellence PERSONAL FROM called us out of death and into y, here it ought to be. Great in education and in recognition of life. accompli hments are preceded by the po itive contribution the Col­ .. And he died for all, that greater vision." lege makes to our ommunity." Ambassador College received ~~~ those who live hould no longer President's comments letters from Texa Governor Ann live for thernselve but for him Commenting on accreditation, Richard , Senators Lloyd Bentsen who died for them and was Donald Ward, College president, and Phil Gramm and State Repre- Dear Brethren, re tore relationships between raised again" (II Corinthians told students that "accreditation is entative Bob Glaze. The fall festivals are fellow human beings. 5:15). not just for the College. We're Gov. Richards wrote: "Educa­ profound annual reminders "All this is from God, who We now live for Jesus Chri t. doing it for you students. The fac­ tion today is one of the most criti­ reconciled us to him elf through We now pattern our live after ulty are already competent. cal is ues we have to face. It is of the joy and glory that Christ and gave us the mini try (see PERSONAL, page 8) Accreditation is to demonstrate comforting to know, as we con­ await all who become rec­ of reconciliation: that God was r-----------------------::,...,./ front difficultie in 0 many of our onciled to God through reconciling the world to him elf educational programs. that for forty-five year' Ambas ador Col­ in Chri t, not counting men' Je u Christ. lege has demon trated the intelli­ Paul de cribed the work of in again t them. And he ha gence, leadership, and fortitude to the Church of God as a min­ committed to us the me age of provide its tudent· with the fme t reconciliation" (II Corinthian i try of reconciliation (II education available. Their uc­ 5:18-19, ew International Ver- ce e will continue to bring Corinthian 5:18). I human ion throughout). honor to the college which trained being tand in need of rec­ them:' onciliation to God. They are, Wa)' of peace Sen. Bent. en wrote: "Amba - becau e of in, cut off from This reconciliation is the way ador College ha played an God. cut off from the Author true peace will come. True important part in the live of many peace can come only through the by providing a olid educational and Source of life i elf. foundation on which to build a atoning, or reconciling acrifice Sin i that \ hich de troy succes fullife." relation hip . It corrupts rela­ . ofJe u Chri t. Sen. Gramm wrote: "A a for­ tion hip between people and it It i through his acrifice and mer profes or, I am deeply con­ cut human beings off from re urrection that we can be cerned with education, and I com­ God. tran formed by the Holy Spirit mend you for upholding the But God loves his creation into a new creation. into chil­ excellence that Ambassador Col­ (John 3:16). From the founda­ dren of God who e in are for­ lege represents." tion of the world he purposed to given, who are reconciled to Rep. Glaze introduced a resolu­ tion in the Texas legislature to forgive in-to restore humani­ God and who have the promi e of 'alvation from death: "For if, honor Ambassador College on its ty' relation. hip with him and to 45th anniver ary. when we were God' enemie, we were reconciled to him Orientation week activitie through the death of hi Son, Other activitie were the fre h­ SIDE how much more, ha ing been man reception and dance during reconciled, shall we be av d Ambassador Foundation staff members on the Radio-Televi­ which Mr. Tkach and the faculty through hi life! ot only i thi sion leningrad project are "well and in good spirits,~ said evange­ greeted the ney, tudents. Aftermath of 0, but we al 0 rejoice in God list larry Salyer, director of Church Administration International. A emblie explained degree through our Lord Je u Chri t, Darlene Reddaway (left) had left the Soviet Union before the requirement and tudent rule of coup in Soviet coup to resume her studies in California. Staff members in conduct. Jo eph Locke, vice pre i­ through whom e have no leningrad dunng the coup were (from second left) Simone and received reconciliation" (Ro­ dent of Amba sador Foundation Union ..... 2 Cliff Worthing and Debbie Armstrong. International. detailed require­ man 5:10-11). The Church told the staff to leave the Soviet Union Aug. 22. But ments student would have to ,ow that we are reconciled when the danger passed. Cliff, Simone and Debbie were allowed meet to be accepted for Founda­ Church fmancial to God, we are enabled to draw to stay until their planned departure for the Feast of Tabernacles. tion projects in Jordan, Sri Lanka statement . 3-6 even closer to him. Our live All three will return to leningrad after the Feast. and Thailand. are no longer directed toward Classes began Aug. 26. 2 The WORLDWIDE NEWS ~onday,Sept.2, 1991 will be long-lasting. But don't forget, Russia will still Bungled Soviet coup alters world course have at its disposal an awesome nuclear force. The fires of democ­ PASADENA-When the shock Iy that the three Western-oriented racy may be burning bright at the waves of political liberation swept Baltic states will seek to hitch moment. But Russia's new leaders over Central and Eastern Europe their destinies to that of the Euro­ exhibit some of the same totalitari­ in 1989, highlighted by the fall of pean Community as well. an tendencies of old, as evidenced the Berlin Wall, few expected W~RLDWATCH This prospect of parts of the by the manner in which Mr.
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