March 13, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2025 setting an example for the rest of the creasing America’s use of biofuels porter and anchor at television and Nation and leading the way on the path through significant increases in tax radio stations, including KRON–TV in to greater energy security. credits and grants. By letting Amer- the San Francisco Bay area, and KTLA Ending our dependence on foreign oil ica’s farmers produce America’s fuel, Channel 5 and KFWB radio, both in Los is one of the defining challenges of our we will help truly set our country free. Angeles. In the 1970s, he became one of generation and it’s going to affect I want to thank South Bend and the first Asian-American journalists to America for generations to come. It TRANSPO for showing us how to start rise from local to network news, work- making that progress.∑ will affect our economy, our finances, ing for CBS News in New York. While our Nation’s security and, ultimately, f at CBS, Mr. Chu Lin reported to a na- the kind of world our children inherit RONALD SEAWRIGHT OF ST. LOUIS tional television audience the historic from us. If we learned anything from Sep- ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise news that the Vietnam War was over. tember 11, it is that we can no longer today to recognize the achievements of Throughout his career, Mr. Chu Lin afford to be dependent on places like an exceptional Missouri student. demonstrated his versatility as a re- Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Venezuela Second grader Ronald Seawright of porter. He interviewed Presidents and for our energy supply. Yet unfortu- St. Louis has taken it upon himself to world leaders, and he covered earth- lead his peers in the St. Louis Public nately, we are more dependent on for- quakes and other natural disasters. In eign oil from hostile countries today School District in an effort to end school violence, particularly bullying. the late 1980s, he reported from China than we were on September 11—making about the government crackdown on us more vulnerable and putting the Using his personal experiences at Laclede Elementary School during his the Tiananmen Square demonstration United States in the uniquely dis- for democracy. Since 1995, Mr. Chu Lin turbing and intolerable position of first grade year, Ronald published a short book entitled ‘‘The Bully,’’ which worked at KTTV Fox 11 News in Los bankrolling both sides in the war on Angeles. In addition, he wrote numer- terror. he hopes will guide other students to ous articles about Asian-American af- By tapping the energy potential of free themselves from bullying. Ronald’s book, ‘‘The Bully,’’ explains Indiana’s farm fields, we can ensure a fairs for news publications such as who bullies are and what they do, as reliable domestic energy supply to Asian Week, Rafu Shimpo, the Nichi well as how to respond when you are meet our Nation’s needs while ending Bei Times, and the San Francisco Ex- frightened by a bully. Ronald’s advice our reliance on unstable countries for aminer. He was also a regular contrib- is sound: do not suffer the intimidation their oil and, at the same time, cre- utor to KQED radio in San Francisco. of a bully. He stresses the importance ating thousands of jobs for Hoosier of communicating to trusted adults in Over the years, Mr. Chu Lin was the farmers. South Bend’s buses will run order to help students overcome peer recipient of many awards and accolades on B20 soy biodiesel, a clean renewable violence and abuse in its early stages from prestigious organizations, includ- fuel that creates a new market for In- before the school’s learning environ- ing the Associated Press, United Press diana’s 28,000 soybean farmers. Indi- ment is disrupted. International, the Academy of Arts and ana’s farmers represent some of the With the aid of his mother and local Sciences, the Greater Los Angeles very best of our State’s traditions and leaders, Ronald continues to spread his Press Club, and the Radio and Tele- history, and I am proud that they will message. On March 14, 2006, public vision News Association. As a strong be our partners as we chart a path to schools across the city of St. Louis are advocate for Asian-Pacific-Americans energy independence in the 21st cen- celebrating Live Bully-Free Day. Ron- and their contributions throughout tury. ald has invited other school children to Although it may seem daunting, we history, Mr. Chu Lin was also the re- join him in learning the personal and cipient of many awards from Asian-Pa- can reduce our dependence on oil. social skills necessary to protect them- Brazil has announced that it expects to cific-American organizations, most re- selves from bullies, gangs, and their cently the 2005 Spirit of America be energy independent by the end of tactics. Ronald deserves to be com- Award from the Chinese American Citi- the year by fulfilling its energy needs mended not only for his courage but zens Alliance. in part from domestically produced also for his great service and leadership biofuels. If they can do it, so can we. in our community. Sam Chu Lin believed that jour- And here in Indiana, we are beginning Mr. President, I encourage you and nalism should be educational, and that to understand the power and potential other Members of the Senate to join ‘‘informing and helping others is what of renewable energy sources. Last year, me in recognizing the initiative of this makes journalism exciting.’’ He felt the Indy Racing League announced its brave and creative young man, Ronald that journalism was a ‘‘chance to use decision to use ethanol in its IndyCars. Seawright.∑ your roots for a positive purpose.’’ In Beginning in 2006, all IndyCars will f his reports, articles, and stories, it was race on an ethanol-blend before switch- evident that Mr. Chu Lin did just that. ing to 100 percent ethanol fuel the fol- IN MEMORIAM TO SAM CHU LIN He was a tireless advocate on behalf of lowing year. If a high performance ve- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I take the Asian-Pacific-American commu- hicle running on ethanol can win the this opportunity to honor the life of Brickyard, surely ethanol is good Sam Chu Lin, who broke new ground as nity, whether he was producing docu- enough for the family minivan, too. one of the first Asian American jour- mentaries on the Asian-Pacific Amer- Today’s announcement builds on In- nalists. Mr. Chu Lin passed away on ican experience or speaking to organi- diana’s prominent leadership role in March 5, 2006, at the age of 67. zations about the importance of civic the country’s growing renewable fuel Mr. Chu Lin was born and raised in participation. His contributions to the industry. If cities around the country Mississippi. He had a lifelong interest field of journalism, especially within would follow South Bend’s lead, step- in news and journalism. When he was a the Asian-Pacific-American commu- by-step we could move towards energy teenager, Mr. Chu Lin would listen to nity, will not be forgotten. independence. the radio at night, emulating the Mr. Chu Lin is survived by his wife, Here in the Senate, I have introduced voices of the top broadcasters. His Judy; his two sons, Mark and Chris- bipartisan legislation aimed at break- practice paid off in 1956, when he con- topher; and his mother. I extend my ing America’s dependence on foreign vinced his hometown radio station in deepest sympathies to his family. oil by reducing our use of oil by 7 mil- Greenville, MS, that he could find lion barrels a day by 2026. My legisla- sponsors and host a show of his own. Sam Chu Lin was a pioneer among tion would achieve that goal by cre- Mr. Chu Lin later attended Michigan Asian-American journalists, and he ating incentives to encourage the use State University, where he received de- will be missed by all who knew him. We of alternative fuels like those being grees in journalism and communica- take comfort in knowing that future used by TRANSPO and promoting tions. generations will benefit from his tenac- greater energy efficiency. A key part of In the 1960s, Mr. Chu Lin began his ity, his strength and his desire to make accomplishing this goal involves in- career as a journalist, working as a re- America a better place to live.∑ VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:44 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S13MR6.REC S13MR6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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