Ethical aspects of mental health 1 Ethical aspects of mental health Text: Helena von Troil Ethical aspects of mental health ISBN: 978-92-893-2376-5 ANP 2012:738 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10627/anp2012-738 © Nordic Council of Ministers Layout: Fidelity Print: Kailow Express ApS Copies: 150 Printed in Denmark Cover photo: Two Masks, 1931, Otto Mäkilä, Finnish surrealist, Ateneum Art Museum, Finnish National Gallery/Central Art Archives/Janne Mäkinen This publication has been published with financial support by the Nordic Council of Ministers. However, the contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views, policies or recommendations of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordic co-operation Nordic co-operation is one of the world’s most extensive forms of regional collaboration, involving Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. Nordic co-operation has firm traditions in politics, the economy, and culture. It plays an important role in European and international collaboration, and aims at creating a strong Nordic community in a strong Europe. Nordic co-operation seeks to safeguard Nordic and regional interests and principles in the global community. Common Nordic values help the region solidify its position as one of the world’s most innovative and competitive. Nordic Council of Ministers Ved Stranden 18 DK-1061 København K Phone (+45) 33 96 02 00 www.norden.org 6 Foreword Förord The Nordic Committee on Bioethics (NCBio) was Nordisk kommitté för bioetik (NCBio) grundades founded in 1989 with the aim to promote Nordic 1989 i syfte att främja nordiskt samarbete och infor- cooperation and exchange of information between mationsutbyte inom bioetik mellan forskare, parla- scientists, parliamentarians, opinion leaders and mentariker, opinionsbildare och tjänstemän. NCBio public officials in the area of bioethics. NCBio works arrangerar workshops och konferenser samt ger ut by organising workshops, conferences and by pub- rapporter och andra publikationer för att främja den lishing reports or other publications to promote nordiska och internationella debatten i bioetiska Nordic and international debate on bioethics. frågor. NCBio har två medlemmar från vart och ett av NCBio has two members from each of the five Nordic de fem nordiska länderna. Medlemmarna utses av countries. Members are appointed by the Nordic Nordiska ministerrådet efter nationell nominering. Council of Ministers from the nominations of the Kommittén finansieras av Nordiska ministerrådet. Nordic countries. The committee is funded by the Hösten 2011 arrangerade kommittén en konferens Nordic Council of Ministers. i Helsingfors om etiska aspekter på psykisk hälsa. In the Fall of 2011 the committee organised a Denna konferensrapport, som är sammanställd av conference in Helsinki on ethical aspects related to Helena von Troil, belyser de viktigaste frågor och mental health. This conference summary, compiled utmaningar som i dag möter forskare, politiskt by Helena von Troil, highlights the main challenges ansvariga och yrkesverksamma inom psykisk hälsa. and issues facing researchers, policy makers and Kommittén inbjöd experter från ett flertal områden practitioners that deal with mental health issues. att diskutera dessa frågeställningar ur psykologiskt, The committee invited a broad range of experts to talk historiskt, socialt, kulturellt och biologiskt perspek- about the psychological, historical, social, cultural, tiv. Den starka ökningen i västvärlden av diagnostise- as well as biological perspectives related to mental rade psykiska problem, som depression och ADHD, health. For western countries, the sharp increase in samt den starkt ökade användningen av receptbe- the diagnoses of various mental health problems, lagda mediciner för att behandla dessa väcker behov such as depression and ADHD, and the sharp increase av en närmare etisk diskussion och granskning. Konfe- in the use of prescription medicines for their treatment rensens föredrag lyfte fram den intensiva debatt som calls for a closer ethical discussion and scrutiny of the pågår inom skilda vetenskapsområden rörande orsa- various issues that are involved. The talks at the con- kerna till olika tillstånd och problem samt de bästa ference brought forth the heated debates which are behandlingsmetoderna. Trots frånvaron av enkla svar taking place in various disciplines on the causes and står det klart att psykisk ohälsa har blivit ett utbrett the best ways for treating various conditions and samhällsproblem. För att hantera situationen krävs problems. Although there are no simple answers, ett mer övergripande förhållningssätt där många olika it is clear that mental health problems have become a perspektiv beaktas. pervasive issue in society and need to be addressed in Nordisk kommitté för bioetik hoppas att denna a more comprehensive manner that takes into account rapport, med fokus på centrala frågor kring psykisk various perspectives. ohälsa i Norden, kan bli en tillgång för alla som är The Nordic Committee on Bioethics hopes that this intresserade av utvecklingen och av möjligheterna att summary of presentations will serve as a resource to möta de utmaningar vi står inför. people who are interested in the development and possible ways for tackling mental health problems in Maj 2012 the Nordic countries, by identifying some of the key Aaro Tupasela issues involved and the challenges that lay ahead in Ordförande (2011) its governance. Nordisk kommitté för bioetik May 2012 Aaro Tupasela Chair (2011) Nordic Committee on Bioethics Översättning: Sara Larsson 7 Door to the UnknowN, 1947, Otto Mäkilä, Finnish surrealist, Ateneum ArT Museum, Finnish National Gallery/Central ArT Archives/Janne Mäkinen 8 AAro TupAsElA Post Doctoral researcher, DePartment of social sciences, i University of helsinki, finlanD chair 2011 of the norDic committee on Bioethics Welcome “According to the world Health Organisation, mental ill health accounts for almost twenty percent of the burden of disease in Europe, and mental health problems affect one out of four persons at some time in their life. Nine of the ten countries with the highest rates of suicide in the world are European”, said Aaro Tupasela, the chairman of the Nordic committee on Bioethics, as he opened the conference. In 2005, the Nordic countries signed wHO’s Mental biological explanations for development of mental dis- Health Declaration and Mental Health Action Plan eases; mental health problems in practice and challenges for Europe, where each state agreed to report back and policies. to the wHO on the progress it is making in addressing Aaro Tupasela said that it is not possible to provide a issues related to mental health in their respective coun- thorough representation of the breadth and scope of the tries. A recent report by the Nordic Expert Group on problems, but many important issues will be raised and Mental Health lists six areas that deserve special atten- discussed. He ended by saying: “There is a well founded tion in relation to Nordic cooperation. These areas are need to further develop cooperation between the Nordic child and adolescent mental health, working life and countries and I hope that this meeting will help to facili- mental health, mental health of older people, the primary tate and promote the discussion about the ethical dimen- care sector, user and carer influence and voluntariness sions related to mental health in the Nordic countries.” and coercion. what has given rise to such a surge in the develop- Mental Health Declaration for Europe, wHO European Ministerial Conference on Mental Health: Facing the Challenges, Building Solutions, ment and emergence of mental health problems? what Helsinki, Finland, 14 January 2005, EUr/04/5047810/6, 52667 can be done to address these questions before the situation gets out of hand? “These are the main ques- Strengthening mental health in the Nordic countries – suggestions for tions that are raised by these reports and declarations initiatives for promotion of the exchange of knowledge and experience, report by the Nordic Expert Group on Mental Health, 2009–2010, and many other developments in the Nordic countries TemaNord 2011:514, ISBN 978-92-893-2202-7 and Europe”, said Tupasela. The Nordic Committee on Bioethics felt that it is necessary and timely to organise a conference that raises and discusses some of the ethical questions related to mental health. The session on crime, society and mental health has been organised as a reaction to the recent tragic events in Norway, but the topic also addresses many other events that have taken place in other Nordic countries during the past decade. Other session topics are psychological, social, historical and cultural perspectives of mental diseases; Bottom row from left: Lotta Knutsson Bråkenhielm (secretary), Titti Mattsson (Sweden), Göran Elinder (Sweden), Salvör Nordal (Iceland), Gunhild Isfeldt (Faroe Islands). Back row from left: Firouz Gaini (Faroe Islands), Aaro Tupasela (Finland), Ásgeir Haraldsson (Iceland), Thomas G. Jensen (Denmark) 9 Ilpo HEléN Professor of science anD technology studies, DePartment of social i research/sociology, University of helsinki, finlanD From social discipline to mood control – a very brief history of psychiatry “I will be untrendy and approach psychiatry and mental health care as a form of social control”, began Ilpo Helén his presentation. He continued: “Mental health care, in its various forms, is an important social technology that shapes modern societies. A
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