Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1998-1999 Eastern Progress 4-8-1999 Eastern Progress - 08 Apr 1999 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1998-99 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 08 Apr 1999" (1999). Eastern Progress 1998-1999. Paper 28. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1998-99/28 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1998-1999 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ► Sports ►Accent Jim Ward and other coaches tackle The Eastern coaching, teaching m Apr Madison Comt offers a wwwWWW.progrebb.eKU.eau nmcrrpQQ pin i PHII waters, soede« toy ewe sDiwfever/Bl ^^ '■Wr <* Kontin KV Universil, sini Deans In Hand Student 5 Gary Cordner IR David Gale ^Dominick Hart 15Kenneth Henson* M {^Robert R°g°w found dead ^Viv\wAw[vIon camPus Law Enforcement C I Health Sciences C I Arts and Sciences CI Education CI Business and C Technolt Commonwealth Hall resident's body found early Monday morning BY SHAWN HOPKINS scene Assistant news editor The body of Dawl Hams was found A Commonwealth Hall resi- early Sunday morning on the east so* JL dent was found dead outside his of Commonwasah Hi residence hall early Monday Samuels morning. Wendell David Harris, a freshman from Stanton, was dis- covered outside Commonwealth Hall on the Tom Samuels Track I Location down to full house side at about 6:10 Monday morn- 1 of body ing. Harris was a Commonwealth Hall resident who lived on the Diznty Phase one of reorganization Splitting the deck 11th floor. He is suspected to Amy Campbell/Progress In the first round of reorganization, Eastern's previous nine have fallen from his dorm room deals deans a new hand colleges have been shuffled into a handful of five. on that floor. dark outside, but it appeared that BEFORE REORGANIZATION AFTER The initial call came in at about Harris was lying about 10 to 15 feet By DENATACKFTT 6:15 a.m. Harris was found by stu- away from the doors. There is a News editor dents Gregory Aaron Duvall and concrete abutment, or porch roof, Colby Pitt who were going to that covers the front of the doors hile April 1 is known to many as April Begley Building to work out on that side of Commonwealth Hall Fool's Day, the buzz on campus that day Education Education "1 asked Colby if he saw what and Harris was lying outside of was right in front of us," Duvall that, according to Duvall. was that the name had been changed. It said. He said Harris was dressed in was referred to as "Black Thursday." Business Pitt and Duvall pointed out boxer shorts. Business and what they saw to a "I'm sure he had to fall because Thai is the day President Robert Technology Commonwealth Hall employee there was a broken branch lying Kustra announced the reorganization Applied Arts who was coming to unlock the and Technology beside him," Duvall said. of the university from nine colleges to doors and she called campus Harris would have had to have police. traveled quite a few feet to clear five. It was also die flay seven pen >le Allied Health Duvall walked around to inves- and Nursing that abutment. in administrative positions found out Health tigate closer. "If you want to do something Sciences "It was a body. We thought it ~- they would no longer have those Health, Physical Education, like that, I guess you could do it," and Recreation was a mannequin or something," _ positions effective July 1. Duvall said. See Student/A8 Kustra To the last person, they've com- Natural and Duvall said it was still pretty announced his mitted themselves to making sure Mathematical Sciences reorganization ► Faculty senate plan in a EKU continues to do well." Kustra Social and Arts and memo April 1.1 said. That doesn't mean they would » '%\ Behavioral Sciences Sciences have done it (reorganization) exactly —■'Arts and the way I did it." Humanities <» •.» Delay placed See Reorganization/A6 Amy Campbell'Progress Deans Discarded on evaluations & <& Bv DENA TACKETT 2000. IDEA forms are the teacher i>. News editor .—■—-~^ evaluation forms students fill out «0APbl at the end of each semester. wette Since November, faculty sen- The motion, after debate about ate has focused most of its atten- the length of time the IDEA tion on solving-the problem of reports should stay off the record, grade inflation herear-Eastern. In was passed by a standing vote of ^f & doing this, motions to implement 29 to 13. s? a plus/minus grading system, The rationale behind the 4& grade indexing and a "course motion is based on a study that A Arts report" for each term were indicated many faculty at various JP ** ***//, passed. Monday, another motion college campuses feel professors °^w* was passed to fight grade infla- who are easy graders get better tion. evaluations from students than The motion before faculty sen- those who grade harder. ate Monday was to place a mora- Since student evaluations play torium, or delay, on the use of an important role in determining 'Kenneth Henson ^^ IDEA forms or departmental merit pay and tenure for teachers, announced his resigna- <a equivalents for a period of at least the idea is that teachers have tion as dean earlier this JSu three years for the purposes of pressure to give better grades. year A search is under- 8v* &r& merit pay. tenure and promotion way for his replacement. decisions starting in the year See Delay/A8 ► Inside Student elections offer 'Chris* choice Accent B1 Activities B5 Chris Pace is BY SHAWN HOPKINS during Spring Fling helps with ty and Greek housing. Chris Rice is Arts B3 running for Assistant news editor turnout. The event features a DJ, "We want to get Greek hous- running for Classifieds A4 Student games and booths for many of the ing done and we want to get it Chris Pace and Chris Rice Student Perspective A2, 3 Association campus organizations. done with no cost to indepen- want to make sure you don't mix "Hopefully, well have a lot of peo- dent students," Pace said. Association Police Beat A4 president, and them up. ple," Cox said. Voting lasts from 9 Rice said he plans to work on president on his Sports B6-8 doesn't want to Neither of the two candi- What's On Tap B2 a.m. to 5 p.m., "just like Spring food services also, on First record as a stu- be confused dates for student body president Fling," she said. Weekend, on an extension of dent senator. ►W—thT with his oppo- are looking for confusion because Ballots are already available with campus buildings hours (he nent, Chris Rice. of their similar names at the voting the two presidential candidates and passed an act to change the hours Photos by Don booths on Tuesday. the 33 StudentAassociation candi- for Begley Building), and cam- iht/Progress TODAY That could be a problem if dates, plus space for write-ins. There pus security. Hi: 78 people get those two con- should also be actual voting booths Rice feels his record Low: 55 fused," said Pace, who is the this year, which Cox said will make as a student senator and Conditions: speaker pro-tem of student tabulating the results easier. his more than two Cloudy senate. Pace, along with vice presidential years of experience on The voting will be held candidate Rodney Toliver, and Rice, senate speak for his fWfc 72, Thunderstorms in the Fountain Food Court student rights chair of the student qualifications. SAT: 80, Partly cloudy near the meditation chapel. senate, with Neil Fedders, have both "I feel like with my SUN: 71, Windy It's part of Spring Fling, a been very busy campaigning. experience with the ►Rfjiindf get together and aware- "I think the executive candidate senate I'm the best ness session for campus will be a tight race," Cox said. candidate for the Campuswide room changes organizations sponsored Both candidates have platforms job," Rice said. begin by appointment Monday by the student associa- with overlapping themes. Pace said that in Housing office. tion. On Pace's agenda is improving the reason he's run- Noel Cox, elections the quality of the food in the ning for president is ► MWFwook chair for student senate, Fountain Food Court and campus said holding the elections cafeterias, parking, campus securi- See Electk>na/A8 > Perspective Thursday, April 8, 1999 A2 ' The Eastern Progress Ah/ssa Bramlage. editor CASTING YOUR VOTE If s not about who has student offices; if s about how they use them Exercising your right to But other than these vote by taking the examples, motions passed time to choose the or brought up by Student ■ right leader for your situa- Association have been few tion is hard to do. You have and far between. to find out all the facts, Adam Back, president of investigate the politics of Student Association, has each candidate and finally been vocal in faculty senate choose who you think meetings about the would make the best leader. plus/minus grading system Members of Student and how it would adversely Association are asking you to affect students. make that same kind of com- But no legislation has mitment for its upcoming been written to formally try elections. The senators of to stop its implementation. Eastern's student body want How seriously should stu- you to come out and vote for dents take the group of stu- students to represent you in dents who are supposed to university matters.
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