ACTIVE Z3XTFr1CTS ::ST PROP-LSZON AND VEHICLZ EKG--YT',A ULXISG LAZSLXXY Prepared by Industrial Resources Grou? Resources Yunagement Office AiResearch Yanuf acturing MS8-;'1%2i Development and Hanufacture of Trotective Clothing for Use in Hazardous Environments Brown Engineering Company Design, Development, Fabrication, and Delivery of Saturn V Tinstrument Unit Umbilical Connector Assemblies Brown Engineering Cornpany DesLgn, Development, Documentation, Fabrication, and Testing of Saturn V Simulator Instrument Unit Disconnect Carrier Assembly Kits 3rown Engineering Company ViSration Testing of Saturn ,nstrument-- Unit Hounting Con?onents Brown Engineering Company Verification of Criticality Data Denison Ecgineering Div. Qnaiification Test Program for -7. American Brake Shoe CO. high Pressure lump Used in the S-IC Ground Hydraulic Supply & C'neckout Douglas Aircraft Company Suman Engineering Design Criteria Study - - Greer Kydraulics, Inc. yhL ~s~-',i673 -0 S?are Parts ror ,ogistic~l ~~;~pi~~y~S~pport of S-IC Hydraulic Support and Checkout Units Greer Eiydraulics, Inc. iSAS8-54-74 Czsign, Devclop:~$znt, iilznuf aczuring, aild Delivery of Five Ground Support Hydraulic Systems and Checkout Units Idalter Edde and Co., Inc. XAS8-,1550 Ceslgn, 3~5:-ica:5on, Testing, an? Delivery o; . ive Xach S-IC Inert ??refill Unrts Walter Ridde and Co., Inc, i\;:S8-+;357 Feslgn, -Usvelopment, FabrlcaEion, Assembly, and Testin-tJ of a Truck-Mounted Flush and ?urge Ground Sup?ort Servicing System Hayes International Corp. Air Bearing Supply Distribucion and Konitoring System Hayes International Corp. Design, Develop, Fabricate, Test, and Delivery of Two Mobile Service Truck Units (M-1 and Sodiun Nitrite) - Jet Research Cezter, Inc. %S8-li484 im?act of S2nsltlvlzy of COITLETE Various Typzs and Sizes of Linear Shaped Charges Yfrtin-Marietta Corp. Vibrztion iind Fatigue ?7lesting of Bolted Separable Connectors Pall Corporation Design, 3sve:o?rnent, zaSr:cation,- Testing, azd Cocum~neationof m-,L,aL,sportsbie , Ground Su??ort Cooling Units Picat inny Arsenal Ff-7i5135 7ezslbi;Lty Study of the U. S. Amy Munitions Command Use of Liquid Zxpiosive ecd Associated Components cO:,T",',."" --"---,-,-- LL~L.; >. :_; - :T T:I\,iXSZi-jX (continued) (-,? (-,? -,7y> c- - .- - .-.,-- CON'~~L~cTOR d: ,-LL. <,A ~,.L,?L,L?. -I\. C3 CONTXP-CT ';,, : r c.,2 , 'I'h,-. <- ,- Souttwestern Icdustrics, Inc. S,:~SC-,5-/,73 u .. .,. ,u,~ OK ?x-essure (15 j Spaco, Incorporated ~;;ss-~~~;~~ Z~L:cl;g of ?\esearch and Z~velopzcntin the Field oE Thysical 3eterii;ination for ?/ass Properties United Aircraft Corp . Des:gn, Developne;~t, Fab~Tcation,and Testing of S-IVB APS ?ropellant Servicing Units Universal >latch Corp. 33s?.gn, Dsvelopent, ;?'&b.--,;cation, and Qualification "7iesting of a Xemote Control Salety and Arming Device Wyle Laboratories Cor~ponentZnvironrnental Q~alLficzcionTesting in Sup2ort of Ssturn Wyle Laboratories 3nvLron?.1e2tal Tes~ingof t:% s-",~ura 23 and V in strum en^^ Units Aeroj et-General Corp . MS8-11043 Study of Detonation in Solid C0317 YET ZD Propellznt by Liquid Propellant Explosion Aerojet-General Corp. COmLETE NAS8-11063 Study of the Phenomena Associated with Mixing of Cryogenic Fluids Aeronca Manufacturing Corp. NAS8-5445 Cevelopment of Eizh Strenrskh, >raz~dL!,Luminqm, Woneycornb S~ndwichComposites Adapzable ?or Both Elevated and Cryogenic Temperature Applications University of Alabama NAS8-5059. Development of Shell Xolding Technique for Producing Prototype Launch Vehicle Castings University of Alabama NAS8-2571 Physico-Chemlcal and Thermo- dynamic Considerations on Launch Vehicle Ylterials Aluminum Co. of America NASS-5340 Investigation of Stress Corrosion of High Strength Aluminum Alloys Aluminum Co. of America NASS-5452 Development of a High Strength Aluminum Alloy, Readily Yeldable in Plate Thicknesses, and Suitable for Application at -4230F (-253OC) Aluminum Co. of America NAS8-11226 Development of Improved Conversion Coatings for Aluminum Alloys American Machine 6: Foundry NASS-11168 Development of Lightweight Magnesium Alloys for Low Temperature Applications Army Missile Support Command H-61510 Blast Hazard Test Arnold Engineering Development H-71461 -r~nvestigation of Addition Center Polp,erization of Self Sealants Atlantic Research Corp. K4S8-11044 ?r;vestigation o£ the Effects of CC~~?LCTE~ ~7.-vd~uum- on Liquid Hydrogen and - Other Cryogens used on Launch Vehicles Air Reduction Co. Inc. XASS-23078 Investigation of the Beactivity of Tiraniurn and Other Yaterials with .- - Liquid Oxygen and Xitrogen Tetroside Air Reduction Co. Inc. NAS8-20099 TOFLOX Synthesizer Study CONTMCT LISTING - ;vI DIVISION (continued) COXTRACTOR AVCO Corporation NAS8-11872 Design, Development, Assembly, and Delivery of Differentially Pumped Remotely Adjusted Orifice System AVCO Corporation NAS8-11866 Cp~icalSystem for Coupling an Evacuated Integrating Sphere to 2 Spectrophotometer Battelle Hemorial Institute NASB-11851 3cvelopncnt of Techniques for Measuring Thermai Diffusivity Battelle Memorial Institute NAS8-li837 Process Development and Pilot Plant Production of Silane Polymers and Diols Battelle Memorial Institute NAS8- 11452 Development of Improved Thermoelectr5.c Yaterials for Spacecraft Applications Battelle Memorial Institute NAS8-5265 Development of Magnesium-Lithium CONPLETED Alloys for Structural Applications Beckman Instruments Inc. X4S8-11510 Development of Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Rydrogen Gas The Boeing Company NAS8- 11307 Research Study for Development of Techniques for Joining of Disslnilar Xetals Borden Chemical Company P.LiS8-ilSlS Dcvelopment of Improved Adhesives - for Use at Cryogenic Temperatures to -423'~ Browii Engineering CO. COMPLETE KiS8-SLSG Fabrication and Related Services Brqwn Engineering Co . KtS8-11187 Contract for Fabrication Services COMPLETE Boeing Company NAS8-20156 Study of Dissimilar Metal Joining by Solid State Welding Canadian Commercial Corp . NAS8-20529 Development of a Micromeferoid- Simulation Device University of California MS8-2634 Study of Detonations of Mixtures of Gaseous Hydrogen and Oxygen CTL, Division of Studebaker MS8-11036 Development of an Analytical Corporation Technique for Predicting -... .. Properties of Composite Materials CONTMCT hT;J?SEII NA;"IE OF CONTRACT Battelle Memorial Institute NAS8-20029 Study of Hydrogen Embrittle- ment of Various Alloys R. W. Benson & Associates ,- Inc . NAS8-20208 Development of Non-Des tructive Methods for Determining Residual Stress & Fatigue Damage in Metals CONTRACT LISTING - M DIVISION (continued) CONTRACTOR CONTRACT NUMBER WME: OF CONTRACT Denton Vacuum, Inc. NAS8-11836 Design, Fabricate, Assemble, and COMPLETE Deliver a Vapor Coating System Edwards Air Force Base Study of Blast Hazards of Rocket Propellants University of Florida NAS8-1523 Study of age Deterioration of Change to NAS8-20247 Gasket Materials Installed in Simulated Launch Vehicie Hardware Frankford Arsenal H-71508 Development of Magnesium -.Lithium Alloy Casting Program General Dynamics Corporation MS8-2450 Investigation of Combined Effects of Radiation &Vacuum on Engineering Paterials General Electric Company NAS8- 2442 Coatings for Conductors Goodyear Aircraft Company NAS8-2564 Research and Development of YTterials for Saturn Heat Shield Curtains Goodyear Aircraft Company NAS8-11070 Evaluation of Structural Reinforced Plastics at Cryogenic Temperatures Goodyear Aerospace Company NAS8-11747 Development of Materials and Materials Application Concepts for Joint Use as Cryogenic Insulation and Micrometeorite Bumpers - Goodyear Aerospace Company NAS8-11761 Development of a Lightweight Cryogenic Insulating System CONTRACT LISTING - M DIVISION CONTRACTOR CONTRACT NWER NNm OF CONTRACT Harvey Aluminum, Inc. NAS8-11508 Development of Ultrahigh Strength, Low Density, Alumi~umPlate Composites Hughes Aircraft Company Development of Organic Sealants Hughes Aircraft Company Services Required for Research and Development of an Improved Heat Sterilizable Potting Compound Hughes Aircraft Company Development of Dielectric Windows Protective Cover Materials for Spacecraft Antennas Hughes Aircraft Company Development of Structural Foams For Cryogenic Applications Hughes Aircraft Company An Investigation of Adhesion and Cohesion in Vacuum ' Hughes Aircraft " Investigation of the Combined Effects of Space Environmental Parameters, etc. Illinois Institute of Study, Research, and Development Technology of Analytical Methods and Fabrication of Test Equipment for Determination of Hydrocarbon Contamination Illinois Institute of Development and Validation of a Technology Method for Predicting Neutron Induced Activation in Materials Illinois Institute of Develop Materials for Slip Ring Technology Assemblies Illinois Institute of Research Study on Development of Technology Lightweight Thermal Insulation Materials for Rigid Heat Shields Intermountain Research and NAS8-5318 Investigation and Determination Engineering Co ., Inc. of the Shock Overpressure Required for Initiation of Titanium-LOX and Aluminum-LOX Reactions . CONTRACT LISTING - I4 DIVISION (continued) CONTRACTOR CONTRACT NUMIjER NAME OF CONTMCT Ipsen Industries, Inc. NAS8-11048 Investigation of Foamed Metals for P+plications on Space Capsules Lockheed Aircraft Corp. NAS8-11448 Evaluation of BE-38% Aluminum Alloy COMPLETED Manlab's, Inc. , NAS8-11091 Development of Stress Relief Treatments for High Strength Aluminum Alloys Martin-Marietta Corporation MS8-2531 Test Program for Determination COMPLETED of Low-Temperature Fatigue Properties of
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