I . : ON TijE INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY ............ Page 2 -II 1--'- rIA' Partly cloudy today and tomorroW. Con~ . o K Armory as Skating Rink ........ Page 3 tinued warm tomorrow. High today, 95 to 98: .. ' How 'to Improve Soap Operas ....... Page .. e' ·Ovv'Gr I low tonight 70 to 75. r.tabliahed IB68-Vol 79, No. 281-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. August 29. 1947-Flve Cent. '" Vote No Burlington '. Parking; Th'~ American Legi on "as a C.AtNH Holland Recovers Leaders Urae':~~~ , Nazi-Filched Gems Council OK's Keokuk Paving Trailina Law :, ~ . Worth $2,500,000 '. ' By RAY IlENBY The ordinance to permit park. FRANKFURT, Gtrmany, (A")­ ing on one' side of Burlington Seventeen thousand earall ot cut Before Legion: ' street was deteated and a !reso­ British List Thr!! diamonda valued at $2,1100,'000, .. lution to authorize the paving of taken by the NHis from Dutch V.plunteer Army I. Keokuk street was passed last Methods to 'Compel' merchanla during the occupation, EHlclent, Has 'Hlgh _ night by the Iowa City council. were returned to the Netherlana. Final reading of the Burling­ yesterday by a U. S. troop convoy. Morale, Say. Truman · ton street parking ordinance Jews to Disembark Heavily armed, the convoy took came up before the council with the 8em, to Beelt, a frontier town NEW YORK (.4') -: Prul4lent HAMBURG, Germany (A»- A Mar Nl.jmegen, to tum them over Trumal\ told the 29th naUoul. Alderman James Callahan, British official said yesterday that Charles T. Smith and William to the Dutch economics mlniater. Amerlcal\ Leilon convention 7-- no firearms or lethal weapons "We are restituting the precious terday that in a world where "war Grandrath In favor and Alder­ would be used to disembark the stones in time for Queen Wllhelm- remains a drea~ posalblllty," the men Max Hawkins and Frank 1,400 uncertified Jewish lmInl­ Mighell opposed. Ina of Holland" birthday on Sun. lalion 'ImUit be 10 stron&. t!1at DO grants from the Exodus of 1947. day," said Col. William G. Bray, aweslor, however rash can per.. AlthOLigh a majority of the (The Jews left Gibraltar Thurs­ councilmen present were In favor chle c.t the U. S. military lovern- auade him.elt that we are open to day morning aboard three British ment's forelfD exchan,e depo.lt. conquat." , ot the parking plan, state law re­ transports, with naval escort, for quires a maj ori ty of the elected Hamburg but returned to port 01")", In a lelelraph muaa,e to the members to be favor of the ordi­ after one of the transports blew a The diamonds w.re packed In openln, sealon at jam·~ nance. This law makes it ne­ boiler tube. The departure was IIi wooden cues. They were ..lzed Madison 6quare Garden, Mr. TrI~· cessary to have four council mem­ delayed 24 hours). by the Nazl& in 1942 when they man expressed optimllm, bowevet'. bers to vote in favor of the pro­ The British spokesman said IN GOOD TOP ERGE~T FORM, Gov. Thoma E. Dewey emJlha- 1members of Conneetleut', VoltUl'e '748. ,. and I , from New London, ordered all Dutch diamond mer- about the state ot Amerlcln arm.d. posal, according to City Attor­ three degrees of "compulsion" sized • .point as he .ddr".e4 the openllfr se Ion of the 29th annuaJ "chU&'r.. .. Into mJdtewn New York for the convenUon. chant. to turn in their stacks. The torces, uaertin, they "are now ney Edward , Lucas. Alderman were available it the Jews refus­ American Le.-lon ~nventlon In Madlaon Square Garden. N.Y .. yes- (AP WlREPIIOTOS) Germans kept the atonel at Am- on I volunteer b ..iII h!ah In JI\Ol'oo Jonel and Fryauf wefe absent. ed to leave their ships on arrival terda.y. He flatly endorsed unlvenal mlUt al')' tr lnilll'. On the rJIM" hem, Holland, trying to torct the ale and with incre.. 1na mWtart h,ere: owners to Itll at "ridiculously efficiency." •. Considerable controversy has • .-> arisen over the ordinance with First: Manhandling. low prices," Brey said. After the Earlier, Gov. Thomas I:. Dewey Chid of Pollce E. J. Ruppert in Second: Ship's hose pipes. Allied air-borne landin, at Am- had told cheering leglopnatr .. ,~, opposition to it. He claims park­ Third: Tear gas. hem, the gems were trarutered by was lolldly beh.ln4 their ~Jiv ttt Seek Check ... the Germans to the Frledrich.hall a unlvlrta1 mWl4ry ira1ri1n, Ing along BUflington street He added th;It compUlsion would Globe Girdlers Awe L'ondon 14" be uaed only if all means of per­ salt mine at Stass!urt, near Ma,- and a strong mllltary estab1l.a1]: would be a traffic hazard. LONDOIT (A»- Wben Georie Truman of Los Angeles and Cliff deburg In Prussia, where they ment. ' Grandrath referred to Burling­ sU'aslon failed and that the third Evans of Washington, D.C., arrived here yesterday on their leisurely were recovered in 1945. by the U. Dewey declared: ton' street as a "race-track" and degree would be "an absolute' last On Budget 8y TBB AaSOCIAT&D pans round-the-world trip in two lijht planes, they confessed acquiring a S. Ninth army. "I urge that it I. our dut, to said . parking cars there would resort." Another warmup was In store healthy respect for the Atlantic ocean. prOVide a proaram lvll11 slow traffic down: CONCORD, N. H. (}P) - Sen. for the midwest tOOay, but the "It's wide and wet and, at one participation by aU f. 1ie4 PrOf. Richard L. Holcolm of Bridges (R-NH) disclosed yester- Chicago weather Jrureau said it staae, It nearly had us licked," p I hI yoU~ American ' m.)" :' ... ::" ..:bI- the' university" bureau of ' pulilic day that congresslenal.. -Republi- would produce just talr, dry and Trtunan said. .... veraal military training." affairs, took a speed check! of Realty .. Boar~s cans have demanded the right to ,"emlers IP' .. make a "watch dog" check on the warm weather-not hot. Cousins Give Up; "Our close call came over Ice- The titular Republican party cars traveling on Burlington land, which we knew was some- leader, coruldered a top contender preparation of the new budiet In Iowa City, the tetnperature street between Capitol and tlin­ where down below us, tucked for his patty', pre.ldenM nom· ton streets last Saturday and re­ President Truman will submit to ranied from 63 degrees at :I a.m. End Week's Deny .(harg 'e I Flight away in the clouds. We had to Of Greece StiliI Inatlon 8aain In 1948, thus joinN ~orted that few' exceeded the 20 congress In Janua~. " to 93 at 1:30 }l.rn. The humidity come down to 500 feet to find a \tlth . Mr. Tt1lDUI1\;-1rad ' Clr .tlfe p. h. speed limit. m. WASHINGTON ()f') - The Na~ ~r~dges said the senate appro- I was ,enerally high throughout the YORK. Pa. (A'}-!'uiitJves tor hole that enabled us to get our Democratic part.Y';'1n e.p<suSlp&' Ute ~uppert said, "the sdlutlon to tional Association of Real Estate prlatlons committee. which he I day and was 97 at 10 p.m. nearly a week alter a Baltimore, thi speeding problem is to put bearings. It we had miSled Ie.. Undetermined tralnin, program. It wu· pte ·!tnt board~ said yesterday a charae it heads, had joll'l!d with th hoUie W t tur ail d Md. Ju.f-e iave them a UI-mln- land, there ju,t wouldn't have time Dewey had thrown his" ~ stop llahts at the Clinton, Linn , ti 0 P he ded by I allm empera es prev e I - brokt the anti-trust laws was Iallproprla ons it u , teed in tb O)fll) vaUey wllh -at.' bUll atatt over ~.ot. be"" An ... MCO-.a "" to choose." backing behind th~ Leilon', "am· and Gllb.rt • Nt hit.ructlons." "outrageous" . and aPparently In Rep. Taber <R-NY) , in a requtft Y" aye, _ pollce, WIlUam H. Miller, 18, and .... -y. ~..... palfD for military.,.'-"'; ." ,. A public hearin& to hear ob­ "reprisal" for opposing federal that their representatives be per- most readlnga aboV6 90. f Cir).cln Georg. MlUer 20 cOUilns sur- Truman and !iva",", both t01'm- ATHENS (,4))- OrNe,', undi,- The President orialnal11 hac[ jections to the paving of Keokuk controls over housing. mitted to attend budlet bureau naU rePOrted f a 9~ mldE-a tern~: rendered yest~rda; . ' er United Stat81 alrforce pUots, 80Ived ,overnmental erial. enter· been schedUled to address the cOn­ street was held in conjunction ... ' hearings when they begin late tempera t ure 0 " vansvl, startcd their circunmav!aatlon of ed It. Ilventh day today as Dem- vention In person but tailed to association pledged ltself to t th Ind. had 92 and Advance Mo. Two attorneys brought the mia- with the councU meeting last "tl~he ht" d ' indl t t nex mon . ,., , the globe (rom New Jer&eY on etrlo, MaXImOI withheld ht. make It because of "ilie \1J1M­ night. g a gran Jury c men 94, ain, youth" both resIdents of Aug. 8. • acceptance of the prtmlerahlp mittlng pressure of ; oftlcill which charged Wednesday that it The New Hampshire senator It 01 ' the Great Lakes Minch'.ter, Md., Into <!Ourt. They had planned to land at which wu offered to him lut dutIes." A number of prope~ty owners and the Washin,ton Real Estate tolc:'. a reporter: was co 1~ along that street appeared at the board conslplred crimlnaUy to . set "If we are ,Oina to economize region and cool In northern Mlnn- SAY DEATH CAUSED BY BLMT Prestwlck, Scotland, yesterday but night.
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