PWP Item 454TH: Lung Cheung Road Flyover Focussed Environmental Impact Assessment HONG KONG GOVERNMENT ffiGHWAYS DEPARTMENT Executive Summary IfJ<mJl! Peter Fraenkef BMT (Asia) Ltd. in association with Enpac Lld. Urbis Travers Morgan Ltd. PWP Item 454TH: Lung Cheung Road Flyover .&l. Focussed Environmental Impact Assessment HONG KONG GOVERNMENT HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT Executive Summary If1!ll~ Peter Fraenkel BMT (Asia) Ltd. in association with Enpac Ltd. Urbis Travers Morgan Ltd. CONTENTS Page J'i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (i) Im ~HJ ~ (i) I. INTRODUCTION 1 I. 'JI g 1 2. THE STUDY AREA 2. {If!R; fij IlII 2. 1 Site Description 3 2.1 I±1!lttl'ij)jj; 3 2.2 Site Constraints 3 2.2 I±1!l~UU 3 2.3 Route Description 4 2.3 m~ttl'ij)jj; 4 3. OBJECTIVES AND KEY ISSUES 3. Jj I!if li. :± IHQ !Iif 3.1 Objectives of ElA Study 5 3. 1 Iltf51l\1! lft ~ 'Zl¥FfMfH1f ftI 5 3.2 Key Issues 5 3.2 I~ rR'JI! 5 3.3 Assessment 5 3.3 ~Ht 5 4. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS 4. :± It ill. Hi jf! 4.1 Construction Phase 7 4.1 iliUM 7 4.2 Operational Phase 10 4.2 illHtM 10 4.3 Mitigation Measures 14 4.3 *ifOJi!itim 14 4.4 Costs 18 4.4 Illt;;$: 18 5. CONCLUSION 19 5. a Hi 19 6. RECOMMENDATION 20 6. fI! iJi 20 ILLUSTRATIONS tm~ B ~ Figure No. Title Page jijl)Ji 1!;!JIli l. Site Location Plan 1. I till f:li: ~ if lID ~ 1 2. Study Area 2 2. litf~ifiB III 2 3. Photographic View 4 3. %flll&fI- 4 4. Option C, Section. on Earthworks 9 4. 1]'!{;; "P'j" ± :1J I mS," gUlID~ 9 5. Photographic View 2 12 5. %flll&fI -= 12 6. Photographic View 3 13 6. %f1ll&1l\lI -=. 13 7. Option A, Mitigation Measures 14 7. :1J,!{;; " If'" S,"~fDfl!i1itfi 14 8. Option B, Mitigation Measures I 15 8. :1J,!{;; " z..." s,"~fDfl!ilitfi - 15 9. Option B, Mitigation Measures II 15 9. :1J ,!{;; " z..." s,"*J1 fDfl!ilitfi -= 15 10. Noise Barrier Enclosure Elevation 16 10. 'I§ 1% mIIj .&JIHfljfii to/J J1. fJlIl\ll 16 Il. Option C, Mitigation Measures 17 11. Mf< "P'j" S,"~fDfl!i1itfi 17 12. Table The Preferred Choice 19 12. Jlll.~~R'Il\lI~ 19 13. The Decision Matrix 21 13. :1J '!{;; ~ jl[l ~g ~l/! Il\lI 21 14. The Recommended Scheme 22 14. ~'F {E liil[ 1l\lI 22 (i) This booklet summarises the Final 1 INTRODUCTION 1 ~I ~ , J illIJ W}t ut ~ tl!l ' &: t.ll! :±l T '::' II~ or Report and presents a comparative The Hong Kong Government's assessment of the adverse rTaq~~ , f:EIttm~:.1J~ "!fI" , Second Comprehensive Traffic Study environmental impacts of the 'i!l' lit iE;Ul! f:E - tL J\ tL"f. 7t fi.'Zag ;:fe. :.1J~ " z.,"&::.1J~ "pq" '-3-:.1J~ (1989) identified the need for a proposed alternative flyovers during 1.1\ 'i!l' lit ~ f.l X ~ Jiff JE ¥IHr (CTS-2) ~ ~ - ~ ~ f5H.& fr.Jll: ili ' or ~ jlIj iff fl yover linking Lung Cheung Road both construction and operational with the Clearwater Bay Road in phases. Appropriate mItI gation if' t~:±l ' W~ ~ In MH1!}t - ill! J%Z ~ 12 ,3 00 ~1.I\fI%1E.m ' Kowloon to ease present and improve measures are recommended for each lUl ili fIl i~ * ~ ili fig ~ tl!l ' j;):If ~ future traffic movements in the area phase. These assessments together (Figure I). A Project Steering Group with cost estimates lead to a ~ Ii!lif.J!.H¥ &: cje1!f** fig X~ 1~i£ ~ ilic .g- ~ 1ft 1!ll@l '\ll' It :±l fig }t ~R ' -3- (PSG) was convened by Government recommendation as to the preferred ( ~ - ) 'i&IffIn-tLtL- "f.HliOC orfT8g~~~~~ j&J-intlRIU~ in 199 I to assist in planning this options. T - @ I fj t1i iJ I/HJl. (PS G) , 1$1, AA ill' fig ~'f 1i5 ' j;) 1$1, AA PSG It JildHg ~ flyover and proposed three possible ali gnments which are referred to ~, herein as Options A, Band C. Each . alternative flyover is a two lane j..' :­ m it. 00 r'iU I ~ IiH~~ W 11IU} 15] ( 52 single carri ageway road with a .' practical traffic capacity of 12,300 i!+I) ,;Jt: 1$1, It 0 15] 1'6 t8 ~ 1ft IfjW vehicles per day. Il& 0 15] fIl !f1E f~ a ~ WIl& 015] B jl}m In keeping with the recommendations i&'\ll'M~Ii!li~lf ' ~Jtj!HTlRlft~ of the Environmental Protection ~ fig ~'fIi5 ' &: ~;Jt:iiffll 1lt*1i *fIl}t~ Department a focussed environmental .", m x- I)}/!HH~-a-tt ' impact assessment (EIA) was proposed for each ali gnment to assist the PSG in reaching a conclusion on :<$: ilH II~HjUidHfl-a- tt &: fl-3- :.1J ~ the optimum alignment. f:E ~ :m 00 }t AA ra~ fIl iD! It B¥ fl ~ IJt jj!j Peter Fraenkel BMT (Asia) Ltd in iOC fig l' Ji! ~ ~ It :±l - @ J:U!$i jj'f 1i5 ' association with Enpac Lld and Urbis # fr ~ -3-11'1H)t or k:ii fIl l' Ji! ~ 18 aq :.1J Travers Morgan Ltd were commissioned by the Highways it. It :±l }t ~ , Itt jj'f 1i51JH Wil!liOC :<$: Department, Kowloon Region, to 1i5 i!!i ' ~If or m it ~ ~ :±l ~ i'E:.1J ~ fig undertake the EIA and produce a m~, Final Report outlining its findings and recommendations. Figure 1 - Location Plan [~ - - I Jt!!fl):1i'P¥ iliiliill LEGEND ; - = A ROUTE OPTIONS ===== B ROUTE OPTIONS = C ROUTE OPTIONS WORK ING AREA STUDY AREA Figure 2 - Study Area li'lI =. - 1Jf?1:1IIIi1J;ll 2 2 THE STUDY AREA Estates are located to the south of the 2.2 I JI!! IIIUIJ road corridor. Hammer Hill Green 2.1 Site Description Belt is dominant to the north in the Study Area. Choi Wan tower block 2.1 I JI!! !uHIi ):) r ~l~fr~'If*ttm*!ll:1J~Il'J ~ The study area encompasses an estate is visible to the northeast. JJjI!t!J~u u : Urban Area within the Wong Tai Sin District of East Kowloon including 2.2 Site Constraints lilH'Effil1 IIi!I fj'[ In * Alig ~:*: iUJ ~ pg 1l'J the Choi Hung and Ping Shek Estates iTi ~ , 'E!J5 *5 1!Ht ' J;'jZ 1] H &. *5 ~ and the south western section of the Constraints which affect the flyover H 1l'J fill l5Il5J' 0 Choi Wan Estate. alignment options include: i¥J The Lung Cheung Road and a central core of vi llage hou ses %t ~ il'J ~m ill: ~ iff iIIlill: iE iilii l~ Clearwater Bay Road corridor bisects and commercial outlets '*' * the study area in the east-west a Refuse Collection Point (RCP) liff j'G ffil1 III!I if- 5J' f!il i¥J ;j t Wj l5Il 5J' 0 iE iilii direction. Located to the north of the and public Lavatory il'J ;j t lliJ &. liff j'G ffiB I!ilI 1l'J fIlIlliJ ' 'E!.t5 f9ll road corridor and in the western preservation of open spaces and ~HLi UJ ,;t ~ 1'P LiJ ill: ~ !IlJJ sector of the study area are the Hung existing trees iJHc '*' , Sean Chow College, the Hammer a small sitting out area centred ~ , - @] li'l W*il iTi iI& )ijJ J;8j. %t ilk ii!J ~ Hill Sports Complex and a site around a shrine 1l'J tt!J:1J ' fj'[ In liif j'G ffiB IIi!I '*' :9c rei '!'tHg reserved for a future Urban Council the Home for the Aged tit ~ 1l'J J;'jZ 1] H tt!J Hi m .!Ij; %t (UC) Leisure pool complex. Ngau MTR installations ii!J I'll: 1l'J 4- ii!J iIIl H f!il il'!i fi. Wj III 1l'J %t ~ '*' Chi Wan Village which is in the Proposed MTR redevelopment at 10 0 fj'[ In ~ H;j t lliJ ' 'lUll 1'P LiJ 1l'J ~ ~tID1J centre of the study area, comprises Ping Shek estate -@]flA fi. t%t~10 - &X;liHe [gJ ; a mixture of residential structures a Water Supplies Department with a component of commercial uses (WSD) pumping station jfij :tUg it!J 1'll:;j t lliJ ' 4- iill iIIl H *ffi~ 1l'J located mainly along the Lung Chi a UC sports complex ~ ~ *,";g 9:' ~ ~Jt 0 n iilll'll: i¥J lliJ 11 il/l( Path. A private residential hillside green belt area development, Bayview Gardens, is set I~j! r'i1:J JllT %t ~ 10 ' ~ '*' 'E!. t5 4- ii!J i'Ji x against the backdrop of Hammer Hill The Study Area and the route of ~l\l '*' -C,' 0 :f£ ill: m iE iilii 1l'J i¥J lliJ ~ J;'jZ 1] and lies north of the village. St. Options A, Band C are shown on H &. *5 1!I H ; jfij:f£ liif j'G ffiB I!ilI ;j t lliJ ' Joseph's Home for the Aged flanks Figure 2. 1iWiI=!1j:i~liifj'GffiBlIi!I&.:1J~"Ej3" , II U:*: l5Il5J' Jml1'P LiJ 1l'J M1< ~Jt!J 1\'1' ' jit the village on its east side, north of * :1J~ " G" ':1J~" p;j" ll'Jm*!ll 0 Lung Chi Path. A number of medium ;jtlliJll U OJ'l'fiU5~Hs'JW+ 0 and high rise developments are located south of Lung Chi Path including the UC Ngau Chi Wan Complex. Ping Shek and Choi Hung 3 2.3 Route Description passing through Ngau Chi Wan till /J W/J '#;.
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