John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 4-13-2000 The aC rroll News- Vol. 75, No. 20 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 75, No. 20" (2000). The Carroll News. 1108. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1108 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Shoula JCU~s 00 ~ Greeks go "0 0 Greek 0 ., National? ~ Week ......... Baseball Reaa the aebate 'IJ = then loses 8 in Point( and grudge p. 14 now ~~~-'1.-=U match. Counterpoint. THE R Serving John Carroll University Since 1925 Vol. 75 No. 20 April 13, 2000 Faculty, students JCU freshman dies at Kent Despite autopsy results receiv~J Monday. authorities are still unsure what caused John protest School of Americas Carroll University freshman Jared R . Carroll Chrzanowski. of Willoughby, to collap.,e and die Patrick Shanahan Sunday afternoon the group of five hun­ at a Kent State Delta Upsilon rave part) over the Staff Reporter dred gathered at Lafayette Park, located across weekend. community Three members of the John Carroll Uni­ from the White House, for a protest to shut down Chrzanowski was pronounced dead at versity staff and eight student~. four from John the SOA. A diverse group of people attended Robinson Memorial Hospital at 4::!8 a.m. Sun Carroll University and four from Magnificat high the rally, ·'It was interesting to see all kinds of day, Kent police sa1d. Police had be~n called to mourns loss school, woke up at 6 a.m. people; young, old. hip­ the fraternity house at 3:43 a.m. after members Kelly Nonis Saturday morning almost pies, conservative~. differ­ found Chrzanowski unconscious <utd unrespon­ campus News Ed•tor three week ago to begin ent racial and religious sive in a second-tloor bedroom. M11 t tudcnts do lUll cxp ,ct to hn~ to their journey to the nations' groups," said Reim. Kent Police Chief James Peach told the ~k·al with death wink 111 college. E. pee• ally capital. The rally held many Akron Beacon Journal Chr.wnowski was silting the death of <1 dn. e friend The focus of the speakers including Roy and talking to others when he suddenly collapsed. three-day trip to Washing­ Bourgeois. co-founder of "Right now all we have is a 19-ycar-old ton, D.C. was to protest the the SOA Watch (an orga­ wh1te male that died um:xpectedly from unknown School of the Americas nization that attempts to causes,'' Wayne Enders. an admunstrato1 at the (SOA). The SOA is a gov­ shut down the SOA). He Portage County Coroner's Oft1ce, told the Dally ernment run program that spoke of an etght day fast Kent Stater. trains Latin American sol­ to protest the injustice be­ "We will be able to say nothing definitely diers in combat, military ing done to the poor people until we get back the toxicology and microscopic intelligence and com­ in Latin America who are tissue exam. That could be up to three weeks mando tactics. There have the victims of the SOA away." b~en numerous United Na­ T he ra ll v ab o hosted lc•• Pc'•Lh loki \he 1\kwn Hc,l<:<"l .I~>UI\\,,1 <I· tions Truth Commission e11dary sixt1es Vietnam tecrrves are awaiting rc.,ults of toXIL'ology lest Reports that have c1ted War protester and because "it appears it may have been an acci­ SOA graduates for com­ songwriter Pete Seiger. dental overdose.'' mitting human rights vio­ "He led several songs in­ However, Lt. Ray Stein of the Kent City lations. spiring the group in their Police Department told the Daily Kent Stater There were activi­ Protestors from John Carroll and efforts to close the SOA." there were no signs that Chrzanow ki had been ties planned for each day to Magnificat pose in the nation's said Reim. in a fight, and there was no evidence of drug u e the students were having a difficult time, there update, prate t and publi-' capital. The rally con- in the fraternity house. were people they could talk to,'' Chri ·tie said. cize their cause. The first cluded in the early evening Mike Pfahl, Delta Upsilon president, told The meeting lastell about half au hour day's activities began in the mid-afternoon on making way for the next days events. On Mon­ the Daily Kent Stater his fraternity does notal­ and the floor decided tQ send 11t)WC£S to the Saturday when they arrived at Georgetown Uni­ day the JCU group entered the Capital building low drug use at its parties. funeral. The flowers will be" signed by Murphy versity just bordering Washington, D.C~ At to lobby two congress persons for the passing of "I'm the President," Pfahl said. "If they Hall and will be paid for by Residence Life. Georgetown the group attended the Ignacian bill HR-732, a bill proposed by representative have something, I tell them to get the hell out." Acconling to Christie, m.ony of the students Family Teach ln, a group of students from Jesuit JoeMoakley that would shutdown the SOA. The The party was by invitation only, and from the basement floor plan to attend. colleges and high schools that gather to hare group met up with Rep. Stephanie Tubb Jones Chrzanowski was invited by a fratermty brother, Stuc.lents haw also expre~>~ed concern ideas of what students can do to campaign against (Ohio 11 •• congressional district) and Rep. Den­ according to Pfahl. forChrl.l.tnowsiJ's sister who IS ajtmioratJohn theSOA. nis Kucinich (Ohio I ()'• congressional district) Abe Cross, executive director of the Carroll. Presenting at the I.Frl was the ORGANI­ to discuss the bill. fraternity's international headquarters in India­ JCU provided transp~)rtation to mem~~­ ZATION NETWORK, a Catholic organization The JCU group spent their time discuss­ napoli , told the Akron Beacon Journal rial service held for Chrzanowski at St. Noel's that lobbies Congress on soci~justice issues. ing with representative Jones and representative Chrzanowski was known only to "a handful" of Church in Willoughby Ohio. Wednesday. They gave hints on how to lobby congress effec­ Kucinich on how to persuade other Congress the KSU Delta Upsilon members, especially The freshmen class has sugg.:'sted spon­ tively and used role-playing scenarios to give the members to pass the bill and how the members those with whom he had gone to high school. sonng a memorialma..,~ early next week for students an idea of what to expect. of the John Carroll community can help support Accord111g to Peach. Chrzanowski had Chrzanowski if tlw family finds it appropri­ "It was exciting to learn how to lobby the issue. ''JCU had a very positive experience. gone to the party with a female acquaintance. ate. Congress and how not to be 1gnorcd," said Patrick while others had a more frustrating experience." Jumor Jason Christie. resident ass1stant on Ac~ording to Dean of Student~, Patnck Barry, a freshman at JCU. '·Everybody in the said Reim. Chrzanowski's floor at John Carroll, said of Rombnlski. JCU ''ill C<lntinue to prO\'tde audience benefited from the presentation. Dean of Students Patrick Rombalski. was Chrzanowski, "He was a Yery cordialmdiVIdual. counseling for student · from other t1oors. Par­ A goal of the IFf! was to develop a sense impressed w1th the attention the group received Anytime you'd see him. he'd smile and say. 'lu.' ents of friends and cia smate have called tht> of community for the students. "Students came from both congresswoman Tubbs and congress­ He was JUSt a good, fnendly per~on." John Cam II 1. OJI<:t'rned ah11Ut their chtldr n, all the way from Santa Clara Umversity in Cali­ man Kucinich. Chrzanowski's sister, Megan, is a junior and the univen;ity has med to provide those formato participate,'' said Dan Reim, S.J. "lt's "We were very appreciative of the tune at John Carroll. students wtth counseling. exciting to see students from vanous Jesuit Congresswomen Stephanie Tubbs Jones and This story was complied hy Rona ''1 thmk wh1le it', a tragic loss. tt's im­ schools coming together to network ideas about Congressmen Dennis Kucinich took with the Proudfoot, Editor-in-Chief, based 011 information pwtant to remember him as a person and in their similar Jesuit values." group," said Rombalski. ll helped dispel any received from the Daily Kent Stater and the Ak· that way keep his memory alive,"('hristie ;;1id. sense that our govern­ ron Beacon Journal. ment isn't accessible." When asked about the future of the Classes of '01, '02, '03 elect representatiues SOA Reim said. "The numbers of people The seruor, junior and sophomore class representatives for the 2000-200 l school year were learning about the is­ determmed after the final class officer election ballots were tabulated Tuesday night. sues of the SOA con­ Mike Hudec was named president of the class of 200 I. Other semor clas~ officer. for next tinue to grow. More year are Max Sherer, vice president, Scott Embacher. secretary. Henry Burns. treasurer, Blaise Brown, and more people are on-campus senator. and B.J. Brown, Alison Desmond and J11lian Valerius, off-can1pus senators. continuing to see that Newly elected junior class representatives are Tara Brucato, president.
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