Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-21-1981 University News, October 21 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. "., ~"7':"; •• ','C"~-: George! I . Page 6 VOLUMEl- l,SSUE21 OCTOBER 21-27, .1981 ····1'Mak."nOMi;tftif'fie;·~'· .···········Humber . One.·.problemJae- Spuds: iog uS,now is lli!!com· munistic .inHltrationin McCarthvism 'g~Y~m,mtnLThe growth (Oft~,.~rni~Lcancer will lnldaho ~\${~iii~'lil;,j~~jrij~'~II)i~er~,f!8rt!" By Donald Barclay \. -:"'I:RP;tAN WCLI<IfR N 19~4 LYMAN William Hall, age 81, 'emerged from an Illinois prison that had been his home since 1897, the year he began serving a lifesentence' " for murder.' A return to society after a '..I '. fifty-seven. year hiatus . was' not to be overlooked by reporters in search 'of a .il..".....C.Nf{~A~ij~~fi;i.t~ .feature storyv.so the press was on hand to ,lfj~ilT!E:DSTATESi meet Hall when he' walked out of the penitentiary a free man. After answering as few questions for the newsmen, Hall had a SI~NA'OR;·~"'~' J question for them: "Who",' inquired the long-time prisoner", "in the Sam Hillis this fellow McCarthy?'" Who was Senator Joseph McCarthY, R-Wisconson'i That was probably the sixty- four-thousand dollar Ad from the Idaho Statesman, November 5, 1950. question 0f 1954. ' Continued to page 8 • ..:...---'--.-,;.-,..:..---'----------~---,--,--,--,--,--,------.,------:---- ~, : - \ ' .... ,""""'~ - City .Council , City Council , byMarianne Flagg This is thefirst of a three-partseries on M.K. "Pete" Talbott would like to stand inc\.UnbentFredKopke fora two-year term the candidatesfor the Boise'City Councll. in that shadow from now until elections day' on the Co~nciI. "" '. on. Nov. 3. , . Talbott. proudly claims that "lam 11 The Baise Redevelopment Agency and its' And there.willbe: acrowd'ofotber 'one-issue. candidate, '. and. that issue is plan. for> a .'downtown mall cast ..long" candidates along with him. dOWnto\\in redeyelopment.., He sees the lingering shadows over the. upcoming Boise Talbott, a2Q-year oldretired utility clerk eles:tion?asessentiallya "clear vote,". a City Council race. ' .. for Union . Pacific ··Railroad, is battling ,re(erenduinonth,e. B.R.i\.. and its, policies. Continued to page. 22 - ; VISTA ~~TA :. ~ BRASS " LAMP Proudly Announces EVERY :~a~~S~~~/UGHTIS9(~i~LL $~.00: Pitch.ts!'ch~ed$~.00 off all ,Pizzas ;Come wat'chour cartoon"feature , This week·sBlg Screen Cinema schedule: I ,. I f" 10 1.1 ~u10 14 '>un10 15 ' Mm 10 }" TlA.o,10 1I lAiu.IIO iH: Thu" 10'N C\llll ....\l"K1 i C'.N'< NIWlI 'OOM(~ld1y Hmc.UllU' t,'rnl'''Jlyjll 'IOOlUJl A,>,,,,,· l\o.J.,\l.xX./t K~Tht~DtU I\iJ~1111(x1d:,,11 1)(l)l<,~''''I·-h., (nn1t'llvl UUlIU' ('kl'v"\'i\t 1('JI11~11 ... IU\llllt~ HUl1lff 10OOllulyH,ury' • ,Coming Oct. 25: \. ;0 " The Sim.on & Ba.rd JOzz- •• Qu.artet Returns to Boise! _" Two 'Shows - 7& 9:30. Tickets $4.50 . Available .ot rylusician's Pro Shop and .: .at the CtQ~Y Horse:, .' i5i9 Main St. r. !. I , .". , -' ------ ~ .'#":' --- ' i." \222 b'QOADWAY ph·)3·6.--Ll-f.,..,.,....1"'2----r ?~~f-(J)'&-r I?OIS~ IDA~O ~ t ".f".... ' . ··soup ! " • SALAD ~'. :; • SANDWICHES r / • DEER o WINE. • SODA Monday· Yhu...day 3 pm to Close "MEET THEMAYORAL Buy one Large sandwich r and get a Pitcher of, CANDIDATES" , . Beer for only $Iao 112 Block So. of University on Broadway, LUNCHEON """n.Th". 'I"''.ll"' emto ,,,._'.. '. n~~.I .... tn."1 ':'''':'''''--' U.II ,I 'Jv ...,m· ,.Fri-SotlO:30 om to l1pm • Don Brannan ·:·in'ithe·SUB ,I ,Sundoyl0:30omto}pm' • .'Paul<Buser -Dick 'Edrdley . BALLROOM • Kelly Pearce Oct. 28', • Jim, Sorrel ,NOON -1:30 , , Tf\lKAND Q&A'PERIOD 'I ' .The'place mots ..-. always BURNINGwith Admission: $4.00 Students , $5.00 General 9-0C.f n ;~~ ,. INCLUD~S"LUNCH ~}~ ~o\\ ~. , *~ 8' ~.~'~~\:"z~&i~ spon~?1rs BETASIGMA LAMBDA ADA', &' A.S.B.S.~. :~ II~~~~~~~~:'~"='!' ,·..QC';:E'&'31S\ " , .,:' . ~ , .; " "'$1" ' ' ~. ' I . .'. ' - . ::-:PA=GE=2-:-.::UN.=iv.r::J'E~=SITY::· , =NE=WS=-- .•-":·Oc7i=='OB=8R:-:27:/.2~7 -.,;",---------------------..:...: ..--~,.---. -----.:....:.---....:..--..--. '-- -" "'--' '--."'.:-" '-' --,..... '-"f" News- DoctorGets the Nuclear :Boot by Meg Fereday .Real If you've ever met Dr. Carl Johnson, you resignation or being fired until he was would find it hard to imagine that the mild informed as such at a special meeting of the mannered "Mr. Peepers"-Iike scientist board held that day. He was given that day could have brought down the wrath of the to clean out his desk. entire Jefferson. County Health Board Even battles between the state and by Pacific which he directed, as well as raising the ire county health boards c.pntinued. right up of'theJefferson County commissioners and until the time Johnson was forced to resign. the Department of Energy ..To Johnson, he For example, Dr. Stan.Fergeson, a "DOE News Service .was just doing his job. But the controversy man on the Colorado State Health Board his health research had uncovered created a circulated a letter which said: 'I think classic case of doing-a-job too well, and' -Johnson is trying to publish his work in a DOl;1'tEat the Garnish. ironically paying for it. , foreign journal, which shows what poor The Reagan administration's declaration After eight years of service on the health work it is... '" Johnson said. William Agee. Photo by Mike Zuzel, that the Soviet Union is using toxic board, Dr. Carl Johnson was forced to That report, quoted earlier in this article, InformationServices. chemicals in Asia is based on "seriously resign this May. In August, however, is an exhaustive review of' Johnson's incomplete" evidence, according to Science Johnson filed a lawsuit to.be reinstated to radiation emission studies from the Rocky magazine. Secretary of State Haig's "firm the health board. The case is expected Flats plant, illustrating-the cancer incidence 'Agee Speaks evidence" of toxic chemicals, the magazine to go before the Colorado Supreme Court among residents in the Denver area. It was says, turns out to be based on analysis of a later this fall. _. published in the Royal Swedish Academy' by Janice Pavlic single leaf and stem contaminated with Johnson, while the. county health of Science's journal, AMBIO. ~T/1is is the Mycotoxins, a fungus mold the U.S. claims director, became internationally known for same organization that awards the Nobel Wiliiam .Agee, chairman and .chief does not exist naturally in Southeast Asia. his research on the effects of radioactive Prizes and has a very good peer system," executive of Bendix Corporation, spoke in . Not so, according to fungus emi-ssions from nuclear installations. The . Johnson said . the SUB Ballroom before an audience experts-Mycotoxins may well occur research's results hit too close to home. packed with business people and students anywhere on Earth. When asked how when his studies showed .that excessively on October 9. 1 Southeast Asia was ruled out as a home to high amounts of plutonium exist in the air, Agee received his Associate of Arts the naturally-occurring poison, a State water, and soil ofthe Denver area which ldegree from Boise Junior College in 1958 Department spokesman said a search of surrounds the Department of Energy's land his M.B.A. wJ.th distinction' from 3,000 literature references to Mycotoxins Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons plant. [Harvard in 1963. From 1963-72 he served turned up no specific mention of Southeast In, 1914, Jefferson County commission- as senior vice-president and chief financial Asia. ers directed Johnson ,to conduct a routine officer of Boise Cascade Corporation. He zoning check on an area that was slated for has been with Bendix Corporation since One Good Brake, residential 'development just east of the J972 and is a member of the Business plant.· The proposed development area, .Roundtable. ' Deserves Another ho.VieY~[,did notrpass.Johnson's study wi!»: ' , As featured speaker of BSU School of Law enfor~emen'f officers in three st~tes<' 'a' clean bill of health. Instead, his studies . .Business' distinquished speaker series Agee are using the'carrot as well as the stick to uncovered a veritable Pandora's box of soil addressed 'Reawakening the Entrepre- contaminated with' plutonium. .__ ' cOilvince drivers to obey t~~ law: in Swel~t neurial Spirit--a certainty in America of the Herne, Oregon, the Traffic Safety , . "That box hasbeerropened,' and nobody '80's'" • 'Commission israndomly awarding 10 . will ever be able to put the lid back on His speech focused on the need tostep up dollar prizes to drivers found to be wearing -again," Ann Eckstrom ,said, former research and development, hO\'1"the U.S. seatbelts.And in EastClevelandjOhio, a director of the Denver-based" Business needs to begin investing, in' tlie space municipal judge who wants to clean up his Organized for' a SafeBoclety (BOSS). program again, because of the byproducts ., ''1 books before retiring has announced a BOSS's goals, Eckstrom' said, are "to' in the technological innovation it bears. Interestingly, Bendix Corporation's Aero- half-price sale: 10 dollar parking violations articulate the inextricable connection Dr. Carl johnson. can be paid off for five bucks. Motorists in between our biological and economic space Group Manufactures electronic Trying to discredit Johnson's findings components for NASA.
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