UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday September 23, 2003 Volume 50 Number 5 www.upenn.edu/almanac Ryan Veterinary Hospital Two Endowed Chairs for History Professors Last Friday, the School of Arts Dr. Margo Todd, University held a and Sciences Dean who joined Penn dedication and re- Samuel H. Preston this summer, has naming ceremony for is pleased to an- been appointed the Matthew J. Ryan nounce two chair the Walter H. An- Veterinary Hospi- appointments. nenberg Professor tal of the Universi- Dr. Barbara of History, fol- ty of Pennsylvania, D. Savage, pro- lowing her ser- to honor the speaker fessor of history, vice as associate of the Pennsylvania has been appoint- professor of his- House of Represen- ed the Geraldine tory and director tatives who advocat- R. Segal Profes- of graduate stud- ed for the school for Matthew J. Ryan sor of American ies at Vanderbilt more than 40 years. Social Thought. University. He knew of the University Trusteesʼ ap- proval of the name change prior to his death She has been a Photo by Lisa Godfrey After complet- member of the ing an A.B. from on March 29, 2003. Dean Alan Kelly, Presi- Penn faculty since Barbara Savage Margo Todd Tufts Universi- dent Judith Rodin, and Governor Ed Rendell 1995. Her research and teaching center on Afri- ty, Dr. Todd earned her M.A. and Ph.D. from were among those who praised Mr. Ryan for his can American history, the historical relationship Washington University. She teaches courses statesmanship, his integrity and humility and his between media and politics, and African Amer- on British history, the history of religion in passion for the School of Veterinary Medicine, ican religious history. She received a Ph.D. in early modern Europe and Anglo-America, and and its two teaching hospitals. The Matthew J. history from Yale in 1995, and also holds a J.D. intellectual and cultural history. Ryan Veterinary Hospital is one of the largest from Georgetown and a B.A. from the Univer- Dr. Todd is the author of Christian Human- and most advanced companion animal teaching sity of Virginia. ism and the Puritan Social Order, Reformation hospitals in the world, with more than 27,000 Dr. Savageʼs publications include Broad- to Revolution: Politics and Religion in Early patient visits a year, including 11,000 emergen- casting Freedom: Radio, War and the Politics Modern England, and The Culture of Protes- cy cases. of Race, 1938-1948 (UNC Press, 1999) which tantism in Early Modern Scotland, which re- Ed. Note: See page 2, for a tribute in memory of won the Hoover Book Award for the best book ceived this yearʼs Longman History Today Prize Matthew J. Ryan, by Dr. Alan Kelly, the Gilbert in American history in the period 1916-1966. for book of the year. She recently completed ar- S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine. She is currently completing a book on religion ticles on the theological disputes at the Dutch and African American political culture in the Synod of Dort, the Scottish bishop William Building On Excellence: twentieth century. Dr. Savage has held fellow- Cowper, and parochial education in post- The Leadership Agenda ships at the Schomburg Center for the Study of Reformation Scotland. The latter will appear in Building On Excellence: The Leader- Black Culture at the New York Public Library, an upcoming Review of Scottish Culture. ship Agenda, A Strategic Plan for the Uni- the Center for the Study of Religion at Prince- Dr. Toddʼs latest research project explores versity—which was initiated more than two ton, and the Smithsonian Institution. the history of the royal burgh of Perth in the years ago and which builds on the Agenda At Penn, Dr. Savage has served as under- 16th and 17th centuries. She has received nu- for Excellence (Almanac April 2, 2002) is graduate chair for the history department and on merous honors for her research on early mod- published OF RECORD, in this issue. numerous faculty search and advisory commit- ern English and Scottish history and the culture tees, including the Curriculum Committee, the of reformed Protestantism in Britain and early Wharton: #1 M.B.A. Program Faculty Editorial Board of the Penn Press, and America, including a Royal Historical Society Pennʼs Wharton School—the oldest the Advisory Board of the Center for Africana Fellowship, a National Endowment for the Hu- collegiate business school—has been Studies. She is currently a member of the Con- manities Senior Fellowship, and an American ranked no. 1 in the recently released Wall sultative Committee for the selection of the Uni- Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. Street Journalʼs Guide to the Top Busi- versityʼs next president. The Walter H. Annenberg Professorship in ness Schools 2004. Wharton jumped to While attending graduate school, Dr. Savage History was endowed by the Honorable Le- the top from fifth place in last yearʼs sur- was director of federal relations in the General onore Annenberg and the late Honorable Walter vey. The annual survey is based on the Counselʼs Office at Yale. Prior to that, she was Annenberg in 1989. The Annenbergs endowed results of an opinion poll of some 2,200 counsel to a U.S. Senate subcommittee; a Con- many chairs in SAS and made countless contri- corporate recruiters. The Harris Interac- gressional staff director; and a senior staff attor- butions to Penn, including the founding of the tive poll ranks schools on how well they ney and assistant to the president of the Chil- Annenberg School for Communication in 1958. and their graduates meet corporate talent drenʼs Defense Fund. IN THIS ISSUE requirements. Wharton scored very well Bernard (C ʼ28, L ʼ31, Hon ʼ69), and Geraldine, in the categories of teaching strong finan- (Ed ʼ30, Gr ʼ78) Segal created this chair in 1978 2 SENATE: SEC Actions; In Memory of Mr. Ryan; Town Meetings on Presidential Search; cial and accounting skills, and having an when the late Geraldine Segal completed her Penn/Leuven Faculty Exchange excellent faculty. The others in the list of Ph.D. in sociology at Penn. She was the author 3 Associate Provost Search Committee; Deaths; top ten business schools, in decending or- of In Any Fight Some Fall and Blacks and the Council Meeting Agenda; New Gardens der are: Dartmouth College, the Univer- Law. The late Bernard Segal, a former University 4 COUNCIL: Community Relations Report 6 Pennʼs Way; Pottruck Center; EHRS Training; sity of Michigan, Northwestern Univer- Trustee, was one of Americaʼs most respected HR Programs; HealthQuest; WPSA Volunteers sity, the University of Chicago, Carnegie lawyers and received Pennʼs Alumni Award of 7 Update; CrimeStats; Classifieds Mellon University, Columbia Univer- Merit in 1977. This chair is interdisciplinary in 8 BENCHMARKS: Penn Humanities Forum—Belief Pullouts: sity, Harvard University, Yale Universi- nature and is intended for a scholar of national ty, and University of North Carolina at reputation whose central interests include human University Council Bylaws; Building On Excellence: The Leadership Agenda— Chapel Hill. rights, civil liberties, and race relations. A Strategic Plan for the University of Pennsylvania ALMANAC September 23, 2003 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 In Memory of SENATE From the Senate Office Speaker Matthew J. Ryan I attended two very moving services in mem- The following statement is published in accordance with the Senate Rules. Among other ory of Matthew J. Ryan, Speaker of the Pennsyl- purposes, the publication of SEC actions is intended to stimulate discussion among the vania House of Representatives. The first was constituencies and their representatives. Please communicate your comments to Senate Chair held at St. Mary Magdalen Church in Media, Lance Donaldson-Evans, or Kristine Kelly, Box 12, College Hall/6303, (215) 898-6943 or [email protected]. PA, on April 8, the day after his body lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg. Matt is the first person to be so honored since Abra- Actions Taken by the Senate Executive Committee ham Lincoln in 1865. The service was attended by over 150 members of the General Assembly 1. Chairʼs Report and by Governor Rendell and three past Com- Faculty Senate Chair Lance Donaldson-Evans opened the meeting with a brief review of the monwealth governors including Homeland Se- special Executive Committee meeting. Professor Donaldson-Evans expressed the appreciation of curity Secretary Tom Ridge. The second service the Trustees for the efficient and good work of both the Committee on Committees and the Execu- was in the magnificent Chamber of the House tive Committee. To that end, Professor Donaldson-Evans extended the Senateʼs gratitude to Mar- of Representatives in the State Capitol on April tin Pring, Chair of the Senate Committee on Committees, and to his Committee for its excellent and 14, a stoneʼs throw from the architecturally dis- expeditious work. tinguished Speaker Matthew J. Ryan Legislative Professor Donaldson-Evans next provided a brief overview of items that would be on the Exec- Office Building, a tribute by his colleagues in utive Committeeʼs agenda this year. Issues included the continuation of the formation of the new Faculty Development Committee and a review of the policies and procedures of SEC with an eye every branch of State Government. toward updating Senate Rules and also making SEC more efficient and relevant to faculty concerns. I am delighted to report that Mattʼs name Another agenda item will be SECʼs review of the proposed Academic Clinician Educator Track will now grace the facade of yet another build- from the School of Medicine. This proposal is currently being reviewed by the Senate Committee ing, one perhaps as close to his heart as the one on the Faculty. on Capitol Hill. Last February, the Universi- ty Trustees resolved that VHUP be renamed as The Executive Committee was then given a status report on both the Vice Provost for Research and Associate Provost Searches.
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