0"'''n ... - ... "'''' ......."'" 0:0:<... o~'" or 7.: ...... ~ .... ~ ... PRAIRIE REGI '"',.,... SCHEDULE ... July 9 -Z5, 195 '" Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME III No. 28 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. JUNE 30 Sc PER COPY $1.00 PER YEAR This Week: Winnipeg Strings (Page 2) * Canadian Family Tree (Page 3) Korda On* Movies (Page 4) * Shaw's Village Wooing (Page 5) Lo~t'cr Basin* Street (Page 8) N the garden of a recently-flooded* Winnipeg I home, a CDC Special Events crew is recording an item for Saturday Magazine (Saturday~' 2:03­ 1:03 p.m.), in this week's cOver picture. Left to right arc: Bon WILSON and NORMAN MCnAIN (with microphone), cnc annoum..'CTS; MISS CATU­ .,:HINE MAcIvl::Il. CBe talks producer; VINCENT ~lc~IAJION> cac operator; C. C. GUNNIKC. CBe news editor (standing) and JACK \VllITEHOUSf;' owner of the flooded home. *** Special Events "Showing one end of Canada to the other and hoth ends to the middle:' That's how A. E. Powley of Toronto sums up the idea behind his work in planning and arran~­ ing special ('vents hroadcasts for the CBC. The actuality broadcast, he points out, is one of radio's nni(lue talents. The CBC exploits it cxtensively­ during the summer more than in anv other season -"to seek out and bring to the Canadian audience by means of on-th£O-spot description happeninJ(s and customs and plal.'(,'S that go to make up the Canadian scene. Actuality programs (most important of which is Saturday Magazine on the Trans-Canada network) Powley says are based on the idea that the Cana­ dian scene is so wide and varied as to be full of eRe Saturday Magazine materials of interest to listeners across the country. The exchange of actuality program material is will visit nve places for eye-witness reports on ning of the Quebec King's Plate; and from Calgary, carried out' every .week on a nation-wide basis­ important summer outdoor events. From Saskatoon suumls and voices at the famous Stampede. each Saturday afternoon (in the program starting there will he a commentary on the 'Villingdon At certain times, as on July 15, the emphasis at 2:03-1:03 p,m.) there are at least two and Cup and Canadian Junior Calf Championships; sometimcs as muny as five "pickups" from widely­ from 51. Catharines, Ontario, an account of a soap­ falls heavily on sport. But o\'er the !'llInmer period, separated points. box derby; from Hamilton, a broadcast from the Saturday Magaz.ine and other progmms take in the Taking July 15 as an example: on tltis occasion scene of the Canadian Track and Field Champion­ widest possible range of scene and {'\·ent. Already Saturday Magazine will last for three hours and ships; from Montreal, a commentary on the run- this season the Saturday (TuTrl to 1Jage 5) Page 2 CBC TIMES Prairie Region CRITICALLY SPEAKING views on the question, Have we Sunday, July 9th, 1950 Ct.-orge \V 0 0 d C 0 c k, free-lance H."ached a turning point in the cold hroauetlstcr and literary critic, will be war? He sees at lllC present time a this week's book reviewer. He will dis­ revolutionary change in American ~1ANITOBA CBW, (990 Ke.) (COT) cuss three recent English novcls­ thinking; and he believes Russia may 8:55 Musical Program 12:45 Heroes 01 Faith 6:45 The Old Songs Nothing by Henry Green, A Fearful be pushing the 'Vest in a direction 9:00 CDC News 1 :00 CDC News 1:00 Starlime 9:03 Weather. Interlude 1:03 Capital Report 8:00 Summer Theatre Joy by Joyce Cary and Apology for n they had not intended and for which 9: 15 Musical Program 1 :30 Reliqlous Period 8 :30 Lillie Symphonies Hero by E. L. Barker. the 'Vest had not prepared. 9:30 Recital 2:00 Invitation 10 Music 9:00 CDC National News 10:00 CDC News 3:30 Church of the Air 9:10 Arnold Toynbee W-4:30 p.m. K·3:30 p.m. X-2:30 p.m. W-9:10 p.m. K-8:10 p.m. X·7:10 p.m. 10:02 Neilihbourly News ":00 Music: I Like 9:30 Summer Strings 10:15 Prairie Gardener 4:30 Critically Speaking- 10:00 Winnlpeq String 10:30 Concert Album 5:00 John Fisher Orcheautl CLEAIUNG UP THE WEATHER SUMMEn STRINGS 11:00 St. Aidan's Anglican 5:15 CSC News 10:30 Orqan Recital Church 5:17 Clearinq Up The 11:00 Summertime Is Our Climate Changing? This is Orchestra conducted by Geoffrey 11:59 Dominion Time Signal Wealher 12:00 CDC New. the topic to be discussed by ,V. E. Waddington; Elizabeth Benson Guy, 12:00 Alan Mills 5:27 Weatber 12:10 Weather soprano. Eliz'lbeth Benson Guy: Songs 12:15 Frosia Tells a Story 5:30 My Uncle Louis 12:15 C<madiana Tumbull, of the Dominion Public 12:30 Organ Music 6:00 Sunday Evening lIour 12:30 V.sper HoUl" "'eather Office in Toronto. It.,ly ~Iother Taught Me (Dvorak); ~fay W-5:17 p.m. K-4:17 p.m. X-3:17 p.m. J ai Ferme les Yew' (Pepin); CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Ke.) (MDT) Day Carol (arT. Deems Taylor). The 8:55 Weather 12:30 Reliqious Period 7:00 Summer Thealre COUNCIL OF CHURCHES orchestra will playa numher of short 9:00 CSC News 1:00 Invitation to Music 7:30 Lillie Symphonies compositions inchlding Liebesfreud 9:02 Neigbbourly News 2:30 Church ot the Air 8:00 esc National News A number of broadcasts will mark 9:15 Prairie Gardenor 3:00 Music I Like 8:10 Amold Toynbee (Krf'isler). From Toronlo. 9:30 Recital 3:30 Critically Speaking 8:30 Summer Strings the meeting of the 'Varld Council of W-9:30 p.m. K-8:30 p.m. X·7:30 p.m. 10:00 SBC News 4:00 John Fisher 9:00 Winnipeq String Churches in Toronto this week. This 10:15 Music For Meditation 4: IS esc News Orchestra 10:30 Harmony Harbour 4:17 Clearing Up The 9:30 Organ Recital evening an t..-'Cumcnieal service COn­ WINNIPEG STRING 10:59 Dominion rime Signal Weather 10:00 Summertime ducted by Rt. Rev. Eiviml Bcrggrav, 11:00 Alan Mills 4:27 Weather 11:00 CDC New. ORCHESTRA 11: 15 Frosia TeUs a Siory II:II} Wealher Bishop of Oslo, will be broadeast from The first of a 11:30 Organ Music 4:30 My Uncle Louis 11:15 Canadiana Timothy Eaton ~Iem{)rial Church. 11 :45 Heroes of Faith 5:00 Sunday Evening Hour 11:30 Vesper Hour series of summer 12:00 CBC News 5:45 Tho Old Songs 12:00 Prelude 10 Midnight Dom. 6·30 p.m. concerts by the 12:03 Capital Report 6:00 Slarlime 12:55 CBC News CBC Winnipeg CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Ke) (MST) STARTIME String Orchestra Orchestra conducted by N e i 1 under the direc­ 7:55 Musical Program 11 :30 Religious Period 6:30 Lillie Symphonies 8:00 CDC News 12:00 Invitation 10 Music 7:00 CDC National News Chotem, wit h three well-known lion of Ronald 8:02 Neighbourly News I :30 Church 01 the Air 7:10 Arnold Toynbee French~Canadian artists-Jeanne Dcs~ Cibson. Howard B: 15 Prairie Gardener 2:00 Music I Like 7:30 Summar Strlng8 8:30 Recital 2:30 Critically Speaking 8 :00 Wlnnipog String jan.lins, soprano; Robert Savoie, bass; Leylon - Brown, 9:00 DBC News 3: 00 John Fisher Orchestra 9: 15 Music for Meditation 3: 15 CSC News 8:30 Organ Recllal violinist, will be 9:30 Harmony Harbour 3:17 Clearing Up The 9: 00 Summerlime lhe guest. The 9:59 Dominion Time Signal Woather 10:00 CBC New. 10:00 Alan Mills 3:27 Weather progrnm will in­ 10:15 Frosia Tells a Siory 3:30 My Uncle Louis 10:10 Weather clude three 10:30 Organ Music 4:00 Sunday Evening Hour 10: 15 Canadiana 10:30 Vesper Hour works by Bach­ 10:45 Heroes of Faith 4: 4S The Old Songs Arioso and In Howard Leyton·Brown 11:00 CDC News 5:00 Startime II :00 Prelude 10 Midnight II :03 Capital Report 6:00 Summer Thealre 11 :55 CDC New. Thee Is Joy, by the orchestra; and ~'lajor, CBC DO~lINION (MDT) Concerto in E by Mr. Leylon­ Brown. Mr. Leyton-Brown is the sub­ 4:00 The Singing MarShoul6:00 Pause.That RC!treshes 8:00 Contented Hour 5:00 Voices Thai Live 6:30 CounCil of Churches I leader of the London Philharmonic . 7:00 Opora Concert 8:30 Flavored with Fiute 5:30 Hawaii Calls 7:30 Bod's Scrapbook 9:00 Dominion New. Orchestra. He was born in 1918 in Melbourne: Australia, and studied with For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week·s Eduard Lambert, obtaining his Dip­ Times--See Page 8. loma of ~1usic at ~Ielboume Univer­ sity at the age of 17. In 1937 he went to Europe and studied in Belgium « « NOTES »» CAPITAL REPORT willI Carl Flesch, and with Max nostal ~ax Freedman from \Vashington, in England. He joined the R.A.F. in RECITAL i\fatthew Halton from London, and 1940 and from 1942 to 1944 was a Charles \Voodsworth frum Ottawa. Howard Leyton-Brown, violinist. fiying instructor in Canada. During W-I:03 p.m. K-12:03 p.m. X-ll:03 a.m. Sonata in G Major, K301 ( fozart); that time Mr.
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