011300136038 30*19-2019 00:40 UTC 1 HWL tBSWORTH LAWYERS j Ou R£ PC:931481 YoU 14.1: 1 Fax Cover Sheet To: The M ager CompRny Announcement; Compii,F Alimirallan Secirlow Exchange Uma,d 1300135638 From: Peter Campbal Phon.1 0882050836 Suw•Ot Nooce of Chmge of Interelt of Subetantial Holder (Form 604) 30 August 2019 No. of PIBI: 55 (alchidhg thle one) Th declmit, hicaldlg 4 -c/,11,Ill, may oonyl, p,klegid md coridic,W liifo/nialon billidad ody I Ai d-menlm,d,bon "pul.nithe **M...MA..1,0*U, kv-10*u,t.Hd- or „pri,di,000,1 of Al oon # of 11* doci,n,Id li 0 ,I„ly lorbldel,L Dears*/Madam We *,id, a letter and Notte of charee of In erests of subets,tial holder (Form 604) 47 respect of Pr¥ne Media Group Umlted (ASX:PRO. Th notice ba given by Bruce Gordon, BlrkeN Pty Ud, WIN Corporation Pty Ltd and each of the en#Ues referred to In the Ann®aire to the notice. Y fatilully Adelild• ANce Springs Brlsbane C.bem Pe.Om.4 Dan, 1 P=tner Hobart HWL EbmAorlh Lm,yers Milboin,I Non%,st Perth Doc D 888048*21* Il/Al#Il%Nal4IlglwllIl•sl#AlillIWI si ,He Illl//il T ,0-. 4 Sil.0.00 90 I. *4 Aillil/. SA 3..4 #- e .... 9.44,5..0/4 4*12.4....-i.. h.*i....2hmmil Millit'.ll 0113001 I 30*142019 00:48 UTC HWL iBSWORTH LAWYERS Cks Rt PAC: 031481 1 30 August 2019 The Manager Comp y Ar ounoements AU"ni/ni.CU%Euu",2. 1 Exchang, C*,4 20 Bridge Shet SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear S*#Madain, Nolioi of ch ,gi of Int,reits of subili,W holdu (Folm 004) We enclooe a Notice of clwee of Iniere- of substar- holder (Form 604) (Notice) In re,pect of Prime Media Group Unmed (AS)(:PRT) (PrUM). This Notice Is glvmi by Bruce Gordon. Judith Gordon, Bhlt Pty Ltd, WIN Corporaton Pty Ltd and =ch of the entities referred to the Annoiaire lothe NoUce (WII Group). Re-ons con#lbuting to up¢blid ", -V holding dIiciomn The Notlce do= not relate to a change In relevant Int,rlits that has ricidly occurred but rath,r b isauKI at thi request of ASIC In order to oorreot dieoloeine previoully given to Phe ind the rnarld i, relailon b WIN Grou r,I,vt IMI<eits Ind ivgip I qicioures to As volunt Ily dbcloied pursuant to U- notici of change of Ir-est, of substmti,1 holder 1 (Form 604) dated 2 Febru=y 2018 given by Bruce Gordon, BH<* Pty Ltd and the WIN 1 Group (2 F,bru=y 2018 Notio•1 Blrket, Pty Ltd entered Inlo a ca,h =ttled share lvAMP tr=motion In relaion to 18,000,000 fuly paid ord*wry shwes h PRT (Trms=tion) pinci=,t to m cor*me#on bitvien Blrift Pty LW and D,ut,che Bank AG figtmfl 30 Januliy 2018 (Original De Cof*m Hon). On 13 Merch 2019, Bhlootu Pty Ld amended the §errns of the TrmeacIon = set Out h th, 0,101al DB Conftmotkn to Incni,e b expomn kin add ond 160,000 A:ly pad or*sy Iharei h PRT. This endment B the Transa©Mon was not voluntarNy clidosed It U,o lme. On 24 May 2019, Blrkt Pty Ltd fUrther,nended the terms of the Trmeaceon to hcreme Adilaide Its expoeure to an additional 10,900,000 fully paid ordhary sherss h PRT. This amen*nent to the terms of the Traniacuon wes volunt,ly divdoeed h the notice of change of Inesrests sb,ne of aubelentld holder (Form 604) cia&ed 29 May 2019 gtven by Bruce Gordon. Blrketu Pty Ltd Can.m and the WIN Group (20 May 2019 Notice). Hobart The above-mer*loned amendmer,18 to the Traneaction ware recorded In a letter from Melbourne Deutsche Bank AG to Bal<etu Pty Ud dsted 28 May 2019 (luriase Confirmation). Non"'.St /4.-4//.4*0 Perth 1 Doo D 088308813/91 Mil"*58* 0113001 I 30*142019 00:48 UTC Bnetu Pty Ltd col*rns that 1 • Ovgn the amen*nents m,nmilsed above and docurner ed hl the Increme Confk,71=limi, the Transaction 18 now referincid to m ag[,eg- of 29,050,000 fully pdd ordhwy shares h PRT at an adjusled r#Irince pnce of $0.2936; • U,•aboveamen*nents do not ohgp thi nalixi of Blim Pty Lfs bler•,t h the PRT shiree the subject of the Transaction, h that such hterest b nd a r,livarlt hterest under secOon 608 d the Act and • thedluoilre of the above amen nents made on a vokmtary basIA 80(6 Pty Ltd cor*rns that for the purposes d 9,9 sale of the 43 mion PRT elses which occurred on 24 May 2019, = clsolosed In the 29 May 2019 Nolloe, the Origind DB 1 Co,711„7,=H,„1 and Incr.ma Confi-r,¤11*,n se relevant agreements. 81*etu Pty Lid confl,ine that Deutsche Bank AG =**1 es both vendor agent and purohmer h respect of the de of 10,900,000 of those 43 mkn PRT siwel. In the 29 May 2019 Notice, Bruce Gordon vok tortly dI ololed that hi had er*Bred *110 a 14 mitied sh,e n,p hmer410,1 on 29 Aprl 2019 In relation to 42,474,289 Uy paid or wy sheres h PRT plnu,nt to a cor*malon bet*,in Biuce Gordon and Bank Vontobel AG (Vontobel Swap). Bruce Gordon plrponed lo er- Into the Vontobel Swap by way of 1,1.tnictions provided b J8rg Vermagirm,rnsfing AG (JV AG), an *arnal asset mineger and Bruce Ind Judilh Gordorrs sole Inlermedil in d„ilf with Bank Vontobel AG. Mr Gordon's in,truotons to JV AG wen not c,rbd out for the ptrpose of the Vontobel 8*ap such thit whle Br„n, and Judith Gordon Mve nevir hadanyla 1,100* h ah=es h Pm 1 that Blk Ventobd AG acquhd (id live n ver purporied lo mo„obe any lig l,ighto a.ic,clae,d wnh i,y mioh a mes), Bruce and Judmh Gordon heide benda ld=* and Iccordhigly a devmt h#* In * Ihime *d Binic Vorlobel AG eoqulred. F milon NiqIi** by AS C 1-heee dic„TistE,ices oon**xrted b WIN Grol®'8 amounlulation of a #tal economic litervit h Pilme which. at thedate of th* notice, d exceed• 2096. Whle WIN Grot*s relevant *'IN..4 at the d- of thli notice. are less than 1696, ASIC rec*,eiled md WIN Group igmed to d est #1*relts luch th,t I; lotal economIc Gocposlie WI not oceed 2096, Ind wl addie the ms,ket accord *onoe thle has been completed. Inthe Mdm, WIN Group hes aho agmed to provide updted dlicloeue 10 the n,8,1< In the form of thll correspondence 1 and Al lialoe to ocifed h pror dlidclol,es . i.- _- A.686/,APartner Special Counsel HWL Ebe,Auth Lawyers HWL Eb.*OR# Lawbws 461 88205 0836 +61 8 8206 0636 peampbenOI,*le=n.iu raomdrordil"le com/U 1 p.9.2 DI D.Im'.1541 0113001 I 30*142019 00:48 UTC 152*2(m Form604 Collorill" Ad %11 ./.018 NoRce of chmge of Interests of substandal holder /2 0/'ll ".g klmm pd- i *0 MI FR,) ACM 000704 8 1. [1 1,•1•1 -, I-fl) Nai allc•Go*1:.kl Gordol 86 1*Lk WINCotpor,onhIM/11)/0/»mod gs/WEI, dhAmlIan 8/0./.".0.,) ACIA RA*. 003 831 392 9-D,F' LM)/0007374040'SO Tlic=,dimhe,Inbll,bal*.Mul ... 89•Imliki'"IA T!11 p.'I .'.18 - gl...com"i¥ an a. 19 mlom noli I 6- 19 I Ele L mall. * ..ill.. Pomr limlmaill,--01/10/*w*Imbm=,givar,*ul,Ii-bilild,IMWhiIl/#bil ,m-0*1,0 la*Itlilitll Ilun W,ildld, lit Z= I * IMgh,a.*Iliu kill iloloibli .1,Ili,¥cr/1,Ii, IiI *Im 8'hm24Arms,A 10.-'ll./.Im. ./... .r-alth./1/1,/b.*Whk orm........=..4.=.V...4/./.d'.M b.=11'ar di"=-.R'.r 91'k,!134 Alms' A d A·rmn C IM Pa1bi=*IM lill/Witdil-llil//1,Iilid,aulnw , =oilbilluliodip m aldgic .Ibld11.-of :'. .:P***<..PY '.2. :.:: Ar,--A .p=mid=hillomi,=lod,i.(440..,Id....90:/laGarl,Ild=*-r/Ild./=lo,1/#1®*e»=lb/Ill/11*IM.IMIOn.*4.* Doc D 006388483 1 0113001 I 30*142019 00:48 UTC ....i'QUI'libl./.'* 2- 3, . Se,ImlofArmanA=!Armane i Aly'..,= Tli *,Ii= 01/111,Ii,I/ 4 Ilbm =I lim= ...... Buce Gordon maH.-IMIR*Bmiuda haGo n IHI-Imck*Sm**u BkireD, Pt, Lid T-,lon ANIA Mout 8# 1191 *lopo i NEW 25I V# Corporalon P4 Lid TI**A***8 *Bom*W **CWZI 0, r= 01" 11/9.til. clp=* Comp,ly Seg*y, m<*, Ry Lld .1,11.' 30 Augi* m19 (1) 1."mam'.1..........=d'*"d--*a<-bi'*.0-1,4. m'",d#-1 mill#*10-02* bilidid/Am-lohibi, Illie,Ilidlli dign, dp=n==,il:*Illi,liliqbs Il,1,410*m#illammalizigil,nind ,pllimi,1*10:,1*dighm imb=iiddl,Ii,=di,I,03=be =tallh p=Il.01 04h#a 880 *18 dlith of'=ool,h' 1, =0* 0 d *»Ccrpo-m ki Eol. 81,modialonof'Ihi,ilitia=alimIMMUlapldliCE,1„Il=A[illm.
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