I' k Csfl I r$f Page Tyro UMVEBSITY MISSOTJBIAIf, FRIDAY, APEIL 16, 1915 council; as one of its first acts, has GETS PAMPHLET ON BELGIUM RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Kansas Wohuh Organizes Clab Here, will devote her time to the orgaaufl UNIVERSITY MTSSOURIAN ordered that the old stepping-stone- s Miss Addle D. Root, formerly of the tlon of boys' and girls' clubs. She ww9 II. 0. Severance Placed on Mailing Prof. J. D. Ellin Attended Meeting of Agricultural College give special to (Friday, April 1C, 1915) must go. We are glad to lose this Kansas State at attention sewing, badfl List of Belief Commission. School Organization Manhattan has moved to Columbia and Ing and canning clubs. old standby topic when its place is Tho commission for relief in Belgium Prof. J. D. Elllff, professor of high rH DEBATING TOXIGUT. taken by modern granitoid crossings. has placed H. O. Severance, Univers- school administration and high school ity Librarian, on its mailing He visitor, has returned from the annual Tonight the Missouri debaters will list has just received copies of "The meeting of the North Central Associa- contest with Texas. Both teams have The Literary Trawler Handbook," "History of the Woman's tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools the best of coaching. Both have spent Section" and a pamphlet entitled "The which was held in Chicago last week. months of study on the minimum Always Some One Below. Need of Belgium," contributors to fThis is an organization of high school I NEVERBfNir On of the ladder ' wage, a question which should be in- the lowest round which are Arnold Bennett, John Gals- and college men including eighteen I firmly planted my feet, worthy, Anthony Hope and other Eng north central states. Professor Elllff vestigated by every thinking person And looked up in the dim, vast dls- -, lish authors. is chairman of the board of inspectors. now. And both teams are strong. tance A letter to Mr. Severance states The following schools were added to Often we Columbians, have oppor- That made my future so sweet. that the American ambassadors and the accredited school list of Missouri. tunities to hear public speaking, and I climbed till my vision grew weary, state committees are doing voluntary Charleston, Ferguson, HlgglnBvllle, my brain was on fire, City, Manual Training of the best of oratory, too. But seldom I climbed till work in the organization and that Jefferson I planted each footstep with wisdom railroads, and express companies Kansas City, Lamar, the high school do we have the opportunity to hear a Yet I never seemed to get higher: have been most helpful. Mr. Sever- of Nevada, Lenox Hall of St Louis, clash in which the contestants have For this round was glazed with indif- ance Is asked by the' commossion to The Principia of St. Louis and West put in a year of preparation and in ference, give all the information possible to Plains high school. whose speeches there should not be And that one was gilded with scorn, the public on the subject of Relief in grasped firmly another, To Collect Wool In Howard Couuty. a grammatical, rhetorical or a logi- And when I Belgium. I found under velvet, a thorn. Spring has begun early for Howard cal These men are chosen error. the Then my brain grew weary or plan- NEW SOCIOLOGY PRIZE OFFERED County sheep. Percy Klass went there !- representatives of great institutions ning. yesterday to collect his first spring C. Redfleld of Chicago which means they are exceptionally And my heart strength began to L. Would In. shipment of wool. Spanish Merino vestlgnte Heredity of Unmans. strong. fall, wool will be collected. Shearing In Caspar L. Redfield, a business man And flush of morning's excite- Boone County will begin In about a Last year Texas won five of her the the sociologist ment and of Chicago, has offer- week and will probably continue She "cleans ed, through the American Genetic As- six interstate debates. Ere evening commenced to pale. month. sociation, a prize of $100 to any stu- up." Missouri lost all of her debates. But just when my hands were un- dent In University who will prove Tonight we have confidence in our clasping the from study of a definite family that JB You Needn't 01 Real Year IB them Their hold on the last-gain- ed round. COTRELL & m xour L.egs Kound 1 men. Let us be there to see ny superior individual was ever pro- sBsssssssssisllsssslsaisBsssssssI moKe Comfort I When my hopes, coming back from LEONARD iPkPr sH win. duced by breeding human beings as lslssssssssssssoV the future. Albany, N. Y. rapidly generations to cen- makers of to ground-O- ne as four the Were sinking again the CAPS and GOWNS 11AYM0XD ROBINS tury. The department of sociology 1 who had climbed near the summit. To Harvard. Yale, THERE'S NO RUBBER in this leg band. The top of has posted a detailed notice of the Cornell, Co- I I Brlckmaker, farm hand, coal miner, Reached downward a helping hand;. Princeton, M the triangle ONLY is elastic this assures perfect fit S prize on the bulletin board outside the lumbia and the other Klondiker, lawyer, arbitrator And refreshed, encouraged and leading American WITHOUT BINDING. No metal contacts. Weight M labor ociology office on the third floor of Class Con I strengthened, A Specialty, m one-ha- lf ounce. M M senatorial candidate from Illinois and the Academic Hall. tracts I took once again my stand. religious worker among the college S Mercerized, 25c; double grip 35c, silk, 50c. "Jj And I wish oh, I wish that the I men brief, is the At your dealer's of the nation. In this climbers 8 I js DC Hs George Frost Co, Makers, Boston. history of Raymond Robins, the man Would never forget as they go 3CZUC in: L fi around whom are centered the reli- That, though weary may seem their 11 -- i gious meetings held this week. climbing sssll'l always some one below. While practicing law In San Fran- There is ELLA HIGGINSON. TOBACCO and pipes are cisco, Robins was lured to the Klon- A like tunes an' dike region along with 50,000. other One Good Story men who hoped discover the El fiddles. Only th' to Kjc "xSH Dorado of their dreams. Robins went best of 'em live to Other Than Art. mKe to Bonanza Creek, where later was your grow old that Friend: You are wasting time with Take Your Choice; founded Dawson, Alaska. It was painting pictures, old chap. mellow touch o' age here, while he was undergoing the Artist: But I sell my pictures. like VELVET. terrible hardships of the Alaskan Friend: That proves what I said. anything, There Are Three shows that you could sell winters, racked by disease and facing It so why not take up something there in starvation, that his real mission is big money in? Boston Transcript. $$$ life became apparent to him. He re- HPHEY'LL shape you up, OVERCOME EVIL BY GOOD' In VELVET the taste and fragrance that Nature puts Into solved that as soon as he could find Kentucky's best tobacco, Barley de Luxe, is brought out A his "strike" he would enter into the Robins Talks to 400 Unl-Tersi- ty to the full with that mellowness that put the joy of life in your Raymond VELVET the Smoothest Tobacco. 10c tins and 5c Men. makes field of religious service. metal-line- d bags. spring-tire- you v d body, make you His first work was to clean out the "Overcome evil by the good do, not by holding up to the light the bad the-morni- notorious Nome "gang." But while feel like Getting-u- p -- in- ng, the other fellow does," Raymond Rob- 31 H ICZZIC DCJ mercy during these on an errand of ins told 400 University men in the Au- riser. try(ng times, he was stricken with ditorium of the Agricultural Building the early They typhoid fever and for many weeks last night are Golf, Tennis and Catchball. was near death. He was brought' By following this principle Mr. Rob- fifty social workers were back to the "States" on a stretcher. ins said that able to clean up the rotten politics of Star Theatre Tonight K Since his return his work Is a mat- In! f the seventeenth ward of Chicago jt All Spalding Makes ter of history. Two years ago at the eleven years ago. It was a four-ye- ar ' WM.DeHOLLIS&CO., CO-O- P. I University of Wisconsin he spoke to fight but since that time every election at the the largest men's mass meeting ever has been won by Mr. Robins and his COMIQUES, held at the school. In his meetings workers. JUGGLING Raymond Robins went to Chicago University of Kansas last at the sixteen years ago. He had just re- Profits to Purchasers month 700 men were converted. Dur- turned to the United States from New Exploits of Elaine ing the past year probably the great- Alaska and had made his "stake." He CO-O- est religious campaigns in the history was rich. He went to Chicago and With Arnold Daly, Pearl White, Edwin Arden P decided to give his life for social of American Universities, were held and All-Sta- r Cast. service. His fight for clean ward an i Yale, Columbia, Penn State, Michi- In Academic Hall at politics lasted five years. gan. Kansas and Nebraska. In all Mr. Robins is now carrying on a Three Shows Tonight these meetings the prominent factor campaign in the universities of the I was Raymond Robins.
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