- \'1C5.J Ucjj :i .. S BER NEWSLETTER P0 Box 160 Canberra City. A.C.T. 2601 N / I I Registered for'posUn aS' a'Periodical Category B 1Pri,ce 20c -, I - I . .-j- . ... J•,..s, _,• Vol 13. DECEMBER1 1977 ,jS I I •-. Wednesdayl .-Dcce pe ,..; .there will be rio Genefl -Me&tIng'- ...... .Yu are hdwe4tdr invi lied to joirc a midsuniners Eve party at 81 6nyhpn 1 Siret Downer. . ... ...- -- I If t 4( Thursday 29 becemler - '9t" Closing bate for January IT 'Any contributions desperèteiy ne&ded'ahdgtatèfully accepted.i.zi . -.-,. t:...... .'- . . .. I .. Tuesday 10 Jan,jFçi '- "It" Cl ration at the Burmester residence - 30 JeffersonIan App4',' 21*01 'Aç1ir4ton' ffbá'tèvard, Charlottsvil1e, Virginia, U S A Oh' sorry I thirlle'I m 1iht try his Matxuarue residence-- I cant afford tW'dirfdre'1 - II, I(t4 cr' -I - . ,HIAWATHA GOES SEARCHAWDRESCUIiG -. ....................... ............ ................ .. -- -: 1. Hiawatha, mighty walker, .. Talked about ccWect nutrition He could take ten paces upwards;.i-- . (What to eat and when€oeát it). Take them with such strength and Talked about the, right piscautl*ns swiftness, (Bring a torch but never use lt) That the last had:tihundered earthwa.rds Talked of matters philosophic . II Er& the first had Left' its foothoid..- Drawing on his vast experience This was corntmnly regarded Pointed out thai In the long ru As a feat of skill and daring. Walking round In,rapid circles In the densest thorn and thickeç, --:' One or two sarcastic spirits t- Even though it lacked some intejest. Pqinted out to him however . Still enabled one to walk as That It might be much more useful Far and fast •,, if one had If hesómetimes headed outwards . Set out on some absurd exploit1 In a sensible direction. •-- .. To see somepléce of note or fane. Why not plan a little longer . Said he '.Thèy're really all th&same". And employ a smaller survey? H1awath, who at colleâe '1* This they said was rather doubtful Majored (failed) in ieáichand rescue Anyway, it didn't matter. I, Consequently felt entitled Either he must lead them somewhçre To Insyuct .Ji,is feljcw men on Much more often than at present My subjeët whats%Veh . Or himself would pay most dear for Waxed exceedingly indignant. All the weekends they had waste. Thlked about the art of breathing. Talked about correct apparel 5. Hiawatha, in a temper, (What to wear and when to wear it) Quoted yards of Lyle Burgess -- Page 2 I ,. DECEMBER 1977 Quoted reams of Terry Jordan H. There", they said to Hiawatha Quoted Gary (yes, Medaris) "This is what we all expected". Quoted from the Women's Weekly Practipally in extenso 12 Hiawatha, nothing daunted, Tryinto impress upon them Called for pen and called for paper That what actually mattered Added two and two together Was to walk a little further. Got it wrong and lost his temper. Yet he did produce some logic One ortwo of them admitted Showing beyond peradventure Such a thing might have its uses. Everybody else had broken Still, they said he might do better All the rules of navigation. If he walked a little straighter. hi m o 13. Still they dared to argue with 7. Hiawatha to convince them So he scrutinized equipment Took part in a walking contest. Soon discovered where they faltered. Laid out in the proper manner All their compasses he told them Of a proper searching party. Had a defect in the needle Took his 1lagànd took his whistle, )tausinitto1rotateHi.It-i: Took his flares ancLsaid..'Howthis'l1 A randomized direction. Test your worth in brush and bristle". 14. The faultwas coniton he Informed 0 U Hiawatha had of course them Prepared himself without relenting; He himself had overcome it Ran arównd in rapid c i rc l e s.: With some, glue .pon the pivot Cycled all week witIfthe •brakeon €1 iminating1the .v,oti,(n.. (Let ug not demean the practice), CL. .. Jumpedabout creating lower 15. All the same his fellow clubmen Boundsat least as 1 reát as upper:: I I.gnprant,ben.ighted heatheqs.CL. Bounds.hat most of us would cate1to I:Tk.away his:flag nd.wh.istie Match. For he had been so well Left him floundering in the thistle Brdug hüV p hismoth€tl told him Sai'd. that.though my Hiawatha To attain a healthy thind :jL. Ha4grtat strength and ha4.grea Healthy body is a must; . ... swiftneÔs He wasuseless asa.walkra. 41 All hisother fellow clubmen As for his advising comments Ignorant benighted creatures Several of the more outspoken Spent their time of preparation Made primaeval observations Puttin in a lot of practice jjvçtful of the finer feelings Merely a1king in the right directin. 4èn of a ha Pdy walker. 10 Thus i(happened at the contest 1 .1G. In a corner of thelfoi-eti l I That their scores were most impresiyq. Dwells aloñè my Hiawatha, Didn't fake them long to find the. Permanentty cogitating Places they'd set out to find,..and On the fundamental truths of wa king Too were pleased that on the waythey WondrTh 1 in idle moments All hadhad a happy day, Uhethet'btV increased precision There was however one.exceptign.. Might perhaps be ather hette,' This (.P'hate.tohave to say it) Even at the lôs ofseconds Was thq.scoreof...J1iawah ,. ,. If thereby one now and then could Who as':usual strided outwards. Take a walk that went somewhere, Strided with great strength, and. I :. •• s!ttneis. Not however with his strl ding :. Managing to find. one. .trge.t. (Alternative title: Minihaha goes search-and-iescui ng) Anonybushwalkermous _u1j;.;Ii DECEIIBER 1977 IT Page three Search and Rescue -- I wish to give notice that I intend putting the following two motions at the next club meeting (9/1/73). That the search and Rescue Transport Fund become the Search and Rescue fund. Proposed - Peter Con roy Seconded Gary Iledaris That the club donate $20 to the iISW Federation of Bushwalking Clubs' Search and Rescue Fund Proposed - Peter Conroy Secqnded - Gary Medaris THE PRESIDE1T REPORTS That perennial subject, leadership, was recently discussed by the Committee and the following points, which generally reflect the thinking of Committee members, are provided for the information and benefit of all walkers, not just leaders. it is recognised that there is room for improvement in the way in which many of our walks are run. The following three points, which relate to the responsibility of walkers, indicate areas where it was felt Improvement could be made: Each person on a walk must realise that he is part of a group with a H responsibility to and for every other person on that walk. Whilq' the leader has certain responsibilities, of prime importance is the responsibility of each personto be aware of what is happening, to know who is in front and behind and to ensure that full accoudt is taken of the interests of the group as a whole. If this is done, the, • tai 1-enders will; not be ignored. So far as slintér groups are concerned, they are separate independent entities They must look after themselves and not expect the original party to change plansor to cater specially forthem, Their plans should, however, be made known to the original partyj leader. Again, there is a responsibility on members of splinter - groups towards each other person in that group. In the event that a person becomes separated and lost, they should remain where they are and return, if possible, to where they were last seen. The person can have faith that the rest of the party will come and look for them. . eader! If closer attention is paid to the above points, the job of 1 will be made e6sier.and become one that we are all capable of performing, Henry -it x,*wxxxxxxxXxXxXxxMxxxxxxxXxxxxxx. A •i ';, * * EQUIPL1ff OPFICLj6th Decernber—t6th Januari Contact Bfl1L WIII 1 Ed*ard Street ** * Higgins. Phone 541479(H) 457555(WORX) XXX XX X-XX XX X4-X )fl X-XX-wX-X-X-3t*4-X***1ewX14*3**WK9&** Page 4 .. ., IT DECEMBER 1977 THE CLUB LIBRARY The Library is in the process of building up. Some of our latest acquisitions are: ... Thomas- 120 walks in Victoria Chapman -SW Tasmania track notes . Gatly - Nature is your guide Bonython - Walking the Flinders Ranges Blackshaw - M&ntáIneering Robb ins - Basic Rbckcraft Royce.- Abseiling, Weilson - SW Tasmania .1 . Allan - Hiking from early Canberra NZ National Park handbooks Brownlie - WilsohsPi'ómontory We also have some pamphlet material on Queensland and Victorian national parks, as well as the latest magazthes from Sydney, Brisbane, Tasmanian clubs. Wanted: I. Norman Wakefield - NaturalistV diary Arthur Groom - One mountain after another PhilipTemple - Wawok 4.Anythlng.of John .Hlilahy or Cohn Fletcher, etc. Old bushwalking magazines,: especlallythe Bushwalker or Kameruk, to buy or photocopy. Suggestions on what else should go into the library. For sale: Guide to the Victorian Alps $3.50 Equipment for mountaineering $1.85 Posters: Kekadu $1.50, Tasmanian animals $1.00*: Stickers: Woodchip, Uranium, Whales 20-40c.* Tasmanian wilderness calendars $3.95* CBC cloth and metal badges 50-80c Forall theabóve, see or ring Terry..Jórdàn, 81 Bonython Street,. Downer, or 493679 (W), 494005(W). (Items ma.'rkedW also available from Envi ronment Centrà,Childers Street. Please support the Environment Centre; .their' grant has been cut this year and everything they can sell helps their funds. They have a wide variety of campaign material and can order wanted. items.) Much to the surprise of those who'd already gathred at the Cooma Road meeting place, one of the party arrived In &pol.icècar.
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