Tuesday MICHIGAN STATI A l A l «^ÉT% jr».i East Lansing, Michigan October 15,1968 joc Vol. Cl Number 62 A pollo astronauts greet U.S. with jokes ana TV pictures SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (AP) - the ground. None of the three waved at the One of the astronauts pointed the over if the guidance and navigation sys­ Apollo 7 Commander Walter M. Schirra camera. camera out a spacecraft window at the tem, which controlled the rocket's thrust, Jr., wearing his familiar lop-sided grin, “You forgot to shave this morning, earth as Apollo 7 sped across - the Gulf failed or miscalculated. greeted America from space with a joke Eisele,’’ Mission control said at one of Mexico at five miles a second. Part of One of the crew, however, called the Monday by televising a sign reading point. the Gulf coast was visible and the camera burn, “solid as a rock. That thing really “Hello from the lovely Apollo room, high “I lost my razor,” the Air Force major scanned the Florida peninsula as it slaps you." atop everything.” replied. Astronauts cannot shave in space whipped over it in 60 seconds. During the afternoon, Schirra asked Schirra, who refused to turn on the on­ because the absence of gravity would Just over four hours after the telecast, mission control to “consider eliminating board television camera Saturday, could allow the cut bristle to float around the the crew lighted up the powerful 20,000- the chlorination of our water today.” not resist the temptation Monday to flash spacecraft. pound thrust service propulsion rocket The astronauts periodically inject signs to the folks back home. The television transmission, mission engine for the third time. chlorine into their water supply to assure Moments after the first sign, the Navy control said, “was shorter than antici­ The burn lasted nine seconds and was its purity, but Schirra said it took a period captain showed a second message which pated,” but the quality was called against the direction Apollo 7 was travel­ of time "before the water started tasting read, “Keep those cards and letters "amazing and much better than ex­ ing, causing, in effect, the spacecraft to palatable again.” coming in, folks.” pected.” The transmission, scheduled to slow slightly and go into another orbital Mission control said to eliminate the The TV pictures from inside the Apollo last 10 to 12 minutes, was carried live by plane. The thrust dropped the orbit’s low chlorine. 7 cabin. showed Schirra on his com­ television networks. A second telecast point from 139 miles to 110 miles. mander’s couch, and Air Force Maj. Donn from space was scheduled for 9:25 a.m. Eisele took over the commander's To see hubby off. F. Eisele standing in the center, still CDT Tuesday. couch for the burn. He was ready to take wearing the suit he wore into space for Kelley gets Mr«. Jo Schirra, left, leaves Mission Control Center at the Hous­ last Friday’s launch at Cape Kennedy. ton Center where she watched the television performance of her Walter Cunningham, the third crewman, husband’s flight. She Is holding a broadcast from the Apollo 7 via was seen only briefly on the left side of television that shows her husband, Astronaut Walter Schirra, and the screen. trustee’s letter his crew. With her Is Mrs. Donald Slayton, wife of Astronaut Chief The crew spent much of the seven- Donald K, Slayton, UPI Telephoto minute transmission grinning into the camera and laughing at comments from on collusion By JIM SCHAEFER. DEFENSE W INS DELAY State News Staff Writer State Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley’s of­ fice said Monday that it has “received" the letter sent by trustee Don Stevens, D-Okemos, requesting an opinion of pos­ sible collusion between Republican trus­ Kennedy murder trial tee Kenneth Thompson, Lansing, and Philip J. May, MSU’s Treasurer, in the board's vote that allowed May to stay on the job. Stevens had charged that Thompson's vote had been the deciding ballot in the scheduled for Dec. 9 poll. Thompson's offices are located in of prosecution evidence and witness state­ Compton said any jurer who would be First live broadcast the building rented by the company in LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Dec. 9 trial which May's wife, Viola, had been an offi­ date was set today for Sirhan Bishara ments. The judge said the jury will be willing to be locked up nights and week­ locked up nightly. ends for two or three months-the esti­ Apollo 7 astronauts broadcast the first live telecast ever received cer and stockholder. Sirhan on a charge he murdered Sen. Stevens, the chairman of the board of The deputy district attorney who heads mated length of trial-probably would not from space. Don Eisele, left, and Walter Schirra hold the sign. Robert F. Kennedy. trustees, had sent the letter Oct. 7 to clari­ the prosecuting team said the prosecution be a family man and thus wouldn't care Walter Cunningham Is out of the picture at the left, jjpj Telephoto The defense won a delay : from the fy the relationship of Thompson to May. has no wish to withhold any evidence dn<f about the holidays. _____ scheduled Nov. 1 start on grounds a- second The attorney general’s office, the same has found no evidence of a conspiracy in defender in the case could not be ready by office that had issued four major opin­ the case. then. It also won access to a Wide range ions on three MSU officials under the He said: “Prosecution material falls now expired 1966 conflict of interest law, into three classifications. 1. Witnesses said Monday that it has “assigned the let­ we intend to use at the trial. 2. Witrtesses ter to one of the staff members” and add­ with peripheral information we haven’t Congress ends session ed that the matter is being “currently re­ NSA prepares contemplated using because its value is viewed." slight. 3. Investigations regarding other Steven's request followed his reply to possible suspects and the existence of a Thompson’s suggestion that the attorney conspiracy, all of which is negative. general investigate certain campus or- “I want to make it clear that there is 'time out’ day ganizations--such as the Student Liberation nothing in our possession we week to amidst politica discord Alliance (SLA) and Students for a Demo­ withhold from the defense. I feel we have cratic Society (SDS). furnished the statements of people who open the way for radio-television debates members were in town to muster that num­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The stop-and-go The Board chairman's letter noted an could possibly be of value to the de­ by the three major presidential candidates ber. fo r campuses 90th Congress ground to a quiet adjourn­ Oct. 5 article of the Lansing newspaper fense.” were trying to keep Congress in session But after some wrangling over the issue ment Monday after a session that produced that stated that Hompson, an executive By DEBORAH FITCH Superior Judge Herbert V. Walker, who until the Senate acted on the measure. at the Monday session, O’Hara announced some historic laws but left a stack of un­ for Michigan Bell Telephone, has occupied State News Staff Writer will try the case, said‘the jury will be he was giving up because, he said, it was finished legislation, notably some politi­ The House group led by Rep. James space “rented for him by Michigan Bell Attempting to channel the concerns of locked up nightly to protect it from being obvious the Senate would not act. He said cal hot potatoes. O’Hara, D-Mich., insisted on a quorum of Telephone Co. in the IBM Bldg. on E. Mich­ the nation's student into a symbolic or­ influenced by any outside elements. If a it is evidence the Republicans "are des­ But President Johnson has served no­ 217 members to approve the usually per­ igan Avenue." ganized effort, the National Students jury has not been impaneled by Dec. 23, perate to prevent the debate." tice that he may call the Senate back to functory adjournment resolution. Too few (Please turn to page 9) Assn. (NSA) is planning a “nationwide he said, the trial would be recessed until ratify the treaty aimed at halting the (Please turn to page 9) day of planning and action for students." after the Christmas-New Years holidays. spread of nuclear weapons. He.is consult­ an NSA release said. Sirhan, 24, is accused of shooting ing with some of the 80 nations that signed The project set for Oct. 29 and entitled Kennedy just after the New Yorker the pact to see if such a summons is feasi­ "Time, Out Day," aims., to ..stress to stu­ claimed victory m last June's California ble, presumably «iter the Nov. 5 elections. dents the need to pause for at least a day presidential prim ary election. Only about 20 House members and a doz­ and begin to "plan around our common The prosecution opposed the postpone­ en senators were on hand when the House goals and strategies for the coming ment. Deputy Dist. Atty. Lynn D. Comp­ quit at 2 p.m. and the Senate at 2:17 year,” the release continued. ton said the state was "anxious to get p.m. It was a sharp contrast to the usual NSA officials have named about 15 this trial started. We’re ready to go Nov. 1 noisy celebration that marks session-end "key” schools around the nation to which as scheduled.” adjournments.
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