lomeTOwn COMMUNICATIONS N B T W O ft K Wcstlano <8)b0mrer Your hometown newspaper serving Westland for 35 years Sunday, May 7, 2000 hometownnewspapers. net 75c Volume 35 Number 97 Westland, Michigan 00000 Hometown Communications Network™ THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY Council business: West- land City Council study sessions on the city bud­ get will begin 5:30p.m. May 8 at City Hall, on Ford near Carlson. An 8:30 p.m. session on the clerk consultant contract is planned. Budget ses­ sions continue May 10 and May 17. School board: The Wayne- Westland Board of Edu­ Pray with me: Clasped hands cation will meet 7p.m. express the deep emotion that May 8at the board office, was prevalent among wor­ on Marquette between , STAJT PBOTt* BY KvrTWtV TArtJNCtK shippers who gathered Newburgh and Wayne Praise God: Susan May, a former drug addict who found religion after failed rehab attempts, Thursday afternoon in front roads in Westland. spreads her arms wide during an emotional moment in prayer at Westland City Hall, of City Hall. TUESDAY Mayor speaks: Westland Prayer prompts calm protest Mayor Robert Thomas will speak to the Westland National Day of Prayer at Westland City Hall Views: included a group of atheists this year. Mem­ Henry Mor­ Chamber of Commerce. bers of American Athei sts Inc. oppose the gan, Michi­ The business luncheon use ofjzovernment property to endorse reli­ gan state begins 11:30 a.m. May 9 gion. The protest was peaceful. director of at Joy Manor, on Joy east BY KURT KUBAN of .government and religion,- came to the Ameri­ of Middlebelt in West- STAFF WRITER protest the event, at which partici­ can Athe­ land. For reservations, The lawn in front of Westland City pants prayed and sang together in ists, pickets call (734) 326-7222 by Hallbecame a battleground of beliefs hopes of fostering goodwill in the before a Thursday afternoon, as participants community. gathered noon May 8. of the National Day of Prayer were It was the third consecutive year crowd. met by a group opposed to their u*u of Westland and other local residents government property. organized at City Hall to recognize About a dozen members of Ameri­ the National Day of Prayer, which SATURDAY can Atheists Inc., a national group Presidunt Ronald Reagan proclaimed dedicated to the absolute separation . Please see PRAYER, A3 Food: The National Asso­ ciation of Letter Carriers will hold its eighth annu­ al Food Drive May 13. Carriers will collect non- Jaycee bowling to help Vietnam memorial perishable food items resi­ BY KUKT KUBAN A group of veterans responded in 1988 by forming Javcees chapter, they approached the Michigan dents leave near mailbox­ STAFFWMTIB an organization called the Vietnam Monument Com­ Jaycees in ah effort to make it a statewide event. es. The food will help Remember bowling for dollars? Well, now comes mission of Michigan. Since its founding, the group They were given the go-ahead to come up with a pro­ stock food banks, pantries the chance to bowl for a monument. has come up with a design for the monument'and lob­ posal to take to the VMCM, which overwhelmingly The Westland and Garden City Javcees are collabo­ bied the state to donate funding and a site for it. gave its support. urid S/ieliiiis ifi SOiiifieuSt rating with local VFW posts to run a fund-raiser However, the stale Legislature provided $i million •'They reaiiy. goi excited when we shuweti ihem our Michigan. called "Bowling for the Brave" Sunday, May 21, at of the $2.7million price tag'for the project. Through a proposal," Kehrer said. "It knocked their socks off. Westland Bowl. Proceeds from the event will be number of fund-raising functions, the VMCM has They are not used to people'being so organized/ donated to the effort of building a Vietnam War tried to come up with the remaining cost, but is still Larry Main, a member of the VMCM, contacted INDEX memorial for the state of Michigan. $600,000 shy of the goal., state VFW posts and other veterans groups about Michigan is the only state in the nation that does Enter Westland residents and Jaycee members throwing their support behind the event. Mike Kehrer and Tom Sigler. After speaking to.some Both of the Westland VFW's have signed' on to co- Apartments/E9 • Malls/ce not have its own memorial for the war. That fact has been hard to swallow for many state Vietnam veter­ local veterans about the cause, the two men camuiip sponsor the event at Westlancl Howl. Arts/Ci Movies/C4 ans, because Michigan lost 2,649. soldiers and other with the concept for the bowling fund-raiser. "This is a wonderful event. We are hoping it will be Automotive/HS New Homes/El After getting the support from the Westland - participants during the war, second only to Ohio. ""^ ^ Please see BOWUNO, A4 Class)fied/E,Q,H Obituaries/A4 Classified Real Estate/El Kudos: Atleft, Index/E3 Service Guide/H3 Athena Winner Crossword Sport s/W. Mary Denning Puzzle/E5 Taste/ Dl Travd/Ct visits with hus­ Jobs/Qi band Charlie. At right, Busi­ ness Person of HomeTown Classifieds the Year Tom North (left) WORK! chats with Charles *Trav" Griffin, city council presi­ "Excellent response to dent. Also hon­ our classified ad. We ored was Bar­ were looking for a good bara Douglas. home for our German shepherd. We had 35 calls ~ all very nice peo' mm PHOTOS IT BRYAN Mmiotu. pie. We found a very won­ derful family to give our dog a home." Chamber honorees represent our community — Debbie T. North the Business Person of the Year family," Denning *.nd 1?'.* a challenge troly an honor WtJvmBsawH She eheour.'U'e-i voiu.ecf women If •TAW' Denning's family include* husband to own a business, she'' agreed, , and iMt Charlie, two, grown children and a some stjll think that's H man's domain •"alwavs look ahefid .oul no) U- a.KU^i Family mean* * lot to Mary Denning, granddaughter She's been owner and Her good people have been a t renten' learning front their mistake- m<l ke<'|i Barbara Dougtas and Tom North. CEO of Mary Dennmg's Cake Shoppe dmm help in business growth "They're nitf dreams going hv helping other. The mn$ bufineea people were hon­ for eight years this year. so .proud of it because we've all grown The Athene 'Award "i<.*»p*ms«.in">d l>\. ored Wednesday iti Weetland Cham­ "! always loved to cook, loved to together " Hunk < hie ber of Commerce program at Joy bake," the honoree said She tries to The Gnrdrn City fr«ident grew up in Douglas nwfiot ut I'e i-o i r.t! i/I'd Ifjuaor in Weetland. Denning received get her staffers to do their best, and Westland She wns stunned to receive Mt'i.rnng Cnr»'. received iin ' 'ots.t.'iruiir,^ the Athena Award, Douglas an Out* provides ample training the Athena Award, given to those who Achit-v emenl .\v> »t\l IMIU thr \\< int'ii I standing Achievement Award and "1 couldn't have done it without my help women m the workplace "It w/\> Plpmw we* HimoSHt; "AH To place a classified ad: 734*591-0900 Newsroom: 734-953-2104 Home Delivery: 734-591-0500 MM The Observer A Eccentric/ SUNDAY, MAY 1, ^000 <W)A2 mIDPLE SCHOOL HONOw R01X jti&pIfi Honor roil Awtddota bmv* haen n*med forPHILUPS , STEVEN PMILUP8, KJELLY ALEXANDtS KUKKONKN, ANGELA AVA GOMKJi, TKAC1 GOOUfeLL, ALYSSA Wayr>*-Wa»tl«nd middle KhoaU. Ttwy *re: PITYLAK, JEANNETTE POSTER, JEN­ LABADIt, ICKUS8A LABRAN, CHSLSKA Gt>ODlN, ABIGAIL GORDON, ROBERT AcUmi Middle School: TIMOTHY NIFER POSTER, AMANDA POSTON, LABRIt, MELISSA LAMB, JENNIFEt GORNALL, JASMINE GRANBERRY, KIM ADAMS. JESSICA AKERLEY, STEVEN DANIEL POTTER, LEAH POTVIN, LANE, ANCrBLA LATOUR. ROBERT BERLY GRANT, BRADLEY GRAY, ON • Uestlmift (Bbstwtt ALLRED, BRITTANY AMANN, ASHLEY JASON PRINCE, CONRAD PYNE. TYLER LAUDER, RANDOLPH LAVKQUE, ASH­ DRAYA GREEN, DAVID GRJSSOM, ANDERSON, JENNIFER ANDERSON, PYNE, HEATHER QU1NN, CLIFFORD LEY LAWS, KYLE LEHMAN, ASHLEY ELENA GUEORGUIEV, CRYSTAL GUN LAMAR ANDERSON/MICHAEL ANGER, RALPH. RONALD RAMSEY, JULIETTE LINDON. JUSTIN USTMAN, JEFFREY THER, KIMBERLY HAGELTHORN, L*a •«*»•••* KATRINA ARMSTRONG, RACHEL RATLIFF, MICHAEL RAY, CAASANDRA LITTLK, NICOLE UTTLI, ANTHONY CHANNON HALL, CORY HAMLIN, KRYS HOW TO REACH US ATKINS, ERIC BALL, AMY BARBER, REED, SYDNEY REIN HART, MIRIAM LONGWISH, DOMINIQUl LOVI, SHAN­ TAL HANLEY, DANIELLE HARDY, SARAH BARONE, NICOLE BARTUETT, RIVERA, TERR! ROC HA, KARA RODIN, NON MANAKIS, DAVID MARKOS, aOBERT HAVRO, DIAifE HAWKINS, JOSHUA BAUDBR, JAMIE BAUER, SARA KRISTTNA ROGERS, STEVEN ROGERS, DANIEL MARSH, JANALYCIA MARTIN, BRANDON HEATH, ADAM HEIN, Susan Roslek, BAUGHMAN, REBECCA BEACHLEY, BRADLEY ROLLINS, JAMBS RUGENSKI, ADAM MASON, RANDY MASON, ALICIA JACgUELYN HENDERSON, ALENA HEN Publisher CRYSTAL BEAVER/AARON BEAVERS. ANDREI RUS, DANIEL RUS, TIMOTHY MCCAIN, HOPE MCCLAIN, ERIN DR1CKS, SARAH HERBERT, LAUREN ERIC BINGHAM. ROBERT BISON. RUSINKO, CAITLYN RYAN-PARTRIDGE MCCOY, SARA MCDONALD, MELANIE HEWITT, MEGAN HILL, STEVEN HOLD (734)953-2100 REBECCA BOLISH, JUSTIN BOWIE, MCFARLAND, ASHLEY MCGOWAN, EN, KRISTIE HOMER, RYAN HUFFMAN srosiek@oe. homecom m. net JUSTIN SCHOFIELD, SHELBY SARAH BOYCE, ADRIELLE BRADFORD, SCOTT. TIMOTHY SEE, DEREK SEXTON, LEANNE MCMANAWAY, BRANDOW SHARRINA JACKSON, WHITNEY CECILIA BRIGHT; ASHLEY BRITTON, ANGELA SHIEMKE, JOSHUA SHIRLEY, M1CHALIK, JOSEPHINE MITCHELL, JAMES, JOY JANO. JEFFERY JECK- DANIEL BROOKS, TAYLOR BROOKS, JAMES SIKORA, BLAINE SIMMONS, COREY MONROE, ASHLEY MOORE, JIL- EWTCZ. MEGAN JOHNSON, TRISHA LESLIE BROWN, MEGAN BROWN, LAN JARRETT SIMMONS,*DAM SMITH, LIAN MOORE, JUSTIN MOORE, ROBERT JOHNSON, LATORIA JONES, ALEXAN BRUCE, MARY BRYANT, ALICIA BUR- PATRICK SMITH, SARAH SMITH, MOROAN, WILLIAM MORTON, LAUREN DRA KANELAS, ADAM KlNCZKOWSKI
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