Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 8-30-1972 Herald of Holiness Volume 61 Number 18 (1972) W. T. Purkiser (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Purkiser (Editor), W. T., "Herald of Holiness Volume 61 Number 18 (1972)" (1972). Herald of Holiness/ Holiness Today. 1271. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/1271 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. herald OF HOLINESS CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE / AUGUST 30 ’72 General Superintendent Strickland The Eternal Presence n an ancient day a frustrated leader sought Tabernacle. His presence gave a radiance to the guidance of God in a crisis. Moses had Moses, so that “the children of Israel saw the Ispent 40 days on Mount Sinai in communion face of Moses. that the skin of Moses’ face with God, and upon returning with the Ten shone . .” (Exodus 34:35). Commandments found the congregation of God’s presence brought a satisfying unity to Israel worshipping a golden calf. a troubled people. They turned from the image When the judgments of that sad day had worship of a golden calf to the reality of the Di­ passed, Moses returned to the mount and vine Presence. Moreover, God’s presence also sought assurance from the Lord for the future gave courage for the conquest of Canaan. of his people. No other man ever came so Israel prevailed because God was in the midst. No substitute has been found across the close to Jehovah in communion and fellow­ centuries for the living presence of God in the ship, for “the Lord spake unto Moses face to midst of the congregation. His presence face, as a man speaketh unto his friend” makes the church a true “army with banners.” (Exodus 33:11). His presence infuses spiritual life and reality Moses’ sincere request, “Shew me now thy into the life and work of the church. In the wor­ way” (Exodus 33:13), was answered by God’s ship program of the church, God’s presence assurance. "My presence shall go with thee, soothes the hearts of the troubled, inspires the and I will give thee rest” (Exodus 33:14). This discouraged souls, convicts the sinner, creates promised presence became the reassuring an­ spiritual hunger in the unsanctified, and gives swer to the great leader and his source of power to the preaching of the Word. strength and inspiration in leading the congre­ As the congregation of the Nazarenes gation into the promised land of Canaan. God’s launch this mighty quadrennium of evange­ presence became symbolized in the pillar of lism, let us reassure ourselves of the presence cloud by day and the fiery cloud by night. His of God and declare with Moses, “If they pres­ presence became the glory of the altar of in­ ence go not with me, carry us not up hence” cense. His presence became the glory of the (Exodus 33:15). □ MAKING LOVE PRACTICAL Photo by De Wys, Inc. One of the greatest paradoxes within meeting. The board became challenged by it and the community of Christian believers now sets aside a percentage of church income for is the failure to give expression to what is called a Community Concern Fund. the love Christ commanded us to have Discreetly administered, this fund has been in use toward one another. This occurs in many situations for nearly two years. It has made a house payment where a faithful Nazarene family has experienced for members who were without work due to an unexpected financial crisis due to sickness or illness. Groceries have been bought for economi­ other unfortunate circumstances and faces extreme cally underpriviledged in our community not in the burdens related to it. fellowship of the church. Christmas and Thanks­ Even though the family has supported the church giving time were made happier for some. The across the years with prayer, service, tithes, and family of the pastor of a small church received offerings, there seems to be little more to offer them Christmas gifts. There are many other examples. in their need than genuine condolence, prayer, and “Jesus . went about doing good.” Not because of, sentiment. These are needed and important, but or so that . He simply “went about doing good." there is more that should be done. Why shouldn’t a If the Church is the body of Christ, then we should local church methodically prepare to help its own be doing what He did. In reference to the New Test­ financially? ament Church, Sherwood Wirt so aptly says, “They Every church likes to think of itself as being were to follow the example of their Lord, who died patterned after the New Testament Church. This neither for truth nor virtue nor any other cause, but is a reality at many points, but the most glaring for people.’’ exception is in the matter of taking care of one an­ The love by which He said His followers would other. Acts 4—6 and many of Paul’s letters indicate be known is not passive. It aggressively seeks a way that the early Christians very naturally assumed the to express itself, without which there is much diffi­ responsibility of expressing God’s love toward each culty in experiencing heart purity. □ other in material ways when there was a need. A layman at Lake Overholser Church of the Naz­ arene, Bethany, Okla., became concerned with By John Calhoun, Bethany, Okla. needs such as this and shared it in a church board AUGUST 30, 1972 3 HERALD Of HOLINESS W. T. PURKISER, Editor in Chief JACK M. SCHARN, Office Editor Contributing Editors: V. H. LEWIS EUGENE L. STOWE GEORGE COULTER ORVILLE W. JENKINS EDWARD LAWLOR CHARLES H. STRICKLAND General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES THE ETERNAL PRESENCE............................................................ 2 ● General Superintendent Strickland MAKING LOVE PRACTICAL......................................................... 3 A realistic method for expressing charity John Calhoun WAITING .......................................................................................... 4 Poem Kathryn Blackburn Peck WAITING IF YOU ASK ME............................................................................... 5 Open discussion on security Eva J. Cummings The answer to my prayer of years LIVING “BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY”..................................... 6 Seems long in coming, yet I trust Helps to holy living Ivan A. Beals That it will come in God’s own time, GOD’S REMEDY FOR LONELINESS.............................................. 7 Divine therapy for forlorn hearts J. J. Steele And I pray on—because I must. PRAYER FOR LIVING.................................................................... 8 Like all who ever followed Him, Poem C. Neil Strait I pass within the garden gate GOD IN THE NURSERY.................................................................. 9 Insights: The psychologist’s page James Dobson And feel the loneliness of night, ARE YOU LISTENING?................................................................ 10 And in that darkness pray and wait. The importance of what one hears Jim Spruce The heart, the mind are restless things, ENCOUNTERING FAILURE WITH FAITH................................. 11 But I have found a hope serene; Perspective John A. Knight All I have seen makes me to trust “PLEASE FORWARD”.................................................................. 12 An article, an altar, and an answer Katherine Bevis My God for all I have not seen. EVANGELISM FOR THE WHOLE PERSON............................... 13 Tomorrow He will answer! A meaningful ministry David E. Sparks I’ve His promise, yet unheard, but sensed; NEEDED—LIFE PRESERVERS................................................... 13 Pen points Geraldine Nicholas For out of the eternal goodness, THE COUNTER-CULTURE AND THE CHURCH...................... 14 The mercies of God are dispensed. New religious movements and the “institutional” church Earl W. Transue Dear Heart, if you too are waiting HENRIETTA MEARS: In the garden, near despair, CHRISTIAN WOMAN PAR EXCELLENCE................................. 15 Trust on, for tomorrow it will come— A Christian woman’s world Aarlie J. Hull God’s best answer to your prayer. EDITORIALS ............................................ 16 W. T. Purkiser Kathryn Blackburn Peck Kansas City STANDING FEATURES NEWS OF RELIGION.................................................................... 28 ANSWER CORNER ...................................................................... 29 BY ALL MEANS............................................................................. 32 A Trophy of Involvement Lois E. Aumiller Volume 61. Number 18 AUGUST 30, 1972 Whole Number 3110 HERALD OF HOLINESS, 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. 64131. Published biweekly (every other Wednesday) by the Nazarene Publishing House, M. A. Lunn, Manager, 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 64109. Editorial Office at 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. 64131. Subscrip­ tion price, $3.00 per year in advance. Second-class postage paid at Kansas City, Mo. Address correspondence concerning subscriptions to: Nazarene Publishing House, P.O. Box 527, Kansas City, Mo.
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