DIRECTORY.] SOMERSET. NORTH .PETHERTON• 353 .san<\ and clay, and the subsoil is clay. The chief crops Post, S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office.-William Are wheat, barley and pasture. The area is 1,233 acres; James Plowman, sub-postmaster. Letters from Crew- rateable value, £2,482; the population in l€gI was 2g1. kerne arrive at 8 a.m. & < p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 Parish Clerk, Arthur Wilmott. a.m. & 5·35 p.m Nati~nal School (mixed), erected in 1846, for 60 children; Post, M. O. &, T. 0., T. ~I. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel average attendance, 50; Miss Harriett E. Barrett, mist iBrowne Miss, Bowling green Broughton Jas. farmer,Down Close fm Slade George & Anthony. farmers & Hobbs Mrs. The Cottage Dare Thos. & EH, farmers, Syme's fro butchers, Manor farm Hoskyns Rev. Charles Thomas M.A. Gear Benjamin, gardener to H. Wm. Slade Fred, blacksmith (rector), Rectory Hoskyns esq Slade Thomas, farmer, Townsend Hoskyns Henry William J.P. North Gear John, groeer & baker Slade William Henry, estate agen~ for Perr.)tt manor Gear Robert, shoe maker W. H. Hoskyns esq. & over&eer Hoskyns Henry William Paget J.P. Hewlett Frands, general dealer Symes Eli, Manor Arms P.H.; good North Perrott manor North Perrott Male & Female Benefit accommodation for tourists & Slade The Misses, Fernleigh cottage Society (W. H. Slade, hon. I!lec) cyclists Perry Charles, thatcher Tucker Thos. householder, Begonia col; COMMERCIAL. Plowman Wm. Jas. grocer, Post office Woodward John, farmer 13roughton Benj. dairyman,Grey Abbey Retter William, dairyman, Manor frm :NORTH PETHERTON is a large viIJage and parish, House, West Monkton. The soil is red marl, loam and 3 miles south-by-west from Bridgwater stfrtion on the sandy; subS'Oil, various. The chief crops are wheat, oats, Bri!ltol and Exeter section of the main line of the Grea~ barley and green crops, witlh a good portion of pasture Western railway, in the Bridgwater division of the county, l-and. The area of the civil parish is 10,273 acres of land, .hundred o,f North PethOO'llion, pett;y sessional division, 53 of water, 17 of t·idal water and 16 of forlJ.lshore; ratea.ble union and county count distriot of Bridgwater and in the value, £27,522; the populwtion in 1891 was: civil, 3.552; ruml deanery of Bridgwa.ter, arc<hdeacoll'ry of Taunton oocIesiastical, 2,041. and diocese of Bath and Wells. The river Parrett and Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act, the Tannton and Bridgwater canal pass through othe 1882" (45 a.nd 46 Vict. c. 58), Cularand Lyng Drove parish. The village consists of one main stTeet, on rtJhe was transferred from N o1"th Petherton to Lyng. high road from Bridgwater to Taunton, and a few smaller ones on either side. The church of St. Mary is an edifice Moorland, or North Moor Green, is an ecclesiastical of red sandstone in the La'ter English style, consisting of pariSlh formed from North Petherton civil parish, and will chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, north and south porches be found under a separate heading. and an embattled western tower, with pinnfllCles o'f the Huntworth is 3 hamlet, about 11 miles north-east. DercO'rrutoo pe'riod, Clonmining a clock and six bells, recast Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, and rehung by Meal'S and Stlainlbank at a cost of £360 : Parcel & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Albert Scott, in 1'88'8 a new organ was erected wt a cost of over £600: sulb-posUruaster. LetlJteI'"s arrive from Bridgwater at e. memorial window has been placed in the Portman 6.35 a.m. & 3.50 p.m.; dispatched at 11.25 a.m. & 7.30 -coopel by the Hon. Mrrs. M. B. P01'ltman, to her late p.m hus-band, the Hon. Maurice Pbrtman; and '3 new ve'stry Huntworth, delivery 6.50 a.m. Wall Letter Box cleared has been erected: the church has been !l'estored since 1873, 7.15 p.m at a oost of £1,284, and afford,s sittings for 700 pel'sons. Hedging Wall Box cleared at 9 a.m. & 5.301 p.m. Shear­ The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a silon Wall Box cleared at 9.50 a.m. week days only vioorage, net yearly V'alue £485, with residence, in the gift of S. V. P. Michell esq. of Belmont, Taunton, and PUBLIC OFFICERS. held since 1894 by the Rev. Percy Turner Michell M.A. Medioal Office.r & Public Vaccinator, IO'th District, Bridg- of Qneen's College, Oxfo'rd. The Oong-regational ohapel water Union, ClIlsar Frooerick Hawkins is a building of stone in the Lombaroi'.l s.tyle, erected Assis-tant Overseer, William Henry Palmer in 1833. The Cemetery, formed in 1856, but since en· Registrar of Births & Deaths & Vaccination Officer for larged and re-oonsecrated, is a quarter of a mile eas,t of 'N'O"rth PetJherton .sl}lb-Disrtri~ & Relieving Office'r for the church, and has two moI'tuary chapels; it is under No. 3 District, Bridgwater Union, Sidney Wilkins Hook the contrul ()~ the Parish Oouncil of 13 membelf's. The Deputy Regis>trar of Births & Deaths, Mrs. PhiIlipa Rowe chmities oonsist of a house and land, the gift of Dorothy Hook Dheeke in 1867, for teaching six or more poor children; SCHOOLS. a rent-charge of £'2 by Thomas Bacon; and £500 given by will by Sir Thomas Wroth, in 1721, the interest of A School Board of 7 members was formed April 16, 18 75, which, under a scheme of the Charity O:Jmm~ssionel1's, is for the united districtof NOTth PeVherton & St. Michael 110W given to the children attending the Board schools, Church; Paul O. H. & T. M. Read, Bridgwater, clerks in ID'Jney and prizes. Ashfield is the residence of :the to the board Ron. Mrs. Maurice Berkeley Portman. The chief land- Board, erooted in 1877, & enlarged in 1895, for 135 boys, ownel's are Viscount Portman, William Hamilton O:>d. 150 girls & 170 infants; avel'age ,llIttendance, 130 boys, rington Nati'On esq. of Rockbeare, near Exeter, Devon; IIO girls & J:f2 infants; Harry PbiIip Aptelf', master; Sir CUlthbert Slade bart. of Maunsell House, North New- Mrs. Harriet Day, misdiress; Miss Kate Nation, infants' oon, who is lord of the manor; Charles Theodore Halswell mistress Kemeys-Tynte esq. of Halswell House, Goathul'St j and Carriers to Bridgwater.-Charles Brewer, daily; Burrows, LieU!t.-Qol. William Oliver Meade·King, of Wallford I daily NORTH PETHERTON. Townsend Mrs. Pound street Burrows Frederick William, carpenter PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Walker H. Banes, Verriers Burrows WilIiam, saddler, Post office Chick Josepb, Brae side Warren Mrs. Fore street Burston Charles, pig dealer Coles Henry James, Oak cottage Winslade WaIter, Shearston Bur"ton John, sheep dealer 'Curtis Edward Oonstable J.P. Rectory Yeandle Mrs. Tapper's lane Callow David, farmer, Heathefild Gent Henry, Crossway cottage COMMERCIAL. Callow WiIliam, farmer, Haydon farm HaviIl Mrs Aish Charles, wheelwright Carkett William, tailor Hawkins Cresar Frederick, Ashway vil Aish Jeremiah, pig dealer Cem?tery (Wm. Hy. Palmer, clerk) Hearne George, Fairlawn villa Ames Thomas, farmer, Rydon farm Channing Thomas, beer retailer Herniman Job, Hammeth street Aplin Thos. farmer, Wheelstock farm Chidley Joseph, beer retailer .Hodson Rev. GrenviIle Haber Frod- Avery Henry, farmer, Staffland farm Clatworthy John & Sons, builders, sham Elton B.A. (rector of St. Bennett Charlotte(Mrs.),shoeing smith joiners, contractors & plasterers; Michael church), Batt's house ' Bennett John, market gardener,Rydon office & workshops, Fore street Lloyd Rev. David (Cong.), Clare st Bennett Thos.markt. gardnr.Bankland Coate Hy. cattle dIr. Hadworthy farm. Michell Rev. Percy Turner M.A. The Bennett WiIliam,tobacconist & jeweller Coate James, cattle dealer, Spitgrove Vicarage Bond John, farmer, Parkersfield Coate WiIliam, farmer, St. Michael's Monday William, Fore street Bond Saml. market gardener,Moon la Church farm ~eat George Bond Thomas HeIlings, farmer,Pether- OolIard Wm. markt. gardenr.Chadmd :Xicholls Edgar, Compass villa ton park Coram Francis, machine proprietor &, Palmer Wm. Henry, Heathfield house Brewer James Hurford, plumber farmer, Woolmersdon Portman Hon. Mrs. Maurice Berkeley, Browning John, blacksmith Coram Samuel, farmer, Woolmersdon Ashf..eld Bult Henry, market gardener, Rydon CulverwelI Jasper, farmer, ClavelslJay Tamlyn Wm. Henry, Woolmersdon ha Burge James, farmer, Rhode Day Brothers, farmers· SOMERSET 23.
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