IS YOUR PHOTO ON OUR AROUND THE BLOCK PAGE? | CHECK A6 the AN EDITION OF THE Daily Commercial | Wednesday, January 1, 2014 COMMERCIAL CHRISTMAS: Free dinner / A2 Press LEESBURG Hospital ranks high for women’s health services Staff Report grades, UNICEF’s Ba- by-Friendly Hospital Leesburg Region- Initiative and Care- al Medical Center has Chex. been named as one of The 322-bed LRMC “100 Hospitals With offers services in var- Great Women’s Health ious specialties, in- Programs” in the na- cluding orthopedics, tion by Becker’s Hospi- neurosurgery, cardi- PHOTOS BY BRETT LEBLANC / DAILY COMMERCIAL tal Review. ology, obstetrics and “These hospitals of- Johna McCormick, 79, holds her dog Cuddles, 7, in Summerfield on Dec. 26. Cuddles suffered four breaks in three of her women’s health, on- fer outstanding wom- legs and several broken ribs during what McCormick believes was a deliberate attack. cology and pediatrics. en’s health programs, It was the only hospi- such as gynecolo- tal in Lake County and SUMMERFIELD gy, obstetrics, repro- one of only 12 in Flori- ductive medicine and da to make the list. other women’s health “Physicians at The needs,” the company Life Center at LRMC Severely beaten reported Dec. 23. Becker’s Healthcare provide highly special- is a leading source of ized care for women,” business and legal in- Beckers said. “The Life formation for health- Center includes pri- dog recovering vate gynecology suites, care industry leaders. Hospitals were se- two operating and re- THERESA CAMPBELL | Staff Writer when the indoor pet was out- lected for this list covery rooms for spe- [email protected] side on a potty break. based on clinical ex- cial or emergent needs ohna McCormick, 79, broke “Sometimes it takes her 45 and obstetric triage minutes to an hour to do her cellence, quality care down in tears after being and women’s health services. It also of- reunited this week with her business; we never dreamed fers minimally inva- J that somebody would jump the awards, Beckers said. beloved dog, Cuddles, who is The hospitals have sive surgical services now home recuperating from fence and hurt her,” McCor- and childbirth classes. mick said, noting her dog rarely been recognized for two surgeries after being se- excellence in wom- LRMC also offers digi- verely beaten in a deliberate barks. “She has soft barks that en’s health by sever- tal mammography.” attack. are more like whimpers.” al organizations, in- The Dec. 16 beating on Cud- When Cuddles was first This article appeared in cluding U.S. News & dles was reported to the Mari- found unable to move, McCor- for two days because she was the Dec. 26 edition of World Report, Health- the Daily Commercial. on County Sheriff’s Office, and mick feared her dog had suf- so traumatized, and they had to McCormick believes the attack fered a stroke. do a lot on her because she was on the small 6-pound dog, a Cuddles was rushed to so bad,” McCormick said. Chinese crested powderpuff, Petsmart in Lady Lake, where “The doctors were all so won- may be linked to a string of the veterinary team told Mc- derful, all so good, every one of Groveland votes to pay neighborhood burglaries that Cormick that the cruel attack them,” McCormick said, not- have taken place in her Sum- on her dog “was no accident; it ing some of the surgeons re- for courtesy busing merfield retirement communi- was deliberate.” duced the $10,000 medical bill ty near The Villages. Cuddles needed extensive on Cuddles down to $6,000. “I was so afraid that I would care and was referred to the LIVI STANFORD | Staff Writer money.” “It’s still a lot of money,” said [email protected] University of Florida Small An- Loucks said the lose her,” said McCormick, dis- McCormick, who was approved imal Hospital in Gainesville, $1,398 for courtesy traught that someone would for a partial loan. The Groveland City deliberately harm Cuddles, where she was placed in the in- Council unanimously busing would be taken out of council discre- leaving the dog with fractured tensive care unit. This article appeared in the Dec. 27 voted Dec. 24 to fund ribs and broken legs sustained “They had her in observation edition of the Daily Commercial. courtesy busing to the tionary funds. end of the school year County and city of- for students residing ficials have expressed north of State Road 50 concerns about stu- who attend Groveland dents’ safety crossing High Court to review Sumter murder case Elementary School. State Road 50. The busing for 30 stu- Because of continued MILLARD K. IVES | Staff Writer was convicted of killing Karol while declaring dents was scheduled to shortfalls in revenue, [email protected] Lea Hurst of Wildwood in 1978. the defendant was be discontinued on Jan. courtesy busing for stu- The woman was seven mentally disabled. dents within two miles A man with a low IQ, convict- 6 unless parents want- months pregnant when she However, that de- of their home school ed for the rape and murder of ed to start paying for it, was abducted leaving the Pan- cision took place was eliminated district a Sumter County woman, will according to the Lake try Pride grocery store in Lees- before a 2002 County School District wide a few months ago, be the focus of a U.S. Supreme U.S. Supreme according to school of- burg, raped and shot to death HALL “The council felt that Court review early next year on Court ruling that in a deserted Sumter County the amount of mon- ficials. That funding for banned the exe- how to determine the mental field. ey was worth allocat- Groveland was rein- cution of mentally disabled in- disability threshold in deciding After the Florida Supreme ing for the safety of our stated until Jan. 6. when to execute inmates. mates. Court threw out Hall’s original kids,” Groveland Mayor This article appeared in Freddie Lee Hall, 68, was sen- death penalty in 1989, a judge This article appeared in the Dec. 27 Tim Loucks said. “That the Dec. 25 edition of tenced to death in 1979 after he re-sentenced him to death, edition of the Daily Commercial. is a minimal amount of the Daily Commercial. A2 THE COMMERCIAL PRESS Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Ronald Earl Hutchins burg, died Sunday, Decem- neral Home, Umatilla. If you’re not reading the DEATH NOTICES ber 22, 2013. National Cre- The following death notices were pub- Ronald Earl Hutchins, 76, Thomas Sanders Daily Commercial of Leesburg died Wednesday, mation Society, Fruitland lished in the Daily Commercial this past Park. Thomas “Buddy” Sanders, EACH WEEK week: December 18, 2013. Hamlin 71, of Bushnell, died Thurs- Renard McCain EACH WEEK Billy Forrest Brunson & Hilbish Funeral Directors. day, December 26, 2013. Dale Leroy Kellam Renard McCain King, 62, of Marvin C. Zanders Funeral YOU’RE MISSING Billy Forrest Brunson, 66, Coleman died Tuesday, De- of Paisley, died Saturday, De- Dale Leroy Kellam, 93, of Home, Inc., Apopka. cember 24, 2013. Beyers Fu- ON SUNDAY cember 21, 2013. Beyers Fu- Waco, Texas, died Thursday, Edwin O. Sykes, Jr. neral Home, Umatilla. ■ neral Home. Umatilla. December 19, 2013. Page- Edwin O. Sykes, Jr., 66 of MONEY Charles W. Conley Theus Funerals & Crema- Roger W. Roberson Bradenton, died Wednesday, In this weekly section, we’ll take you inside the Charles W. Conley, 68, of tions. Leesburg. Roger W. Roberson. 74 of December 18, 2013. Page- Wildwood, died Tuesday, De- Theus Funerals & Crema- operations of some of Sorrento, died Wednesday, Christina Lynne Kitchens the area’s most success- cember 17, 2013. Page-Theus tions, Leesburg. December 25, 2013. Harden/ Christina Lynne Kitch- ful businesses; welcome Pauli Funeral Home, Eustis. Funerls & Cremations, Lees- James Stephen Turner ens, 27, of Ocklawaha, died burg. the newest businesses by Wieka Dykstra Thursday, November 21, James Stephen Turner, 73, helping them cut their Efrain Rodriguez Wieka Dykstra, 67 of Pal- 2013. Page-Theus Funerals & of Leesburg, died Friday, De- ribbons during grand metto, died Thursday, De- Cremations. Leesburg. Efrain Rodriguez, 39, of cember 27, 2013. Beyers Fu- openings; introduce you Mount Dora, died Saturday, neral Home and Crematory, to the employees who are cember 19, 2013. Page-Theus Margaret Lillian Leavitt Funerals & Cremations, Lees- December 21, 2013. Hamlin Leesburg. the movers and shakers in their professions; and burg. Margaret Lilian Leavitt, & Hilbish Funeral Directors, Robert Earl Vance 77, of Paisley, Died, Decem- Eustis. recap the key economic Melanie Hatcher Robert Earl Vance, 83, of news of the past week. ber 18, 2013. Beyers Funeral Daniel Shawn Roberts Melanie Hatcher, 50, of Cl- Home, Umatilla. Tavares, died Tuesday, De- ON MONDAY ermont, died Tuesday, De- Daniel Shawn Roberts, 40, cember 24, 2013. National cember 17, 2013. Beyers Fu- Louis J. Matteo of DeLand, died Sunday, De- Cremation Society, Fruitland ■ LIVING HEALTHY neral Home and Crematory. Louis J. Matteo, 79, of Lees- cember 22, 2013. Beyers Fu- Park. This section keeps you abreast of all the latest developments in medicine, as well as the FRUITLAND PARK trends in health and fit- Five-year-old ness. Jimmy Martin Jr. smiles at a Race Hundreds blessed with ON WEDNESDAY Along Chuck toy ■ FROM THE KITCH- truck he received EN Wednesday at free Christmas dinner Use the recipes from a Christmas food columnist Ze´ Car- dinner at New Life Presbyterian MILLARD K. IVES | Staff Writer taking meals to them. ter to whip up some cu- [email protected] Church in “We wanted to make linary delights for your Fruitland Park. sure no one missed family and friends.
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