May 19, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E555 It has been a privilege to call Dr. Shaw a seek to export their malign influence and un- taking demanding and often dangerous as- dear friend and stand among many others in- dermine democratic institutions. China seeks signments extremely well. Yet, immediately spired by his steadfast and unwavering faith in to compromise allied critical digital infrastruc- after his retirement from active duty, Col. God. ture by using state-linked companies like Adams continued his work to make our armed I am eager to see Dr. Shaw transition as the Huawei and ZTE to unfairly induce our allies forces the best they can be. For 34 years and 27th President of Southern Adventist Univer- to procure insecure telecommunications equip- counting, he has served as a U.S. Military sity in Collegedale, Tennessee and continue ment and services. Given immense economic Academy Liaison Officer relentlessly working inspiring the hearts and minds of students and potential from rapid 50 deployment, European to find and mentor the very best young men faculty members. countries feel significant pressure to use dan- and women to lead our armed forces. On behalf of the Southwestern Adventist gerous Huawei equipment despite the political Col. Adams has provided critical assistance community, I thank Dr. Shaw for all his work, risks. to me and the citizens of California’s Fourth leadership, and dedication to the students and Bipartisan current and former U.S. officials Congressional District. For 12 years, he has faculty. and civil society members have recognized been the presiding member of my Service I send my blessings to Dr. Shaw and Ann the threat of malign influence over critical tele- Academy Nomination Panel—and the only as they prepare for this new chapter in their communications networks. 5G networks will member with a Ruptured Duck on his lapel. lives. serve as the backbone of artificial intelligence His wise council and collegial coordination In God we trust. platforms with immense national security and with the other former and active duty military f domestic economic implications. officers on the panel has meant over 120 of Given these critical national security needs, the finest from this district have gone to our HONORING FIREFIGHTER the United States must provide our allies alter- academies and then proceeded to protect this CHRISTIAN RINGLER natives to Chinese financing and provide in- nation. creased diplomatic support to our allies to en- We must remember and honor men like Col. HON. JOHN JOYCE sure secure telecommunications lines. This Adams who have made this county the freest OF PENNSYLVANIA legislation would authorize the U.S. Develop- and therefore the greatest in history. His life- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment Finance Corporation to provide financing time example of putting country above self is Wednesday, May 19, 2021 for cross-border 5G telecommunications infra- increasingly rare. All too often, it is forgotten structure development to our allies. This fi- that the freedoms we enjoy are afforded to us Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- nancing is key to remove risky and threatening by the service and heroism of men Like Col. er, I rise today to recognize Firefighter Chris- equipment and replace it with secure equip- Adams. I am proud to rise today in gratitude tian Ringler for his 15 years of service with the ment. The legislation seeks to increase resil- and recognition of Col. Hank Adams’ 75 years Meyersdale Volunteer Fire Department in ience in countries in the region whose infra- of continuous, uninterrupted service to our Somerset County, Pennsylvania. structure deficit from the Soviet-era makes country. Firefighters’ commitment and service to our them especially vulnerable to malign Chinese f community are invaluable. Volunteer fire- influence, including among nations in the fighters often are called on to respond to Three Seas Initiative. TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUC- emergencies of all types. From battling struc- Additionally, this bill directs the Secretary of TURE FINANCE AND INNOVATION ture fires to conducting search and rescue op- State and other relevant agency heads to ACT FOR AIRPORTS erations, volunteer firefighters respond imme- prioritize diplomacy and project support with diately whenever disaster strikes. These he- European allies and partners to develop 5G HON. JOHN GARAMENDI roes often go above and beyond—they teach markets that are inclusive, transparent, eco- OF CALIFORNIA first aid, educate students about fire and other nomically viable, socially sustainable, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dangerous hazards, and even install car safety compliant with international law. Finally, this Wednesday, May 19, 2021 seats for children. Through their diverse and legislation ensures the United States is lead- often-difficult work, volunteer firefighters pro- ing with our European allies to develop inter- Mr. GARAMENDI. Madam Speaker, today I vide lifesaving services and are a staple of our national SG standards that favor democratic introduce the ‘‘Transportation Infrastructure Fi- local community. institutions, not further authoritarianism spread nance and Innovation Act for Airports,’’ with Firefighter Ringler has worked throughout by China and Russia. U.S. Senator TAMMY DUCKWORTH (D–IL). I his career to serve the people of Somerset I am so thankful for the support of the Cen- want to thank Representatives BRIAN BABIN County. On behalf of Pennsylvania’s 13th tral and East Europe Coalition, the National (R–TX36), CONER LAMB (D–PA 17), JULIA Congressional District, I thank him for his work Federation of Croatian Americans, as well as BROWNLEY (D–CA26), and ADAM B. SCHIFF to protect life and property in our community the embassies of Czechia, Estonia, Kosovo, (D–CA28) and Senator JOHN CORNYN (R–TX) and wish him continued health, safety, and Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, for their support as original cosponsors. success. and Slovenia. The country that invented air travel should f The U.S. Congress must act to ensure the not have to look to other countries’ airports security of our NATO allies and partners. I with envy. Congress must invest in modern- INTRODUCTION OF THE TRANS- urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle izing our nation’s airports to better meet the ATLANTIC TELECOMMUNI- to support this legislation and look forward to traveling public’s needs and address public CATIONS SECURITY ACT working with Rep. KINZINGER towards this bill’s health concerns like coronavirus. Now more passage. than ever, Americans deserve airports that are HON. MARCY KAPTUR f as efficient, safe, and clean as possible. OF OHIO In its most recent annual report card, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING COLONEL HENRY L. American Society of Civil Engineers gave our ‘‘HANK’’ ADAMS (USA, RET.) nation’s airports and related civilian aviation Wednesday, May 19, 2021 infrastructure a ‘‘D+’’ grade, requiring more Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, as co-chair HON. TOM McCLINTOCK than in $237 billion in total capital improve- of the Congressional Ukraine, Hungary, and OF CALIFORNIA ments over the next 10 years. The ‘‘Transpor- Poland Caucuses, Member of the Baltic Cau- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation cus, and friend to liberty-lovers across Central Act for Airports’’ is a good first step, unlocking and Eastern Europe, I rise to introduce the bi- Wednesday, May 19, 2021 approximately $2 billion in federal financing partisan Transatlantic Telecommunications Se- Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise available as of fiscal year 2020 for airport curity Act. I am thankful to my colleague Con- today to recognize a gentleman who defines modernization projects, including climate resil- gressman KINZINGER of Illinois for his co-lead- devotion to country. Colonel Hank Adams en- ience projects. ership and partnership on this measure, as listed as an infantryman during World War II Roadway and transit projects eligible under well as his commitment to liberty in Europe. then proceeded to serve this country for 41 the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and The United States and our NATO allies and years as a soldier in the United States Army. Innovation Act (TIFIA) are already subject to partners in Central and Eastern Europe face His steady advancement from private to ser- ‘‘Buy America’’ requirements. Our bicameral, down increased threats from global actors like geant major to second lieutenant and then bipartisan bill for this Congress incorporates a rising China and a belligerent Russia that colonel is testament to a life’s work under- the key provision from my ‘‘TIFIA for Airports VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:47 May 20, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.024 E19MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS.
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