Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 8-4-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 04, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1967 Volume 48, Issue 193 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, August 04, 1967." (Aug 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ EGYPTIAN SH!'tlUl IJtt~4 1t~",,~ Corbondal., lII inoil Friday, Au gust 4, 1967 Vol ume 48 Hum b.r 193 Trustefds Empower Dean of Stuqe!J!S To Set:Car Rules -" EDWARDSVILLE--The S/U budget at the Septem ber meet- Board of Trustees approved ing of the Board. Thursday a resolution provid­ Davis told the Board that ing the dei!" of students with an estimated $741,000 comes broad powers in regulating from the activity fee for" sup­ motor vehicle privileges on porting -basic activities to the Carbondale campus. contribute to the general wel­ The decision came after f are of students." a plea from Ray Lenzi. stu­ No mention of the Coleman dent body president, to recon­ Commission Report nor the sider wording of the resolu­ athletiC study was made during tion with a more "positive" the meeting. President Mor­ approach. riS indicated that the Lenzi told the Board. Coleman report was being uStudenrs are very dissatis­ carefully studied at this time. fied at Carbondale" in re­ Both are Iilc:ely agenda gard to the present motor topics for [he September­ '.JI' vehicle rules. He added. "long meeting, one Board member range solutions to traffic said. ASH CAN SCHOOL?-The worb- of sculpture between the two pieces presented this possible problems are not being pro- Representatives of Geo­ shown here by the Department of Ad work area interpretation. vided'" I metrics, Inc., of .Gambridge, may not be "Ash Can School," but the trash can The new resolution rec­ Mass., outlined in an inte r im ognizes the need to regulate report the proposed World Influential at Stanford traIflc and parking of ve­ Research Center planned for hides by faculty. staff and vis­ SIU. Peter Floyd. principal Hors as well as students. in charge of the project, out­ It is little changed from the lined eight areas of interest Lenzi Plans to Seek Support original 1955 directive deter­ in the project from proposed mining vehicle privileges. location to function. Student use of motor ve­ .Floyd indicated that the hicles is covered in the fol ­ Iilc:ely location would be For rCommittee of '5' Proposal lowing portion of the resolu­ the Edwardsville campus with tion: "No student shall use. its accessibility to the St. 6 operate or possess any mo£Or Louis ar.ea transportation fa­ By Terry Peters At Stanford the commin ee aU factions have been con­ vehicle, including any mo£Or­ cilities. He did say that both w from student and facul­ cerned for some time that ized cycle, while enrolled at campuses would work clo~ely "The 'Committee of IS' is inrereSl in JXllicy making, there hasn' t been enough co­ the Carbondale campus except in the project. basically a proposal to c re­ a ording l a Novick. C om­ operation between (he admin­ with the permission of the dean R. Buckminster Fulle r , re­ ate a policy-making body of ~po d of five adminstrators. istration. faculty and s[Udents. of students. Such permission search professor of design, is the highest order on which five faculty memhers and five The "Committee of 15 . " he shall be based upon need or originator of the project. aU factions f the University studems, the "Commiuee of said, would serve to bri ng upon advanced or superior ac­ Spealc:ing before the Board. are represented. and r epre­ IS" has achieved such pres­ about this cooperation. ademic standing. ,. Fuller noted [hat the research sented justly." tige that in effect it has ex­ In order to prepare StU­ J. Clark Davis, assistant in center could conceivably be­ This is how Ray Lenzi, ceeded the preside nt in terms dent government's case for the office of Student and Area come a center for Hsolvin~ student body president, sum­ of po1icy ~maki n g influence on (he adoption of such a com­ Services, oU[lined the activity nat i o-n a 1 and international marized the idea behind a the Boar-d' of Trustees, which m ittee at SIU. Lenzi plans fee program at Carbondale for problems.c. forthcoming student govern­ has the final s ay_ Novick be­ to contact administration, fac­ the Board. The $10.50 activity The center would be a re­ ment proposal. lieves this prestige r esults ulty. students and alumni to .fee is to be approved or re­ sear c h data storage bank for Lenzi's presidential assis­ mainly because all three fac­ seek their 'support for the jecte d by the Board along with various types of information tant. Stuart Novick, formerly tions of the university com­ proposal. the University's internal pertaining to many areas of of Stanford University, said munity are r epresented on the world concern. such a committee has oper­ Floyd said that the pro­ ated there for the past four co~~~~t~I~~ mcml1er is c hair- - Kuo to Succeed Adams As jec[ would take up to seven years. Novick suggested that man of the committee at Stan- years to complete basic prep­ a "Committee of IS"' be es- ford. The faculty does most H' t D t t H d arations, with the official tablished at SIU. of the policy making because IS ory e'par men ea opening in conjunction With it is an arbitrating influence the end of SIU's centennial Kerner Signa Billa between the admi nistration celebration. and the studems. The appointment of Ping­ A ' full report on the pro­ The committee has done chia Kuo to head the Depart­ ject is to be s ubmitted at To Combat Crime work in the area of e du ca­ ment of History was approved the Board's September meet­ tional reform as well as so­ Thursday by the SIU ,Board ing. of Trustees. 'SPRINGFIELD, 1ll.-1(AP) - cial and academic regulations. It is _empowered to _appoint The board, meeting at GOY. Ono Kerner signed bills Edwardsville, approved the Thursday designed to s tep up subcomminees to consider particular problems . a ppoi n't me n t of the former the war against crime in Illi­ Chinese diplomat and govern­ noiS. including controls over Formerly the three policy­ mak.ng bodies at Stanford-­ mem official who will succeed possession of guns and an an[i­ .. ' George W. Adams as depart­ looting measure. the Dean's Office, the Fac­ ' ~,. ... mental chairman. ulty Acade mic Council andtbe Kerner coupled his action ~ Adams asked to he relieved Student Senate--often worked --..... with an appeal to Con,gress for to concentrate on research and · e nactment of President John­ ate r 0 s s purposes, NOVick . ..' writing. He has rec~1 ed a son's safe streets and crime said, and the .. Committee oi )~~ grapt for study at Hun on C:ontrol legislation. IS" served to unify them. ~ , ~ ' .~'. Library in San Marino, alif., At the same time, Kerner He emphasized that [he im­ during the coming aca ' mic vetoed for the second time in petus for the committee came year. two years the so-called uS[QP as m\,.;:.h · from [he adminis­ Adams came to SIU in 1958. and fri~k" bi II. which he tration and faculty as from . He took a two- year leave of Gus says· that now that this termed an invasion of consti­ the students. parking proble m is finally , ( ~ o ntin u ed on r a ge 2) turic. nal rights. Lenzi said that here at SIU PING-CHIA KUO r'ttl~~~: . : . : .. ........... /!. ·DAII:.Y· EGYPTIAN . ':vg.. t 4, .. 19(;7 , THE TROUBLE W[TH YOU [S, YOU DON'T HAVE FRIENDS IN THE RIGHT PLACES! ToraadoAlert Sev~re Weather Moving TOUJard~ Area Puts ' Campu~ Warning System Into Effect The tornado-alert system any approaching severe are used to relay the alert went into effect on campus weather, Bridges explained. to re;"ldents of living areas. late Thursday afternoon .. Civil defense workers The observers on buildings A radlo-e~ulpped car was manned the campus office of such as Neely Hall use "walk­ ~ stationed in the vicinity of the Organlzatlon,~an d they and le-.talkle" radios to report St. Joseph's Hospital near the dbservers pu Into opera- any Information to the civil Murphysboro late in the after­ tlon the system at has been ' defense office In the Commu­ noon.after tornado alerts we re in effect for a number of nlcations Building. posted for counties north­ years, Bridges said. w e s t of the Carbondale area, , The office has a wall map' according to Frank A. Tornado alerts have not which is used to plot the course been tbls close to Carbon- of any tornadoes Sighted; the Bridges, civil defense coor­ u dinator for SIU. dale for three or four years, seve,re weather ls"tracked Bridges said. He did not as the reports' come In. The Bridges said a funnel cloud include severe weather warn- campus sys~em is tied in with was sighted west of Sparta logs. [he county-wide observer about 3:40 p.m. and when the severy weather system was The civil defense office dis- s ys tem.
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