GO TO INDEX CATERGORY WISE LIST OF COLLEGES GO TO INDEX CATERGORY WISE LIST OF COLLEGES & INTAKE OF SEATS UPTO 02.11.2012 Sl.No Category Government Aided Unaided Total 2011-2012 2012-13 Total intake 1 Arts & Science 19 45 106 170 38895 1891 4 0786 2 Fine Arts 1 1 4 0 4 0 3 Engineering 3 1 32 36 13623 114 0 14 763 4 B.Arch 4 4 80 80 160 5 MBA/Management 8 8 660 60 720 6 Medical 2 5 7 1063 1063 7 Homeo 1 1 120 120 8 Ayurveda 2 4 6 312 312 9 Dental 1 6 7 376 376 10 Pharmacy 1 8 9 590 590 11 Paramedical Science 4 4 126 126 12 Nursing 2 19 21 1275 1275 13Law College 2 1 3 385 220 605 14 Physical Education 1 1 2 114 114 15 Training Colleges 2 2 59 63 7295 7295 16 Arabic Colleges 9 19 28 1066 180 124 6 Total 35 59 276 370 66020 3571 69591 GO TO INDEX INDEX I.THRISSUR 1.Arts & Science Colleges 1.1Government Colleges 1.2Aided Colleges 1.3Unaided Colleges 2.Fine Arts 2.1Government Colleges 3.Engineering Colleges 3.1Government Colleges 3.2Unaided Colleges 4.B.ARCH 4.1Unaided Colleges 5.MBA/Management Colleges 5.1Unaided Colleges 6.Medical Colleges 6.1Government Colleges 6.2Unaided Colleges 6.aDental 6.a.1Unaided Colleges 6.bAyurveda 6.b.1Aided Colleges 7.Pharmacy Colleges 7.1Unaided Colleges 8.Nursing Colleges 8.1Government Colleges 8.2Unaided Colleges 9.Law Colleges 9.1Government Colleges 10.Physical Education 10.1Unaided Colleges 11.Training Colleges GO TO INDEX 11.1Government Colleges 11.2Unaided Colleges 12.Arabic Colleges 12.1Unaided Colleges II.PALAKKAD 1. Arts & Science Colleges 1.1 Government Colleges 1.2 Aided Colleges 1.3 Unaided Colleges 2.Engineering Colleges 2.1 Government Colleges 2.2Aided Colleges 2.3Unaided Colleges 3.B.ARCH 3.1Unaided Colleges 4.MBA/Management Colleges 4.1 Unaided Colleges 5.Medical Colleges 5.1Unaided Colleges 5.aDental 5.a.1Unaided Colleges 5.bAyurveda 5.b.1Unaided Colleges 6.Pharmacy Colleges 6.1Unaided Colleges 7.Nursing Colleges 7.1 Unaided Colleges 8.Training Colleges 8.1Aided Colleges 8.2 Unaided Colleges 9.Arabic Colleges 9.1Unaided Colleges III.MALAPPURAM GO TO INDEX 1.Arts & Science Colleges 1.1Government Colleges 1.2Aided Colleges 1.3Unaided Colleges 2. Engineering Colleges 2.1Unaided Colleges 3. B.ARCH 3.1 Unaided Colleges 4.Medical Colleges 4.1 Unaided Colleges 4.aAyurveda 4.a.1Aided Colleges 4.bDental 4.b.1Unaided Colleges 5.Pharmacy Colleges 5.1 Unaided Colleges 6.Paramedical Science 6.1 Unaided Colleges 7. Nursing Colleges 7.1 Unaided Colleges 8. Training Colleges 8.1Unaided Colleges 9.Arabic Colleges 9.1 Aided Colleges 9.2 Unaided Colleges 10.Law Colleges 10.1 Unaided Colleges IV.KOZHIKODE 1.Arts & Science Colleges 1.1Government Colleges 1.2 Aided Colleges 1.3 Unaided Colleges 2. Engineering Colleges 2.1 Government Colleges 2.2 Unaided Colleges GO TO INDEX 3.Medical Colleges 3.1 Government Colleges 3.2 Unaided Colleges 3.aHomeo College 3.a.1Government Colleges 3.bAyurveda 3.b.1Unaided Colleges 3.cDental 3.c.1Government Colleges 3.c.2Unaided Colleges 4.Pharmacy Colleges4.Pharmacy Colleges 4.1Government Colleges 4.2Unaided Colleges 5. Nursing Colleges 5.1Government Colleges 5.2Unaided Colleges 6.Management Colleges 6.1 Unaided Colleges 7.Physical Education 7.1Government Colleges 8.Training Colleges 8.1 Government Colleges 8.2 Aided Colleges 8.3 Unaided Colleges 9. Law Colleges 9.1 Government Colleges 10.Arabic Colleges 10.1Aided Colleges 10.2Unaided Colleges V.WAYANAD 1.Arts& Science Colleges 1.1 Government Colleges 1.2 Aided Colleges 1.3 Unaided Colleges 2.Training Colleges 2.1 Unaided Colleges GO TO INDEX I.THRISSUR 1.Arts & Science Colleges 1.1Government Colleges 1.K.K.T.M.Govt. College, Pullut, Thrissur.Dist, 680 663. 2.Panampilly Memorial Govt.College,Chalakudy, Thrissur.Dist, 680 307. 3.Sri Achutha Menon Govt.College, Kuttanellur, Thrissur.Dist.,680 001. 1.2Aided Colleges 1.Carmel College, Mala, Thrissur.Dist., 680 732. 2.Christ College, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur.Dist., 680 125. 3.Little Flower College, Guruvayoor, Thrissur.Dist, 680 103. 4.Mar Doineysius College, Pazhanji, Thrissur.Dist, 680 542. 5.M.E.S Asmabi College, Vemballur.P.O, Kodungallur, Thrissur.Dist, 680 671. 6.Prajyothi Nikethan College, Puthukkad,P.O, Thrissur.Dist.,680 301. 7.Sacred Heart College for Women, Chalakudy, Thrissur.Dist, 680 307. 8.Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur,Thrissur.Dist., 686011. 9.Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur, Ariyannur, Thrissur.Dist., 680 102. 10.Sree Narayana College, Nattika, Thrissur.Dist, 680 566. 11.Sree Vivekananda College, Kunnamkulam, Thrissur.Dist, 680523. 12.Sree Vyasa N.S.S College, Vyasagiri, Vadakkanchery, Thrissur.Dist, 680 623. 13.St.Mary's College, Thrissur, Thrissur.Dist, 680 020 14.St.Joseph's College, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur.Dist, 680 121 15.St.Thomas College, Thrissur, Thrissur.Dist, 680 001. 16.Vimala College, Thrissur, Thrissur.Dist. GO TO INDEX 17.St.Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur.Dist, 680 611. 1.3Unaided Colleges 1. A.C.Kunjumon Haji Memorial ICA College, Thozhiyur.P.O,Thrissur.Dist.,680 520. 2. Ansar Women's College, Perumpilavu, Thrissur.Dist 3. Don Bosco College, Mannuthy, Thruissur.Dt. 4. Mother Arts & Science College, Poovathur, Near Mullasserry,Thrissur.Dist. 5. Sahrdaya Arts and Science College, Kodakara, Thrissur 6. Naipunnya Institute of Management & Information Technology,Pongam, Koratty, Thrissur.Dist. 7. College of Applied Science, Chelakkara, Pazhayannur, Thrissur.Dist, 680 567. 8. College of Applied Sciences, Nattika, Valappad.P.O, Thrissur.Dist, 9. College of Applied Science, Kodungallur, Thrissur.Dist. 2.Fine Arts 2.1Government Colleges 1. Govt. Fine Arts College,Thrissur,Thrissur.Dist. 3.Engineering Colleges 3.1Government Colleges 1. Govt.Engineering College, Thrissur, Thrissur.Dist,680 009. 3.2Unaided Colleges 1. IES College of Engineering, Chittilappilly, Thrissur.Dist, 680 551 2. Jyothi Engineering College, Cheruthuruthy, Vettikkattiri.P.O,Jyothi Hills, Thrissur.Dist. 3. Malabar College of Engineering and Technology, Deshamangalam, GO TO INDEX Pallur(P.O), Wadakkanchery (VIA), Thrissur.Dist. 4. MET's School of Engineering, Mala, Thrissur.Dist. 5. Nehru College of Engineering & Research Centre, Pampady, Thrissur.Dist 6. Axis College of Engineering & Technology, Murikkingal,Thrissur.Dist. 7. Royal College of Engineering & Technology, Akkikavu,Thrissur.Dist. 8. Sahridaya College of Engineering & Technology, Kodakara, Thrissur.Dist. 9. Thejus Engineering College, 9/403, Vallarkkad,Erumapetti.P.O, Thrissur.Dist. 10.Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Punnukara, Thrissur.Dist. 11.Universal Engineering College, Valivattom.P.O.,Konathukunnu, Thrissur 12.Sree Ernakulathappan College of Engineering and Management, Muppliyum, Thrissur - 680 312. 13.Nirmala College of Engineering, Chalakudy, Thrissur - 680 311 14.Holy Grace Academy of Engineering for Women, Kuruvilassery, Mala, Thrissur, 680 735 4.B.ARCH 4.1Unaided Colleges 1. IES College of Archiecture, Chittilappilly, Thrissur.Dist, 680 551 5.MBA/Management Colleges 5.1Unaided Colleges 1. Elijah Institute of Management Studeis, St.Mary's Street, Opp.Vanaja Mills, Thrissur.Dist. 2. Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies, Mala, Kuruvilassery, Thrissur.Dist. 3. West Fort Higher Education Trust, Pottore, Thrissur. 4. Naipunya Institute of Management and Information Technology, Pongam, Koratty East, Thrissur 6.Medical Colleges GO TO INDEX 6.1Government Colleges 1. Govt.Medical College, Mulankunnathukavu, Thrissur.Dist, 680 581. 6.2Unaided Colleges 1. Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur,Thrissur.Dist 6.aDental 6.a.1Unaided Colleges 1. PSM College of Dental Science and Research, Akkikkavu.P.O., Thrissur.Dist. 6.bAyurveda 6.b.1Aided Colleges 1. Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur, Thaikkattussery, Thrissur.Dist.,680 322. 7.Pharmacy Colleges 7.1Unaided Colleges 1. Nehru College of Pharmacy, Pampady, Thrissur.Dist. 2. St.James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Chalakudy, Thrissur.Dist 8.Nursing Colleges GO TO INDEX 8.1Government Colleges 1. Govt.College of Nursing, Medical College Campus.P.O, Vellappara, Mulamkunnathukavu, Thrissur.Dist 8.2Unaided Colleges 1. Amala College of Nursing,Amala Nagar, Thrissur.Dist. 2. Aswini College of Nursing, Nadathara, Thrissur.Dist. 3. Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, St.James Hospital, Chalakkudy, Thrissur.Dist. 4. Mother College of Nursing, Thrissur.Dist. 5. St.James College of Nursing, Chalakudy, Thrissur.Dist. 6. Westfort Nursing College, C/o Westfort Hospital, Thrissur, Thrissur.Dist. 9.Law Colleges 9.1Government Colleges 1. Government Law College, Ayyanthole, Thrissur 10.Physical Education 10.1Unaided Colleges 1. Christ College of Physical Education, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur-680 125 11.Training Colleges 11.1Government Colleges 1. Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Palace Road,Thrissur-20 GO TO INDEX 11.2Unaided Colleges 1. Ansar Training College for Women, Perumpilavu, Ansar Nagar, Thrissur.Dist 2. Arafa Institute for Teacher Education, Arafa Nagar, Attur,Thrissur.Dist. 3. Dr.Palpu Memorial SNDP Yogam Training College, Kodungallur, Thrissur.Dist. 4. Euphraisia Training College, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur.Dist. 5. Hindi Prachara Kendra College of Teacher Education, Kodungallur, Thrissur.Dist. 6. Ideal Educational Society Training College, Chittilappilly, Thrissur.Dist. 7. J.P.E.Training College, Kodencheryy, Thrissur.Dist. 8. Jesus Training College, Meithakudy,Mala.P.O, Thrissur.Dist., 680 732. 9. Mahajubilee Training College, Mulloorkara, Thrissur 10.Mar Osthatheos Training College, Perumpilavu, Kunnamkulam, Thrissur.Dist. 11.Namboodiris College of Teacher Education, Marar Road,Irinjalakuda,Thrissur.Dt. 12.Navajyothi College of Teacher Education, Olarikkara, Thrissur.Dist. 13.Sree Vivekananda Teacher Education Centre, Akkikkavu, Thrissur.Dist. 14.St.Joseph's Training College, St.Thomas Monsatry Complex, Pavaratty, Thrissur.Dist. 15.Vikram Sarabhai B.Ed. College, Kaipamangalam, Thrissur.Dist. 12.Arabic Colleges 12.1Unaided Colleges 1. Thaqwa Afzal-Ul-Ulama Arabic College, Andathode, Thrissur.Dist. II.PALAKKAD GO TO INDEX 1. Arts & Science Colleges 1.1 Government Colleges 1. Government College, Agali, Attappadi, Palakkad.Dist. 2. Chembai Memorial Govt.Music College, Palakkad, Palakkad.Dist. 3.
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