Phone 5862 1034 – Fax 5862 2668 – Email - Editorial: [email protected] - Advertising: [email protected] – Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. VA 1548 established 1895 LEADER NumurkahWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2020 $1.30 INSIDE RENOVATIONS at the Telegraph Hotel have uncovered an historical photo, the origins of which remain unknown . See story page 5. Aged care thanks See story page 3 Historical Car set alight mystery See story page 2 Strathmerton Greater Shepparton stabbing COVID-19 cases accused refused bail A 35 YEAR-OLD Strathmerton man has been continue to climb remanded to appear before Shepparton magis- trates court in November, following an unpro- FOLLOWING a reallocation of the one active at Maculata Place. A student from Greater Sheppar- voked knife a ack on his neighbour last Tuesday case added to its tally last week - the rst in over two ton College (Wanganui Campus) is also linked to night. months - Moira Shire has returned to a status of this outbreak. e 49 year-old victim of the a ack, which oc- zero active COVID-19 cases; Greater Shepparton’s ere are two active cases that are linked, and curred at his address on McGuire Street at around tally continues to rise steadily however. two other single separate active cases that are not 11pm, is recovering at home having been treated Grave As of yesterday a ernoon, Greater Shepparton linked. All of these people are required to isolate, in hospital a er su ering ve stab wounds. was listed as having 12 active cases - an increase of are being monitored and are being provided sup- e alleged o ender represented himself when 11 in less than a week, with cases rising by three cas- port where required. he appeared before a magistrate via videolink last es yesterday. concerns GV Health is undertaking contact tracing in re- ursday morning, and his application for bail Five of the active cases are related to the Shep- was refused. lation to all current active cases in Shepparton in parton Villages outbreak; being two sta members, Police investigating the incident said there was two close contacts of the sta members who are not consultation with the Department of Health and no history of animosity between the two men Human Services. See story page 11 employed at Shepparton Villages, and one resident and there was no altercation which precipitated the a ack. www.numurkahleader.net.au 2 — NumurkahLEADER, Wednesday, August 12, 2020 PETER COX & SONS FUNERALDIRECTORS Professional service tailored to your needs Car seized, but hoons persist Locally owned & operated 24 hours - 7 days a week DESPITE a small win on the part of Numurkah police, hoon driving behaviour continues to frus- One down ... This well known Funeral calls and information trate police and locals alike. hoon car is off the road, having At around 3.30pm last Wednesday, police lo- been impounded by police. 5862 3047 cated a vehicle, which was known to have been Cnr Meiklejohn & Quinn Streets repeatedly used in hoon-type driving, outside an ACCREDITED MEMBER OF THE AUSTRALIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION address on Dolphin Street, Numurkah, and took possession of it. Meals on Wheels Roster e location and impoundment of the vehicle Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 followed an incident the previous day in which M. Crowther - VOLUNTEER S. Green police observed the vehicle, which was unregis- 17/8 Harris REQUIRED tered and unroadworthy, being driven along Sax- V. Bunny M. Mandersloot A. De Vries ton Street at around 10.30am. 18/8 G. Varley G. Russell L. Saltmarsh When the police a empted to stop the vehicle, P. & D. Heard F. Booth R. & G. the driver failed to stop, and drove away erratical- 19/8 Chessells ly and at high speed. M. Caccianiga Church of R. & C. e driver of the vehicle is well-known to po- 20/8 Christ Hardham lice, whose a empts to locate him are ongoing. VOLUNTEER C. Boldt J. Hansen Despite one hoon vehicle being taken o the 21/8 REQUIRED K. Hepworth Coordinator – MHA Care Phone 5742 1111 road, hoon driving has continued to plague Nu- murkah’s streets over the past week - usually in the early hours of the morning. BRERETON’S BAKERY Several posts have appeared on the Numurkah BRERETON’S BAKERYFacebook page in recent days regarding hoon be- & COFFEE LOUNGE& COFFEE LOUNGEhaviour. BRERETON’S64 BRERETON’SMeiklejohn BAKERY Street,64 Meiklejohn Numurkah BAKERY Street, NumurkahNumurkah police con rmed to the Leader that 20 Blake& COFFEE Street, LOUNGE Nathalia whilst they had been made aware of an incident 20 Blake Street, Nathaliawhich occurred at around 5.30am yesterday, an- 64 Meiklejohn Street, Numurkah & COFFEE LOUNGE20 Blake Street, Nathalia other incident that is alleged to have occurred at NUMURKAH around 3am on Monday had not been reported 64 Meiklejohn Street,64 Numurkah Meiklejohn Street 5862 1790 to them. NATHALIA Sergeant Tim Gleeson from Numurkah police 20 Blake Street, Nathalia told the Leader it was vital that hoon behaviour 20 Blake Sreet 5866 2466 was reported to police when it occurred. YAR WONGA “ e vehicle we have impounded was a direct Belmore Street 5744 0130 result of intelligence and footage provided by (In front of Woolworths) members of the community,” he said. “ e more information the public provides us with, the more we are able to do to put a stop to WE ARE OPEN this type of dangerous behaviour. We urge any- body with information or footage of hoon-type Check out in store or our driving behaviour to contact us.” facebook page for any changes to our opening hours PLEASE STAY SAFE and remember to wear a mask in our stores COME AND SEE US FOR ALL YOUR Charges follow car fi re A 33 YEAR-OLD Numurkah man has been charged a er a car was torched on Corke Before ... The car was Street, Numurkah, on Sunday a ernoon. found dumped on Corke O cers from Cobram responded to a call Street on Sunday morning. PRINTING of a vehicle having been abandoned in the CALENDARS carpark of the Numurkah cemetery, and at- POSTERS UP TO A1 tended the scene on Sunday morning, re- moving the licence plates - which did not PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS belong to the vehicle. e charged individual, who is denying FLYERS ownership of the vehicle, was observed at the vehicle - a black Mitsubishi sedan - BUSINESS CARDS which was still at that location, on Sunday a ernoon shortly before it was observed to MENUS be on re. He le the scene on a pushbike, and was lo- VOUCHERS cated on foot at the recreation reserve a short time later and arrested by Numurkah police BOOKS AND MAGAZINES members. He was taken back to the Numurkah police Small numbers of anything station where he was charged with criminal After ... By Sunday night the car had been torched by a man Ph. 5862 1034 damage by re, and a number of driving of- NumurkahLEADER police allege was its owner. 88 Melville St, Numurkah fences arising from observations of him driv- ing erratically and at high speeds on the days prior. He will appear at Shepparton magis- Numurkah Leader is trates court to face those charges at a future bound by the Standards date. of Practice of the Whilst he was released on bail for those Australian Press o ences, he was re-arrested on Sunday Council. If you believe night following an alleged assault on a fam- the Standards may have been breached, ily member, and remained in police custody you may approach the newspaper overnight. itself or contact the Council by email Police have praised quick-thinking mem- ([email protected]) or by phone bers of the public who contacted them with ([02] 9261 1930). For further information a detailed description of the man a er he was see www.presscouncil.org.au. observed at the car before it ignited. NumurkahLEADER 88 Melville Street, Numurkah VIC 3636 Beverley James Dominique Heather Joanne Karen Sheryl Phone: 03 5862 1034 Hutchins Su on Cosgriff Kelly Crisara Harper Ellio www.numurkahleader.net.au Editor Graphic Journalist Sales Admin Sports Sports Designer Journalist Photographer Published by Jinki Sixteen Pty. Ltd. and printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd printads@ design@ editorial@ sales@ printads@ sport@ Registered by Australia Post - Print Post publication no. 100002644 leader.net.au leader.net.au leader.net.au leader.net.au leader.net.au leader.net.au NumurkahLEADER, Wednesday, August 12, 2020 — 3 Shots fired at Naring POLICE BEAT IT’S been a busy couple of who may have CCTV footage, weeks for local police, with a to contact Nathalia police. wide range of incidents, some of At approximately 5pm on a fairly serious nature, occurring Tuesday, July 28, a Numurkah in the district. woman was assaulted in an un- Last Saturday afternoon, po- provoked attack in Tocumwal lice attended an address in Nar- Road, Numurkah. The victim ing following an incident on a suffered bruising as a result of private property where a vehicle the attack and was kept un- was reportedly shot at. Nobody der observation at Numurkah was injured during the incident. hospital. The suspect is an un- Police from Numurkah and known female. Anyone with Nathalia assisted detectives information about the assault from Wangaratta to execute a is asked to contact Numurkah warrant in relation to that inci- police on 5862 3311. Extended family ... Back (from left): Karinya staff Teruko Smith and Christina Cox, with (front from left) residents Enid dent, at an address in Naring on A black Mitsubishi sedan was Head and Margaret Jose, all feel at home at Karinya. Sunday afternoon. Two males, set fire to at the Numurkah aged 20 and 50 were arrested, cemetery car park on Sunday and a number of firearms, and afternoon.
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