Cloudy and Mild Mostly cloudy, mild today. THEDAILY Clear, mild tonight; Sunny, pleasant tomorrow and Satur- FINAL day. EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home X«?wspa|»c*r 32 PAGES VOL. 94 NO. 77 BED BANK, IS J. THURSDAY, OCTOBEK M,1971 Draft Cards Rejected In War Moratorium By DOBIS KULMAN "Mr. Dilapo?" he inquired pleasantly as the two men 1 shook hands, "I'm Larry Erickson. I've wanted to meet you." RED BANK — Two young men turned in their draft cards "When you go home tonight, why not think about why you're at the Selective Service Board office on Broad St., here, as doing this?" Mr, prkkson .suggested to the board staff as he* part of 3 Moratorium Day observance yesterday while a group and Mr. Gurniak left to rejoin the demonstrators. of about 150 anti-war, anti-draft demonstrators picketed on the Mr. Erickson also, turned in the draft card of Bic Kcssler, sidewalk below. formerly of Fair Haven, which he said Mr. Kcssler had given The chant of the pickets - "no more Victnams, no more At- him for that purpose. He said Mr. Kessler is believed en route , ticas" -~ was audible through the closed windows of the board here from Boulder, Colo. offices as Lawrence D. Erickson, 22, of Long Branch, arid The draft board wasn't taken by surprise, Mr. Dilapo said. Greg Gurniak, 21, of Red Bank, dropped their draft cards on He said he had read nowspaper reports quoting Mr. Erick- the desk of Joan Dixon, a board secretary, son as saying he would return his own draft card and would j "There are demonstrators outside against the draft," Mr. call for a rnass turn-in of draft cards at the Marine Park rally Erickson said, "as part of that demonstration, we return to which preceded .the picketing. you these draft cards." It was after Mr. Erickson's address to the approximately ANTI-WAR MARCH — "Stop the War Against Black America & Indochina" proclaims the bonnet' of "Oh. Okay," Miss Dixon replied. 200 persons at that rally, in which he "invited" other young Youth Against War and Foscisrh which led 1he march.of approximately 200 peace demonstrators from. Mr. Erickson, who is director ef Jersey Shore Draft Coun- men to join him "not only in saying 'no' but in doing Marine Park rally down Broad St. to picket Red Bank draft board offices during Moratorium Day ob- seling, strode over to Victor Dilapo, the board's executive sec- 'no'... acting on our beliefs... recognizing your draft card servance yesterday. retary, who had come Into the room from an inner office. SeeTwoBeJcct,Pagc2 Identify 6 Prospective High Court Nominees WASHINGTON (AP) - A nent assignment in this re- California state appeals court Nixon. He succeeded G. Har- ified." Roney is a Republican municipal-bond lawyer In Ar- spect was representing the judge since 1958 and has 24 old CarsweU, who entered pol- and a leader of the Florida kansas and a veteran woman Little Rock board in a series years of judicial experience. itics after the Senate rejected bar association. judge in California are two of- of disputes in the 1950s that A native of Iowa and a Demo- his nomination to the Supreme Clark, 46, was appointed to six prospective nominees for featured then-Gov. Orville crat, she began her legal ca- Court. The ABA committee, the court in New Orleans by the Supreme Court under- Faubus. He is experienced reer as a federal prosecutor. cliecJting Roney's: quali- Nixon in l$69. The ADA found going American Bar Associ- also in labor law. Friday is a Eoney, 50, was named to the fications for the circuit bench, him "well-qualified." Before ation investigation. • Democrat. federal appeals court in New found the former St. Peters- that he practiced law in Jack- The two, Herscljel Friday of Mrs. Lillie, 58, has been a Orleans last November by burg, Fla., lawyer "well-qual- son. Miss. Little Rock and Mildred Lillie of Los Angeles, may be in the lead for the vacancies at this point. The ABA'is conducting the inquiry for the Justice De- partment. Death Penalty Rule Hit '.;; : .•• • ' • , : • "'•• ... Register Stnfl Pliolo The four other names for- LERNER ARRESTED — States Trooper David Daniel escorts Louis warded to the ABA judiciary By The Associated Press countered Stephen Nagler, di- consideration. appeal the decision but what "Lefty" Lerner, charged with running a numbers ring in four counties, committee for preliminary rector of the New Jersey The defendant, Walter Lee it actually means. Into the State Police barracks In Colts Neck. Lerner, of Lorrg Branch/ was checks are Judges Paul H. The debate over capital American Civil Liberties White, 3*9, of East Orange,,is ."We don't know whit it Indicted by a state grand jury last Thursday and was arrested in Long Roney and Charles Clark of punishment flared anew yes- Union. accused of murdering Frank means at this point," an aide Branch yesterday. He Is free on $15,000 bail pending trial. the .U.S. Circuit Court in New terday as lawyers and law- The opinions were in reac- Russo at a Newark trucking to state Attorney General Orleans, Sen. Robert C. Byrd, men reacted to a judge's deci- tion to Tuesday's ruling by Su- company office last January, George F.| Kugler Jr. said. D-W.Va,, and Judge Sylvia sion declaring the death pen- perior Court Judge Brendan "There are some thorny legal Bacon of the District of Co- alty unconstitutional in New T. Byrne that New Jersey's The decision by Byrne issues involved here. It's a lumbia Superior Court. Jersey. 78-year-old death penalty law prompted new appraisals of very wmplicated problem The ABA committee, head- violates citizens' rights to a the death penalty and could and we want to take a good Numbers Ring Case ed by Lawrence E. Walsh, a "Just one more stumbling jury trial and against self-in- have impact on the 22 prison- hard look at it before we New York lawyer, probably block in the path of the police- crimination. ers currently on Death Row in speak." will meet to make a final man," said John Hefferaan, Byrne ruled in a case in State Prison. Ironically, two of the 22 : judgement of the candidates' president of the state's 16,000- which an Essex County man Joseph P. Lordi, Esses men now under the death sen- qualifications early next member Policemen's Ben- was charged with a holdup County prosecutor, said a tence were put in the death Nets City Arrest ;• week. evolent Association. murder. Byrne granted a de- member of his staff would house by Byrne himself, when President Nixon will an- "You'«fon't rehabilitate fense application to eliminate meet today with state officials he was Essex County prose- TRENTON - State Police Branch. the last major independent nounce bis choices later in the someone by roasting him," the death penalty from jury to decide not only whether to cutor. Wednesday arrested reputed' Lerner, of 323 Liberty St:, gamblers in the state.' week. If the Senate gives Its. Long Branch gambler Louis who is 65, was mentioned in. DeCarlo andAntliony approval, the two new justices "Wty" Lerner on an in- FBI transcripts of eaves- "Little Pussy" Russo, also of •will take the seats-vacated in dictment charging him with dropping on two top New Jer- Long Branch, discussed ways September by Hugo L. Black running an extensive numbers sey Cosa Nostra figures, Sim- of putting Lerner out of busi- and John M. Harlan. Tie to Lost Friend Proved ring in Monmouth, Middlesex, one."Sam the Plumber'* ness, according to the tran- At any tune along the way, Union and Hudson counties. DeCavalcante and Angelo scripts. the administration could scale By MARYBETH ALLEN Holmes' residence. Mr. dubbed him his "pitman." was an upsetting experience The indictment was re- "Gyp" DeCarlo. The grand jury indictment down the number of pros- Holmes was owner of a . "It was just one of those for him." turned by, a state grand jury In the recorded conversa- supersedes one handed up in pects. Similarly, the ABA MIDDLETOWN - It was a skiff—and it was through the things," Mrs. Siegfried says, Shock Is Told last Thursday but was scaled tions, Lerner was mentioned March. The new indictment committee, in making infor- friendship between boy and boat that he and Timmy'had "where a boy gets so friendly "The news shocked him," until his arrest in Long by mobsters as being one of simply adds Lerner's name to mal reports to Attorney Gen- man. become friends. with someone outside the f am- Mrs. Holmes notes, he took it the list of the 14 indicted ear- eral John N. Mitchell, could The bond was severed Timir.y could always be ily. Mr. Holmes had two to heart "and wanted to do , Her. ,, suggest a candidate be abruptly on -Sept. 19, when counted upon to assist aboard daughters, but he took to Tim- something good. He knew a Knowledge of Lerner's al- dropped. Frederick Holmes, 30, was and help with washdowns. For my—and Timmy took to him. trust fund was being set up Weekend Readings leged involvement resulted The White House confirmed killed in a boating mishap on his work, Mr. Holmes had Hearing about the accident See Boy Page 2 from a continuing in- late yesterday a list has been Lake Hopatcong. vestigation of the case by de- sent to the ABA. The names But memory of the good tectives from the central bar- of the six prospects were ob- times lives on for Timothy 1.
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