Rental Equipment Catalog February 2020 LED Fixtures Bars: Elation Quad Bar IP65 RGBW Martin Stage Bar 54 Elation SIXBAR 1000 IP65 RGBAW+UV Pars: Chroma‐Q Color One RGBA Chauvet Colorado 1 Tour RGB Colorblast 12RGB (Power Supply Required) Global Truss Warmer RGB Hotbox Diffusion Hotbox RGBW Opti Tri Par 30 Opti Tri Par RGB UPC Par‐Lite LED RGB Par‐Lite LED IP65 Back Plates PDS‐750 12 Way PSU for Color Blast 12 Elation SIXPAR 300 IP RGBAW+UV Elation SIXPAR 200‐IP65 RGBAW+UV Ellipsoidals: Chauvet E‐910FC IP NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 Source Four LED Lustr 2 Engine Only Source Four LED Lustr+ Engine Only Strip: Elation Quad Colorframe Pixel Batten 1044 Stage Bar 54 Small RJ45 Color Chorus 72 RGBA Elation Quad Bar IP65 RGBW Color Block DB4 LED RGB Color Force 12 RGBA COMING SOON!! Color Force 72 RGBA Color Force V2 72 Battery Powered: Freedom Par Hex 4 Freedom Flex H4 IP NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 WiFly EXR HEX5 IP Wifly EXR QA5 IP Wifly EXR QA5 Wifly Transciever VOLT Q5E Flarecon Air Flat Par QWH5X Elation VOLT Q5E RGB D‐Fi Hub 3 Chauvet IRC Remote Passport IR Remote Passport Wireless Transmitter Passport Mini RGBW Moving Fixture: Intimidator Spot 255 IRC MAC 101 MAC Aura MAC Aura XB COMING SOON!! MAC Quantum Profile MAC Quantum Wash Maverick Storm 1 Wash IP65 Robe Esprite NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 SolaFrame 750 Discharge Fixtures Infinity CL S MAC 250 Entour MAC 2000 Wash MAC 2000E Profile MAC 3 Profile MAC 700 Profile MAC 700 Wash MAC Viper Profile Platinum Beam 5R Extreme Sharpy Rush MH3 Beam Sniper 2R Proteus Hybrid IP65 Conventional Fixtures Cyc Light Ground 3 Cell Cyc Lighting Ground 6 Cell Cyc Light Ground Single Cell 3" Fresnel 6" Fresnel 8" Fresnel Fresnelite 8" Fresnel 1K Strand 10" Fresnel Castor 2K 10" Fresnel Pollux 5K Pepper 600W 14" Scoop Par 16 "Birdie" Par 40 Par 64, Black Finish Par 64, Polished Finish Par 56 Source Four Par EA Source Four Par EA Very Narrow Source Four Par EA Narrow Source Four Par EA Medium Source Four Par EA Wide Source Four Parnel 575W Source Four Ellipsoidal ‐ Body Only MR‐16 Zip Strip Borderlight 6' Striplight 12 Lamp 3 Circuit Striplight 15 Lamp 3 Circuit Probeam Projector Pinbeam Par 36 Blinders/Molefays Eight Light Four Light Nine Light Four Light LED DTW 700 Effect Fixtures 12" Police Beacon 6" Police Beacon American DJ H2O 250 EX Water Effect BL‐50 Blisslight Cosmic Derby Le Flame Simulated Fire Effect in Bowl Mania DC‐1 Water MR‐16 Mania DC‐2 Flame MR‐16 Mania DC‐3 Oil MR‐16 Mania EFX 600 Rush DC1 Aqua Rolling Scan Spartan TLS4 4 Head Spinner Twister Wizard Wizard Extreme Blacklights: Altman 705 400W Blacklite 48" Rush 4 Par UV Wildfire 400W Flood Wildfire 400W Flood w/DMX Scrollers: Coloram 10" Plate Coloram 2 Gel Scroller (Specify Frame Size) Coloram 24 Way Power Supply Coloram 4.5" Plate Coloram 6 Way Power Supply Coloram 7" Plate Strobes: AF Strobe Head AF Strobe Controller AF Strobe Mini Control DMZ Atomic 3000 ‐ 110V, Edison Atomic 300 ‐ 208V, L6‐20 Atomic 3000 LED Atomic Color Atomic Color Power Supply Atomic Detonator Mark 2000 DMX Strobe 1500W 120V Mark 3000 DMX Strobe 3000W 208V SGM Q7 NEW!! NOVEMBER 2019 Star Strobe / Glitter Strobe Super Strobe 600W Super Strobe Remote Y Connector Remote Control for Super Strobe Bubble Machines: Bubble King Bubble Machine Confetti: 1 Shot Trigger for Confetti Cannon 3 Shot Trigger for Confetti Cannon Confetti Cannon w/1 Barrel L5‐15 Twist Confetti Storm Confetti Storm Barrel with Hose Glowmax Confetti Launcher Air Compressor w/Hose L5‐15 Twofer 25' L5‐15 Cable 50' L5‐15 Cable 100' L5‐15 Cable Fans: AF‐1 Fan DMX Only, 3 Pin Mole 18" Wind Machine DMX 5 Pin w/Stand & Case Re‐Fan Flicker Generator: Magic Gadget 2K Flicker Generator Fog & Low Lying Fog: Jem ZR25 Fogger 2 w/Remote Jem ZR35 Fog Machine w/Remote Chauvet Vesuvio 2 Vertical Fog LED w/Remote Vapour Plus Fog Machine w/Remote Chauvet Cloud9 COMING SOON!! Rosco 1750 Fog Machine w/Remote Pea Souper Dry Ice Fogger Aquafog 3300 Dry Ice Fogger Haze: HazeBase Base Hazer Pro 5 Pin DMX Compact Hazer Pro DF50 Hazer Turbohazer w/Remote V‐Hazer w/Remote Snow: Antari S‐100II Snow Machine Chauvet Snow Machine w/DMX Elation SW‐250 Snow w/DMX & Wireless Lil‐Blizzard Snow Machine ‐ Analog Non‐DMX Lil‐Blizzard Snow Machine Silent Version w/DMX 5 Pin Lil‐Blizzard Snow Machine w/DMX 5 Pin Accessories & Lens Tubes Standard Definition Lens Tubes: Source Four 5 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 10 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 14 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 19 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 26 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 36 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 50 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 70 Degree Lens Tube Source Four 90 Degree Lens Tube Enhanced Definition Lens Tubes: Chauvet 19 Degree EDLT NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 Chauvet 26 Degree EDLT NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 Chauvet 36 Degree EDLT NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 Chauvet 50 Degree EDLT NEW!! FEBRUARY 2020 Accessories: 7 1/2" Barndoor for Source Four Par Barndoors Color Frames Donuts Snoot / Tophats A Size Metal Pattern Holder B Size Glass Pattern Holder B Size Metal Pattern Holder Diffuser Pattern Holder Drop In Iris for Source Four Dipstick EFX Plus‐2 Imagepro w/PSU Mole Iris Safety Cables Smart Move Double Gobo Rotator Film / Video / TV Arri 4 Light Kit 300W Arri Softbank 2 Kit Desisti/OFK 4 Head Kit DP 3 Kit DP 4 Kit Mini Pro 120 Mini Pro Barndoor Mole Supersoft 2K CF Mole Supersoft Egg Crate Mole Supersoft /2K Moleipso Open Face Broad 1K w/Barndoor Rosco Digital Shooter Kit Daylight Tota 4 Kit Tota Lite Jab Follow Spots Clubspot 1236 Canto 1200 MSR Follow Spot Comet 360W Strong Trouperette III Super Arc Long Throw 400W 1267 Super Arc Standard Throw 400W 1266 Super Clubspot 1238 Lycian 1275 1200W w/Stand and Ballast Super Trouper 2K Super Trouper 2K Ballast Super Trouper 2K Stand Truss Trouper 1.2K Mirror Balls 12" Mirror Ball w/Motor 16" Mirror Ball w/Motor 20" Mirror Ball w/Motor 24" Mirror Ball w/Motor 36" Mirror Ball w/Motor 12‐16" Mirror Ball Motor Only 20‐28" Mirror Ball Motor Only 36" Mirror Ball Motor Only Truss 12 Inch: 2' Box Truss 2.5' Box Truss 3' Box Truss 4' Box Truss 5' Box Truss 6' Box Truss 8' Box Truss 10' Box Truss Corner 20.5 Inch: 8' Box Truss 10' Box Truss Corner Circle: 8' Od Star Circle ‐ 12" Box Truss 9' ‐ Od Circle 1/4 ‐ 12" Box Truss Half 20' ‐ Od Circle 1/4 ‐ 12" Box Truss 20' ‐ Od Circle 1/8 ‐ 12" Box Truss Base: 12" Box Truss Aluminum Base Plate 12" Box Truss Steel, 24" Base Plater 12" Box Truss Steel, 36" Base Plate Accessories: 12" Truss Top 1/2 Coupler 12" Truss Flat Top w/Bolts 15/16 Truss Wrench Set 24" Truss Top Flat Plate w/Bolts Grapple for 12" Box Truss Triple Truss Dolly 2/20' Strap Truss Stabilizer Leg Truss Top Plate with Bar Truss Bolts, Washers, Nuts Data/Networking DMX Manager 2 in 1 Out Serial Data Distro 3 Pin 6 Output Gigabit Switch 8 Port w/POE Pathport Quattro 4‐Port Gateway, Rear XLR5F Connectors DMX Opto Splitter 4 Output ‐ 3 and 5 Pin ‐ Datastream E‐Fly Wireless DMX Transceiver 3/5 Pin Micro F‐1 G5 WDMX RX/TX 5 Pin One Universe Showbaby 5 Wireless DMX Consoles Avo Tiger Touch V9.1 Baxter Playback 8 w/PSU Cognito 2 ETC Colorsource 20 Console Cybernet Computer w/Keyboard, Mouse & Cover DP 8000 DMX Processor 8XLR5F Output ETC Express 125 ETC Express 250 ETC Express 48/96 ETC Element 40, 250 Channel ETC Expression 3 GrandMA GrandMA Dot 2 ‐ Core GrandMA 2 Light GrandMA 3 Light GrandMA 3 NPU Model L ‐ 8,192 Parameter Processor Hedgehog 4 Hog 3 Full Boar Wing Hog 4 Full Boar ETC Insight 2X ETC ION ETC ION Fader Wing Jands Stage CL Lightjockey USB 1024 Leprecon LP‐612 Leprecon LP‐624 Leprecon LP‐1524 Road Hog 4 RGBW‐4C LED Controller ETC Smart Fade 24/96 Vista T2 Whole Hog 3 Monitors: ELO Touchscreen for Ion 19" ELO Touchscreen for ION 21.5" LCD Touch Screen 17" for Hog LCD Monitor Dimmer Racks & Distro's ETC Dimmer Rack 12 Channel x 2.4K Stage Pin 20A Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 12 Channel x 6K Stagepin 60A Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 1 Channel x 12K Stage Pin 100A 120V Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 24 Channel x 2.4K Socapex Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 24 Channel x 2.4K Stagepin 20A/Socapex Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 3 Channel x 12K Stagepin 100A 120V Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 48 Channel x 2.4K Stagepin 20A/Socapex Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 6 Channel x 6K Stagepin 60A Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 6 Channel x 12K Stagepin 100A 120V Out / Camlock In ETC Dimmer Rack 72 Channel x 2.4K Stagepin 20A/Socapex Out / Camlock In ETC CEM Rack Electronics Card ETC D20 Spare Dimmer Module Dimmer AS‐40 6 Channel 600W MPX 3 Pin Dimmer AS‐412 4 Channel 1200W DMX/LMX Dimmer AS‐412 4 Channel 1200W MPX Dimmer LD‐350 DMX 6 Channel 3600W Total Dimmer LD‐360 DMX BLP 6 Channel 1200W Total 1x120V Input Dimmer Single 2400W 5‐15 Edison In / Stagepin 20A Out D2.4 TT Dimmer ULD 360 DMX 6 Channel 3600W LEX Slim Dim 1.8K Distro Spider 3 Phase Cam In to 3 x 100A Camlock 100A Fused Disconnect 3 Phase 200A Fused Disconnect 3 Phase 600A Fused Disconnect 3 Phase Distro 3 Phase 36 ‐ 120 Socapex ‐ 6 Edison 24" x 30" Distro 3 Phase Metal to 12 ‐ 20A Circuits Edison Distro Pagoda 3 Phase 15 Circuit Edison Duplex Distro 3 Phase to 12 Circuits L6‐20 ‐ 2 Socapex 208 1 5‐15 Edison Distro 3 Phase to 6 Ciruits L6‐20 Distro Pagoda 3 Phase to 6 Circuits LG‐20 Duplex Distro Rack 3 Phase 30 Circuit L6‐20 w/4 Socapex Distro 3 Phase 12 x L6‐20, 6 x 5‐15 Edison Distro ‐ Camlock to 1 Circuit L6‐30 240V Distro Polybox 3 Phase to 30 Circuits 20A Stagepin ‐ 4 Circuits 60A Stagepin Distro Box 3 Phase to 4 Circuits 60A Stagepin Rigging Chain 8' ‐ w/Bolts Beam Clamp 1‐Ton Beam Clamp 3‐Ton 5/8" Shackles 3' Gacflex Round Sling 6' Gacflex Round Sling 9' Gacflex Round
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