LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Pvt Private G-4 and S-4 Supply and Evacuation Pfc Private First Class G-5 Civil Affairs and Military Government Cpl Corporal Hist Historian Tee 5 Technician Fifth Grade Hq Headquarters Sat Sergeant I & E Information and Education Tee 4 Technician Fourth Grade I & R Intelligence and Reconnaissance S/Sat Staff Sergeant IG Inspector General Tee 3 Technician Third Grade Invest Investigation T/Sg! Technical Sergeant IPW I nterroaation Prisoners of War I Sgt First Sergeant It. , Italy Campaign M/Sg! Master Sergeant JA Judge Advocate WOJG Warrant Officer Junior Grade KIA Killed In Action cwo Chief Warrant Officer Ldr Leader 2 Lt Second Lieutenant LM Legion of Merit I Lt First Lieutenant Ln Liaison Capt Captain Ln P Liaison Pilot Maj Major Main 0 Maintenance Officer Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel Med 0 Medical Officer c,1 Colonel MIA Missing In Action Bria Gen Brigadier General MO Military Order (British Decoration) Maj Gen Major General M 0, Mir 0 Motor Officer WorldWarTwoVeterans.orgMPO Military Police Officer A. Ardennes Campaign Msa Cen Messaae Center ADC Aide-de-camp Mun Munitions Adj Adjutant N. Normandy Campaign Adm I< Sup 0 Administration and Supply Officer Nap. Naples Campaign AFR. African Campaign NBC Not a Batlle Casualty AG Adjutant General NF. Northern France Campaign Ale. Aleutians Campaign NP Neuropsychiatry Ala-Mor. Algerian Moroccan Campaign OB Order of Battle Ammo 0 Ammunition Officer 0 of F Order of Fatherland, Isl Dear•• (Russian AP. Asiatic Paciftc Campaign (Is! Degree) Decoration) Arm 0. Armament Officer 0 of F Order of Fatherland, 2nd Degree (Russian Asst Assistant (2nd Degree) Decoration) A!h Dir Athletic Director 0 of RB Order of the Red Banner (Russian Bn Battalion Decoration) British Order of the Military Cross Order of Red Star (Russian Decoration) BR O MC 0 of RS BS, BSM Bronze Star Medal Pm 0 Personnel Officer CAP Captured PH Purple Heart Central Europe Campaign Pl Photo I nterpretatlon CE. CG Croix de Guerre Pit Platoon Chap Chaplain PM Provost Marshal CIC CounterWorldWarTwoVeterans.org I ntelliaence Corps PO Postal Officer Co Company PRO Public Relations Officer co Commanding Officer Px 0 Post Exchange Officer Cmdr Commander QM Quartermaster Cmd! Commandant R. Rhineland Cam paian Com 0, Comm 0 Communications Officer R-A. Rome-Arno Campaign Const 0 Construction Officer Ren Reconnaissance C of S Chief of Staff Reg! Regiment Dtf Pit Defense Platoon RSO Regimental Supply Officer Den I< Dent Dental SF. Southern France Campaign Di, Division Sic. Sicilian Campaign 000 Division Ordance Officer Sia 0 Signal Officer DOW Died of Wounds S10 Staff Intelligence Officer OS Detached Service SM Soldiers Medal DSC Distinguished Service Cross Spl Pit Special Platoon DSM Distinguished Service Medal ss Silver Star DSM (Br) DistinguishedWorldWarTwoVeterans.org Service Medal (British) sso Special Service Officer Ex Executive Sup 0 Supply Officer FO Forward Observer Sura Surgeon Fin 0 Finance Officer TCO Traffic Control Officer FM. French Morocco Campaign Trans 0 Transportation Officer G-1 and S-1 Adjutant and Personnel Tun. Tunisian Campaign G-2 and S-2 Intelligence WF. Western France Campaign G-3 and S-3 Plans and Operations I Cl. One Cluster ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 84th INFANTRY DIVISION ROSTER OF OFFICERS, DIVISION HEADQUARTERS Walker, J oseph, Jr., Capt ADC, BS (I Cl) PH R.A.CE., East Peoria, 111. Agnew, Robert H., Capt TCO, BS (I Cl) R,A.CE., Hollis, Wassberg, Ivan J., Lt Col 000, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Man­ L. I., N. Y. hattan, l(ans. Applegate, James H .. Capt PO, BS R.A.CE., Washington, D. c. Young, Lawrence B., CWO MO, BS R. A.CE., Ca nton, Ohio. Balfour, Frank H., Jr., Capt Asst IG, R.A,CE., Orlando, Fla. Barrett, Charles J ., Brig Gen Div Arty Cmdr, LM.SS.BS. ROSTER OF OFFICERS, HEADQUARTERS SPECIAL A.R.CE .. Washington, D. C. TROOPS Bermel, Charles J., Maj Asst Div Ch, BS R.A.CE .. Brooklyn, Devor, Harold V., Capt DO, BS R.A.CE., Decatur, Ind. N. Y. Blackwood, Bill F .. I Lt Asst AG, BS R.A .CE., Chanute, Henken, Morris, WOJG Asst Ba nd Ldr, R. A.CE., Philo., Pa. Kans. Bolling, Alexander R .. Maj Gen Div Cmdr, DSC DSM LM Joachim, Darrell F., Ca pt CH, R. A.CE., Normandy, Mo. SS BS PH O of RB, CG, A. R.CE., Washington, D. C. Boose, Richard E., WOJG Asst JA, BS R.A.CE., Lancaster, Pa. McArthur, Charles E., MaJ CO , BS R.A.CE., Cordele, Ga. Boydstun, Joe F., Capt Asst Fin 0, BS R.A.CE., KIiieen, Tex. Scott, Samuel H., CWO Band Ldr, BS R.A.CE., Indianap­ Caln, James C., WOJG Asst Fin 0, BS R.A.CE., Haleyyllle, olis, Ind. Ala. Smoak, Tillman T., Lt Col Hq Comdt, BS ( I Cl ) !I.A.CE., Channon, James A., Lt Col G-3, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Chicago, Orangeburg, S. C. Ill. Chureh, John H., Brig Gen Asst Div Cmdr, DSC, LM SS BS Zubrod, George E., Jr., Capi Ex O, R.A. CE., Loui sv ille, Ky. PH (2 Cl) , Sic. RA.Naples FoggiaSF.A. R.CE .. Frederick, Md. Craig, Bertie E., Lt Col AG , BS (I Cl) R. A.CE., Portland, ROSTER OF OFFICERS, HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Ore. Cunningham, Lloyd R., Mal Ant AG, BS R.A.CE., Ports• Bouchard, Joseph, Capt Sp Pit 0, BS R.A. CE., Ft. Ke nt, Me. mouth, Va. WorldWarTwoVeterans.orgBrooks, Stanley K., I Lt Def Pit O, BS R.A.CE., Columbus, Ga. Dale, John 0., Maj Asst G-5, BS A.CE., Brooklyn, N. Y. Burlingame, William R., Capt Hq Co Comdr , BS (I Cl) Dalton, James J., Maj Asst G-1, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Belle- R.A.CE., Akron, Oh io. ville, N. Y. Danielson, Ole W .. Lt Col G-4, BS R.A.CE., Lead, S. D. Morris, George F., I Lt Mir R, BS R.A.CE., Philadelphia, Pa. Doble, Norman D., I Lt ADC, BS R.A.CE., Clear Lake, S. D. Drye, Clarence W., I Lt ADC, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Columbia, ROSTER OF OFFICERS, MILITARY POLICE PLATOON S. C. Dumville, Donald W., Capt Ln 0, BS R.A.CE .. Syracuse, N. Y. Boland, John F., I Lt MPO, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., New Yo rk, N. Y. Ewbank, Robert C., Lt Col Fin 0, BS ( I Cl) PH R.A. CE., Chicago, Ill. Conrad, Wilfred H., 2 Lt MPO, R.A . Fried, Herbert B., Capt G-5, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Chicago, Ill. Gerlock, Frank G., Jr., 2 Lt MPO, BS PH R.A.CE., Fry, Judson G., Capt Ln 0, R.A.CE .. Ft. Worth, Tex. Altoona, Pa. Giesen, Robert J., Mal G-2, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Manitowoc, Johnston, Leon N., I Lt M PO, R.A.CE., Chicago, 111. Wis. Ge•zalea, Albert, Capt Ex 0 , BS R.A.CE., Brackettville, Tex. Ridge, John J., Capt MPO, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Boston, Groen, Frank E., Mal G-5, NF.R.A.CE., Des Moines, Iowa. Mass. Himes, Donald S .. Lt Col Div QM, R.A.CE., Carlisle, Pa. Sm ith, Warren H., 2 Lt MPO, R.A. CE., Omaha, Neb. Hughes, Charles L., Mal I & E 0, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., In- diana, Pa. ROSTER OF OFFICERS, ORDNANCE LIGHT Hunter, Edgar L., Maj Asst G-5, BS PH R.A.CE., College MA I NTENANCE COMPANY Station, Tex. Baxter, Edward L., WOJG Adm & Sup O, BS R.A .CE., Ibbotson, David F., 2 Lt Class O, BS R.A.CE., Commerce, Byers, l<an s. Tix. Burglind, Arthur J., Lt Asst Arm 0, BS (I Cl) R.A. CE., Chloago, 111. Johnson, Clarence E., Mal IG, NF.R.CE., Chicago, 111 . JH11, Hayden C., Jr., Lt Col Asal G-3, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., DeGusta, Anthony T., Lt Co Cmdr, BS R.A.CE., Sacra- Atlanta, Ga. mento, Calif. Jo• ea, Rlehard H., LtWorldWarTwoVeterans.org Col Div Surg, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Dubriske, Raymond A., Lt Div Ammo 0, BS R.A.CE., Win- Rlpoa, Wis. chester, N. H. L1ory, Frantis X., Maj Asst G-4, BS ft.A.CE., Belmont, Mass. Klintworth, Jerome G., I Lt Asst Auto O, BS R.A.CE., L'Htureux. Phllip L., I Lt CIC, R.CE., Salem, Mus. Spring Lake, Mich. Melatyre, James H., Ma) Asst G-5, BS NF.N.R,A.CE., Pitta­ Murphy, Robert E., I Lt Ord Shop PO, BS R.A .CE., Atlanta, Ga. M:~~,rha:.a·James K., WOJG A11t Ag, BS R.A .CE., South- port, N. C. Prltzke, Raymond W., I Lt Ar m O, BS R.A. CE., Chicago, 111 . Man•, John W .. Lt Col CWO, BS (I Cl) R.A.CE., Hartford, Wla. Ralnish, Morton M., I Lt Sup O, BS R.A.CE., New York, Meador, Maurioe A., MaJ Div Dent Surg, BS R.A.CE., N. Y, Tuoatn, Ariz. Murray, Wllllam R .. 2 Lt CIC, CE., Troy, N. Y, Smithwick, Vincent J., Capt Asst Div Ord 0, BS R.A. CE., Desert Hot Springs, Calif. Nauta, Albert J., Mal Div Med lnsp, BS R.A.CE., Swedes, bore, N. J. ROSTER OF OFFICERS, QUARTERMASTER COMPANY O'Malley, Austin A., Capt Asst G-2, BS (I Cl) R.A. CE., Brice, Robert L., I Lt Trk Pit Ldr, BS R. A.CE., Waterloo, Brighton, Mass. Iowa. Brockett, Herbert W., I Lt Trk Pit Ldr, BS R.A .CE., New Parks, Richard H., Mal NP, BS R.A.CE .
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