E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2016 No. 164 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was plement the historic Paris Agreement The Federal Government has also called to order by the Speaker pro tem- forged last December. found that damage to human health, pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). Yet, in that same 1-year span, the agricultural losses, decreased bio diver- f President-elect used his campaign for sity, and the physical impacts of sea our country’s highest office to promote level rise, drought, wildfires, and other DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO policy ideas that would not only pol- climate impacts will cost more than TEMPORE lute the planet, but expose millions of $150 billion a year in the United States The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Americans and billions worldwide to alone. fore the House the following commu- loss of life, livelihood, and property. We have heard talk about bringing nication from the Speaker: If these dangerous ideas are put into back coal and creating new coal jobs, WASHINGTON, DC, action, they will imperil the unique like it is flipping a switch. The fact is, November 16, 2016. and fragile ecosystems that make the though, that the economic decline in I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. United States a wonder of the world, the coal industry and in the coal com- DUNCAN, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore and saddle our economy with poten- munities is driven by market forces, on this day. tially trillions of dollars in increased not government policy. PAUL D. RYAN, health care, disaster recovery, and ad- While coal is still our dirtiest form of Speaker of the House of Representatives. aptation costs, all while preventing fuel, it is no longer our cheapest. Nat- f American businesses and consumers ural gas has now overtaken coal and, in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE from realizing the economic opportuni- some cases, even renewables like wind ties of a low-carbon economy. and solar have become cost-competi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- We have heard from the next Com- tive. Coal is in decline because, in- ant to the order of the House of Janu- mander in Chief that climate change is creasingly, consumers no longer want ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- a hoax concocted by the Chinese, which it. nize Members from lists submitted by is beyond absurdity. Climate change is And thanks to technological ad- the majority and minority leaders for real, it is happening, and it is man- vances in the industry, it takes fewer morning-hour debate. made. The science is settled with 97 people to mine more coal. Coal jobs in The Chair will alternate recognition percent of climate scientists in strong, West Virginia have been declining between the parties, with each party steadfast agreement. since the fifties, long before any exist- limited to 1 hour and each Member Just take a look at the last month ing climate policy. other than the majority and minority here in the United States. In October, At the same time, as extractive in- leaders and the minority whip limited more than 5,600 all-time high tempera- dustries continue to slash jobs and to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- ture records were set. Only 350 all-time profits, the solar industry alone has bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. cold records happened in the same time more than doubled its domestic work- f span. In a stable climate, these num- force in the last 5 years and now em- bers would be about even. We do not ploys more people than coal. Jobs in CLIMATE CHANGE have a stable climate. renewable energy exist. They are in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Our next President has also claimed creasingly available, they pay well, and Chair recognizes the gentleman from that climate change action is costing they cannot be outsourced. Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. our country money when, in fact, the Finally, there has been talk about Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, it has opposite is true. Independent analysis canceling the historic Paris Agreement been 32 years since we have experienced has demonstrated that President and reneging on our international a single month with a temperature Obama’s Clean Power Plan could save pledges to join the world in acting on below the 20th century average. We are the United States more than $20 billion climate change. Doing so would abdi- now all but certain that 2016 will be the a year in decreased costs related to cli- cate our position as a global leader, single hottest year on record, replacing mate impacts, and will put more than and it would allow our international ri- 2015 and 2014, which both held that title $80 a year back into the pockets of ev- vals like China to set the terms of the before it. eryday Americans in decreased energy new global economy to benefit them, at As we stand here today, representa- costs by 2030; not to mention the eco- the expense of our people and our busi- tives from 195 nations, including our nomic activity that would be spurred nesses. own, are meeting in Morocco to discuss by the creation of thousands of new The fact is, our climate is changing how the world will move forward to im- clean energy jobs. and will only continue to do so. We b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6241 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Nov 17, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16NO7.000 H16NOPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H6242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 16, 2016 cannot afford inaction. We cannot af- tions; new regulations that will hurt the Mexican American bicultural expe- ford to undo the progress we have al- our families, kill our jobs, and con- rience. Chunky Sanchez was so well re- ready made. tinue damaging our economies. ceived that labor leader Cesar Chavez I call on my colleagues on both sides We saw that just this morning when would often invite him to play at his of the aisle to stand up for coastal his administration released the final union rallies. communities, farmers, vulnerable peo- environmental study for the stream Chunky Sanchez was also an incred- ple all over the world, and future gen- buffer zone rule. This rule continues ibly active member of the San Diego erations to not fall victim to the self- the administration’s war on coal and community. In his song ‘‘Rising serving propaganda from those who will take it even further down the road Souls,’’ he sang that he needed and we seek to profit by polluting the world. of killing jobs in West Virginia. needed ‘‘to educate, not incarcerate, so To defend the work we have done, we Congress and the States have all that humanity will shine.’’ must meet the challenge of the global issued opposition to this rule, but this During his lifetime, he embodied call to act on climate. Regardless of administration didn’t listen. It is full these lyrics as he worked with local who sits in the Oval Office, we must steam ahead for this radical agenda youth as a coach, an educator, a youth continue to fight for commonsense ac- and overregulation from the Obama ad- center director, and a gang interven- tion in Congress that will address the ministration. tion counselor. His passion and care for pressing environmental threats of That is why I am proud to support the community garnered numerous today in order to create a more sus- what is known as the Midnight Rules awards and honors from organizations tainable future for tomorrow. Relief Act. We are voting on it this across California and throughout the No partisan rhetoric or repudiations week. city of San Diego. of fact can stand in the way of our im- This bill is simple. It gives Congress Chunky Sanchez is best known for portant work to fight and win this bat- the authority to review and reject his song ‘‘Chicano Park Samba,’’ which tle. rules that this President, President narrated the struggle for and the suc- f Obama, or any President issues during cessful creation of Chicano Park in San the final months of their term. Diego. A city historic landmark, Chi- TIME IS RUNNING OUT American families and businesses cano Park honors the history of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have suffered long enough under this Chicano Mexican people throughout Chair recognizes the gentleman from administration’s, this President’s regu- their monumental works and murals West Virginia (Mr. JENKINS) for 5 min- latory onslaught, and they have spoken and sculptures and earthworks, and an utes. loud and clear at the polls that they do architectural piece. Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. not want more business as usual from Ramon ‘‘Chunky’’ Sanchez will be Speaker, time is running out to do Washington. missed by his family, his wife, his five right by our retired coal miners and This administration cannot be al- children, many grandchildren, and the their widows. When they went down lowed to force its job-killing regula- San Diego community. into the mines, they were made a tions on the American people after Mr.
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