UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <iongrcssional Rccord d PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 92 CONGRESS SECOND SESSION VOLUME lIS-PART 11 APRIL 19, 1972 TO APRIL 26, 1972 (PAGES 13301 TO 14556) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, 1972 April 19, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 13305 The bill was read the third time, and position of funds to pay a judgment in The nomination on the Executive Calen­ passed. favor of the Yankton Sioux Tribe in dar, under "New Reports" will be stated. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Indian Claims Commission Document I ask unanimous consent to have printed No. 332-A, and for other purposes, which in the RECORD an excerpt from the report had been reported from the Committee NATIONAL COMMISSION ON <No. 92-752), explaining the purposes of on Interior and Insular Affairs with an MATERIALS POLICY the measure. amendment on page 2, line 14, after "sec­ The second assistant legislative clerk There being no objection, the excerpt tion 2.... strike out "shall be distributed read the nomination of Peter G. Peter­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, per capita to those persons whose names son, of Illinois, to be a member of the as follows: appear on the roll prepared in accord­ National Commission on Materials PURPOSE ance with section 3 of this Act." and in­ Policy. The purpose of H.R. 6797 is to authorize sert "shall be used as follows: Fifty per The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the division of five claims judgments between centum thereof shall be distributed in pore. Without objection, the nomination the Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas and the Kicka­ equal per capita shares to each person poo Tribe of Oklahoma. and to authorize the is considered and confirmed. disposition of the funds after they are di­ who is enrolled on the date of enactment; Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, vided. and also the disposition of a sixth the remainder may be advanced, ex­ I ask unanimous consent that the Presi­ judgment recovered by the Kickapoo Tribe pended, invested, or reinvested for any dent be immediately notified of the con­ of Oklahoma alone. purposes that are authorized by the firmation of this nomination. The money has been app1.·oprlated, and the tribal governing body and approved by The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ net amount involved. before payment of liti­ the Secretary of the Interior." pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. gation expenses, is approximately $2,316,355. The amendment was agreed to. NEED The amendment was ordered to be en­ Five of the judgments were recovered by grossed and the bill to be read a third LEGISLATIVE SESSION the two groups jointly, and legislation is time. needed to divide them. Legislation is also The bill was read the third time, and Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, needed to authorize the use of the money passed. I move that the Senate resume the con­ after It is divided, and to authorize the use Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, sideration of legislative business. of the one jUdgment belonging to the Okla­ The motion was agreed to, and the Sen­ homa group alone. I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD an excerpt from the re­ ate resumed the consideration of legis­ PROVISIONS OF THE BILL AND COMMITTEE port (No. 92-751), explaining the pur­ lative business. AMENDMENTS poses of the measure. The bill provides in section 1 that the There being no objection, the excerpt money will be divided on the basis of the SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION FOR reiative membership of the two tribes as of was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, . MAJOR PRESIDENTIAL AND VICE­ the date the blll is enacted. The tribes have as follows: PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES agreed to this method of diVision. This sec­ PURPOSE tion aiso adjusts some off-sets that were al­ The purpose of H.R. 7742 is to provide for Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, lowed by the Indian Claims Commission so the disposition of funds to pay a judgment I send to the desk a joint resolution on that the Kickapoos of Kansas wlll not be against the United States that was recovered behalf of the distinguished majority charged with the value of a reservation that by the Yankton Sioux Tribe in the Indian leader, and I ask unanimous consent for was set aside for the Kickapoos of Oklahoma. Claims Commlssion. The amount granted by its immediate consideration. I have dis­ The Committee amended H.R. 6797 to pro­ the Indian Claims Commission to this Tribe cussed this resolution with the distin­ vide that 75 percent of the funds credited was $1,250,000. The money has been appro­ to the KickapoD Tribe of Oklahoma and the priated, but it may not be used until au­ guished assistant Republican leader. Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas shall be distrib­ thorizing legislation has been enacted. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ uted in per capita shares to each person The bill provides for withholding $150,000 pore. The joint resolution will be stated. whose name appears on or is entitled to ap­ from the judgment to finance the cost of The assistant legislative clerk read the pear on the membership rolls of those Tribes. expert Witnesses in litigation that is stlll joint resolution as follows: if pending. However, if the Tribe decides not he was born on or prior to and is living S.J. RES. 222 on the date of enactment of this bill. to use this sum for such purpose. the money The Committee amendment also permits may be used for other programing needs Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep­ the balance of each Tribe's share of the funds subject to the approval of the Secretary. resentatives of the United States 01 America in Congress assembled, That subsection (a) to be used for any purpose authorized by the COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Tribes and approved by the Secretary of the of the first section of the joint resolution en­ The Committee amended H.R. 7742 to pro­ titled "Joint Resolution to authorize the Interior. Inasmuch as plans for the use of vide that 50 percent of the jUdgment fund the money have not been disclosed to either United States Secret Service to furnish pro­ shall be distributed per capita to each person tection to major presidential or vice presiden­ the House or Senate Committees on Interior who Is enrolled as a member of the Yankton and Insular Affairs. the bill directs the Sec­ tial candidates, approved June 6, 1968, is' Sioux Tribe as of the date of enactment. The amended to read as follows: "(a) the United' retary not to approve any plan until it has Committee amendment further states that r...een submitted to the Committees for review. States Secret Service, in addition to other the remaining 50 percent of the judgment duties now provided by law. is authorized to The blll provides for the protection of the funds may be advanced, expended, invested interests of minors and incompetents and furnish protection to persons, determined by or reinvested for any purposes that are au­ the adVisory committee and certified by it in exempts per capita payments from State and thorized by the tribal governing body and writing to the Secretary of the Treasury or Federal income taxes. approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Another Committee amendment provides his designee as being major presidential or COST vice presidential candidates, who shOUld re­ that the Secretary of the Interior is au­ ceive such protection (unless the candidate thorized to prescribe rules and regulations to The enactment of this bill Will require no carry out the pro\'isions of the Act. further Federal appropriation of funds. The has declined such protection)." cost of preparing the tribal roll can be The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ COST handled out of regular appropriations for Enactment of this blll will involve no addi­ the Bureau of Indian Affairs. pore. Is there objection to the request of tional appropriations. The judgments have the Senator from West Virginia? been appropriated independently of this blll. COMMrrTEE RECOMMENDATION There being no objection, the Senate and any cost of distribution will be paid from The Committee on Interior and Insular proceeded to consider the joint resolution the judgments themselves. Mairs unanimously recommends that H.R. (S.J. Res. 222) which was read the first 7742, as amended, be enacted. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS time by title and the second time at The Committee on Interior and InsUlar Af­ length. fairs unanimously recommends that the bill, The joint resolution was ordered to be as amended, be enacted. EXECUTIVE SESSION engrossed for a third reading, was read Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, the third time, and passed. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate PROVISION FOR DISPOSITION OF go into executive session to consider a JUDGMENT FUNDS FOR THE nomination on the Executive Calendar, HOSTll.ITIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA YANKTON SIOUX TRffiE under"New Reports." The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ The senate proceeded to consider the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore. Under the previous order, the dis­ bill (H.R. 7742) to provide for the dis- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. tinguished Senator from California (Mr. 13306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE April 19, 1972 CRANSTON) is now recognized for 15 min­ stroyers, and four-and soon to be six­ This statement is from a book by Mr. utes. aircraft carriers. An amphibious landing Fred Ikle entitled "The Social Impact of PRIVILEGE OJ' THE FLOOR force from the 7th Fleet, comprised of Bomb Destruction," which was published Mr.
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