Chapter 4 – Agencies and Persons Consulted Chapter 4 – Agencies and Persons Consulted The following public and private entities contributed to this document: Malheur National Forest, Blue Mountain Ranger District Interdisciplinary Team Jeremiah Maghan Fuels Amanda Lindsay Forest Vegetation Dan Armichardy Fisheries June Galloway Wildlife Joe Rausch Botany Sarah Jacobs Botany Mary Lou Welby Hydrology Robert McNeil Soils Stephen Todd Jankowski Heritage Mary Roberston Heritage Kelly Ware Range and Invasives Char McCumber Economics Table 4-1. Agencies and Persons Consulted Agencies Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Tribes Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Burns Paiute Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Organizations Oregon Wild Blue Mountain Biodiversity Sierra Club Cascadia Wildlands Malheur Lumber Company Gazelle Land and Trust Grant County Public Forest Commission Prairie Wood Produces Individuals Mark Cearny Robert Reed Gordon Palapijczok Buzz and Bobbie Gilmore Greg Burns King Williams Environmental Assessment for Starr Chapter 5 - References Chapter 5- References BOTANY Ahlenslager, K., and L. Potash. 2007. Conservation Assessment for 13 Species of Moonworts (Botrychium Swartz subgenus Botrychium). USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Atwood, D. 1996. Final Report for Challenge Cost Share Project for Least Phacelia (Phacelia minutissima) a Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive Species. Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Baker, Oregon. Brooks, P.J., K. Urban, E. Yates, C.G. Johnson. 1991. Sensitive Plants of the Malheur, Ochoco, Umatilla, and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forests. R6-WAW-TP-027-91, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. Christy, J.A. 2007. Species Fact Sheet: Schistidium cinclidodonteum. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Christy, J.A., R. Huff and C. Duncan. 2010. Species Fact Sheet: Tortula mucronifolia. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Christy, J.A., R. Huff and C. Fallon. 2011. Species Fact Sheet: Entosthodon fascicularis. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Christy, J.A., R. Huff, R. Holmes, D. Stone and C. Fallon. 2011. Species Fact Sheet: Peltolepis quadrata. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Christy, J.A., R. Huff, R. Holmes, D. Stone, and C. Fallon. 2011. Species Fact Sheet: Splachnum ampullaceum. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Christy, J.A., R. Huff, R. Holmes, D. Stone, and C. Fallon. 2011. Species Fact Sheet: Peltolepis quadrata. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). 2009. United States Government Printing Office. Cronquist, A., A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal & P.K. Holmgren 1984. Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. 4: 1-573. In A.J. Cronquist, A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal & P.K. Holmgren (eds.) Intermount. Fl.. Hafner Pub. Co., New York. Cronquist, A., N.H. Holmgren & P.K. Holmgren. 1997. Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A., subclass Rosidae (except Fabales). 3A: 1-446. In A.J. Cronquist, A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal & P.K. Holmgren (eds.) Intermount. Fl.. Hafner Pub. Co., New York. Doyle, W.T. and R.E. Stotler. 2006. Contributions toward a bryoflora of California III. Keys and annotated species catalogue for liverworts and hornworts. Madrono 53: 89-197. Environmental Assessment for Starr Chapter 5 - References Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 16+ vols. New York and Oxford. Forest Service Manual (FSM). 2007. USDA Forest Service. Harpel, J.A. and R. Helliwell. 2005. Conservation Assessment: Schistostega pennata. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Heyerdahl, E.K., and J.K. Agee. 1996. Historical Fire Regimes of Four Sites in the Blue Mountains, Oregon and Washington. College of Forest Resources. University of Washington, Seattle. Heyerdahl, E.K., L.B. Brubaker, and J.K. Agee. 2001. Spatial controls of historical fire regimes: a multiscale example from the interior west, USA. Ecology 82: 660-678. Hitchcock, C.L., A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey and J.W. Thompson. 1955-1969. Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Hitchcock, C.L., and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. Hurd, E.G. et al. 1998. Field Guide to Intermountain Sedges. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-10, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah. Inter agency Special Status Species Program. FY 2011 Inventory and Conservation Planning Project. Predictive Geospatial Habitat Modeling and Strategic Inventory of Achnatherum hendersonii and Achnatherum wallowaensis in the Blue Mountain Ecoregion. Jepson Manual Treatment of Lomatium ravenii. 1993. Published as part of an online edition of The Jepson Manual. http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/interchange/I_treat_indexes.html. Jepson Manual Treatment of Phacelia gymnoclada. 1993. Published as part of an online edition of The Jepson Manual. http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/interchange/I_treat_indexes.html. Kaye, T.N., R.J. Meinke, J. Kagan, S. Vrilakas, K.L. Chambers, P.F. Zika, J.K. Nelson. 1997. Patterns of rarity in the Oregon flora: implications for conservation and management. In Kaye, T.N., A. Liston, R.M. Love, D.L. Luoma, R.J. Meinke, and M.V. Wilson, (eds.). Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi. Native Plant Society of Oregon: Corvallis, OR. 296 p. Markow et al. 2008. Guide to the willows of the Malheur, Umatilla and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests. United States Department of Agriculture. Pacific Northwest Region. Meinke, R.J. 2007. Site management plan for Mimulus evanescens (disappearing monkeyflower). Unpublished report submitted to Bureau of Land Management, Lakeview District, Klamath Falls Resource Area. Oregon Flora Project (OFP). 2009. Rare Plant Guides. Oregon State University. Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center. 2010. Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Oregon. Saarela J.M and B. A. Ford. 2001. Taxonomy of the Carex backii Complex (Section Phyllostachyae, Cyperaceae). Systematic Botany 26(4): 704-721. Environmental Assessment for Starr Chapter 5 - References Schuster, R.M. 1992. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. Volume 6. Columbia University Press, New York. 937 pp. USDA Forest Service. 2006. Sensitive Plants of the Umatilla and Malheur National Forests. USDA Forest Service. 2008. Pacific Northwest Regional Forester’s Sensitive Species List. WA species fact sheet. 1999. Washington State species fact sheet: Calochortus longebarbatus Watson var. longebarbatus. Published as part of the Natural Heritage Program of Washington State Department of Natural Resources. http://www1.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/fguide/pdf/calo.pdf WA species fact sheet. 1999. Washington State species fact sheet: Trifolium douglasii. Published as part of the Natural Heritage Program of Washington State Department of Natural Resources. http://www1.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/fguide/pdf/calo.pdf Wagner, D.H., R. Huff, and C. Fallon. 2009. Species Fact Sheet: Preissia quadrata. Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) website. 2009. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/sfpnw/isssp/. Wilcove, D.S., D. Rothstein, J. Dubow, A. Phillips, E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying threats to imperiled species in the United States. Bioscience 48: 607-615. Wilson, B.L., R. Brainerd, D. Lytjen, B. Newhouse, and N. Otting. 2008. Field guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest. University of Oregon Press. Corvallis, Oregon. Winward, A.H and E.D. McArthur. 1995. 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