T h e C o m m e r c ia l L e a d e r , X .Y All of tko Nom» impartially Told u t t e r . A age* I*. nu. at the r** M ai M Nn Jm q, Mm Am af IMI, t i f i «III ■' - * r ■ i . , » VO L V IIL No. 1» LYM anasr. ri j, ocrom * v ö S i ‘ j Local Bus Co. R S. TALENT IS B0. OF EDUCATION ST. MARY'S GUILD 1REHEARSING FOR AND THE FACULTY CARD PARTY WAS Endeavoring To GIVES FIRE DONTS PLAY “KATHLEEN” OVEN RECEPTION Obtain Hearing Chtef Robert Schrechcaot<*n final plana are bemg rmpidly com A m ai B it « Ite» «Uva* By tht U n i The Mea's Club af St M atti»«. Giva» A Few “DeadV Piar thè pteted for thè high sehool play, “Kath rarcat-TiaiBm Aateateas «a> i ^ k H r. UrfM t Automobtlr hndr Em tin n ii In I _ City-Lyndhurat D m ( t e w Preveattea af Firn Aaaaal ire leen.” Thia play, given under thè di. V.cy WeB Attilli ^ . T i hunt Took PW g Um Friday N i*hi W h t m the lo ta l SU I* IM T te Prspostd exteaded prrventM wtfk «Urto O dtM r Tth. rection of tk Rofvr» Producile Coi- ... Tfavwra llift, nrtU a l o r i l* n rty . Srrrkf WIR liln fw Very Little, | pany, promise» to ba oc* of th» moat MI SK ANI» DAHHNC ENJOYBD ***** <\U*o* IWh fot ma» Rrpuhbcim Turned O ui To A tirad Banner Rm hm If At AIL With Other Bas C m - READ THESE OVUt CARKFUUY pt«uin| production» m r |iw« in — TW plajrm« «Ut bafta ni Ili f II a n d R a l l y . i Lyndhurst_ . ........................... ... T h. e _an n u a l /*»!?>- * *** Many appropriate and beautiful prtse. b e n tin e o r The best musical talent in the achool aad the Board af telacattua waa hail . .. GIVE PUBLIC GOOD SERVICE D o n i a i e naphtha in cleaning clothing. will'take the leading parts, and the* in the Nigh *------ Effort* to obtain a rehearing before Don’t uae keroaeae or the like in young people will be ably supported by ateg. affair will h. water th. ,ha»r CANDIDATES ADDRESS A t D IFM 1 IN Ml)VIII the Public U tility Commission are be­ starting fire. several chorus groups. Remember the This annual «Mat is givea through man Up of Mr Fred Ubateli Ite l ing made by the Lyndhurst' Bus Com* i . » Don’t have storage doaets under dates, Friday and Saturday, October the coartaay af Ma- three l'arsa! \.rget men, a real fine time for ass. pany whose recent request for permis­ stairways. 16 and IT. Tickets w ill g e on sie the Teacher A Democratic Chib aaettM m a desa-asi sion to extend the bus line that it now on Vrtday the Itth at Rt Matthew« Don’t neglect to dean chimney l&th of the month. .•’ ■•‘a* operates between Lyndhurst and Je r­ » N i w . 1 flues once a year. River Road AaoaoaBen. and Ote Ota- a I (V A a sey C ity to Rutherford w ai refused by Adopt_ Resolution - a r t y yMhfI 1 Don’t fail to protect ceiling over trai AsMnatma. all of them ~>dte« LO C tl Dflam fO C nrrahr T iO C « »hark s the Commissioners on grounds that it ■moke pipe leading from furnace. Stuyvesant Coal Co. large aad repreaeatativa delegatieas a i*»i teM a lta L« ■ t e l « would offer competition to the trans- Don’t uae open flame to thaw out CM> Met Moaday Keteatmg Seraw a C T W h e w ' trmm ( V a iLirt»tinn fflimunitm which. contcndc<i frbien pipwr~— Erecting New Plantk-e*ty ^ at «L14. ^ the Utility Board, are able to take It Don’t bum paper or rubbish on cipal. Reeves D. _ _ I t ■ ■ hI m ii ■ t*. asa Preaaated..i j Aadk^j Adapted* - - - Al. .twtl^sa Mm bay. M< car« of the commuters. The l.yadhuret ItssaocratM ( lab held af Matte rtaed windy days. The manager of the Stuyveaant object af the t h a t Mertteg Of The t toh (la Maatet ' The Company now operates buses The uae of toys using kerosene, Coal Company announced this week'parent* seek thetr chiidrea'a teachers ll* '••'dar monthly meeting on ___________________ Remark. Made By t_ 'aaktm. _ t * t e from Journal Square, Jersey City, to benzine or gasoline should be avoided, that the contract had been awardedirded throughthrough thethe assteamaasdiaas ofof thsths BrceptteaRecepttoa <ta> eveaing»veaiwg at Odd FbUaw*FbUaw. H all j Be*. Faaatate la Mte m fMae «aa j **’1 1 **** tea«* hp Ridge Road and Second Avenue, this also the use of motion picture ma- for the construction of four concrete Committee, aad Principal* of the TWte were about tw. hundred pefwas da> Rvealag. | Town. Application was made some dunes using inflammable films. silos at their new plant oa Valley . Schools, who weee wttte camatiaas to pnwnt ami all declared themselves as -- ---- T?. g g g ?** time ago to continue the line to Sta­ In case of fire dont delay in send-[Brook Avenue at the freight station, distinguish them. havtn* enioved the ________ W l Ttl ATTKMII DKlBl.tTIUN . _ , ^ tion Square, Rutherford. The request, ing in the alarm, then wait, at the. These new silos will have a capacity These carnations, the gift of a pact . „T vf” , . , —™~ " however, was refused. fire box to direct the fire apparatus!of 1,000 tons, and will give the Stuy- president of Washington School Asso teuch. We had aith us on thts eve* Prom the pulpit of the Method**! l i a U s i a ' S. G. Englehardt, of Page Avenue, to the fire. jvesant Coal Company facilities sur daUon, helped very marh to bring to *»* **r RKhani I* X l>unn, a speak Episcopal Ourrh sa Sunday Re» The sight ml ths ksq a n sa sí <si\ secretary of the Bus Company, at the Dont fail to report fire hazards to! passed by no other coal company. At gether in sortel mtateonree the he- er of note from National H idnuar 'tteerge K Fountain denouiwed the Hi- by a fi*s hearing before the U tility Board, ky Mr of all «orti at fi re chief. All information will be the present time, the office of the ulty and parents. to„ , former Republican who gave ’* • * Catholl» Charth and th. Iteat» stated that the granting of permission noto* m ater. te»> insth to the iW e held strictly confidential. Stuyvesant Coal Company is still la-1 A solo by Bra. Robert Fl*. waa fol i .. cratlr randidat* foi the I 'l M t e . ) to extend the line into Rutherford by '» state«»«*-.i la th* tl o cated on Stuyvesant Avenue, near the! lowed by th* spanker of the rvenHw. * Ken»rt* of th* minister's m n » . * ' j . the Rutherford Borough Council indi­ depot and w ill be maintained at that Dr Samuel G rallia. Educational direc •'«•»‘ene.l many folk, prewnt a* to m (>wl, m * ir « .« ..n u * » » p « e a a M ~ > cated the willingness of Rutherford of­ location until the new construction is tor of the WesteMe Y. M C. A.. New the qualifications of oar candidal* foi neaspapets «n th* Mtooing day eith .-natansa ficials to have the route operated in Civility Club To fini*he<l- York, His topic ama "Untrained Par __________President, Mr. Alfred K. Smith Among_ -Iter remarks, thsthe mm I the borough. mm . ... ., „ ,, .. An office »rill also be established at ents."* FewS' men haveW---------- wMer— — eapert«m» I . I-,, wllh u, Vronk I .....'M ,r slal*.!...... thatiL.1 m“the l. history. ________ , 1 "oa " '*»•»« •« Ui» We also had «nth as Mr Frank I RiverMd* ano .Vatoty H t« 4 .Avenue The Rutherford Chamber of Com­ Hold Rally For their new site, so that business will or schieved a higher reputation in the Romanism is the storv of s. merce, it is said, and two of Ruther­ . I / » L h® lundlwl from h»‘h <Wv.lapm.at of CWtetiaa character in fur ‘ «mgre« «to. ^ .lrrllltf- tlMt and at Cauri .M Way .omini Am no** I'.nrrmooM»*, *»•«.».». %*r« «is ford's leading Real Estate concerns Mr Ro" ,ch*a *» nf lh« opinion that >oun* met, than this very i^n.al edu rave us M>r informalion a. 1« the America ha*, left Ite ( siholi.. I*. sanctioned the operation of the line. Both Candidates »•rved on I) * ' 'bm >«stsg ; *t ( Bm new construction will be com- r a t o r . , work he has been doing to secure for behm »!'", and th a t ”1 » Ir e la n d , to pass M r. Englehardt also remarked that Avena* , . 1 ■ Ipieted, the office moved and every- What he had to a ) on his subject Bergen County the proposed Veteran» fr**«> l*r>*tr.tant >»anty to a Calhoto Tter* * ft.. * *ls.»rt iaik by Mr the Erie Railroad which might have The Civility L a b o r a n d Political A* thing in readiness at the new plant in was born of experience aad in his own Hospital an d many other .uhjerts coaaty is to go from a !.-»*> t., s Itogi*. Mt» h *■’( fW . ■ awg thr Ht*« been considered as the only utility aodatloa.
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