Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection 1 i t ••'• NOTABLE MEN ^ROCHESTER AND VICINITY > t few Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TWENTIETH CENTURY MEMORIAL Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection NOTABLE MEN OF ROCHESTER AND VICINITY XIX AND XX CENTURIES DWIGHT J. STODDARD, PUBLISHER GEORGE C. BRAGDON, EDITOR HENRY H. RICH, PROMOTER I9O2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Editor. Publisher. Promoter. / Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection PREFACE HE Twentieth Century Memorial for Rochester and Vicinity T is the outcome of laborious and expensive preparation, and is sent forth with confidence that it will be valued by the intelligent community it represents in proportion to its manifest merits. So remarkable an array of portraits of the prominent and noteworthy men of the city and county, present and past, was at first considered impossible by discerning citizens whose advice was sought, and neither they nor any one who has not shared the prolonged labors involved in the enterprise can properly realize the difficulties which have been overcome. Those labors have been so many and covered the field so thoroughly that a similar task cannot be successfully undertaken for many years—probably not for a quarter-century or more. Therefore the possessors of this pictorial book have reason to congratulate themselves on having secured a memento of the beginning of the new century in "a kind of excellent dumb discourse" more eloquent than words, to entertain and instruct their families and friends and hand down as an heirloom to their children and children's children, which must increase in interest as the passing years recede into fainter and fainter memories. The charm of such a collection of likenesses, unmarred by any of the undiscriminating biographies so frequently found in local histories, cannot fail to be permanent and cumulative. The absence of a few more or less desirable portraits was inevitable because of the impossibility of obtaining some of them; but close inspection will show that the collection is incomparably more comprehensive and select than any other pictorial or biographical work for this locality that has hitherto been produced. The Historical Compend is classified on a novel plan, making its facts easy of reference, and includes much information which has never been published. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection HISTORICAL COMPEND The lists of authors and their works and of important inventions and their inventors are new features in local book- making, and while a few names may be lacking that should have been included, are as nearly complete as they could be made after much investigation and many letters of inquiry, aided by librarians, book-lovers, lawyers, manufacturers and others. The arduous toil of making a worthy Twentieth Century Memorial for the most attractive city in the United States—often so-called—and some vicinity villages, is ended, and the completed result is ready to be placed in the hands of its subscribers. We are sure that it will be cordially welcomed, and that the better it is known the better it will be appreciated. While many citizens have heartily co-operated and rendered valuable assistance in the preparations for the Memorial, special acknowledgements are due to Mr. Henry H. Rich, whose financial assistance has made the work possible, to Mr. J. E. Mock for the special care given the photographs from which the engravings have been produced, to Mr. William H. Samson for valuable aid in the compilation of the Historical Compend, and to The Central Printing and Engraving Company. THE PUBLISHER. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection HISTORICAL COMPEND NOTABLE FACTS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH ROCHESTER HISTORY BY GEORGE C. BRAGDON A COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY OF FACTS AND EVENTS COVERING A CENTURY IS NEVER POSSIBLE, AND THE VALUE OF ANY LOCAL HISTORICAL COM- PEND FOR SO LONG A PERIOD MUST DEPEND CHIEFLY UPON SELECTION AND ARRANGEMENT THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATION IS DIFFERENT FROM ANY HERETOFORE PUB- LISHED AND INCLUDES SUBJECTS NOT BEFORE INVESTIGATED TO AVOID SOME CIRCUMLOCUTION NAMES OF TODAY ARE SOMETIMES APPLIED TO THE LOCALITIES OF THE EARLY TIMES WHICH THEY REPRESENT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Local Authors and Their Works All the authors in the following list are or have been residents of Rochester, except the few mentioned in connection with other near places. As the dates of the most of the publications could not be obtained, those given, with two or three exceptions, are confined to local histories. All degrees and titles are omitted. The length of the list will surprise nearly all readers ; and it may be doubted if any other city in the United States can name so large a proportion of valuable works to its population, written within a period of about seventy-five years. ADAMS, MYRON—The Creation of the Woman, The Island Neighbors, The Sexes Bible, The Continuous Creation (an application Throughout Nature, The Physical Basis of of the evolutionary philosophy of the Christian Immortality. religion). Bi.v, MYRON T.—Descriptive Economics Ani.ER, SIMON L.—Sullivan's Campaign (its evolution historically considered), Business of 1779, Money and Money Units in the Laws, Legal Hints for Travelers. American Colonies in 1779. BOWERMAN, GEORGE F.—Bibliography of ANDERSON, MARTIN B.—Papers and Ad- Roman Catholic Literature. dresses (edited by William C. Morey). BOWLBY, F. H. (with S. V. Clavenger)— ALT, FLORENCE MAY—Poems. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity (1898). ANGEVINE, EDWARD—Handbook of Mt. BRADFORD, SARAH II.—The Silver Lake Hope Cemetery, Rochester Illustrated (1890). Stories (six vols.), Lewie or the Bended Twig, ANTHONY, SUSAN B. (with Elizabeth Cady Ups and Downs, Peter the Great, Columbus, Stanton and Matilda Joslyn Gage)—The History The Chosen People, The Dominie, Harriet the of Woman's Suffrage (3 vols.). Moses of Her People, Willie Graham, Fannie ARNOT, RAYMOND H.—The City of Roch- Mansfield, The One-Dollar Bill, The Glass ester, with illustrations (1901). Blower's Daughter, My Early Days. BACON, THEODORE—Delia Bacon. BRAGDON, CLAUDE—Minor Italian Palaces BAKER, ARTIH R L.—Baker's Digest of (drawings), The Golden Person in the Heart Pennsylvania Decisions (2 vols.), Elliptic Func- (poems). Also a series of illustrated maga- tions, Solid Geometry, Famous Authors of zine articles on The Esthetics of Architecture, America, Graphic Algebra. and an illustrated series on Colonial Archi- BALESTIER, CHARI.KS \V.—A Potent Phil- tecture. ter, A Fair Service, Life of Blaine, A Victorious BRAGDON, GKORGK C.—Glens of Ithaca Defeat, Benefits Forgot, The Naulahka (with and Vicinity, The Thousand Islands, Under- Rudyard Kipling), Common Story. growth (poems). BARRY, PATRICK—Barry's Fruit Garden. BREEN, A. C.—A General Introduction to BATTERSIIALI., FLETCHEB—A Daughter of Holy Scriptures, A Harmonized Exposition of the World. the Four Gospels (4 vols.) BECKVVITH, FLORENCE—Plants of Monroe BRKWSTER, II. PoMEROY (with Humphrey, County. George P.)—England and Its Rulers. BLACKWKLL, ANTOINETTE BROWN (Hen- BRICKNER, ISAAC M.—Greater America— rietta)—Studies in General Science, The Market its Resources and Dangers, Past and Future— Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection HISTORICAL COMPEND LOCAL AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS a Glance at the Twentieth Century, The Fnends and Keeping Them, Question of Honor Problem of the Jew. in Christian Life, Bettering Ourselves. BRISTOL, EDWARD—The Chaldean Account COPWAY, GEORGE, or KAHGEGAHBOWH— of Genesis. Recollections of a Forest Life, American Indian, BROWN, THOMAS E.—Studies in Modern Traditional History of the Ojibway Nation, The Socialism and Labor Problems. Ojibway Conquest (poem). Running Sketches BURTON ERNEST D.—Syntax of the Moods of Men and Places in Europe. and Tenses of New Testament Greek, Records CORBETT, JOHN—The Lake Country or and Letters of the Apostolic Age, Handbook of Olden Days in Central New York (1898). the Life of St. Paul (with William A. Stevens), CRAPSEY, ALGERNON S.—The Division of A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study. Christendom—its Cause and Remedy (a series BUTLER, WILLIAM MILL—Pantaletta, of tracts), The Story of a Simple Life, The Whist Reference Book, Paraguay. Greater Love—a Story of Modern Martyrdom. BUTTS, ISAAC—Protection and Free Trade. CRITTENDEN, GEORGE S. (with William CAMPBELL, COLIN P.—Digest of New Mill Butler)—Rochester Semi-Centennial with York Reports. Chronological History (1884). CAMPBELL, SAMUEL M.—The Life of CROFKUT, WILLIAM A.—The War History Moses, Across the Desert. of Connecticut, A Helping Hand, Bourbon CARTER, ROBERT—Summer Cruise on the Ballads, Deseret (an opera), A Midsummer Coast of New England, Kossuth in New Lark, The Vanderbilts, The Folks Next Door, England, The Hungarian Controversy. The Prophecy and Other Poems. CHUMASERO, JOHN C.—The Mysteries of CUTTING, S. S.— Historical Vindications. Rochester (1845, first novel by a Rochester au- DANA, JOHN M.—A Unitarian Anthology. thor). DANFORTH, HENRY G.—Digest of U. S. CHURCH, PARCELLUS—Philosophy of Supreme Court Decisions, Vols. 1 to 141 (2 Benevolence, Antioch, Pentecost, Theodosia vols.) Dean, Mapleton, Sad Truths. DANFORTH, HENRY G. (with Robert B. CLARK, STEPHEN W. (Parmaand Spencer- Wickes)—Digest of Court of Appeals Decisions, port)—Analysis of English Language, Brief Vols. 1 to 113 (3 vols.) English Grammar, Easy Lessons in Language, DAWSON, GEORGE—The Pleasures of First Lesson in English Grammar, Normal Angling with Rod and Reel for Trout and Grammar. Salmon. CLAXTON, R. BETH ELL—Parish Memories DENNIS, JAMES II.—Andrew,The Wooden of Forty Years, being an anniversary discourse Bottle.
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