June 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1021 shows that tidal is as favorable as wind and promptly surpassed that achievement two of groceries each week to over 900 clients, that wave would be as favorable if the same terms later by becoming the youngest Mayor nearly half of whom are children. Each week, resources for wind had been invested which in the city’s history. Since assuming the may- families with one to three members receive has now achieved economic competitiveness or’s office in 1986, Mayor Guido has master- one bag of food and families of four members and is undergoing extensive worldwide growth. fully guided Dearborn with an immense degree or more receive two bags of food—amounts It is estimated that if 0.2 percent of the of dedication, passion and competence. that are expected to supplement a week’s oceans’ untapped energy could be harnessed, As mayor of Henry Ford’s hometown for 20 meals. it could provide power sufficient for the entire years, Mayor Guido has proven his tremen- AFAC obtains surplus food at a minimal world. dous ability to serve as a leader both locally cost from the Capital Area Community Food Wave Energy has several advantages over and nationally. In Dearborn, Mayor Guido has Bank and at no cost from local bakeries, su- other forms of renewable energy such as wind been able to reduce crime; maintain a respon- permarkets, farmer’s markets, food drives and and solar including higher energy densities, sive police, fire and medical service structure; private donors. enabling devices to extract more power from a raise and sustain high property values; and, I would like to commend the staff and volun- smaller volume at much lower costs (e.g., the increase the quality of life through providing teers of the Arlington Food Assistance Center density of water is about 1000 times that of recreational, cultural and artistic programs and who work hard to provide needy families in Ar- air). overseeing the building of nationally recog- lington with groceries each week. The availability of wave energy is in the 80– nized cultural and recreational facilities. He f 90 percent range, whereas wind availability is managed all of this and much more while in the 30–45 percent range depending on lo- maintaining responsible fiscal discipline. TRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC cation. Wave energy is also more predictable, Mayor Guido has also contributed his exper- PACIFIC UNION with energy forecast times of greater than 10 tise nationally through a number of organiza- hours, thus enabling more straightforward and tions. He is a past member of the National HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN reliable integration into the electric utility grid League of Cities, NLC, Board of Directors, OF RHODE ISLAND to provide reliable power. chaired the NLC’s Working Group on Home- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unfortunately, these developments have land Security following the tragic events of Tuesday, June 6, 2006 once again been ignored by Congress. While September 11th, and was a member of the the FY 07 Energy and Water appropriations Federal Communications’ Local and State Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bill provides just over $24 billion for the De- Government Advisory Committee. Mayor pay tribute to the Democratic Pacific Union, partment of Energy, it fails to provide any Guido also continues to serve on the National DPU, whose goals include promoting demo- funding for the ocean energy program. Advisory Councils of Fannie Mae and the cratic values, peace and prosperity among its Ocean wave energy extraction technology is NLC. member states. The DPU is an important de- currently in the preliminary stages of develop- Knowing such a decent, kind and apt public velopment in the steady expansion of democ- ment, at the same stage that wind turbines servant such as Michael Guido has been a racy among Pacific states. were approximately 15–20 years ago. Several distinct privilege of mine for many years. I Led mainly by Taiwan’s President Chen technologies are being developed, and yet no have seen Mayor Guido grow into a veteran Shui-bian and Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien, the clear superior engineering solution has been public servant whose savvy for understanding Democratic Pacific Union was created last established. I urge my fellow colleagues to un- complex national issues has always exceeded summer on the 60th anniversary of the end of derstand to recognize any opportunity to sup- my expectations. I have no doubt that the U.S. World War II. In less than a year, the DPU port this new endeavor and make the United Conference of Mayors will be well served hav- has grown to 28 member democracies and States a leader in tapping into this alternative, ing Mayor Guido as its President. I ask that all has already compiled an impressive record of renewable energy source. of my colleagues join me in congratulating accomplishment. This record includes pub- I am very pleased that this bill fully funds Mayor Guido on his inauguration as the 64th lishing its first quarterly journal, planning re- the American Competitiveness Initiative which President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. gional meetings, forming a Pacific economic would strengthen basic research by increasing f advisory group, establishing a training pro- funding for the DOE Office of Science, for a gram for typhoon and flood disaster reduction, total of $4 billion. In addition, the bill supports TRIBUTE TO THE ARLINGTON and initiating the Pacific Congressional Cau- the Advance Energy initiative by increasing FOOD ASSISTANCE CENTER cus project. The Speaker of Taiwan’s legisla- funding for a variety of clean energy tech- ture, Wang Jin-pyng, has also formed a Tai- nologies, including biomass, hydrogen, solar, HON. JAMES P. MORAN wan Chapter of the DPU Congressional Cau- wind and clean coal. However, again, it in- OF VIRGINIA cus. cludes no funding or support for ocean wave IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I encourage my colleagues to acknowledge the importance of this initiative in energy. Tuesday, June 6, 2006 The new Energy Policy Act of 2005 adopted strengthening democracy in the Pacific region. into law recognized for the first time the value Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise I congratulate Vice President Lu, the current of wave power to the US economy. Ocean en- today to commemorate National Hunger Chair of the DPU, the leaders of Taiwan, and ergy research and development was author- Awareness Day and to honor the Arlington all the member states for their role in creating ized by this Congress. It should be supported Food Assistance Center, which is located in and supporting the Democratic Pacific Union. and funded by this Congress. my congressional district. f f National Hunger Awareness Day was estab- lished to help inform individuals, communities, HONORING HAVENSCOURT HONORING MAYOR MICHAEL A. corporations and policy makers that hunger is COMMUNITY CHURCH GUIDO ON BECOMING THE NEW a severe domestic issue and deserves our PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. CON- critical attention. HON. BARBARA LEE FERENCE OF MAYORS The Arlington Food Assistance Center’s sole OF CALIFORNIA mission is to feed the hungry. This important IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES action allows their clients to make other nec- HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Tuesday, June 6, 2006 OF MICHIGAN essary purchases, such as paying for rent and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES utilities, without having to sacrifice their health Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor and nutritional needs. the Havenscourt Community Church, which Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Despite the fact that Arlington County is one has contributed immeasurably to the Oakland Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the wealthiest areas in the country, plenty community as a whole as well as its own pa- honor a great friend and wonderful public of local residents do not have enough to eat. rishioners since 1925. servant, Dearborn, Michigan Mayor Michael A. The Arlington Food Assistance Center, AFAC, Since its founding, Havenscourt has been Guido, on becoming the President of the seeks to remedy this problem by distributing known as a stalwart of service, leadership, United States Conference of Mayors. bread, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs and other and faith, impacting countless lives over the Mayor Guido began his career in public food items to those in Arlington who are in past eight decades. With this same spirit, that service when he was elected the youngest need. The Arlington Food Assistance Center of addressing needs within the whole commu- person ever to the Dearborn City Council. He currently distributes approximately 1100 bags nity in addition to the church community, Dr. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Jun 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JN8.048 E06JNPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 6, 2006 Claude E. Wilson has served as the pastor at Mr. Speaker, it is my great honor to recog- I would like to introduce the press release Havenscourt Community Church since the nize Officer John Angle and to commend him from the Council of Khalistan on Secretary 1960s. In addition to his duties as a spiritual for his courage and this well deserved award. Albright’s book into the RECORD at this time. leader, Pastor Wilson has administered sev- I wish him many safe and distinguished years ‘‘HINDU MILITANTS MURDERED 38 SIKHS IN eral long-standing programs focusing on the on the police force, and convey my deepest COLD BLOOD’’ academic education of children, the public gratitude for his service to Mobile. He is an WASHINGTON, DC, May 30, 2006.—In the in- safety issues that concern the East Oakland outstanding example of the quality of individ- troduction to former Secretary of State area, and the physical wellness issues that uals who have devoted their lives to law en- Madeleine Albright’s new book, The Mighty concern the African American community.
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