LVi JLi 13 X 7&aC i Li WEL it Y . M O I I E E L S ?'T"'MEDICES. TO "Oi r v.- LOOK Gff. ' i i - At 1 rub no i jjs - S t m I II romoved to No.lt. i ' ! J,. Is lit 49 Cov IV.UCt rotr .rr'.'..'H ,v;:- n" c: 11 Coni- - -. GOO' Ali i Uaiiphhi stree, ! ' '. i am) M;a ' H ' H) - or iu: ! UOi Ill.'l aid'. ill" ..ii' i Ui t he f 'i,! !'t Of ' V, TSCL,HAIM,G CSS, PIl I8, Co.i-i'liif- il u l J:. ti'l 'f. nr ,i- -d !y Mr..Tunics ImjMS ,'fT (ii!, . i.VJi Jl n. r L I'J.icil t v Jons 'i . u i.i . CO. 02. ..d CI lit teet. in bea-inl'i- Hardware, Ship Cftan if. Cut'i y. yARte,) No. iu t is win1. o Tl'OR- - (of d fT7 - ru roue nri-hne- for Cd! ! i " nili-i'- u'u fur .i.l. ifr., I 'i eivchient J' wh.' rc lit' to At TT .. pljMsaw ol roturmiiLr o GII f Europe the -- renter part oi the k l'l II ls nn.i t'..f puV.ie at ver GAIN !.avf.thf a,.- - : INGp.iiJ iron In. or f friends, lar the .,')eral ort w i.i. a r.KSTOFBI.. J, ! dVr r I -- 0.1 Of whim O.ers ., V'.'..t'U" i. O-ck- . Jewelry. 5.lver nu'.i i to llieir sapj Diitascd and irte owi, it u i. .IVANTS.wo a.L our WtuiCffSure, nt cry ft s ft; r,, ."0 kindly bestow ed. They, at the same tru' i, to .nit pmche b It c; lM !! I Lumps, Wuilres. t,er have. qBti,W iv Goo.K i.iau lo'.es, . ii t . i iviici1 I us,. 1V1 d we may (, CMS; and removing all larur jiv.; Cutle-.t- a. rime, wisli to inionii wieni timi iiieir preseai ex- - aa attentic. LI ... i I!. ..Igor' Kui'! Table and Pocket ... - i : 'i nse every o.r while under car roof. the rJJJirirforcryuythoJl Ucoal Of c a r b ,m"1' ' " r t . ' . U"i Watch tensive stock sutmtiotts to winch are oeitijr da1iy increasing patronage ' r . Pistols, military Good, I. with the at !!, miU!o has been mOstjiidipionsly seleeteil. as r - ;r TA1LE will nlways e supplied Wh a'utl renting Decay. in the belief that Oar eiloi :s to sell good goods 1,1 ....!, Fancy Cood,'&c. &c. A part ofwhich fact, neither aint itet ' ranis hotii price and iiuaiitv.aiiii will he sold on i the makkkt AFFoacs. Iii f Receipt, by have met with uc cess. i . Original fair prices, lolluw,. Ottr t - Trepared from the qoi;Gu:.ip?roi7. very ren,-Oaabl- e It consists of in part tior e.rjf nst shall be spared to Vender ttf ST . terinsj Coeds. T. F. ('oout, M.l.Tohias&Co.. U,rtnhf,-- . r - EVANS, CO., ; Plantation Da net r 'is follows: i . W. EATON English & American 'zket iu' .Tas.Jolt.uou, li.ur,Afy.nn CTT DarlloKSF.s" to the weil knov n Bar Iron; Swedes all sizes. CONSUMPTION-- . ' Swedes Par Iron, l.r0 tons all sizes. will be sent the United Slatct ' nasbeeniintho : 111 A a Watches, in gold n't netorlfor English, German nnd American , Cady, who keeps Bar Steel; th ! , . LIVERY STABLE of Wm. tanit of r(lSl t by Vnicrienn do 50 io do covered Gin-snw- s, Eng- 'tain remcd JVD. .1 doublo-botto- m cases. A preparation wns for sheet iron Ivussia, llorso-ShoeJro- a pr.0VK: rB mid ostrers. rr7-- This valuable Sheet steel so.ys . enameled, and .fail Rod of refined nnalitv. the rfT of attentive cie:;. c mii-.I1- VEGETABL .r-,- zxtiuCT :hi.I plain, ". by Jl and Americnn Bnrden'j Tfii.hs Moia.RATE. niter long experiments, . lish CIS L SRI' dnuhie-ens- o ma Horse Shoes, Pfttent 1000 tets. CT" Bn- Cotton, subsoil corn. Plough moulds Ad. UAGUOST, v' and .Miss.. Nov. 1S49. 3 tt. one of the most eminent i;em Ploti"hs k DVGL-ilGl- A ''If! - varra-.ite- Rod and Sheet Iroti nil sized and numbers. Columbia, Heavy and and no remedy .1 t'.: Watch,- for Ladies; nsed by him in his practice for upwards ol Axes" Genuine Collin's & CO. light, BIT I hat ever before been dirrorertd thct Steel, German, Pdister and Cast. It not only - I cure n m 1 - .1 3 " years, with the utmost opcm. mediums, 150 doz. , win certainly CONSUMPTION. llorie-Sho- e Nails, Griihns. 50 hags. Tiii: most roruLAit . i thft TEETH, but keeps - make, u rutin' uorse iuuv The niObt strongly marked nnd . K..Mfi. Vnils- best Fall River k . ... I l'tt MB Hoop and Band Iron, 00 bundles. j in I'H OF and scurvy; and will, if not i.., ap,,r0ved kind; Corn shellers, best in ol Pulmonary consumption, wher4he lungs hat Caatiiyit, t-- s. , South West Coa them elenr of tarter PAIIILY LIEDIOIIIE -- snporior.qualiiy. Hollow Ware f0 .,v A ' i ii i a roon) dock of becoming so. itueeayj. gtraw cutters various kinds uiwaiKii miu case iOO ' decayed, prevent their use; OF THC AOEl uiceraieu and the to on Cut Nails and Spikes, Royal and .St Michael St:e& , progress from ; terly hopeless ke. VMi has commenced, U will arrest its Trftre cl)nins by ,i,e cask; log chains nil sjzes; ' as to havebeen pronouii'M br phr. l Ilrarplots. Axes, 100 dozen, irenuine, t'oluns'. ilnnt s, &c. 111. - rhY'Ickju cf Eigh siciansand Fin.' Piamou Tins Er purifaction it renders to the Iht. It is F.(Uj cjmil)!!,. Well chains . t's:J ty. Etasdir;. frieruh to h? past ell possitjjji-y'o- f Iancc-Mi.ni- IIKRCCRT, the . r,.l . 1 t . 's J00 3 10 , 11 Ka-i- . Hiamon.1 nu.l Opul Wrought Spikes, from to in. MRS. HARRIET thebreath ever , .1. in also one of the best purifiers ol chains Blued, Japanned and Tinned . remove W,C3 umuHiigDBi..t. Oymrr been Bnice-i.i:- Uoes,T)00 Cast-slee- l, IaIter Tliet SITTERS all morbid cntSona, lns o doz. Polisheil, Iron, &e. Proprittrt$$. - cured by 'r ia ct? nnl oj)nnm. I do ' do do :, this wonderful reipedy k are i7r.w weu discovered.' Do" chains . purify th blood, great tone and vigor i'ni-s- . DuHiiO'icl tiiul Un!.y,Din-I'V.u- l. Grindstones. 10 in., bhie Nova Scotia prjt. .. 12 . -- giv to the & hearty as ever, - i s Jan. lS.'i: ly. Mundant evidence could be produced equally at cliaig, Brigbt and Black , , t a compoi.d of medicaiiona ISartn-t- . rianntii! Spade and Shovels. l4o dozen Ames nnd others thought necessary, but digestive organs, fortify the system agaiu.t all future which are peculiarly adapted & liiuaioml un.l ' : .good the following, if. p)unt;ltioi, Hoes; all sizes and hnndled, Cast steel, iq essentially - all kinds.- :v .' j at tUieaoe, cah be taken with safety, at no time debili. cessary Coy i .pi ii nn.l IVarl, l orirl nutl tairuoi. AMI TAB considers thit inefficient to satisfy ..... do and Iron-- . for the euro of gh sand C(mnmLio-I- ts Ox, Lorr, Coil. Well. &c. I.Hi:i;l)!T the; Proprietor German the rnoet deli- n : lVml Brnoelets Chains, 50 Casks Tract, tating the patient being grateful to operation is mild yet efficacious: a" in for jnoU. Canifoonil candid mind. long nnd short handle; Ames and it loosens tl any Spades; Ames in- Kibbon Flouiihs m every varKtyby the best makers. A SAFF. nm n Cure lor tONSCurnos . cate stomach, and remarkable for their cheering, phlegm which creates so much .. Vat U'ui2aul crtn cannot be offered m favor of . f difficult reje.,-th- ( .Better testimony Rowland's mnke - ' , vir'n'ty aiul ran Mnls, orn hliellers. Straw Cutters, &c. Ltr.Ncs. SeirriMi Blood, Cokghs, and properties, cough and assists I .ci.l Sicat XX of the of medicine, than the following from Doctor thick; Cross, do Rowland's vigorating, strengthening, restorative nature to expel from the Cross-cu- t. &e. any saws cxlin cut " -- Mill, Hand ind Panel Saws. Side, . Bronchitis, jjj tern all diseased by in.: uvpa-if.l iu lasliioanhhi tyleall.l (aiLns, Asthma, Pain in tub.. "Gilbert, whose character and integrity is well j mill saws from 18 to 30 inch and an invaluable and tare remedy for . matter expectoration l'.i.rv. n as-- 1 S. make; Circular in Ship nnd House Carpenters tools complete s Pvlmonnry AtTeCtions - ing delightful b iinV. iia.l Vost Cliain.s Iloopinr; Cough, rind nil much through- . -- a change in the breathir tjU'" tlol.l tia'iru, Fob known in the South and West,ond ijanj saw of every kind . aj sortment. j DYSPEPSIA IU ITS T70LST F0EH3. and ;. .a v iri ;v. t.'ohl Slide.- and Uurkli'S, Cold OPJMONS OF THE PJtASS.. out the United States, as being the most succes- - Kettles, 75 gallons this after the prescriptions of th very be Shoe-tnake- rs Cauldron t ; Lndi-rs-- and Coopers do v.-- iui- - h'kI for new ays uDr. Rogers's cure the j Also, hirer Complaints, Janndiee, Ileartbura, Coa medical men and the inventions kind & tin Vat.'h Hooki The Louisville Journal :. ful man living for the treatment.nnd of catinTs; Pots nnd Kettles or every size of rmow-in- g Gold Sportsmen will also find a good assortment of , friends & C.Ll Thimble-- . Gold Specnuk, I.IVF.RWOUT.
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