At Holy Family Catholic Church: 338 W. University Blvd., Tucson January 17, A.D. 2021 VERITATEM FACIENTES IN CARITATE - LIVING THE TRUTH IN CHARITY Week of Prayer for an End to Schism Ad tollendum schisma Jan. 18 - Jan. 25 Beginning on the feast of the Chair of St. Peter at Rome, Jan. 18, we pray until the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul on Jan. 25 for the return to the fullness of the Catholic Church those sepa- rated brethren currently outside the Church of Christ. This is in particular a great time to pray for fallen away family members! During these dates, there will be a Collect, Secret, and Post- Communion added to each Mass for this intention replacing the prayer for the Pope (pro Papa). Prayers at Mass Collect: O God, who setteth straight what has gone astray, and gatherest together what is scattered, and keepest what Thou has gathered together: we beseech Thee in Thy mercy to pour down on Christian people that grace of union with Thee, that putting disunion aside and joining themselves to the true Shepherd of Thy Church, they may be able to ren- der Thee worthy service. Through our Lord Jesus Christ… Secret: Sanctify, O Lord, for the union of Christian people, these gifts offered to Thee; and by their means grant us the grace of union and peace within Thy Church. Through our Lord… Post-Communion: We beseech Thee, O Lord, that this Thy holy communion which we have received, as it represents the union of the faithful in Thee, so may it bring about re- union in Thy Church. Through our Lord… —–————————————————————— The following prayers are to be recited daily as requested by Pope Benedict XV in His Brief Romanum Pontificum of 1916: ANTIPHON: That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, in Me and I in Thee; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. V. I say unto thee, thou art Peter; R. And upon this rock I will build my Church. Here is brought to mind the intention for the day's prayer: Jan 18: For the return of the "other sheep" to the One Fold of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jan 19: For the return of the Eastern Orthodox Christians to communion with the Apostolic See. Jan 20: For the return of the Anglicans to the authority of the Vicar of Christ. Jan 21: For the return of all Protestants throughout the world to the unity of the Catholic Church. Jan 22: That Christians in America may be one, in union with the Chair of Saint Peter. Jan 23: That lapsed Catholics will return to the Sacraments of the Church. Jan 24: That the Jewish people will be converted to the Catholic Faith. Jan 25: That missionary zeal will conquer the world for Christ. Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, who said unto Thine Apostles: Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you; regard not our sins, but the faith of Thy Church, and grant unto her that peace and unity which are agreeable to Thy Will; Who livest and reignest ever, one God, world without end. Amen. Holy Family Parish Parish Staff Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Parish Administrator Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Mrs. Sylvia Cordova, Office Mgr & SEP Compliance Officer “English Mass” [email protected] Mail: 338 W. University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85705 FOR DONATIONS, please make check out to Tel: (520)623-6773 Holy Family Parish and mail or drop into the collection Email: [email protected] Or donate securely online through the Diocese of Tucson: Office closed to Public (per Diocesan Protocol) www.cathfnd.org/hope Date Feast Mass Intention Celebrant Sat 1/16 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Parishioners Rev. Jim Shea, C.Ss.R. Sun 1/17 7:00 a.m. †Joe and †Dolores Gallegos Rev. Abram Dono, S.T. Sat 1/23 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. † James G. Giblin Rev. Jim Shea, C.Ss.R. Sun 1/24 7:00 a.m. Parishioners Rev. Abram Dono, S.T. Saint Gianna Oratory Oratory Staff Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Rector Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Mrs. Teri Gauger, Oratory Secretary “Traditional Latin Mass” Mr. Matthew Lancaster, Music Director Mailing Address: Saint Gianna Oratory Website & Online Bulletin: saintgianna.net P.O. Box 87350, Tucson, AZ 85754 “Join our Flocknote” from our website to sign-up for Weekend Telephone: (520) 883-4360 Masses and receive email updates on other important information. Office Hours: Wed & Fri: 9am– 4pm FOR DONATIONS: 1) Please write check to Institute of Email: [email protected] Christ the King and mail or drop into the collection. 2) or do- nate securely to SGO using the DONATE button on our website Sun. 1/17 2nd Sunday after Epiphany / 2nd class / Green Andrew & Claire Theisinger 8:45 am Low Mass by Dr. Cynthia Miley Mass (Omnis terra): Gloria, ad tollendum schisma, Credo, Pref. of Holy Trinity Anniversary of Return to the Faith 11 am High Mass by Paula Hernandez 4 pm Low Mass President Donald J. Trump by Mary Lou Higgins Mon. 1/18 Chair of St. Peter in Rome / 4th class / White 5:00 pm Low Mass † Lisa Cutchens Mass (Statuit ei) Gloria, Comm. of St. Paul, ad tollendum schisma, and St. Prisca, by The Hemphill Family Preface of the Apostles Tue. 1/19 Votive Mass ad tollendum schisma / 4th class / violet 5:00 pm Low Mass † Alfredo B. Monreal Mass (Salvos nos fac): Comm. ad tollendum schisma and of Saimts Marius and Canute, by George Hoge Common Preface Wed. 1/20 St. Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs / 3rd class / Red Alan– health 5:00 pm Low Mass by Dr. & Mrs. Andy Stropko Mass (Intret): Gloria, ad tollendum schisma, Common Preface Thur. 1/21 St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr / 3rd class / Red Dan– health 5:00 pm Low Mass by Dr. & Mrs. Andy Stropko Mass (Me exspectaverunt): Gloria, ad tollendum schisma, Common Preface Fri. 1/22 St. Vincent and Anastasius, Martyrs / 3rd class / Red † John Minichiello 5:00 pm Low Mass by Darrell Pistone *Abstinence Mass (Intret): Gloria, ad tollendum schisma, Common Preface Sat. 1/23 St. Raymond of Penafort, Confessor / 3rd class / White James Fisher 8:00 am Low Mass by Sallyanne Fisher Mass (Os justi): Gloria, ad tollendum schisma, Common Preface Sun. 1/24 3rd Sunday after Epiphany / 2nd class / Green † Doug Brunner 8:45 am Low Mass by Lisa Yappel Mass (Adorate Deum): Gloria, ad tollendum schisma, Credo, Pref. of Holy 11 am High Mass Clint Awana, Jr. Trinity by Greg Schneider 4 pm Low Mass Mary Orr by Jennifer Bennett CONFESSION schedule: Beginning 30 minutes before all Latin Masses EXCEPT AFTER 5:00pm weekday Mass. Also available with visiting priest Sat 3:30pm-3:55pm. Novena Prayer to St. Francis de Sales Recited daily Jan 21-29 O Blessed Francis de Sales, who in thy mortal life did excel in all virtues, especially in love of God and of neighbor, I ear- nestly entreat thee to take me under thy immediate protec- tion, to obtain from God my perfect conversion, and that of all sinners. Teach me, O Fa- ther, to fix my eyes on heaven, Youth Catechism Registration that I may generously trample under foot every obstacle that Sunday, Jan. 17 after all Latin Masses presents itself in my way, and 1) All children 7 or older to receive 1st Communion attain that degree of glory which God in His mercy holds out to 2) Continuing Education: Ages 9-14 me. Obtain also that particular favor for which I now pray 3) Continuing Education: Ages 15 and up (mention intention) Reserved to families attending Holy Family Parish and St. Gianna Oratory R. That what our endeavors cannot obtain may be given us Classes to begin soon! by his intercession. Let us pray: O God, by whose gracious will blessed Francis, Stay up to date with St. Gianna Oratory Thy confessor and bishop, became all things to all men, for the -Weekly messages are sent to your email address. salvation of their souls; grant, we beseech Thee that being filled -Information about upcoming events, spirituality, with the sweetness of Thy love, we may, by the aid of his merits, Mass sign-ups, changes to schedules, etc. attain unto the joys of everlasting life. Through Christ our are all conveniently and regularly sent to you! Lord. Amen. Join our Flocknote at saintgianna.net Deceased: Clare Soto; Janice Spiritual Wisdom from St. Francis de Sales Hackert, “Carol”, Joseph Deitering: John Moorehouse; Douglas Brun- ner; Josie Rivera; William Brown; Esther Vargas; Lucy Ahn; Rebecca Considered in themselves, tribulations cer- Felix; Msgr. Todd O’Leary; Fr. Robert Tamminga; Yvonne Sturm; tainly cannot be loved, but considered in their Gerard O’Hora; Marie Yappel; Fr. Raul Valencia; Fr. Evan Harkins; Liz origin, namely in the Providence of the Divine Rafferty; Connie Urschel; Tomas Valdez; Dolores Gallegos; Bill Kelly; Will which has brought them about, they are Bill Shillue; Agnes Pfeiffer; Mona Montez; Healing: Anne Forrestl, Syl- to be loved with an infinite love. Just consider via Cordova, Blanca Zapata, Jackie Fehrenbacher, Barbara Mayerle, MJ; Moses' staff: laid on the ground, it was a fero- Mike & Debbie Silva; Albert Chambers; Nan Arena; Richard Jamison; cious serpent; in the hands of Moses it was a Arlene Gallardo; Kellee Smith; Rene’ Locke; George Hoge; Sue Wil- wonder-working wand. In like manner, tribula- liams; Ray Grillo; Michael Burdi; Sadie & Greg Schuller; Emily Valen- tions in themselves are terrible, but considered cia; Kenneth Snyder; Guadalupe de Vega; Noranita Arms; Patti Hill; Mickie Roudebush & family; Frankie Verdugo; Carol Wray; James Lar- as a manifestation of the will of God they are son; ; Nancy Gorman; Bill Halstead; Josie Castillo; Nick Lepore; Bever- indications of love and delight.
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