WHOLE NUMBER 45 Stiftelsen norsk Okkupasjonshistorie, 2014 THE WAFFEN-SS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 118224 ••< i~~~i .. • SNO F.~tonilln ss volunteer on the Narv8 Front, 13 .July 1944. (Courtesy of Erik Rundkvistl Stiftelsen norsk Okkupasjonshistorie, 2014 STILL AVAILABLE FROM SIEGRUNEN AT THIS TIME SIEGRlINf'N Back Issues S!'~ nBFRST -ORUPPFNrl JfTIRFR PI\II! I fl\llfiSr-R Numbers 1-27. Each: $2.50 1\ Biography No. 2B (photocopy only!. $9.95 by ~1nrk YNqer. L)w.lity mnnoqraph. $J()_O() No. 29 (book format editionl. $5.[10 Nos. 30-Q4 (current magazine form<3tl. f:"ar:h: $5.011 sr;-OBFRsn IRMBI\NNrUn fr~FR OTTn WFfnINGn~ SIEGRUNEN BULLETIN 1\ Biography [Really the SAme AS the "arly SIE[,PUNEN issup.s) hy Mark Yf?rql?'r. 110 pnqf>s. rh(')tn~. Pt c. $1 n.on Nos. I-B. Each: SIEGRlJNEN I\NTHOLOGY IJNWIlPMS. ORfll\NI71\TION I\NfllflSTflRY elf" SIEClRUNEN NEWSLETTERS THE WI\FFFN-fiS Nos. 1-4. EACh: $1.00 Volllme~ I. 11. Ill. IV. 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The warren-SS On Tha Eastern Front by l. eOIl (Jegrelle. m-,/I JNKrT~!;Cllnl JI.S A classic in English for thr. first massive tirne. $17.9~ f1fficer trAininq in thp W:cJffrn-q~;. r flqli~h tp'<t. M,FTING 017 THE GE:-'ERALS /,WWI inr:lude~ a full··length biography of the farnnuc; SS-[kiqfhr I\N [IF I~ :,1'11 7F (1\1. Th" Point) Kurt Meyer. 55[1 pages. many photos. $:10_110 nn~Ftt. huqp. pirtnri81 of ~j~ PPfTP. I/nrte;. r flolic;h tf">)(t. !>I-lIPPINn I\Nn fll\Nrll INn I\drl 10% of t.he tCltRI of your nrdpr fflllr1irnllm q;7.~rlJ to hAlp cover shirrinq Rnrl hnndlinQ r:nsts Ifl rrllinq nrliprs SNOfor the items on th,s r8~JP. Sr.nd to: ,<IC:f II\Pf] I /\N[l"WI JP P_fL IH IX hi I " BP (JCJf< IN(,~j f H",~ q71l1 fl Stiftelsen norsk Okkupasjonshistorie, 2014 SIErlRLJNEN Vol. 0 No. 3 Whole Numher '15 October-December 1 907 EFFECTIVE I I I EOITOR IMMEDIATELY . Richard Landwehr Associate Editor Gustav Juergens NEW Slaff Artist and Contributing Editor Ramiro Bujeiro MAILING ADDRESS Contributing Editors Carlos Caballero Steve Kane FOR Ray Merriam Antonio Munoz SIEGRUNEN SIE'GRUNFN flSSN 0733-03571 is publishpd by International Graphics Corp .. Bennington VT in conjunction with the Editor R khnrd Lnndwf'hr P.O. Box 1i71R Copyright@1900by Richard Landwphr Jr. Bro"kings OR 9741 S Suhscription ratp for four issues: $20.00 [outside the LJ.S. add $5.00 for surface mail postage]. Single copy: $5.00 [outside U.S. add $1.50 for surface mRi I postAge). WI\NTFT) Rp.ferencp. mFltpr"iRI frpr-inri photos. hoth oriqin.3l Rnrl Contributions: MRnuscripts. photographs. drawings are duplicBt.e.. wnrt.irnp. illtlstrAtpd f)uhlirRt inns. r)(lt;t·-\.J;:~r submitted at the contributor's own risk. Material should illustrAted hooks find mnqA7inps. jllustrAted rnilitRri,g bemailedtoSiegrunen.P.D.Bo)( 5710. Brookings OR BAles cAtnloqs. 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Advertising: [subject to Editor's approvel] in SIEGRlJ~~EN mAterial r~IRt.pd to the It.AliAn Social Rp.puhlic. lQql-q~). is evai lable at the following rates: Full pBge. $00.00: Marco Pennisi. vin V. Vp.netn 3:,. 3fi IIl11 Vir:"fl?". IT 1\1 Y. Half page. $40.00: querter page. $20.00; Eighth pBqe. $10.00. Short classifieds. $5.00. A 20% discount will Itlllllltl"UUIIII1I1I11111UIUllllln"nlfUtltltlllll""""ltlfn""'''''''''''''''"I"tt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u,,n"tlu"'If"'''"''",,",,",,"'! be allowed for multiple insertions. i Name Any Battle. ~ i ... and I rrohah-Iy hl'lv~ a honk on if. , 'l:J"t"ci1Ili.7t" .n World Wu . ~ All correspondence. subscriptions. ren8wBls. contributions. :: If hooks, but my Cl!lf8lo~ h., 1f"Cfion, (In rh .. c,.II \V'H. 11 3 ~ }\Iin('fet"nlh C,.nlt V. Wnrlot Wl!Ir I. Ancit"nt'l:. A (,vt'n WflThf '£ advertising insertion orders. etc. must be mai led to: i Current Fvrnl'l: If hi'l:'OfY r"'rln;tf"~ ),011, "no Y0t(ft:' 111,. h'pe 'i ~ that enjoy~ ft'ading, Ih,,"·)'ol1 ..... ill ddin!lely ht"ndit fr~'m j{"lIlnji: .. ; ! :: my IMt"Q ClIIR!oll lh(' iml i~ Ilrdv SI (r('imhor .. ihlf" with .,.,nm ___.,': RICHARD LANOWEHR § fir~t order!) My hrH)b Jl:O for H hult';H S). '10 \'OU ~Iand In ln~e - ~'-Hi~ § P.D. COX 5llll ~ nothin~. ',I':;!JI:" ~ BROUK INGS OR 97415 § N.ame the ~A~l\7it,,· you ~"w thi .. ari. i,n~, rt"('~.j.\." ~ r~,F~ (iTrr. ~. ~ " ~ .; ""thynurhT'l.lnrdt, rR()Mf'TRt":"~I)IJn()()I(IS\()If)~ :: :: nu t' ....... .:: ~. Munm; llooks ~"" Ll!J . ~ NOW AVAILAflLEI ~ P.O. Box 70RR ~iT i § FIII~hinl!, N Y 11152 . , ~ I\udio Cassette On :;'"IIIIIII'IIIIIIIII"""""'IlI1I11111""'"llIlllItlllIll'IIII'III'"ntl'ItH'"'UtlIlUnllnlllll"lfltfl11f1t1Ut"U"II"'""""fI,""",,1 ----- ._--- ---- ----------- --_.- .. The Waffp.n-SS I\nd The Mnlmp.dy Trinl .---- --_.__ ._------- _- as presented by RAY M"rriam Rt. the 2nd International f-<evisionist Confpreflce Includes r"loP{'j;-di7inq In (~p,r'nH1n t'-1i!ilnry 'Iir,rnry "The EuropeAn VollJnteer Movement In Wodd Wnr 11" (1f World WAr I I'. 11 by Richard L"ndwehr SPrlrl q:;T,nO for cAtolnqup Price: $n.95 + $2.00 posta~e I~ hondling. r-nrrnpr'c:; [lnnl<c:; RichBrd Lm,dwp.hr SNOr lrllt.. S~-; P.O. Box 6711l P.i'l. Uny. 7111 Brookings llF~ 97q 15 H,ssinn Vip-in C!\ Q)fiC10 -0 I I I Stiftelsen norsk Okkupasjonshistorie, 2014 EDITORIAL Assorted Frauds, Thud-;, OIunders and Errors I nOllbt if I bave ever seen Il hi~toriral work thllt WIlS Throughout th(' fOllr volum(>s of thi, r(I'n1lp hf> hns ('on­ totally free of mistake or error; in fllct, IlII too many stllntly misstAted fAets Aho"t vnriou, Woffl'n ~~S IlIli". of the "establishment" books in this line or(' liberAlly find althouf4h I did not r(>fld Vol1lme IV very rnrdllll'l' larded with deliberate fraud, slAnoer Ana prejunire. flut I noticed sf'vf'rol lTlorf' in thnt hook. SIie-kinp; in my mind quite often the situlltion hits home. Although not inten­ was his 1l1lf'gntion thAt) 4th ss Division wo' n('v('f AI;nin tional some mther whopping goofs have transpired both in the frontlinf>s flfler the Hnttlf> of Ilrody (.Iuly I !1\4) in SIEGRUNEN Articles and my books on the WAfren-SS; - untrue, flS it WAS in Ihe frontlinf>s in A,,,Il'io in Ap"i1 if and when I get a chance to rewrite, IlS mAny of these 1945; ann his commf>nl thflt XV. Cossllck ('Avnlrv ('nl'p' stumbles will be eliminated as possible.
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