Acts, 1933. — Chaps. 147, 148. 201 An Act providing for notice of appeals to the county Qjidj) 147 COMMISSIONERS FROM REFUSALS TO ABATE BETTERMENT ASSESSMENTS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter eighty of the General Laws is hereby amended G. L. (Ter. Ed.), 80, § 10, by striking out section ten, as appearing in the Tercen- amended. tenary Edition thereof, and inserting in place thereof the following: — Section 10. A person who is aggrieved by the Appeals to county oom- refusal of a board of officers of a city, town or district to miesioners abate an assessment may, instead of pursuing the remedy from refusal to abate provided by section seven, appeal within the time limited bettMrnent ^^^^^^ments. therein to the county commissioners of the county in which the land assessed is situated. The person so appealing shall, within ten days after the fifing of said appeal, give written notice thereof to such city, town or district. Such notice may be given by mailing a copy of the appeal by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the board which made the assessment or to the clerk of such city, town or district. The county commissioners shall hear the parties, and shall have the same powers and duties with respect to the abate- ment of such assessment as the board by which it was assessed, and may make an order as to costs. The decision of the county commissioners shall be final. Approved April 27, 1933. Act dissolving certain corporations. An C/iai?. 148 Whereas, It is necessary that certain delinquent and other Emergency corporations be dissolved in the current year, therefore this preamble, act is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Such of the following named corporations certain cor- as are not already legally dissolved are hereby dissolved, *^'*" gX''ed°'^^ subject to the provisions of sections fifty-one, fifty-two and fifty-six—of chapter one hundred and fifty-five of the General Laws : A. A. Philhps Company, A. Altshuler Mdsg. Co., Inc., A & G Grocery Company, Inc., ,The, A & V Auto Repair Shop, Inc., A. Bartington, Inc., A Bon Marche of New Bed- ford, Inc., A. Burlingame Company, A. C. Fisher Co., A. C. Purrington & Co. Inc., A. Deschenes Company, A. Eastwood Co., A. F. Powers Company, A. J. Raymond Co., A. L. Braley, Incorporated, A. L. Fink Inc., A. L, Liquidat- ing Company, A. L. Wells, Inc., A. L. White & Company, Inc., A. P. Soucy Inc., A. S. Manzi, Inc., A. T. Corporation, A, W. Peterson and Company, Incorporated, Academy Garage and Service Station, Inc., Ace Advertising Service, Inc., Ace Shoe Co., The, Acme Bottling Company, Inc., Acme Drug & Chemical Co., Acme Manufacturing Co., 202 Acts, 1933. — Chap. 148. Certain Inc, AcHie Storage Warehouse Co., Activity Frocks, Inc., d?aToived°°* Acushnet Mills Corporation, Adams, Blake & Bonney, Inc., Adams House, Limited, The, Adell Mfg. Co., Inc., The, Adhesive Products Company, Adrian VanLeeuwen, Inc., Advance Fibre Process Company, Advisory Committee on Advertising, Inc., Aetna Realty Company, Affihated Stores, Inc., The, Agawam Amusement Corporation, Ajax Golf Game Company, Inc., Aker Lumber Company, The, Al. A. Rosenbush Company, Alabam, Inc., The, Albert E. Knud- sen, Inc., Albert Neckwear Company, Albert Your Hair- dresser, Inc., Albion Florist, Inc., Alcra Corporation, Aldis Owen Hall Foundation - - University & College of Liberal Arts, Incorporated, Alfred Self & Co. Inc., Alfred T. Pitman Co., Inc., Algonquin Leather Company, Alhambra Theatre Co., All In One Soap Company, Inc., Allen & Allen, Inc., Allen & Woodworth Company, Alhed Business Builders, Inc., Alhed Construction Co., Inc., Allied Specialty Leather Co., AUston Plumbing Co., Inc., Allston Public Market, Inc., Alton Realty Co., Inc., Alvita Food Products Inc., American Agricultural Chemical Company of Massachu- setts, The, American Banner & Novelty Co., American Bat- tery and Equipment Co., American Brick Company, Ameri- can Coal Company, American Electrical Company, Ameri- can Fireside League, Incorporated, American Fish Machin- ery Company, American International Engineering Asso- ciates Incorporated, American Motor Equipment Company, American Motors, Incorporated, American Pastry Products Corporation, American Realty Corporation, American Rug Mills, Inc., American Sailplane Company, American Sap- phire Blue Swine Registry Inc., American Steel Boat Cor- poration, Amesbury Building Corporation, The, Anderson & Caskin Co. Inc., Anderson and Nelson Company, Ander- son Cadillac LaSalle Company, Andover Homes Inc., Andren-Myerson Co., Anmuth & Gilbert, Inc., Ansel Fine- berg Company, Apex Co-operative Tailors & Cleansers Association, Apple Tree Diners, Inc., Appleton Pharmacy, Inc., Aqua Rubber Company, Archdeacon & Sullivan, Inc., Arlington Amusement Company, Arlington Market, Inc., Arlington Motor Corporation, Arlington National Corpora- tion, Arlington Street Garage Inc., Arhngton Yellow Cab Company, Arnold's Inc., Arthur F. Hickey Shoe Co. Inc., Arthur's Incorporated, Artistic Metal Letter Co., Asbestos Textile Company, The, Aspinwall Apartments, Inc., Aspirin Seltzer Corporation, Associated Orchestra Service, Inc., Associated Sales Company, Associated Theatres, Inc., As- sured's Insurance Adjustment Bureau, Inc., Astor Lunch Company, Athens News Store Inc., Atherton Corporation, Atlantic Cement Products Corporation, Atlantic Finance Corporation, Atlantic Herring Co., Atlantic Malt Co., Inc., Atlantic Markets, Incorporated, Atlantic Pressed Steel Company, Inc., Atlas Suit Case Company, Inc., Attleboro Amusement Co., Attleboro Paint & Hardware Co. Inc., Auburndale Conservatories, Inc., Austin St. Garage Inc., Acts, 1933. — Chap. 148. 203 Inc., The, Auto-Hydro- Austin-Sutherland Lumber Co., ^^^^'^^j^^j^jj^ Craft, Inc., Auto List Pubhshing Co., Auto-Manual Shut- Swed?"^ Off Incorporated, Auto Owners Service Association, Inc., Auto Tire Exchange Inc., Automatic Floor Waxing Ma- chine Corporation, Automatic Stoker Corporation, Auto- mobile Service Company, Automotive Consulting Service Corp., Avon Amusement Company Inc. B. A. Cook & Company Incorporated, B. A. Dargo Co., B & B Sandwich Shoppe, Inc., B. & S. Shoe, Inc., B.-G. and S. Company, B. H. Lippin Co. Incorporated, B. S. Canner Co., Babcock Realty Corporation, Bacheller-Bean Com- pany, Baer Yorra Shoe Company, Bain-Roberts Company, Baker Market Co., Inc., Bancroft Woolen Yarn Company, Bank and Office Equipment Engineers, Inc., Barbecue Inn, Inc., Bargain Bazaar, Inc., The, Barger Furniture Co., Barney's Lunch Inc., Barnstable County Motors, Inc., Bar- rett Builders' Supply Company, Inc., Barry's Garage Inc., Barton Shoe Co., Inc., Baskin & Kessler, Incorporated, Batchelder Manufacturing Company, Bates Brothers Com- pany, Battery Containers, Incorporated, Bay Grove Motor Company, Bay State Amusement Co., Inc., Bay State De- velopment Corporation, Bay State Engraving Company, Inc., Bay State Florist Supply Co., Bay State Flying Serv- ice, Inc., Bay State Insulating & Refrigerating Co., Inc., Bay State Insurance Agency Corporation, Bay State Premium Company, Bay State Wiping Materials, Inc., Bay State Woolen Waste Company, Beacon Body Company, Beacon Cafeteria, Inc., Beacon Fast Freight Corporation, Beacon Hill Taxi Corporation, Beautiful Novelty Shop, Inc., The, Beaver Construction Company, Beck Hall, Inc., Becker Fur Importers, Inc., Begeka Company, Belle Vue Mills, Belmarsh Drug Co., The, Belmont Builders Supply Co. Inc., Belmont Motor Mart, Inc., Belvidere Manage- ment Corporation, Bemis Heater, Incorporated, Ben C. Goulston Shoe Company, Ben Rosenblum, Inc., Bent and Bush Company, The, Berger Textile Products Co., Berkeley Associates, Inc., Berkeley Clothes, Inc., Berkshire Electric Company, Berkshire Farmers Exchange, Inc., Berkshire Mercantile Agency, Inc., Berkshire Mercantile of Green- field, Inc., Berkshire Mercantile of Holyoke, Inc., Berkshire Mercantile of Pittsfield, Inc., Berkshire Mercantile of Worcester, Inc., Berkshire Vinegar Company, Berle Prod- ucts Company, The, Berman-Haskell Shoe and Leather Company, Bernard's Inc., Bernner & Co. Inc., Berry's Golf Club Inc., Betty Louise Book Shops Corporation, Big Store, Inc., The, Big Three Sportwear Company, Billy's Dew Drop Inn, Inc., Bilt-Rite Oil Burner Inc., Blackstone Produce, Inc., Blackstone-Sussman Company, Blake Process Ma- chine Company, Inc., Blanchard Linotype School Inc., Bland's Auto Exchange Inc., Bleyle's, Inc., Bloomberg Bros. Co., Bloomfield & Betten Company, Inc., Blotner Realty Company, Blount Engineering Company, Blue Cross Sanitary Process Company, Blue Plate, Inc., The, 204 Acts, 1933. — Chap. 148. Certain ^^ Blue Ribbon Lunch, Inc., Bluebeard's Castle Inc., Bluebell, di'sToived"'^* Inc., The, Board Realty Co., Bobby's Dress Shops Inc., Bogen & Tenenbaum, Inc., Bon Ton Furniture Co., Inc., Boothby Company, Bostock Shoe Co. Inc., Boston and New York Transportation Co., Inc., Boston Auto Fabrics Com- pany, Boston Auto Top Co., Boston Beef & Provision Com- pany, Boston Branch Grocery, Inc., Boston Cafeteria Inc., Boston Chair Co. Inc., Boston Chocolate Co., Boston Cornice & Metal Works, Inc., Boston Flour Company, Inc., Boston Gear Works Sales Co., Boston Linotypers' Supply Company, Incorporated, Boston Match Company, Boston Metallic Bed Company, Inc., Boston Mortgage Bond Com- pany, Boston Office Furniture Exchange, Incorporated, Boston Realty Corporation, Boston Retail Drygoods Co., Inc., Boston Sellers Kitchens, Inc., Boston Stores News, Inc., Boston
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