, •.</.' )'«••. ,,r't » -'% hf-J •I '..• .if •r V II r atxb (^biromcle Second ca»M Postage Paid 15 CENTS Vol. LXXIV. No. 48. 4 Sections, 32 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1967 CitaiorA, New Jersey 0701* Planning Board Report Salary Hikes of 5-7 Percent Joint Civic Committee Endorses Six Planned for Town Employes Salary increases of 5 to 7 percent for municipal employes, begin- Urges Many Changes ling January 1, are provided in an ordinance approved on. first reading Candidates for 3 School Board Posts >y Township Committee Tuesday night. Public hearing will be De- Six candidates for the Cran- ember 26. brd Board of Education have In Zoning Ordinance Finance Commissioner Wynn Kent estimated the increases, plus ad- been endorsed by the Joint Recommendations for drastic changes in the zoning ordinance as itional personnel including two Me Committee for Encourag- it pertains to the business and industrial zones were contained in a ew policemen, will add about 190,000 to - the township's payroll ing Candidates for the Board lengthy report received Tuesday night by Township Committee from iccount next year. Police Search of Education. Robert Biunno, the Planning Board. The recommendations were referred to the He said the committee had de- eorge Rubine and James Wil- attorney and engineer for review and "hopefully for action early next berated "long and seriously over School After liams, the three members of year," Mayor Edward Gill stated, he magnitude of the increases," the.bodrd completing their the proposed changes. nd had held nieetings with rep- first terms in February, are The mayor commended Howard esentatives of the Patrolmen's Bomb Scare seeking reelection and have been CHS Holiday endorsed. The committee also en- M. Siegel, chairman, and other Benevolent Association, firemen Orange Avenue Junior High nd department heads, as well as School was thoroughly searched by dorses Mrs. Charles Preston, Mal- members of the Planning Board, colm Savage and George White, Jr. Concert Next onsidering the general order of police last Thursday morning after a special lawyers' committee, Board .ncreases which have been given Mr. Biunno is currently the pres- of Adjustment and scores of other hroughout the country. ' Richard G. Wagner, principal, dent of the Board of Education. residents who assisted in drafting Wednesday Most department heads received found a note under the door in his He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins office at 7:50 a.m. that a bomb had the proposed changes. The annual holiday concert will ncreases of $700. Starting salaries University, Baltimore, Md;, and be presented by members of the :or patrolmen and firemen have been placed in the building. served in the Army during World "Hundreds of .hours of study and music department of Cranford High, jeen increased $300 from $5;900 to Police inspected the gymnasium War II in Germany. He is director testimony have gone into these rec- $6,200 and fourth-year patrolmen School at 8:15 P.M. Wednesday in uid auditorium first and then'per- of admissions services, Rutgers Un- ommendations," Mayor Gill stated, nd firemen have been increased mitted students to gather there versity. ; /'and. the Township Committee the school auditorium under direc- $400 to $7,960. while a thorough search of all lock- He is a past president of the K> - probably will spend the better part tion of James Lenney, vocal music A full listing of the new salary ers was conducted. wanis Club and the Boosters' Club, of January explaining and inter- instructor, is open to the public. chedule for all municipal employes Classrooms are locked so it was GEORGE RUBINE JAMES WILLIAMS a manager in the Cranford Boys' preting the proposed changes to the will be found in a legal advertise- ROBERT BIXJNNO "A Ceremony of Carols," written unnecessary to search them. No Baseball eagues, on the board of public," ment elsewhere in today's-issue. trace of any explosive was found directors of the Cranford Swim- Public Affairs Commissioner H. by Benjamin Britten, will be the Kenneth A. McGrath, 3 Norman- and classes wefe conducted as us- ming Club, a Jersey Boys' State Raymond Kirwan explained that featured work. It'will be per- die. PL, asked the committee to ual. trustee and assistant director, and briefly the Planning Board recom- fprmed by the High School Choir. make available comparable salary The police detail conducting the a counselor of Boys' Nation, Wash- mendations include the easing of In this work, Mr. Britten has cap- 'igures for all municipal officials search included Lt. Henry Polidoro, ington, D. C. , parking requirements for mew :or each year during the past five Detective Thomas R. Benton and He also is a member of American tured the medieval quality of the r buildings in the business area, the ears. Patrolmen Samuel W.' Cymbaluk, Legion Post 50 and the Holy Name elimination of all painted signs on poetic, form of the carol. Also passed on first reading was William F. Crissey, Raymond J. Society of St Michael's Church. the sides of buildings in the busi- The accompanist for the work an amendment to the zoning ordi- Cosmas, Robert A. Guertin, Leo J. Mr. Biunno is married, has two ness area after 1968, changes in the will be Miss Kathleen Bride, a nance prohibiting the storage or Schaeffer and James E. Wash- children and lives at 805 Spring- - industrial zone to permit present former student of Cranford High parking in the open of trucks, trail- bourne. field Ave.' He has lived in Cran- plants to expand and drastic School and now a graduate student ers, buses, tractors, cranes, bull- Firemen also stood by at the ford 10 years. changes in the sign requirements in at the Juilliard School of Music in dozers, power shovels or other scene under direction of Chief Mr. Rubine is a graduate of Rut- the industrial zone. New York City. The soloists will be similar vehicles, apparatus or John N. Schmitz, Deputy Chief *ers University and served in the Commissioner Kirwan and Mayor Susan Koch, Lois Kiicharik, Bar- equipment except during construc- Bernard Fleming and Capt. Edward iuropean Theater during World' Gill pointed out that there are bara Hughes and Richard Wagner. tion at or on the premises. The E. Reade. \Var IL He is vice-president o£ many other areas where changes Christmas carols and seasonal measure was referred to the Plan- Hudson Iron and Metal Co., Bay- songs will be performed by the have been recommended and these ning Board- and public hearing will onne. •. '.. ..•.. • • • will be explained ifii detail before girls' -"Chorus, the Srass" Ensemble, be held at the December 26 meet- He is a director 6£ the Broadway action is taken. the. Girl's Ensemble, the Double ing. Holiday Concert National Bank, Bayonne; a director Mr. Siegel reported that the sug- .Quartej: and the High School Choir. Maydr Edward Gill, who presid- At Orange Avenue of the Chamber of Commerce and, gested zoning revisions were the The High School Choir will per- ed, said that if it appears that the a inembet of Rotary Club, Bayonne, result of almost two years of work form at the New York Port Auth- township is barring the parking of and a past president of the New ority Bus Terminal at 5 p.m. next Tuesday Evening, by the Planning Board, Board of 1 buses in the business area, that is Jersey Chapter, Institute of Scrap l Adjustmew; the lawyers* commit^ Thursday under direction of Mr. -The combined vocal and instru the intent of the proposed ordi- MRS. CHARLES PRESTON MAJLCOIli* SAVAGE GEORGE WHITE, JR. Iron and Steel. tee* the Township Committee, Rob- Lenney. They will sing carols of nance. mental talents of over S00 sp He also has served as president ert,Catlin of-Robert Catlin and As- the season. dents -at Orange Avenue? Jumoi|, of Temple BetH-EftaM vic%»resl« A resolution was approved to ex- High School will be presented in sociates, City Planning Consultants; change land with Helmut'A. Larsen. dent of Cranford United"EHin'd. Mr. Township Engineer Pattick J. Grail, concert Tuesday at 8 p.m., in tfte Rubine lives at 10 Crescent PJ., is Air of the. lots involved, are located school auditorium. Realtor Board Carl Schauer ^ Tax Assessor- John, % Duryee, on Ridge St. With the exchange, married and has two cnildretiL He (Building Illspfector C. Van (Cham- The students, under the direc- has lived in Cranford 1» years; the township will own all of the tion of William Aspray and David berlin and Consultant Frank Going Up Here property on Ridge St. north 6f Bel- Installation, Of Cranford First Aid Squad Mjr. Williams attended Union Brown. Cranford Master Barbers Associ- Heimel, vocal instructors, and Al- mont Ave., and Mr. Larsen will ac- fred Patterson, instrumental in- Carl F. Schaiier was elected to College arid Pace College and was ation this week announced that quire sufficient land south of the structor, are preparing traditional succeed Anthony La Rosa as pre- graduated from Newark College of (effective Monday, price of haircut; intersection to touild three dwell- songs of the season. Engineering. He served on a U. S. The Cranford Board of Realtors sident of the Cranford Sirst Aid Navy tanker during'World War IL Santa Glaus Here ings on that street. He will pay the Selections will include: "The in local barbershops will be in township $4,400 representing the will hold its annual Installation of Squad at a meeting held in the Mr. Williams is a staff industrial TJniilWednesday; creased 25 cents. Holly and the Ivy," an old Eng- difference in the appraised value lish carol, sung by a seventh and officers and Christmas party at squad building last week.
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