1 PERFORMANCE BUDGET 2007-2008 BACKWARD CLASSES, MOST BACKWARD CLASSES AND MINORITIES WELFARE DEPARTMENT 1.INTRODUCTION Protection of the interests of Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities and Minorities has always been an object of prime importance of the Government of Tamil Nadu for their Socio Educational and Economic upliftment. To achieve this end the Government of Tamil Nadu is implementing multifarious welfare schemes. No State can be called as truly advanced without advancement in education. On the basis of this concept utmost importance has always been given to remove the backwardness of the people of this State, by making significant budget allocation for implementation of various educational schemes. Backward Classes/Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities constitute the major groups among the total population of the State. Religion wise population figures in Tamil Nadu with reference to the 2001 Census are as follows:- 2 (Figures in Lakhs) % of Census year Population RELIGION 1981 1991 2001 % HINDUS 426.52 492.17 549.86 88.11 ISLAMISTS 26.91 31.06 34.7 5.56 CHRISTAINS 29.38 33.9 37.88 6.07 SIKHS 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.02 JAINS 0.63 0.73 0.81 0.13 BUDDISTS 0.05 0.06 0.065 0.01 OTHERS 0.05 0.06 0.065 0.01 NWTO STATE 0.44 0.5 0.56 0.09 Total 484.08 558.59 624.06 100 At Government level, the Secretary is heading the Department of Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare. Different schemes and policies of the Government for the upliftment of the Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities and Minorities are implemented by the Director of Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare and Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities. At the District level, the schemes are implemented by the District Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Officers who function under the immediate administrative and supervisory control of the District Collectors. In the Districts of Maduri, Theni and Dindigul, the schemes intended for the upliftment of Piramalai Kallars are implemented through the District Revenue Officer (Kallar Reclamation) with Headquarters at Madurai. 3 For the economic development of Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities people of the State, Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Economic Development Corporation (TABCEDCO) was formed in the year 1982. To place special emphasis on the economic development of the minorities in the State, this Government formed the Tamil Nadu Minorities Economic Development Corporation (TAMCO) during 1999-2000. To study and advice the Government on various necessary measures to protect the interests of religious and linguistic minorities in this State, this Government constituted the State Minorities Commission in 1989. Pursuant to the directions of the Supreme Court of India in Mandal Commission case, the Government have constituted the Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission under the Chairmanship of a retired High Court Judge to examine and send its recommendation to government in respect of various requests relating to inclusion or exclusion of communities from the lists of BCs/MBCs/DNCs. To implement the scheme intended for the welfare of Backward Classes including Minorities, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities the Government is making significant allocation of funds every year. The details of scheme wise allocation of funds, administrative set up of the Departments, brief note and statistical information about individual schemes with achievements during the previous years have been furnished in the following pages. 4 2. BACKWARD CLASSES & MINORITIES WELFARE & MOST BACKWARD CLASSES AND DENOTIFIED COMMUNITIES WELFARE EXPENDITURE DETAILS 2005-06 Sl.No NAME OF THE Allotment (FMA) Expenditure SCHEME Rs.in Lakhs BC MBC TOTAL BC MBC TOTAL STATE PLAN SCHEMES 2005-06 1 Perarignar Anna 14.00 14.00 13.68 13.68 Award 2 Land Acquisition for 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 F.Cs 3 Infrastuctural 128.01 128.01 128.00 128.00 facilities for BCs 4 Infrastuctural 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 facilities for BCs ( Charged) 5 Enhanced 25.01 25.01 11.75 11.75 Compensation for LA 6 Prematric 1132.05 886.70 2018.75 842.54 771.17 1613.71 Scholarship 7 Postmatric 1930.99 943.50 2874.49 1930.15 942.66 2872.81 Scholarship 8 Free Education - 1378.06 992.90 2370.96 1337.06 962.90 2299.96 Degree 9 Free Education - 455.00 262.60 717.60 400.16 208.58 608.74 Polytechnic 10 Free Education – 791.00 452.50 1243.50 729.16 391.36 1120.52 Professional 11 Reimbursement of 159.90 159.90 97.74 97.74 Tuition fees to English medium students belonging to MBC/DNC 12 Hostels 1722.09 1040.65 2762.74 1119.36 538.60 1657.96 13 Hostels(DNC) 415.70 415.70 350.75 350.75 14 Training for Law 0.35 0.35 0.32 0.32 Graduates 15 Job Oriented 124.80 124.80 3.60 3.60 Training Courses 16 Supply of Sewing 10.00 10.00 20.00 9.99 10.00 19.99 Machine 5 17 Boarding Grants 24.67 8.23 32.90 20.54 7.59 28.13 18 Administration - 23.76 1.01 24.77 17.68 0.96 18.64 Head Quarters staff (Purchase of Computers) 19 Free Supply of Bi- 3061.52 1726.18 4787.70 3014.36 1677.29 4691.65 cycles to Girls 20 Free Supply of Bi- 3276.33 2164.16 5440.49 3232.01 2127.79 5359.80 cycles to Boys 21 Assistance to 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 TABCEDCO with loan obtained from HUDCO 22 Expenditure met from 1653.53 1653.53 1653.53 1653.53 loan obtained from HUDCO for construction of Hostels 23 Construction of 4600.00 3400.00 8000.00 1011.50 892.50 1904.00 Hostel Buildings 24 Incentive Scheme for 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 MBC/DNC Girls Students 25 Supply of Free Tools 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 under DIRL Scheme TOTAL FOR STATE 20326.19 13089.05 33415.24 15463.64 9591.64 25055.28 PLAN SCHEMES Centrally Sponsored Scheme 26 SA-Postmatric 250.00 150.00 400.00 145.13 145.13 290.26 Scholarship - for Other BCs(OBCs) (GOI-100%) Centrally Shared Scheme 27 UB-Prematric 182.75 132.75 315.50 400.00 400.00 800.00 Scholarship - for Other BCs(OBCs) ( GOI-50 : 50) TOTAL FOR CENTRALLY 432.75 282.75 715.50 545.13 545.13 1090.26 SPONSORED SCHEMES GRAND TOTAL 20758.94 13371.80 34130.74 16008.77 10136.77 26145.54 ( PLAN & GOI) NON PLAN SCHEMES 6 28 Hostels 1310.45 662.40 1972.85 1285.99 604.46 1890.45 29 Hostels(DNC) 432.75 432.75 396.46 396.46 30 Schools (DNC) 1957.41 1957.41 1874.32 1874.32 31 General Awards 2.33 2.33 1.99 1.99 32 Thanthai Periyar 9.67 9.67 9.21 9.21 Award 33 Job Oriented 25.00 15.00 40.00 17.11 14.79 31.90 Training Scheme 34 Administration-AA 64.92 50.35 115.27 62.05 47.16 109.21 Head Quarter Staff 35 Administration-AA 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 Head Quarter Staff ( Charged) 36 Administration-AB - 473.93 38.57 512.50 451.81 35.60 487.41 Dist Staff 37 Periyar Award for 1.25 1.25 1.18 1.18 Social Justice 38 Assistance to 85.98 85.98 85.97 85.97 TABCEDCO for paying service Charges 39 Share Capital 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 Assistance to TABCEDCO 40 Boarding Grants 6.50 6.50 5.13 5.13 41 House site 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 Advertisement 42 Supply of Iron 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 Boxes 43 Funeral Rites 100.00 100.00 74.31 74.31 Total FOR NON PLAN 2028.55 3305.08 5333.63 1970.31 3094.23 5064.54 SCHEMES GRAND TOTAL FOR 22787.49 16676.88 39464.37 17979.08 13231.00 31210.08 PLAN , NON PLAN & GOI SCHEMES 7 BACKWARD CLASSES AND MINORITIES WELFARE AND MOST BACKWARD CLASSES AND DENOTIFIED COMMUNITIES WELFARE EXPENDITURE DETAILS 2006-07 Rs.in Lakhs Allotment (RE 2006-07) Sl.No NAME OF THE SCHEME BC MBC TOTAL STATE PLAN SCHEMES 2006-07 1 Perarignar Anna Award 15.00 15.00 2 Land Acquisition for F.Cs 0.00 0.00 3 Land Acquisition for BCs & MBC’s 300.02 200.00 500.02 4 Infrastuctural facilities for BCs 128.00 128.00 5 Enhanced Compensation for LA 25.01 25.01 6 Prematric Scholarship 1208.46 963.30 2171.76 7 Postmatric Scholarship 2351.34 1195.60 3546.94 8 Free Education - 1895.98 1341.00 3236.98 ( UG Degree ) 9 Free Education - 872.80 325.00 1197.80 ( Polytechnic ) 10 Free Education –(Professional) 1304.90 590.00 1894.90 11 Reimbursement of Tuition fees to English 184.00 184.00 medium students belonging to MBC/DNC 12 Hostels 1799.72 1146.39 2946.11 13 Hostels(DNC) 412.53 412.53 14 Training for Law Graduates 0.9 0.9 15 Job Oriented Training Courses 487.31 487.31 16 Supply of Sewing Machine 24.00 16.00 40.00 17 Boarding Grants 26.03 13.00 39.03 18 Administration - Head Quarters staff 21.85 1.16 23.01 (Purchase of Computers, Fax, etc,) 8 19 Free Supply of Bi-cycles to Girls 2535.79 1550.55 4086.34 Allotment (RE 2006-07) Sl.No NAME OF THE SCHEME BC MBC TOTAL 21 Construction of Hostel Buildings 4889.77 3739.81 8629.58 22 Incentive Scheme for MBC/DNC Girls 600.00 600.00 Students 23 Supply of Free Tools under DIRL Scheme 0.01 0.01 24 Supply of Free Tools to MBC’s- Iron 85.00 85.00 Boxes 25 Funeral charges 100.00 100.00 26 JB- DNC School’s 271.96 271.96 TOTAL FOR STATE PLAN SCHEMES 19913.79 14200.94 34114.73 Centrally Sponsored Scheme 27 SA-Postmatric Scholarship - for Other 250.00 150.00 400.00 BCs(OBCs) (GOI-100%) Centrally Shared Scheme 28 UB-Prematric Scholarship - for Other 400.00 500.00 900.00 BCs(OBCs) ( GOI- 50 : 50) TOTAL FOR CENTRALLY SPONSORED 650.00 650.00 1300.00 SCHEMES GRAND TOTAL ( PLAN & GOI) 20563.79 14850.94 35414.73 9 Allotment (RE 2006-07) Sl.No NAME OF THE SCHEME BC MBC TOTAL 29 Hostels 1565.39 707.87 2273.26 30 Hostels(DNC) 501.06 501.06 31 Schools (DNC) 2298.73 2298.73 32 General Awards 2.35 2.35 33 Thanthai Periyar Award 10.02 10.02 34 Job Oriented Training Scheme 29.32 503.68 533.00 36 Administration- Head Quarter Staff 88.77 87.34 176.11 37 Administration-AB -Dist Staff 552.12 38.97 591.09 38 Periyar Award for Social Justice 1.25 1.25 39 Assistance to TABCEDCO for 20.00 20.00 implementing Mobile Laundry Scheme 40 Assistance to TABCEDCO for paying 0.01 0.01 service Charges 41 Share Capital Assistance to 0.01 0.01 TABCEDCO 42 House site Advertisement 0.10 0.10 43 BC Hostel Buildings- Special 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Total FOR NON PLAN SCHEMES 2270.24 4137.75 6407.99 GRAND TOTAL FOR PLAN , NON PLAN 22834.03 18988.69 41822.72 & GOI SCHEMES 10 YEARWISE ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS FOR BACKWARD CLASSES / MOST BACKWARD CLASSES DIRECTORATES BUDGET ALLOTMENT(B.E) (Rupees in Crores) Sl.
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