lAKE MEAD & BUFFALO SUMMERLI N SUN C ITY lor 1M 1.oa:!1oa GIld HOIII , r , ..... '-,1( ' phd l l ll' "t 7 ..\ ~ () W('st Lakc, M!:'dd Blvd 4(.10 'N. ".II1,l r d A v e ., ( ~<lh<lr<l 1950 V illilge (enter (ir( Ie Y4 10 Ocl \l\lehb Blvd . ~I tilt Htomt loq\ Drwgl & I)('l dllll ) In the Sdhar.l PavilH"11l 10 Y09, Cal J.&oo-a6Hi47 Stun' 4 <; O· ()406 Store 233-971 7 Store 363·4959 Sture 255·2234 Store 8 77·6220 IHOG-IMOIIi.IJ. w,'" A..... r. Ph "rm 'H. y 450· 1 H6 2 I~harm acy 233·9721 Pharmacy 3 6 3·5292 Pharmacy 255·2554 ltI.aY_Ilon!iol!...., · frWr!. I' h a rrnacy 6 77·9 778 " ,s.,.. W,,'II ..... ,_iIMI Phuto 45U· 1 »72 Ph oto 233·9 720 Photo 8 7 0 ·20 2 6 Photo 3(,3·4978 -~"'.-.. City of Las Vegas C ONTENTS •••••••• Cultural & Community Affairs Division Department of Leisure Services presents -f {)ElI5-> 'Bows & 'REBS COACHES LOOK To STELLAR SEASONS ...... •.... .... 20 FE"<T URES SEPTEMBER - I<EPAKEMAPA • O CTOBER - 'OKAKOPA N ATURE'S BE AUTY: RE D RO CK CANYON ..... 12 TH E TEST: I RONMAN T RIATH LON ..... ... 16 Kaau Crater Boys .COMS T AKE GIANT STEP cosponsored with the T o LI NK AOHA & SILVER STATES . .. ... ... 18 Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club Friends Er You won't find a more in concert OHANA M AGAZ INE delicious website anywhere. Sept. 23 & 24, 2000 Sept. 23 , T o HIGHLIGHT AJAs IN WW II ..... .. 5 A taSty selection of gift boxes, induding 9 am - 6 pm 7 pm , H ONOLULU & BIG ISLE KUDOS . .. , ... 22 Macadamia Nut Crunch, Maui Caramacs, , RE ADE R'S CH OICE . ................ 27 Premium Macadamia Nuts and, of course, gates open at 6 pm . THE A LOHA SPIR IT: HAWAI'I No KA 01.39 Lorenzi Park our signature dlOcolate covered lvIacadamia click 3 - Free Admission - I< EA LI'I D OMINATES N A H OKU . ... ... 24 nuts are available at the of mouse. Sammy Davis Jr. JIawaiianHost chocolate covered Over 75 booths, Festival Plaza Macadamia nuts have been an island gift D E PAR T ME N T S all-day entertainment, in Lorenzi Park tradition for over 40 years. The nuts are food, $12 gate A LO H A FROM SOUTH ERN delicately dry· roasted and d,e chocolate crafts, CA LIF ORN IA is a secret fumily recipe blend; combined, hands-on $10 advance by Aloha J oe ® .. ....•.. .. • .. ... 13 they create a taste treat thars completely demonstrations unique. Ticket Master CA LE NDAR ... • ... • ... .... .. .. 7 Give the "Gift of Aloha» to a mend Vendors call 702-474-4000 C LASSIF IE D···· ...•.. • . •. .. .. .. 34 or loved one -- or treat yourself to these 595-1093 Hawaiia n food concessions ED ITOR'S NOTES . .......... .... 4 incomparable delicacies. wi ll be avail able for purc hase. For a free catalog, visit ow· website GAMI NG: BASICS FOR V IDEO POKE R . 37 at www.hawaiianhost.co11l or caJJ toll -li'ce J -888-529·HOST. HEA LTH : PREPARE FOR FLU SEASO N . 30 Mt. Kalihi - Ocean Breeze Records and Island Kine Radio present I SLA ND H OPP iNG . ... .. .... 8 Mahalo Bash LAS VEGAS POTPOURRI ... ...... 28 CHO COLATES Scheduled to appear: Island Kine Band, Ale'a, Sista Robie Ha.wauJ Gift to the Jl7orLU", and the Bridge Boys, and Dennis Pavao LETTERS T O TH E EDITOR .. .. ... ..... 6 Sept. 22 • 6 pm gates open at 5 pm THE "NINTH ISLAND" . LV & H AWA I'I . ....... ... .... .. 16 Hawaiian food concessions will be availa ble for purc hase. S. CALI FORNI A . ............. 10 Special thanks to $12 admission OL INDA RECORD ARTi STS .. ... 15 J 0 '-}--J)-\/'0)\ I.J 1 _ ~"., _ :".J.J J : II '-' ,j. r "", LJ RED ROCK CANYON PHOTOS their continued support. BY BR IAN JAN IS For infor mat ion and tickets, call 702·229.6383. 2 'O HANA KEPAKEMAPA / 'O KAK O PA 200 0 3 A Note from the Editor 'OHANA To Highlight WWII M EL O ZEK1 , P H.D . ______________.O+-lANA <family)® • The UH Alumni Association of Japanese Americans in 2001 S. Nevada had a n incredibly Disney Studios plans to re lease VOL U ~I E 5 I SS U E ! • 5 E P I 0 C T 2 000 D ecember 7, 194 1 was the successful in augura l Scholarship a movie .. "Pearl Harbor""' next Pu blisher I Ed itor Me l Ozeki. Ph .D. "Day of Infamy." The attack at Fundraiser golf tournament to summer.. Filming in Hawai 'j Manag ing Editor Emily Ozeki Pearl Harbor 60 years ago benefi t Island youths. A Tip of th e and Californi a started in April. [email protected] thrust A merica to declare war 'OHANA Coconut Papale to three with Japan. We humbly e ncourage e very ­ Art Di rector I Des ign Diana Barcl ay -Cr~ln e benefactors who gave it instant one to submit personal short­ Graph ic An ist I Des ign CB Graphi cs A presidenti a l executi ve order credibility th at is not always possible in a first-year e vent. mandated that all Americans of stories, up to 200 words. You Cindy Temple Californi a Hotel YP & GM John Repetti not on ly grphxdcsign @ohanamagazine.com Japanese A ncestry li ving along may also submit. vi a regi stered arranged play at the beautiful Rhodes Ranch Country mai l, a treasured pi c ture from t'vlarkeling. NV Ch ristine Blagg; the west coast states be placed Club, he al so contributed many gene rous gifts .. including th at era (8x I 0 maximum), P.O. Box 90024 in re locati on camps. four round-trips to Hawai'i to the top team. U H Athletics w hi ch w ill be scanned and Henderson. NV 89009-0024 To commemorate this aspect of Director Hugh Yoshida alle nded the tournament, but returned in same c o nditio n [email protected] American hi story, ' OHANA Warrior FOOlbal1 Coach June Jones was preempted by received. Stories e xcessive In Ma rketing. So. CA Gae l Muramoto (fami ly)® Magazine - in a an earli er commitmenl. Club President Phyllis Matsuda le ngth w ill not be considered. If P.O. Box 14446 jo int-effort w ith the 100/4421 and a hos t of club members who made it a success, you wi sh to share yo ur experi­ Torrance. CA 90503-8446 MIS WW II Memorial Foun­ al ready have return support from Boyd Gaming and U H ence w ith a no ny mity .. that [email protected] dation in Los Angeles, and in Athletics Depl. request w ill a lso be honored. A ccount Exec ut i ve Sann Wright Honolulu, the Hawaii -Herald, • The ever-changing landscape. Every time we think that Please se nd your information Accoun tant Stephanie GOla C lub 100 and the U.S. Army Las Vegas casinos are approaching the ir thresholds for to: OHANA Magazine P.O, Box 230910 Las Photog ra phy Bria n Jani s! PhOiolecbnik Muse um of Hawai' i at Fort De Russy - wi ll a ll Roy Ogata growth - BOOM I Sant a Fe wi ll soon become Santa Fe contribute information for six issues in 200 I Vegas, NV 89 12 3-00 16. The magazine can also be contacted at 702-434-0544: fa x, 4 35-856 1: e ma il. UN LV Journalism Intern Anna Hedegaard Station, Fiesta is building ac ross from Rio, A laddin Hotel re lating to the internment and it s so ldiers military makes its debut Aug . 18 .. Desert Inn c loses A ug . 30 with editor@ohana magazine.com. Scan ning/Color Correclion Keith Spa in accom p li s h men LS. its superb golf course later. Perhaps of e ven greater Wcblllasicr Ohananel.com. Tempe . AZ Film Outpul l Printer Superior Lit ho. Las Vegas. NY revelation is that reside nt population is projected nearly triple in 10 years. WOW I Contrihuti ng Writers Aloha Joe Seiter: Ki mbe rl y Fu : Mina Hall : Steven Lum: • A special get-well message to Dot Barclay, who Pat Morita: Michael Perry: sustained a heart attack in May b ut is now recove ring Lei lehua Yuen ni cely. Dot is Art Direc tor Diana C rane's mothe r. S ince Web page: www.ohanamagazin c.com 1996, Diana has g ive n her mag ic touch a nd expertise that has given 'Of/ANA it s vibrancy and life. We w ish Dot a 'O J-lA NA (jllJllily )@ Maga:.;,, /' (] SSN 1090-5 189) for Scptemher/Octoha :WOO. P ub li ~ h cd Bi- momhly (si,x times/year) by speedy reco very. 'O l-/A NA . 24M5 W. Wigwam Ave .. Lil ~ Vega~. NV 89123. Ph • Cindy Temple or CB Graphics in LV de sig ned this 702-434-0544: Fax 702-..05-856 1. Peri ndi cah poi> lage paid al Las Vcg' I ~. NV. Er H ric~ .. 1'0 in Honolulu & liilo. IiI. I'OSTi\ IA STER: iss ue . Al so, Islanders in Hawai·i get quicke r de li very P1ca~c 'C IIU 'Iudre" c h <l n ge~ ((l 'ON/i NA . P.O. Box 2309 10. La!> because we ship 10 Honolulu b y a ir: Joe Duhaylongsod Vcg:I'. NV H~123 .. 0fJ I6. SUUSC RH·TlON: Ann ual subscription i;. and Albert Lagrimas deli ve r to Post Offi c e same day.
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