Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) CP -violation and electric dipole moments Matthias Le Dall · Adam Ritz Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract Searches for intrinsic electric dipole moments of nucleons, atoms and molecules are precision flavour-diagonal probes of new CP -odd physics. We review and summarise the effective field theory analysis of the observable EDMs in terms of a general set of CP -odd operators at 1 GeV, and the ensuing model-independent constraints on new physics. We also discuss the implications for supersymmetric models, in light of the mass limits emerging from the LHC. Keywords Electric dipole moments · T -violation · BSM physics 1 Introduction Tests of fundamental symmetries provide some of our most powerful probes of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Indirect precision tests at nuclear or atomic scales are often sensitive to new physics at distance scales much smaller than are accessible directly at high-energy colliders. Our focus here is on the dis- crete symmetries: C (charge conjugation), P (parity) and T (time reversal), which are violated in very specific ways within the SM. Indeed, the weak interactions are the only measured source of violations of P , C and CP through the chiral V − A structure of the couplings, and through the nontrivial quark mixing in the CKM matrix respectively. In particular, CP violation observed thus far can be consis- tently described by the single (physical) phase in the unitary three-generation CKM mixing matrix V . Its strength is characterized by the Jarlskog invariant, ∗ ∗ −5 J = Im[VusVcdVcsVub] ∼ 3 × 10 [0]. The SM also assumes Lorentz invariance, which under very mild assumptions implies that CPT is identically conserved, and thus CP violation implies T violation. The SM in its minimal form allows for one other CP -odd interaction, associated with the QCD parameter θ¯ that we will discuss further below. However, no physical effects from this source have been observed, leading to stringent constraints, θ¯ < 10−10. This is the so-called strong CP problem. The extension of the SM to account M. Le Dall · A. Ritz (presenter) Dept of Physics & Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria BC V8W 3P6, Canada E-mail: [email protected] 2 Matthias Le Dall, Adam Ritz Table 1 Current constraints within three representatve classes of EDMs. Class EDM Current Bound −22 Paramagnetic Y bF |“dYbF”| < 1.3 × 10 e cm [0] 205 −25 Paramagnetic T l |dTl| < 9 × 10 e cm [0] 199 −29 Diamagnetic Hg |dHg| < 3 × 10 e cm [0] −26 Nucleon n |dn| < 3 × 10 e cm [0] for neutrino mass also allows for CP -odd phases in lepton mixing, which are as yet unmeasured. The fact that CP is not a symmetry of the SM, as the CKM phase δ ∼ O(1), does not lessen its utility as a probe of new physics. Firstly, there is a strong motivation to search for new sources of CP -violation which could provide a dynamical explanation for the baryon asymmetry in the Universe. The Sakharov criteria require C and CP violation for successful baryogenesis and, while the SM itself does violate these symmetries, it apparently fails by many orders of magnitude in explaining the magnitude of the observed baryon to photon ratio −10 ηb/s ∼ 10 . Secondly, the way in which the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism limits the appearance of (large) CP violating effects to specific flavour-violating processes, allows flavour-diagonal CP -odd channels to emerge as a highly sensitive probe of new physics with minimal SM (i.e. CKM) background. The primary observables in this case are the electric dipole moments (EDMs) of nucleons, atoms and molecules. For a particle with spin S in a magnetic field B and electric field E, the non-relativistic interaction is dictated by the fact that S is the unique rest-frame vector, S S H = −µB · − dE · . (1) S S The second interaction, with an intrinsic electric dipole moment d, violates both P and T and has never been observed. The strongest current EDM constraints are shown for three characteristic classes of observables in Table 1. Searches for intrinsic EDMs have a long history, stretching back to the prescient work of Purcell and Ramsey [0] who first used the neutron EDM as a test of parity in nuclear physics, several years before parity-violation was indeed discovered in the weak interactions. Even beyond the empirical motivation for new CP -odd sources for baryogenesis, such sources appear quite generically in new physics scenarios introduced for other reasons, e.g. supersymmetric models. Indeed, it is only the specific field content of the SM which limits the appearance of CP - violation to the CKM phase and θ¯. The lack of any observation of a nonzero EDM has, on the flip-side, provided an impressive source of constraints on new physics. These range from the bound on θ¯ < 10−10 – which implies an as yet unresolved tuning in the Standard Model known as the strong CP problem – to a now rather lengthy body of literature on the constraints imposed, for example, on supersymmetric scenarios such as the MSSM. For many years, in the absence of direct collider probes, EDMs have constrained the size of CP -odd phases in generic supersymmetric scenarios to O(10−3 −10−2), a tuning that appears rather unwarranted given the O(1) value of the CKM phase. With the LHC now probing these scenarios directly, it has become clear that the tension inherent in these EDM limits (and indeed many other precision tests) was pointing to the absence CP -violation and electric dipole moments 3 of many new SUSY particles below the TeV scale. In this contribution, we will review the linkage between observable EDMs and the sources of underlying CP - violation in a model-independent form (see e.g. [0] for further details), and discuss the current status of the constraints on new CP -odd sources in the TeV range. In Section 2, we summarize the EDM constraints, and express them as a set of induced bounds on a generic class of CP -odd operators normalized at 1 GeV [0]. These limits can then be applied to constrain models of new physics. In Section 3, we recall the SM contributions to these EDMs from the nonzero CKM phase, and then turn to constraints on models of new physics. We focus on the current status of the SUSY CP problem, in the light of current mass limits from the LHC. Note that we consistently use natural units: ~ = c = 1, so that all mass (or inverse length) scales can be expressed in terms of electron volts (eV). 2 CP -odd operators and electric dipole moments In this section we will briefly review the relevant formulae for the observable EDMs in terms of CP -odd operators normalized at 1 GeV. Including the most significant flavour-diagonal CP -odd operators (see e.g. [0]) up to dimension six, the corresponding effective Lagrangian takes the form, ¯ 2 θgs a µν,a i X i X Leff = G Ge − di ψ (F σ)γ5ψi − dei ψ gs(Gσ)γ5ψi 32π2 µν 2 i 2 i i=e,µ,u,d,s i=u,d,s 1 abc a νβ,b µ,c X + w f G Ge G + Cij (ψ¯iψi)(ψj iγ5ψj ) + ··· (2) 3 µν β i,j=e,µ,q In this Lagrangian, F and G are the electromagnetic and gluon field strength tensors respectively, while ψi denotes the Dirac field of the various quarks and leptons with masses below the QCD scale. For a Dirac fermion, the EDM operator dψ¯(F σ)γ5ψ reduces to dE·S on inserting non-relativistic solutions for the massive Dirac spinor ψ. The presence of the other terms in (2) reflects the fact that electric dipoles of nucleons and nuclei are also sensitive to the gluonic structure of QCD. These terms, through various loop effects, can all generate EDMs for composite states such as the neutron, or various CP -odd nuclear moments. The GG˜ term, as it has a dimensionless coefficient θ¯ = θQCD − ArgDetMq, is particularly dangerous leading to the strong CP problem and in what follows we will invoke the axion mechanism [0] which relaxes this term to zero. However, even without a dominant contribution from the θ-term, the higher-dimension sources such as EDMs (di) and chromo-EDMs (d˜i) of quarks and leptons lead to numerous constraints on models of new physics due to their contributions to the observable EDMs. The purely gluonic term in the second line, the Weinberg operator, is a higher order generalization of the θ-term which can also be important in various regimes, while the final term summarizes a number of 4-fermi interactions. Semileptonic inter- actions of this type may be significant in paramagnetic systems as they induce contact interactions between electrons and nucleons of the form CSeiγ¯ 5eNN, that can contribute to atomic EDMs. We will briefly review the physics of this link in the remainder of this section. The physical observables can be conveniently separated into three main cate- gories, depending on the physical mechanisms via which an EDM can be generated: 4 Matthias Le Dall, Adam Ritz Fig. 1 A schematic plot of the hierarchy of scales between the leptonic and hadronic CP -odd sources and three generic classes of observable EDMs. The dashed lines indicate generically weaker dependencies in SUSY models. EDMs of paramagnetic atoms and molecules; EDMs of diamagnetic atoms; and the neutron EDM. The inheritance pattern for these three classes is represented schematically in Fig. and, while the experimental constraints on the three classes of EDMs differ by several orders of magnitude, it is important that the actual sensitivity to the operators in (2) turns out to be quite comparable in all cases.
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