Weedier Distribution 7 *M, Un$thtta« '«. Cibwly fttar «4 tommm, viA oc Today CMlQMl rain today ud tonight. BED BANK Wgb today tad tomorrow low Mf. 22,700 I~r tonight, M. Friday partly cloudy aad warmer. See weather, pagal DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 86; NOV 58 t£u*a dlUlr' Mo>«l»T Uirou|h Frt4»y. gtoonil Olui PwUIa RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY/SEPTEMBER 18, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Rites Planned in Bomb Deaths By The Associated Press Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia cal police patroled the city while ty announced in New York that agreed in substance on provisions stratlons at three downtown the- and sought his removal. without incident when two Ne« 100 of its chapters have been designed to protect Negro voting aters. groes took part in freshmen ori- Negroes prepared to bury three Wesley, both 14. FBI bomb experts and local au- Fourteen demonstrators — in- Extra police were assigned to thorities still hunted for clues to asked to stage similar observ- rights, speed school desegrega- First Mass Arrest cluding two Syracuse University entation activities. more young victims of racial vio tion, improve Negro job oppor- duty to keep the peace in thethe identity of the dynamiter. A ances Sunday. It was the first mass arrest of professors—were arrested at a lence in Birmingham, Ala., today tunities and end racial discrimi- uneasy industrial city. Justice Department spokesman The 10 chairmen of last demonstrators in the port city in Syracuse, N. Y., urban renewal while sympathy demonstrations nation in federally aided pro- were planned in other parts of in Washington said the FBmonth'I s march on Washington weeks, but protests against segre project. They were protesting Offer Prayer In Massachusetts, the Cape search was very extensive. grams. the. nation. Cod Council of Churches asked also issued a statement in New gation in downtown businesses what CORE described as dis- LONG BRANCH — Monmouth member churches to toll mourn- Meanwhile, two white youths York saying: Only one other item in the ad- have been carried out intermit- crimination being encountered County Democrats holding a Appeals were Issued in several ministration's civil rights bill ing bells for the young girls were jailed and charged . with Day of Mourning tently for more than three by Negroes being displaced and countywlde rally at the Pad- cities to make Sunday a day of awaited initial approval. That seeking new homes elsewhere. mourning for the four Negro chil blasted to death,; Negroes in murder in the death of a Negro "In response to pleas from the months.' dock last night observed a boy only a few hours after the was the controversial public ac- Twenty members of CORE Twelve more Negroes were ar- moment of silent prayer in dren killed in the Birmingham Nashville, Tenn., prepared to beleaguered Negroes in Birming- commodations provision. church dynamiting. make a silent sympathy march. dynamiting of the church, At- ham, we are calling upon all were taken into custody at Milrested ' during antisegregation memory of victims in Sunday's Union sales clerks at 2,000 stores tendance, at an integrated school Americans to observe this Sun Elsewhere on the racial scene, waukee during an unsuccessful picketing at a drug store in Sel- Birmingham, Ala., church Funeral services were sched- indicated a white boycott, was attempt to stage an all-night sit- ma, Ala. A total of 67 were bombing. uled for Denise McNair, 11, and in the New York metropolitan day as a day of mourning." demonstrations still erupted oc- area were ready to conduct brief weakening. In another Washington devel- casionally. The focal point was in at the mayor's office. A taken into custody during dem- P. Paul Campi, county chair- memorial services.' In Washington, President Ken. opment, the entire Alabama con- Wilmington, N. C, where more spokesman said CORE objected onstrations Monday. man, spoke briefly about the to statements made about Ne- In the south Georgia city of tragedy in which four young Services for the other, victim nedy was asked to designate Sun- gressional delegation issued a than 200 Negroes—about half of : girls were killed. More than of the bomb blast, Carole Robert- day as a day of national mourn- signed statement calling last Sun- them juveniles-were jailed as agroes by a member of the SoValdosta, the state-supported Val- PlanRoad 200 persons attended the rally.' son, 14, were held in St. John ing for the four Negro young- day's church bombing "a heart- result of antisegregation demon- cial Development Commission dosta State College desegregated A.M.E. Church Tuesday. The sters. The appeal was made by less criminal atrocity" and "a church was crowded.and an esti- Assistant Senate Majority Lead- blot on the name of our fair Exchange mated 1,000. persons stood in theer Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn, sttte." streets outside. and other senators. • * . After weeks, of deliberation, the Program Heavily armed state and lo-The Congress of Racial Equal house civil rights subcommittee FREEHOLD-A highway main- tenance exchange plan between the Monmo—h. County Highway Department and many municipal governing bodies is about ready for announcement. The Board of Freeholders con- ferred last night with Highway Supervisor Howard J. Preston rt on Tax Cut and County Planning Board Exec- utive Director Charles M. ^Pike to go over details of the plan WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- ment • spending, as a means of Complaining that administra- $98 billion called for in this year's Freeholder Charles I. Smith, dent Kennedy goes before the building the U.S. economy—"and tion economy pledges "are never administrative budget. the board's highway director, nation tonight to try to stir up a we want it understood that we anything you can hold them to," "The President has not aban- .aid Mr. Pike has been conduct strong tide of support for his $H do not intend to try to go along Byrnes said: : dotted the plan to spend $4 bil- ing a survey as a basis for the billion tax reduction program. both roads at the same time." "We want a limitation in fig-lion more." plan for several months, He has The bill is awaiting a vote in But Republicans contended such ur We want to tie the second As for Mills' statement, Byrnes come up with a series of rec- the House. But the Senate is ex-expressions of sentiment by theportion of this tax cut to a re-said, "I've heard too many of ommendations, Mr. Smith said. pected to provido the toughest executive or the Democratic ma- quirement that spending next those made, and seen them for- jority were not enough. year, at least, not go beyond the gotten the next day." The idea,, he said, Is for the hazard on the course, with oppo- sition running strong and a pos- county to give back to munici- sibility the bill could be lost in palities sections of roads which filibuster over civil rights leg- the county has long included in islation. Its network but which are not In advance of Kennedy's 7 truly county roads in terms of County Sewer Needs p.m. EOT speech over all the traffic patterns and purpose- national radio and television net- served. works, Republicans in Congress In exchange, the county would demanded a dollars-and-cents accept- from municipalities other pledge of spending control. Study Contract Given road areas which do carry sub- "We are tired of listening to stantial volumes >of inter-munici- these generalities," declared Rep. FREEHOLD — The Monmouth the 1964 budget, unless a surplus The money was asked to aid In pal traffic and should be a county John W. Byrnes of Wisconsin, the County Board of Freeholders in the current budget at the end its contemplated $28,000 cost- responsibility, Mr. Smith said. WELCOMING THE NEW YEAR — Rabbi Richard F. Steinbrink of Monmouth Re- chief Republican tax spokesman. hired two firms of experts yester- of this year allows transfer of feasibility study for an inter-mu- local Savings Although the house is not ex-day — one for $75,000 and theunds. The final payment will be nicipal sewage disposal system. form Temple, Shrewsbury, explains the ihofar, or ram's horn, to Wanda Schulman, Mr. Smith said that the ex pected to vote on the tax cuothet r for $500 — to carry out provided in the 1965.budget. 25 Per Cent Aid change will net municipalities daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulman, Ediion Ave., New Shrewsbury, and David until a week from today, pre- surveys the board has given high Freeholders said Killam has The ' board announced last sizeable savings and will cost the Steinbr/nJc, students in the temple's cradle roll holiday orientation group. The ihofar liminary parliamentary maneu priorities. agreed to schedule its work to month it would contribute. 25 per county more money. verings were under way as Re- Elson T. Killam Associates, 'ocus first on areas now requir- cent of the expense of all re- is traditionally blown on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, as a symbolic call to publicans and some Democrats "The result," he said, "will be Millburn, was engaged for $75,000 hg urgent attention, and to pro-gional cost feasibility studies, sought an opening to tie a spend- a more fair and equitable system, repentance. Rosh Hashana begins at sundown today. •" ":'': to make an 18-month feasibility vide the board with periodic Freeholders said Killam was ing limitation to the tax bill. guidance and progress reports more realistic in terms of the study of basic sanitary sewer aware of the advanced state of Committee to Meet which will be made available to county performing its responsibil- needs in the county.
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