Lovett retires, Governors vice-chairman of the Board to succeed is a senior partner in the law firm of general counsel for Pennzoil United, Inc., and Trustees reshuffle positions Allen. Teague received his BA in physics Baker & Botts. have been elected members of the Rice from Rice in 1930. Board of Governors. Lovett, who reached mandatory Herring, Lane move up Duncan, who resides in Atlanta, Ga., retirement age in January, became Rice's Robert R. Herring, president and chief received his BS in chemical engineering Allen, Teague to head board sixth Trustee emeritus. He told the Board, executive officer of Houston Natural from Rice in 1947 and worked for Duncan Herbert Allen, a member of the Rice "I have enjoyed to the utmost my service as Gas Corp., and William H. Lane, president Coffee Company from his graduation until Board of Governors since 1949 and a a member and officer of your Board, and of Riviana Foods, Inc. have been appointed the company merged with Coca-Cola ; Trustee since 1964, has been elected appreciate more than words can convey to the Board of Trustees. in 1964. Chairman of the Board of Trustees to having worked with you for the ultimate Both have been serving as term members Kerr, a Houstonian, received his BA succeed H. Malcolm Lovett who retired development and in the interests of on the Board of Governors since August, and LLB from the University of Texas. He on January 27th. our splendid University. Having spent the 1968, and they fill vacancies created is a senior partner in the law firm of Allen graduated from Rice in 1929 with greater part of the past 64 years directly or by the retirement of Lovett and the death Baker & Botts. a BS in mechanical engineering and indirectly concerned with its affairs, I last year of H. Gardiner Symonds. Of the 19 members on the Board of has been president of Cameron Iron will welcome being called upon whenever Governors, three of the seven Trustees are Works, Inc. since 1950. I can be of help to you." Duncan, Kerr appointed alumni of Rice, four of the eight term James U. Teague, president of Columbia Lovett received his BA from Rice in Charles W. Duncan, Jr., president of members are alumni, and there are four Drilling Company, has been elected 1921 and his LLB from Harvard in 1924. He Coca-Cola Company, and Baine P. Kerr, governors who are elected by the alumni. run the corporation and to pass on recommend- University has undergone tremendous growth Directors, ations of the president on academic affairs. in the past ten years and tentative plans are for Most of the Board's business is conducted four main presentations dealing with theatre, through eight Trustee committees: finance and films, sculpture and painting, and architecture. Governors investment; oil; development, endowment JuanitaJones McGinty '56 is chairman and and new resources; building; faculty, students overall coordinator of Homecoming. The sub- „ elections near; and alumni; associates; intercollegiate athletics committee on the seminars is chaired by Harold and audit. Alumni-Governors sit on most of DeMoss '52, with Becky Greene '72 and Ira these committees. Gruber and Charles Garside, Jr., associate s vote in April The two candidates in this year's race are professors of history. Catherine Coburn Hannah '43 and Talbott Wilson The Golden R Club, composed of each class '35, both of Houston. The winner will join which has celebrated a 50th year reunion, will Maurice Ewing '26, Carl Illig, Jr. '30 and James meet at Cohen House on Friday night. The Class R. Meyers '49, on the Board. of 1 922 is the honored group this year and anyone who would like to help plan the 50th reunion party should call the Alumni Office. The other reunion classes are: 1927, 1932, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1952,1957, 1962, and 1967. lc! The Board is asking that these classes schedule I0. their parties on Friday or Saturday after the Texas game, in order not to conflict with other Elections for six new directors on the Executive Board and a new Alumni-Governor are held each April and May and ballots are now --===:—• being sent to tne over 18,000 members of . ".01,' •Iner- "OW* WOO wow — moor; - .rior the Association. _- . • taomion'a-17::: The 18 directors, elected for three-year rrikr. • 4101061.144.01. Moe 4%1:19 ."'""".'j •'-a • rotating terms by general alumni vote, and the MAO as ••• Aza a ,g • I-4 • •A A, • It t = six officers, elected by the directors, preside • wr. Am es vo se sr over all Association activities. Meeting once a !effaZ _11C.. 41. ! ;.•Cgt '11;07*; month on campus, these men and women direct „ . the activities of the 200 to 250 members they _ MIMI. ALOI. appoint to ten standing committees, and of the six staff members in the Alumni Office. They decide what activities will be sponsored on the Association budget, when they will take Place and how they will be structured. This year's candidates for the Executive Board are: Position One Genevieve Pyle Demme '32, Houston Aileen Guinn Vale '39, Houston Elizabeth Floeter Waterman '37, Houston Position Two Homecoming activities. Leah Powell Williams Konstantine Kolenda '50, Houston Tickets available now will help volunteers from each class to organize 0ri) Clark Read '48, Houston their reunions. TAGE King Walters '53, Houston for Rice vs Texas Saturday morning registration will begin at 2. 73 Position Three 9:30 and a General Association Meeting at 10:30. ex as Robert Robertson, Jr. '55, Houston Homecomimg game Campus tours will be conducted from 10 a.m. Temple Tucker '58, Houston to 4 p.m. beginning each hour. From 11:30 to Richard Wright '62, Houston 1:30 alumni will take sherry and lunch and Position Four participate in activities planned by the colleges. Janice Cornell Doty '60, Washington D.C. The seminars and demonstrations will meet Bob Smith '45, Washington D.C. from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Cocktails begin at 4:30 in the Position Five The Executive Board has chosen Saturday, RMC courtyard and the buffet starts at 5:30 in Jim Doty '62, Houston October 28th for Homecoming this year—the day Grand Hall. Barry Moore '62, Houston of the Rice vs Texas football game. Because the For the second year there will be an informal Sue Zigenbein Shaper '61, Houston Texas game is usually a sell-out, individual Sunday morning brunch with alumni officers and Position Six tickets are being made available to alumni Executive Board members. Comments and Bill Broyles '66, Houston early (see page 11 for form). A number of better ideas on Homecoming and other Association Albert Kidd '64, Houston seats on the 35-yard line in the upper east stands activities will be the order of the day. Greg White '71, Houston are being held foralumni. After these are gone, Juanita asks that ideas on this projected Four alumni are elected, one each year, orders will be filled from seats in the upper west schedule be sent to her through the Alumni to serve with the eight term members, selected stands on the goal line. Office. Class chairmen and volunteers for the by the Trustees, on the Board of Governors. The theme of this year's Homecoming will class reunion parties are especially needed. The Board meets in Houston once a month to be "The Fine Arts at Rice." This segment of the Don't forget to order your football tickets now. 1 February March 1972 Sallyport Cover: Birds, this year the brown-headed president; W. V. Ballew, Jr. '40, past president; Margaret cowbird and red-winged blackbird, Sallyport Heinzerling '34, first vice president; Juanita McG inty '56, plague the campus each Spring, second vice president; Walter D. Murphy '48, treasurer darkening the leafless trees and making travel in nature's paradise a little Frank L. Dent '59, executive director Publications Committee uncomfortable. Deserting the grounds on Karyn L. Callaway, editor David Farnsworth '42, chairman; Marjorie Arsht '33, W. V. feeding trips around Southwest Houston Ballew, Jr. '40, Dr. Sid Burrus '58, Karyn L. Callaway, during the day, they return to campus President Norman Hackerman, Jerlyn Mardis '71, Roy at dusk. The mild winter gave the Sallyport is published bi-monthly by the Association of Nolen '61, Dr. Charles Philpott, Dr. Paul Pfeiffer '38, birds a longer season In Houston this Rice Alumni. Subscription rate, $3 per year, $.50 per issue. Betsy Winslow '62. year; they were first noticeable around Mailed without charge to all members of the Association, Christmas and now, in late March, have senior class, faculty and staff of Rice University. Editorial Standing Committee Chairmen just left for the Midwestern states offices, second floor, Rice Memorial Center. Address Neal Lacey '52, admissions; T. Frank Glass, Jr. '39, area and, later, Canada. all correspondence to: Alumni Publications Office, Rice clubs; Cape DeWitt '39, athletics; Walter D. Murphy '48, —photo by Michael Callaway University, P. 0. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77001. budget; James Bernhard '59, classes and reunions; Bill Collins '52 education; Roy Shaw '61, membership; Officers George Pierce '42, nominations for Alumni-Governor; John F. Heard '40, president; Gus Schill, Jr. '55, incoming Harry Reasoner '60, nominations for executive board. construction of this room were at the Director Bale, you stated that the number Reverberations University during "profitable" athletic years of scholarships for the swimming team was April and should know better when regarding ONE. I would like it very much if this this situation. were true. The swimming program consists You don't "pull feathers out of the goose of one coach, NO scholarships and many Non-Rice alumni on Board of Governors the first or second day she doesn't lay fine dedicated Rice students as swimmers.
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