m International fraternity of delta Sigma pi the central office 33o south campus avenue cocfofd, Ohio 45o56 C5i3)5q3-4i89 i LPHA TAU I MERCER UNIVERSITY MACON, GEORGIA SCHOOI. OF COMMERCE C. B. WRAY, Accounting March 13, 1926. Mr. H. G. \Yright, Grand Secretary, International J^aternity, Delta Sigraa Pi, Chicago, 111. Dear .Sir: I gladly take -advantage of the opuortunlty of speaking a word of praise for tbe group of young men of Mercer University uSohool of Oommerce who are petitioning yoi5. for a local chapter of your fraternity. Each of the young men are knovm personally and a m.-mber of them have taken work in classes for my four consecutive years , It is a group that the college m.ay justly feel proud of, representing as it does, men who have shown their serious intentions by application to their work. ilie groun ia com^posed of men of the upper half in class standing, with the larger portion coming from the upper one-fourth. The school of Gorraiierce has had a healthy and con tinuous groth. There is a find general spirit on the cam.pus . yo my mind there has been one little thing lacking; a distinctive representative group to aet as an inspiring and guiaing spirit for 'che men in commerce. I believe that a local cha.pter of 'che Delta Sigma Pi would fill this neeo_, and there could be no more' v/elcome nev/s than to hear that the chapter had been granted. Yours truly, ZyZZyZ^. Professor of Accoui^ing. Sponsor For AlpJta Lambda Epsilon MISS DOROTHY BLACKMON Miss Blackmon, the lovely young daughter of Mrs. E. M. Blackmon, and a popular member of the college set, is sponsor for the Alpha Lambda Epsilon fraternity of Mercer University. The photograph is by Allen Studio. District W. C. T. V. is eagor to wm the district prize. The prizes offered Liy Mrs. Marviu William.s, of Atla-hta, will bo a.uiiouuced over radio WSB from Wesley Memorial Church in At-. Uiiita, where Mrs. Williams' hnsband is pastoiv The unr.uuncemeiits will bo niiule at a ma.ss mHC'tiii^' in eelpbra- tiou of the seventh Hiinivei'.sjnv uf ii.-i- a Macon s Ouistandi: I Z^t^ The Remainder of the .Lorraine Stock Which Was Moved Last Week to the Beginning Tomonow CHERRY I Formal Spring Open HAT SHOPPE 15 Has been .98 Branc grouped t o $1 sell for .... High e Included are materials of silk and straw combina in tions, Velours, Felts, etc. The last word style; �just received from New Come for choice se early York. Every hat per lection, as there are only sonally selected by our ' who has just re- 50 hats in the lot. buyer, turnedfrom the Eastern Millinery market. Attractive showing to- Phone 67 for Beauty morrow at Mercer University W. J. BRADLEY. DEAN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Marcn 16, I9E6 Mr. H. u. and V.'rlght , Secretary Treu.o-arer, International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Fisher Building, Chicago, Illinois. My dear Sir: It is v/lth great pleasure and peouliar personal pride that I recommend Lamaa which a Alpha Epsilon , nas membership of some fifteen outstanding men in the School of Oommerce, for a charter from the International J'raternity of Delta Pi. Sigma If the charter making Alpha Lamda Epsilon a of chapter Delta Sigma Pi is granted^ I assure you that the chapter v/ill be welcomed on our campus and in 'uhe Mercer University School o-j' Commerce. Hespectfully yours, Mercer University � MACON. GEORGIA A. P. MONTAGUE, Vick.Phe.sident DEPARTMENT OF I.ATIN AND PUBLIC SPEAKING March lb , 1935 Ivlr. E. G. .reasurer ,7right, oecretary- , International Fraternity of Delta iiigma Pi, Chicago, 111. i.iy dear Sir: On Jaauar:y' 22, 1926, I approved for the Uni versity the Alpha Lambda Spsilon ITraternity as a coai- mercial organization, and now I talie 'oleasure in rec ommending this Fraternity and its members earnestly and sincerely as worthy of adiiission to the Interna tional Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. -rhe students who constitute this Society are among our finest young men . Yours cordially, A-P. iiundt^-f'^ . R. H. J^NGMAN. Jr. M. E. EVERETT KlJNJeiMJANJ & EVIR^ETT WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SRAIINI. HAY. IMEAT. LA^D. FL�U^ AiNJO STAPLE eR�eEe?jjEe icon', c7a'. liarch 22,19 25 H.G. llr. V/right, Secy.-Treas. , International Praternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Chicago ,111. Dear Brother V/right:- I wish to recommend for yoxir consideration. Alpha Lambda Epsilon, local Comx-iercial fraternity at I.Iercer University. I have only hnovm this body of men for a short time, but I have been very favorably impressed v/ith each on and man, personality , ideals, seriousness of purpose. I firmly believe that this group of students have ideals and purposes that conform to the requirements of Delta Signm Pi, and I believe that fiey would make a good chapter of Delta Sigma Ii. You airesdy liave all the necessary informrtion and data concerning Ilercer University, and I can add very little to what you already have.LIorcer is an old institution of high standing and has a proud record of having turned out some of the most prominent men in our State, and is still continuing in the good v/ork on a m.uch larger scale. I v/ould like mighty v/ell to see a chapter of M. E. EVERETT R. H. fUNGMAN. jR. KijNj�iMJAiNj B. Everett WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SRiA.IJN. HAY. MEAT,. LARD,. FL0UR. ' AiMo staple; GROQWrnmB -2- Delta Sigma Pi at I.Iercer University, and I gladly endorse the jietitioning local, / / oui' s ij'rat email y y , <V^ ;:-i7 i'acon, Ga., Tarch 23, 1926. l!r. H. G. Wright, Seciretary k Treasurer, Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity, Fisher Building, Chicago, 111. Dear Brother Wright: it is \Tith T-nich ^^ratification that 1 can at this time most heartily endorse Alpha Lambda Epsilon which is noTr operating at Kercer UnlTsrsity, of this city, as a local corareroial fraternity in good staj^ding, to your consideration as a oetitioning group to our good fraternity. From personal obserration and inforraation gleaned from Tarious sources it is my belief that the abovementionod petitioning group represents -the cream of the enrollment in the oommereial depart ment of Mercer University. It has been my pleasure to read your letter Trritten in response to your visit of several days ago and I think the require ments outlined therein vrhen complied v/ith -nrill nake Alpha Lambda Spsilon highly acceptable as an integral part of Delta Sigma Pi. It is ry belief that the petitioning group will stride to meet these requirements in relatively a short time. It is needless to say how much benefit we all derived from your short but highly efficient vL-^it to our magnetic city, and I am quite sure you will agree that all things equal, Hacon is ripe for the establishment of an active chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. I will pledge my best efforts in a co-operative way towards the realization of the aforementioned petition being granted at some time in the future and I bespeak ny humble sentiments when I hope for a short lived future. V/ith kindest regards. Fraternally and sincerely. Headmaster Kappa Chaoter, 1925. ERNEST C. ELLIS J P EFFICIENT SERVICE" FORSYTH ROAD AT INGLESIDE NO. I607-J & 9313 March 25th, 1926, Mr. H. G, Wright, Secretar^z-Treasurer, International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Chicago, 111, Dear Brother >'v right: At the request of Alpha Lambda Epsilon, I take pleasure in ir-vriting you further in support of their recent petition for a of Dear Old Delta chapter Sip-"^ at Mercer University, It has been my pleasure, during the past few months, to daily com.e in contact with a number of the members of this group; I have met iMith them a number of times .at their regular weekly m.eetings; --and it i& my opinion that Alpha Lambda Epsilon represents the cream, of the School of Com.merce of Mercer University, Moreover, I have discussed with Dean Bradley and Prof Wray the scholastic standing of these and both inform me students, they that they rank among the in the School. yery highest Especially is Prof. *�ray high in his opinion of the members of this local fraternity In Personality, Character, Scholastic Standing, and Student Activities they rank very high. Mercer School University of Commerce has grown steadily a it needs National -- commerce fraternity and I .am stead fast in belief that it - my needs US and is worthy of a Chapter of our great and good Praternity. Dear Old Delta'^Si- has assisted in the building of great universities, and the establishment of a of Delta Chapter Sigma Pi at Mercer will very materially assist in the building of a C-reater Mercer. In previous letters, I have said a great deal about Mercer University, the School of Commerce, and Alpha Lambda I don't I think can say too much in supoort ^S^ii?"^*of this ^'o^fver, local s petition, for X have observed, with satisfact ion, that have in they not, the least, slowed up in their their efforts and interest, determination to secure a Chapter of our great fraternity. '.'iith kind personal regards, I am Fraternally j'-ours , ege/ Vw'. A. TAY t/O R. LONG PR E:S I D ENT. DISTANCE C. A.MC ALISTER. TELEPHONES VICE PRESIDENT. OFFICE & FACTORY 103. F. E A D A M S , SECTY. & TREAS. MILL SUPPLY STORE 102.
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