I Environmentai Protection Agency An Ghniomhoreocht um Choomhnli Comhshooil Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Mr Darragh Cullinan Johnstown Castle Estate S.E. Water- S ervi ces (Opei-at 1oils ) County Wexford, Ireland Wexford County Council Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Spawell Road Contae Loch Garrnan Eire Wexford T +353 53 91 6 0600 F: t353 53 91 6 0699 County Wexford E. [email protected] W: w.epa.ie LoCali. 1890 33 55 99 27 January 20 1 1 Re: AcknowledEement in accordance with Regulation 2.5(c)(i) of the Waste Water Discharg (Licensing Regulations) 2007, as amended, in resp&~f waste water discharge Certificate of Authorisation Al2plications in respect of the Agglomerations iiaiiied Adanistown and Environs, Artliurstown and Environs, Balliiicla~Einaiid Environs, Ballycullane and Environs, Ballygoiiiaii and Environs, Ballyliack and Environs, Ballvhine and Environs, Ballyhoge and Environs, Ballywilliani and Environs, Bolevogue and Environs. Bree and Environs, Cama and Environs, Castledockrell aiid Environs, Clohamon and Environs, Clongeeii and Environs, CrossabeP and Envii-om, Davidstowii and Environs, Glenbi-ien aiid Eiiviroiis. Kilmysliall and Eiivirons, IGlteaiv aiid Environs, Lady's Isiand and Eiivii-oils, Lough and Environs, Marshalstown aiid Environs, Moiiagear and Environs, Mumtown and Environs. Newbawri and Environs, Oilgate aiid Environs, St Rrigids Terrace (Tellorouelit) and Environs. Dear Mr Cullinan I refer to the abo\,e referenced applications for waste water discharge certificates of authorisation which wei-e received by the Agency on 3 1 /OW201 0 and to other iiifoimatioii in respect of a iiuiiiber of the applications received by the Agency in reply to its notifications in accordance with Regulation 25(c)(ii)). As the application documentation now complies with the requiremeiits of Regulation 24 of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended, I ani directed to acknowledge the following applications iii accordance with Regulation 25(c)(i) of the Regulations: Adaiiistown aiid Envii-ons Wexford County Council A0235 -0 1 Art hurs to w n a iid Enviroiis Wexford County Couiicil A0243-01 Balliiidaggin and Environs Wexford County Council A0259-01 Ballycullane and Enviroiis Wexford County Couiicil A0240-10 Ballygoman and Environs Wexford County Council A0252-0 1 Ballyhack and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0242-01 Ballyhine and En\,'/ 11 . 011s Wexford County Council A0260-0 1 Ballyhoge aiied Environs Wexford County Couiicil A02.56-01 Ballywilliam and Environs Wexford County Council A0234-0 1 Boleyvogue and Environs Wexford County Council A025 8-0 1 Bree and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0253-0 1 Cai-na and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0239-01 Castledockrell and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0262-01 Cloliaiiion aiid Eli\.'Il-ons Wexford County Council A02540 1 Clongeeii and Environs Wexford County Council A0244-0 1 Crossa beg aiid Eiivi rons Wexford County Council A0268-01 Davidstowi aiid Environs Wexford County Council A0264-0 1 Glenbrieii and Environs Wexford County Council A026 1 -0 1 Kilinyshall and Environs Wexford County Council A027 1-0 1 Kiltealy and Environs Wcxfoid County Council A0265-0 1 Lady's Islaiicl arid Environs Wexford County Council A0241 -0 I Lough and Environs Wextoid County Council A0232-01 Marshalstown and Environs Wexfoi d County Council A0266-0 1 Monagear and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0267-01 Mui-ntowii and Environs Wexford County Council A0269-0 1 Newbawn and Envii-ons Wexfoid County Council A0233-01 Oilgate and Environs Wexfoid County Council A0247-0 1 ,411 the application documentation is made available for public inspection 011 our website -MW w . ep a.i e The Agency will issue its decision 01.1 the applications for certificates of' authorisaLion in due CO UI's e. Yours sincerely. I hoel eeii Kea \-ey E 11\,i ro11 111 en t a I Licensing Prog r a 111 me .
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