Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1946-1947 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1947 Eastern Progress - 04 Apr 1947 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1946-47/12 I '■ EASTERN PROGRESS VOLUME 25 RICHMOND, KY., FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1947 NUMBER 12 Mildred Estes is Chosen Conference on Rural Queen of Military Ball lowing the coronation will be the Education in Session The ninth annual Military-Ball grand march which will be led by will be held in Walnut Hall of the the Queen and her escort. Educators from Alabama, Ar- Student Union building April Uth. The Military Ball was started as Gives Demonstration An added feature this year will be an annual affair when ROTC was kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mis- a midnight buffet supper which first introduced at Eastern. It has Of Liquid Air sissippi, Tennessee, and Texas will wljl be served in the recreation grown to be one of the outstand- attend the Midsouth Conference on room. ing events of the year. In the past Eastern's students were uniquely Rural Life and Education which entertained in chapel last week by The Coronation will be a colorful guests have Included Governors of meets on the campus April 3 and affair. The Queen will reign from the State of Kentucky and other the Liquid Air Demonstration of her throne which will be set on a state officials. This year invita- Mr. Elliott James. While Mr. 4, according to a recent announce- background of a display of flags tions have been sent to the Gov- James might be called "an old ment by Dr. D. T. Ferrell who has of. all the Allied Nations. The ernor of the state of Kentucky, the friend of the college," as he has served as chairman of the group been here for 6 past performances, Queen's attendants will be: Miss two U. S. Senators, A. B. (Happy) to plan the program. Francis Sparks, battalion sponsor, Chandler, and the representative in his display of this scientific phe- who will be accompanied by Cadet Congress of this Civil District and nomena and his picturesque patter Attending the two-day session Lieutenant Colonel John Collins; other high officials in the State were attentively received by the will be Dr. Howard A. Dawson, Miss Marilee Maloney, Battery "A" and National Governments. students present. His demonstrations of the cold- director of Rural Service of the sponsor, accompanied by Cadet Music will be furnished by Bur- National Education Association, Captafn Ward C. Hodge; Miss Mary goyne Moores and his Orchestra. ness of liquid air impressed the Alice Schlialer, Battery "B" spons- Hours of entertainment are from audience. The "liquid" airplane, Washington, D. C. He will be the or, accompanied by Cadet Captain 9.00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m. Tickets driving rubber "nails" with a mer- keynote speaker for the first ses- Wallace V. Smith. "She will be may be obtained from any member cury hammer, boiling liquid air on ice, the solder "spring" accompan- sion which opens at 9:30 on Thurs- crowned by the Queen of the 1946 of the ROTC or from Mrs. Griggs day morning. April 3. Other speak- Military Ball. Mrs. Ted Miller. Fol- at the information booth. ied by its magic number "7" and Crooke's layer constituted some of ers will include Dr. P. E. Blacker- his remarkable experiments. by, State Health Commissioner for Regents' Medal A veteran at giving such pro- Kentucky; R. Lee Thomas, Ten- grams, Mr. James has given over nessee State Department of Edu- Vox Veterani To Be Awarded 6,000 all over the nation. He stayed cation; Dr. A. J. Walton, Method- two years at the Chicago World's ist Board of Education^ Nashville, By ALAN WHITE The annual oratorical contest Fair and has had hundreds of re- Tenn.; and Mrs. Charles T. Shel- for the Regent's Medal will be turn engagements In high schools ton, president of the Kentucky The first meeting of the Eastern and colleges. It may be said of held again this year at Eastern Congress of Parents and Teachers, Veterans' Club for the last but not his demonstrations that it is edu- Louisville, Ky. least spring quarter brought us Kentucky Teachers College the cational, startling, and entertain- The honorable Hugh L. White, snow balls and the usual nomina- latter part of April or the first ng to the highest degree and a very former governor of Mississippi; tions for a new administration. timely program in the chemical part of May, it was announced age in which we live. Victor H. Schoffelmayer, agricul- With a bit more than two months today. turalsclence editor of the Dallas worth of class work to fulfill the Morning News, Dallas, Texas, and boys went into the home stretch All students enrolled in college Army Day To Be Or. L. S..Ellis, dean of the College in mind of a loaded schedule. But, may participate in the Contest. of Agriciulture, University of Ar- before all of these plans are to ma- The contestants are allowed their Observed April 7th kansas, are scheduled for talks terialize, the constitutional clause own choice for a subject and must Miss Mildred Estes will reign as in competition Tuesday, March 2R. rhursday afternoon. for "new blood" (which should be limit their speeches to ten or queen of the ninth annual Military She will be crowned by the queen Observance of Army Day is Dr. Mary Mims, rural sociolo- practiced In larger organisations Ball of the Reserve Officers' of the eighth annual Military Ball, taking on the status of an annual gist of Louisiana State University, than Veteranseses Clubs) took its twelve minutes. Training Corps of Eastern. Mrs. Ted Miller. American folk event, response to will speak at the banquet at 6:30 initial move. The winner of the oratorical She will be known as "Eastern The Military Ball and buffet the War Department's program in- Thursday evening in the Student President Jim Logsdon, our win- contest' will be presented the Re- Athena," deriving her name from supper will be held in the Student dicates. Union building. gent's Medal. The English De- ter quarter slave, conducted nom- the Greek Goddess of Counsel and Union building April 11. The ball The American people—In the Friday morning's session will in- ■. inations for any new men thought partment has recommended that Wisdom who was also known at will be formal and former service bustling cities, serene villages and clude talks of Dr. J. W. R. Norton, worthy of fiUing the shoes of our If six or more persons enter the times as the Goddess of War. men and women may wear uni- calm countryside—is putting its associate director of health, Ten- present officers. In response to the preliminaries, all those persons Miss Estes was chosen by cadets forms if they so desire. heart in supporting the occasion nessee Valley Authority; Mary appreciation for his fine leadership going to the finals will be given dedicated to our veterans—in and Jane Scott, nutrition consultant in the past,. Jim Logsdon again suitable awards. This rule will, out of uniform—those who gave for the Arkansas State Board of headed the selections for the pres- of course, have to have the faculty CONFERENCE DIGNITARIES Health, and Dr. E. Neige Tod- approval. their lives on the field of battle idency. Following in this line were Schools, Kentucky Committee for and the members of the Army hunter, professor of foods and Pete Smith and Bill Collins. For It has been the customary prac- Dr. D. T. Ferrell, professor of the Education of Secondary that must carry on the multifold nutrition, University of Alabama. vice president the nominees were tice of all those students who enter education, head of the department Teachers, and membership director tasks devolving from the hard-won The closing session on Friday Paul Bunton, Doyle^Bell, and Lewis the finals of this contest, to pre- of education and chairman of the for the Department of Rural Edu- victory. afternoon will feature talks by Kilgus. sent their speeches to the student division on education at Eastern, cation in Kentucky. Every section of the people, Dr. W. J. McGlothlin, chief of the It seemed to be the opinion that body at some assembly period. It is chairman of the execuive com- Since coming to Eastern in 1927, from enthusiastic school children Training and Public Relations Ida Teater had served such a fine la at this time that the judges mittee of the Midsouth Conference Dr. Ferrell has engaged In many to world-wise veterans of the na- Staff, TVA; Dr. R. E. Jaggers, term that no other nominations announce the winner. on Rural Life and Education and activities on the campus. He or- tion's wars, is prepared to Join in chief of the Bureau of Instruction, is in charge of-the meeting to be ganized and sponsored the Coates' Kentucky State r>-r-noasi of "/1 were presented in her opposition as The preliminary contest will be recognition of Army Day which Educnriruv ond Dr. R. H. Woods, secretary. Considering the tact held about a week or ten days held on the campus on April 3 and Rural Life Club for many years *±ia veer h«o haw .AIMU'UHI into 4, and dlrentad Ut* wnM^tiwii-u president of "Murray State Teach- that she Is a girl, she has indeed before the final contest. If you Army Week. ers College. are interested in entering the con- Dr. EVJT«1J MMivtd feM A.B. ana rural education from 1939 to 1942.
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